Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa


© 2014 All Rights Reserved

[Note: This Report was compiled from numerous news sources including Mission Network News. As this Report goes to print, news sources say that a meeting is scheduled this Friday, May 9, between Dinka President Kiir and former Nuer Vice President Machar, leader of the opposition. Our prayer is for RECONCILIATION of Man to Man and Tribe to Tribe. After all, isn’t that what Jesus came down to do? Reconcile Man to God? And then He said, “It is FINISHED…” May this war be finished too! Amen.] 

FAMINE. The UN warns that South Sudan could have the worst famine in Africa since the 1980s. Most refugees are women and children; about 5% are orphans without an adult, looking for a safe place. Ministry outreaches are interrupted when a whole population shifts. Pray for all workers helping in these 20 camps. Pray for the Lord to make a way to get life-saving supplies to people who need it most.


Nyajieme is four years old and weights less than 9 lb. due to starvation. The normal weight of that age is 40 lb

Clean water is scarce. Diarrhea, dysentery and other diseases are rampant. Civilians have no option but to drink dirty river water

20 REFUGEE CAMPS in South Sudan contain approx. 80,000-100,000 civilians. You can’t combine the people because most come from different people groups. The United Nations aid can’t keep up with demand. Just 1/3 of the requested $1.27 billion has been raised for the crisis.

The U.N. warned that South Sudan is in desperate need of aid over the next 60 days. If not, the country could face Africa’s worst starvation since hundreds of thousands died during Ethiopia’s famine in the 1980s

NEW CAMPS are springing up overnight. They are whatever can be thrown together: small communities, lacking access to clean water; few latrines; sparse medical care; little or no food. Farmers can’t get back to their fields, so even if a ceasefire happened tomorrow, a food crisis will still happen in a few months. Meanwhile refugees are desperate. Reports we receive about our people eating grass, weeds, water lilies or whatever they find are true.

Nyanen, age 65, fled fierce fighting in Bentiu, the capital of oil producing Unity state. “A neighbor was shot dead in front of my own eyes,” she said. Now she lives in this makeshift shelter in the bush

INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE and refugees will not disappear. They will fight for life; and for the hope that one day they’ll live in peace. The relief supplies we are airlifting to isolated pockets of South Sudan open a door. Pray that these lives will one day be filled with Good News of Jesus Christ, but it will take all of us working together, being obedient to His commands.

Fighting left people on the edge of starvation. Here a mother prepares dinner: cooking water lilies from the river over the wood fire

Thousands of South Sudanese have fled to escape the fighting — these refugees escaped to a northern town and are now reduced to eating grass and roots to survive

EVERY HUMAN BEING, no matter his tribe or circumstance, is born with a God-given sense of dignity for themselves and their country. I believe a spiritual movement is being built in the midst of South Sudan’s mess. Humanitarian aid connects to the Gospel as we reach out with compassion. The Bible says we are to take care of widows and orphans and the needy [James 1:27].

NO ONE IS WINNING. The calls for building a new country from scratch are dwindling. People are anxious and need a huge amount of aid. Only through compassionate aid will we see people’s lives transformed as they experience a touch of Christ.

Since last December, thousands have been killed. The fighting has left nearly 7 million at risk of hunger and 3.7 million facing starvation

TO DATE fighting and violence has escalated into a mixture of religious persecution, ethnic cleansing between Nuer and Dinka tribes (the largest in S. Sudan) and political retaliation. Former Nuer VP Machar’s leaders and Dinka President Kiir’s leaders have been in neighboring Ethiopia for months, negotiating peace. But after a half-hearted January ceasefire collapsed, talks were suspended.

REFUGEES in South Sudan begin each day with this question, “Will I live to see tomorrow?”

SINCE DECEMBER 15, 2013, this civil war has been rife with atrocities. But the level of viciousness shown in the April 15 massacre of civilians in Bentiu, capitol of Unity State, was inexplicable.  The UN reported that soldiers (reports vary as to WHO was responsible) descended on Bentiu; killing anyone who supported the government; including those who fled to a mosque; church and hospital. The local radio station was used to broadcast hate speech to encourage rape and violence; piles of bodies lined the streets. This reminds me of the genocide in Rwanda 20 years ago; how I wept at those memorial sites.


In His Service, 

Pastor John

Chairman/Project Coordinator

In His Service, 

Pastor John

Chairman/Project Coordinator

We are continuing praying that God will open doors for our ministry and bring a new hope to His people. God is the Almighty to understand our prayers. His Name is “JEHOVAH JIREE”!

Goma Class receives Certificates

     “We started a project in January 2013 setting up training classes. We began with two: one at Goma with 15; the other at Butembo with 15.  We trained 30 students over the past six months. The two classes finished six manuals in: 1) Marketing; 2) Literacy Enterprise; 3) Finance; 4) Careers; 5); HIV and 6) Christian Entrepreneurship. They need assistance to facilitate their training and reach their goals…. I’ve included photos of students receiving their diplomas.


      “Goma, a volcanic city, is the capital of North Kivu province with a population of 1,300,000+. Because of war and instability, many are traumatized; poor; vulnerable; jobless; and travel in unsafe situations. Mugunga Camp, outside Goma, has 24,000 refugees. You visited that camp, Mama.

Pastor John teaching Evangelism class at Kyavinyonge Village

      “Kyavinyonge along with all villages in Garden Rift Valley have been ravaged by rebels since the Idi Amin period. All people in this area are very poor and were victims of war and rape by rebels. It is even dangerous for people to travel from village to village for fear of being displaced.

     “On April 18-20 at Kyavinyonge Village (80 km from Butembo, my birth town) we organized evangelistic meetings and counseling according to Luke 4:18: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me; He has sent me to announce Good News to the poor, to proclaim release for prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind; to let the broken victims go free.” We told them that Jesus Christ is our hope as we travel; we pray to Him in hopeless situations as in Phil. 4:4-7.

     “By the Word of God we comforted them; teaching that Jesus came to carry in His body our sins and all bad situations at the cross on Golgotha. In the end Jesus said: ‘It is finished (accomplished)’. More than 300 vulnerable people (refugees, widows, and abandoned children) came from villages to hear the Gospel and to be counseled by our Team. Some came to … receive gifts … which caused a problem.

Pastor John's class in Goma


     “Wars in the North Kivu area have destabilized the whole economy. Rwandan and Ugandan rebels continue raping the region. Civilians wish to live peacefully and exercise their democratic rights. Now families have been hijacked by rebel groups with bad motives. It’s caused great distress to civilians living in North, East and Eastern Congo.  Since 1996 until now, there have been constant reports of raping, executions, robbing, total destruction and brutality to many villages.



Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

Thank you again dear prayer partners - we couldn’t do any of this without YOU. Until next time, please know that we are praying for YOU too so let us know your requests. They are all important to HIM.

"For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end, He will stand upon the earth." Job 19:25

Living for the Redeemer,



* Pray for the families of Bill Rowe and Jeanette Mack (Laura Grgic’s mom) who were laid to rest. Bill’s wife, Diane, and I are in the same support group for mom’s who lost children. Laura’s mom was buried in Illinois, her home, but a local church, Paseo Verde, held a lovely memorial service.

* Praise for happy birthday surprises, meals out, gifts, flowers, cards, Facebook greetings, phone calls – even dinner and a movie! (Thanks Michelle).

* Pray for Prayer Partner Carol of CO. She fell, broke her ankle, had surgery and was hospitalized a few days. Now she’s back home with a 6-week recovery and mending well. Please pray for Carol and her housemate Jean Marie who is working double duty.

* Praise for speedy recovery from gall bladder surgery for Delena, my daughter-in-law.

* Praise for a successful walk to bottom of Grand Canyon and up for Wayne and grandson Nate!

Wayne and Nate hike the Grand Canyon!

Katie's first mission trip!

* Praise for privilege to share the ministry at Fellowship Square with our senior citizens on Easter!

* Praise for granddaughter Katie, preparing for her 1st mission trip to Australia with Teen Missions Int’l in June-July. There will be ‘Boot Camp’ in Florida to prepare so she’s busy raising support.

Piecekeepers Sew Day for Little Girls' Dresses in Africa


* Praise for Piecekeepers Sewing Circle who had a “Sew Little Dresses for Africa” day led by Carol. They made 10 and took dresses home to finish. The mission presentation on the ministry was well received. A few gave Bibles and empty medicine bottles. Women volunteered to sponsor Monica and Pastor David’s 6 orphans in Kampala, Uganda. Also the Scrapbook group, led by Rose, made cards for each dress! It was a beautiful day full of food, fun and fellowship.

      “… We continue to serve the Lord…. The youth, John, whom I took to Nairobi in 2012 [where we first met] received plastic surgery [for disfigured face] in Kigali…. We thank God he was awarded a scholarship.

In Rwanda we are … commemorating the 20th Year Genocide Anniversary…. I think South Sudan's peace is still far away. I feel a greater call to help people when the conflict is solved by bringing the love of God and to help people suffering by solving trauma issues…. 

     “We … encourage Bush mission to continue to … save sinners by showing God's love…. We are living in the end days and the Bible says that there will be problems all over. That is how it is in Africa (Congo, Central Africa, S. Sudan, etc.). Always innocent people are victims so it's high time to pray for Salvation and God's Love to suffering groups.”

Regards, Pastor Celestin, Kitali

Pastor Celestin


Letter from Pastor Celestin. He and Darleen Clementine hosted me in Rwanda in ‘13.

Greetings in the Precious Name of Jesus,

Blessings, Pastor Patrick, Busia

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

     “… God has added a number of children and … men and four new women to the church. … Pray for … our church. We found a plot of land to buy. The owner is easier [to deal with] than others in our community. He wants 6 million Kenya shillings [$69,000] … in four installments of 1.5 million each [$17,000+ each]….  Also pray for my 6 orphans. On Monday they started exams for the school term. The whole town is having a problem of water shortage due to the dry season. All of us in my house are sick with flu and coughing. Also I have a small garden. We need to plant maize and beans, since rain has started….”


Letter from Pastor Patrick. Several needs to pray about; especially

wisdom to discern!

Pastor Delphin's Children's Choir is growing!

In Christ, Pastor Delphin, Goma


Letter from Pastor Delphin, Field Director, who lives in Goma.

Dear Bush Prayer Partners,

     “The money … helped the Sunday School Outreach for vulnerable children and paid rent and school fees. I pay for my 7 children one by one….  Praise the Lord we are in peace in Goma but in Maasai District (Western region of Goma and in far northern Lubero) rebels and government soldiers are fighting.

     “Elizabeth and I send our … gratitude to Christians in USA for supporting our family and EDEN Ministry. Iragi (boy who nearly died last time) is going well using traditional medicine. The family was not able to pay medical fees to operate on his hernia. The mission clinic, AMESA, was ready to operate for a small fee, but the parents feared surgery and preferred local treatment. We pray … this works.

     “… Eden Church is growing. We now have now 26 members in Children’s Choir and 20 in the Youth Choir. Peace in the villages is coming slowly.  One member from Kalehe Village … is very sick - Mama Beata. Her husband abandoned her and she has 9 children: 2 have died. She has chest cancer…. Can our USA Prayer Partners join us in prayer for Mama Beata? Thank you for your prayers for our country, ministry and family.


Letter from Pastor John of Goma.

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

     “Thanks … to all people of God for your donation…. I used it to pay my overdue graduate school fees. The school told me … I succeeded with 64% (points)…. Continue praying … that God will give me the opportunity to [continue my studies]. On Sunday we will meet with vulnerable children. Pray for that. On Monday I will travel to Butembo, my birth place…. My parents are ill with TB. I will go visit them….”

Yours, Pastor John

[read his full Report on Insert Page below]

Jackson: 1st in his college!

Yours in Christ,

Mama Josephine & Family

     “Pastor Henry … checked on the children at home and they were doing well. When I left for Kampala, Pastor gave the children 60 lbs of maize (corn meal), 20 lbs of beans plus greens and cabbages…. We thank God for all the support and contributions from Pastor Henry. He called to say that [my] Kenya [orphans] have school holidays & Uganda [orphans] are doing exams.

     “ … I traveled safely to Kampala and met with the doctor for a follow-up examine. Lazia (teenage girl orphan) escorted me. We are [staying] at Pastor Henry's sister’s home. Her name is Annette…. I received the money you sent … for medical expenses & transport….

“Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

     “All the children send you warm greetings. I am back from Kampala and … improving and taking medicine I was given. It is strong, that is why I have felt weak … but now normalizing as the doctor said I would…. We were cared for well by Pastor Henry's sister Annette. Pastor monitored the children in my absence, however, when I came back Pastor Henry was sick … with malaria and a chest problem. He is now improving. Pray for a quick recovery.

     “Ugandan children have school holidays. The report cards for Ziwena, Okuku, Wabwire Mohammed, Mariam, Richard, Serina and Bulasio are not ready until school opens…. Jackson did very well, he ranked #1 in the whole Agricultural College and received a Distinction from the Principal…. We are very proud of him and appreciate his faithful Donor…. Kenya students will be opening school on May 5, while Uganda students open on May 19. Attached are copies of receipts for … report cards and medical reports.

     I’m improving and God is working in my body.  Thank you for your prayers … for … the whole family….

[Letter #2 follows. Pray as Mama Josephine prepares 30 orphans to return for the 2nd Term of school.]


Best regards, James Keah

[See more S. Sudan news on special INSERT PAGE below]

Dear  Mama & Bush Mission,

     “Greetings in the Name of … Jesus…. I want to give you an update on the current situation.   Leer is now under full control of (Nuer leader) Machar as is Unity State for the entire oil field. Now we are waiting for a UN flight to Leer and thereafter the Team will fly there, using the money you sent. I’m going to send fishing hooks, fishing twine and food. I will send you the list….

     “Queen Esther Primary School in Pading was not badly affected by the conflict. But due to fear the children and teachers ran to the bush for safety. I talked with Principal Michael on the Satellite phone. He confirmed the building is still there but the community deserted the area.

     “About the [money] Bush Telegraph sent…. I feel since World Food Program will drop food in Mayendit … this money will be used to buy fishing equipment to send to John Kong and refugees with him [hiding in the bush]. They can fish in the highland with lots of water….

     “Leer’s Midwife School [PDRA] next to our mission compound was flown to [the refugee camp in] Loki, Kenya to continue their studies…. The Bible School staff and Pastor Rell are in the bush. He is the only person I heard where he is at. The rest I have no idea.

     “John Kong is safe, however the … Commissioner of Leer attacked the area where John and pastors from the church and others are hiding. Thank God they are fine.”



Update letter from James Keah, Field Director


     So thank you for allowing us to share this Truth. May it soak into the hearts and minds of the “Hillary’s” of Africa for the hardships they face – even war and persecution. May our brothers look towards the hope of glory before them and declare His praises to a dark and dying world. We appreciate our Prayer Partners’ prayers, which are so desperately needed more than ever.

Keep well and thanks, Pastor Hillary, Kator Church, Juba

     “ ‘O Lord … the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love with those who love Him and obey His commands, let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open to hear the prayer Your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s house, have committed against you. We acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses (Nehemiah 1:3-7)’.

“What a courageous person to sincerely acknowledge his sin and confess it.... Nehemiah saw a problem and was distressed. Instead of complaining or wallowing in self-pity and grief he took action. He knew that God wanted him to motivate the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. He organized, managed, supervised, encouraged, met opposition, confronted injustice and kept going until the walls were built. We in South Sudan need somebody like Nehemiah.”

     “I am extremely sorry to inform you that Joseph passed away in June 2013. [At the time] I was suffering from Malaria. He died in the town of Arua, Uganda, where his family stays. He was taken there for medical treatment but didn't make it. My family is ok. I now have three sons: Isaac, Enoch and Nehemiah who is 17 days old. I thank Almighty God for His wonderful provision.

     “Nehemiah in the Bible heard that those who survived the exile were back in the province and in great trouble and disgrace; and that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down and its gates burned with fire. For same days he mourned, fasted and prayed before God.

     We begin this Report a bit differently, with a letter from Pastor Hillary of South Sudan. In case that name doesn’t ring a bell, here’s the background. A few years ago we sent a 40 ft. container to his church, Kator Parish, in Juba. What a blessing it was to the city!

     How did we meet? I first met Hillary and two other Sudanese students, Joseph and Leonard, at Kwa-Sizabantu Mission in South Africa. They had fled there as refugees. After some years they completed their studies at Cedar College with high marks. Later, when peace came, they returned to South Sudan to be part of the solution to the country’s problems; with a strong hope for a bright future.

     Through the years Prayer Partners helped Hillary, Joseph and Leonard when special needs arose. In Hillary’s letter below he shares a powerful lesson for South Sudan from the book of Nehemiah.

Pastor Hillary & Charlotte, Juba, South Sudan

Hello Mummy & Bush Mission,

Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church, 


 April 2014