"Mama Christine's family."


[Letter #2] Dear Bush Family,

  “We informed you about the heavy rain in Bulengo. I went to take pictures and a bomb was thrown so it was shut down by police. The Bulengo Church could no longer meet so I gave permission for them to meet in a Forever Home. Inside these two homes we still need to build walls and plaster; put glass in windows; add doors; and smooth the floor.  I am waiting for more security before we carry on with construction.

 “It would be a good idea to build a small church in the Mugunga Plot where the Forever Homes are. People are hungry for the Lord’s Word. A bomb was thrown inside Mugunga Refugee Camp, the 3rd time in 3 months. In 30 years Eastern Congo has been at war; 16 million people have lost their lives; with the highest record of women being raped. A Righteous God wipes them away. We love you and pray for you and BTM.”

Mama Zawadi

"Selina returned her borrowed sewing machine and now washes clothes."

[Letter #2] Dear Pastor Sunlight & Mama,

 “Thanks for the Kiryandongo Refugee Camp report cards. I see some students are struggling in math and English and need tutoring. I returned from Arua with a cold and when I got back home, I tested positive for malaria. The first treatment didn’t help. I started the second yesterday and today I feel able to respond.  

“Yesterday I paid fees for Josephine’s following students:  Nisha of Dabani Girls Secondary; Okuku of Buhobe Secondary School; and Mary and Morris (blind students) of Mvara Secondary School.”

 “Your caregivers, Jane and Stella, should spend time with your children during prayer time; holidays; and listen to their problems so you can pray together; and understand them as it affects their studies. Have them sit down with the children; set boundaries and expectations; identify problem areas; and discuss with their teachers so that the best way forward can be planned. We pray for your wisdom.”

Kind Regards,
​Pastor Christopher

"Vulnerable Mamas learn good nutrition, such as adding protein (eggs) to their children's diets."

"The Team brought a month's supply of food to Odeta's family."

"All containers entering Goma, Congo, are inspected by Customs for weapons. Ours was finally cleared after nearly 3 months, thanks to Mama Zawadi's perseverance."

"The Kiryandongo children wrote a letter to BTM saying 'thank you for your help'."

[Letter #3] Dear Praying Friends & Mama,

 “God is improving the situation. Police are mopping up operations in Goma. Cobalt and minerals used in electronics are sought by Rwandan rebels causing conflict. The government hoped for a diplomatic solution but this failed as some do not honor promises. The world condemned Rwanda killing refugees in Mugunga Refugee Camp. 40 women and children will be buried today. The government started to defend civilians 3 days ago – PTL!

 “Tina Furaha, our Custom’s Border Agent, has the cheapest quote so we work with Tina. We are in touch with the Container’s driver who is now in Rwanda near Kigali, the capitol. The border agent is charging $6,800 total. They asked for $4.000 in advance as there are payments in Kinshasa. The balance will be given to them at the end of the process. This amount will cover Custom’s and Agency fees. Deo, my husband, volunteered to pay for the crane. The Custom’s fee is needed now to quickly move the container process along.” 

God bless you,

Mama Zawadi                            

[Note: BTM wired $6,800 for Custom’s fees.]

"We cannot worship at the Bulengo Refugee Camp's Tarp Church due to bombs."

"The new fence surrounds the Kiryandongo compound to keep the kids safe."

"St. Anne's Secondary School where Anna Grace attends."

"Please pray for Hassan and Edgar who are struggling with their studies."

"Mama Zawadi stored the container in a secure place. When empty, it will be moved to our 'Forever Homes' plot."

"Encouraging a discouraged army of pastors."


Dear Prayer Partners,

  “On July 30th I received a second opinion from a surgeon about my Spinal Stenosis who also recommended surgery. He explained that it would be lengthy, with risks for a person my age, and that complete recovery may take a year. After prayerful consideration and discussion, I decided not to have the surgery. I am not in serious back pain; only sciatic pain in my right leg if I stand or walk too long. I take nothing for pain except an occasional Tylenol. The Lord led me to Gonstead Physical Medicine who presented a new option for my back condition. I am now having 'decompression' treatments.

  “Finally, for some time I've struggled with severe insomnia. A Nutrition Counselor, Gerda, started me on "patches" by LifeWave. Until I met her, I passed through some dark days. These patches activate my own stem cells. It took a few weeks to take hold but now I am sleeping better plus great health benefits. Gerda set me straight on my bad habit of being on the computer half the night.

[Letter #6] Dear Mama & Bush Family, 

 “We collected the container from Customs yesterday. It was a very busy day; we made it after being held almost 3 months. We just finished offloading the container into a secure storage area at my home and are now preparing for the first distribution.

[Later] ​“We have managed to send food by boat to a village called Bweremana where 580 women and children are starving. I sent someone I trust with the food in the canoe to oversee that this distribution is handled fairly. They will bring back a detailed Report with photos.

God bless,

Mama Zawadi

[Letter #4] Dear Selina & Mama,

 “Why, after sewing for four years, did you go back to washing clothes for others to earn money? What was the use of doing a course on tailoring in the first place? We pray that you get serious about the sewing business. About Daniel’s eye infection. Have him wash his hands with soap and eyes with clean water. 

 “I paid all term 2 school fees for students at: 1) Shine Outreach and Primary School and Requirements; 2) Busia Border Primary School; 3) Dabani Boys for Naphtali; 4) Busia Trust Secondary School for all students on the program; and 5) Busia Secondary School. 

 “I was told that two Senior 2 girls have outgrown their school uniforms. Who are they? Children should focus on their studies. At the end of the year we want everyone to meet the standard – no grades below ‘C’.”

Kind Regards,
Pastor Christopher

​[NOTE: Selina writes letters for Mama Josephine.]

SOUTH SUDAN. Letters from Pastor Sunlight.

[Letter #1] Dear Bush Family,

 “My son, Godfree, was sent home sick. He is in 7th grade and tested positive for typhoid and malaria. He is a boarder in Kiryandongo.

  Mr. and Mrs. Kirk’s gift helped pay our new teachers and buy beans for Street Boys. See note from the Head Teacher on behalf of the school. Jane, my wife, and Stella who oversee the Kiryandongo children, shopped for the children’s monthly supplies.  Attached are Receipts and photos.

 “The school is having final exams and closes soon for two weeks. We have two acres for the garden plus seven more. I am requesting $150 to complete the weeding on time and get a good yield of maize. The Street Boys helped plant maize to benefit the community. I also planted sukhumi-wiki (like kale). I received BTM funds and distributed them. The teachers received their pay; plus books, and blue and red pens for lesson plans.”

Pastor Sunlight 


"Kiryandongo's high school kids."

"Sunlight plans to build a storage bin, but first the maize (corn) must dry."

[Letter #5] Dear Prayer Partners & Mama,

 “Some NGOs brought weapons in containers from Europe and USA. They caught apostolic churches, even missionaries’ containers bringing in weapons. They trust nobody. IGF checks them all. I spoke to them yesterday; they said our container is nearly done. I am patiently waiting. Enclosed is the June Report with a prayer request for a latrine and shower at Mugunga Plot. We are waiting for the container as Kinshasa Customs have processed 80% of it. I am not writing much as it is night and I must hurry to church for night prayer.”

God bless you,

Mama Zawadi

[Letter #5] Dear Bush Family,

 “The part I weeded in Angaim Village was a good yield. Most of the maize was used by the community who suffer. I want to build a storage bin but it requires 6 iron sheets. I will let the maize dry before threshing.

[Later] ​“Greetings from Kiryandongo, Uganda. I met with Josika, a teacher at Good Shepherd Primary and the only teacher near us. He agreed to tutor the children for $35/mo. for all four subjects. About required fees: Mock fee = 8,000; Pre-Mock fee = 10,000; and Trips = 75,000. Total = $954. I also inquired about arrangements with Window Trust Company. He told me they are discussing. I haven't made payments. What is your advice?

[Later] Thanks for the feedback, Pastor Christopher.”


Pastor Sunlight 

"Special thanks to Gerda, who introduced me to 'Life Wave' patches."

June  July

[Letter #5] Dear Sunlight & Mama,

1)  “Which classes will your tutor teach? 2) Are the Mock, Premock and other fees of 8,000, 10,000 and 75,000 per child?  How many children and which classes are involved? 3) About Windle Trust organization’s commitment to pay fees for 7th graders. Have you paid 7th grade fees yet? If there is no written commitment up to now, it’s best to pay their fees. It’s not good to keep money meant for another purpose. Windle Trust can refund you later. 4) When are these additional payments due?  

“We hear that the maize has yielded a good harvest but sad that some have stolen because they were starving. Part of the reason the Lord has placed you in that community is to offer leadership. When you start digging gardens, encourage them to do it and when you plant, let them know its planting season. You will help eradicate hunger and create a peaceful community. About storing maize: have it threshed as soon as possible so it’s not attacked by weevils and doesn't get toxins. We pray that Angaim will be an example to the community.”


Pastor Christopher

"Our blind students, Mary and Morris, are doing well at Mvara Secondary School."

CLEMENTINE, age 33, lives in Gakuto Village with her husband, Celestin, and 3 children. She takes Jules, age 3, to work on a farm daily to earn a little money. He suffered from dysentery, parasites, diarrhea and malnutrition as Clementine didn’t know how to care for him.   

THROUGH PARENT TRAINING and cooking demonstrations organized by PCCR from her village, Clementine learned how to cook a balanced meal and care for Jules and her other children. In addition, Jules no longer goes with Mama to the farm - he is cared for at the Home Based School supported by our partner, PCCR, in their village. There, children are safe, cared for and fed. Jules has learned how to play with other children and has the opportunity to grow socially, emotionally, physically and most importantly, spiritually.   

Love, Patience, & Prayers

"I obtained opinions from two spine surgeons for spinal stenosis."

Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

"Odeta and Mama Zawadi discuss a business that Odeta can do to support her family."

​CLEMENTINE SAID, “I am thankful to PCCR and BTM for ‘Hens for Eggs’ to feed my children and prevent malnutrition.”  Thank you for your love, prayers and encouragement; as together we bring HOPE through Jesus Christ!

"Clementine & little Jules proudly hold their first ever laying hen."


"Lucy reports for the new term."  

[Letter #4] Dear Bush Family & Mama,

 “We prepared a place where the container will be stored. We cannot keep it in the Mugunga Plot as we’d have to hire security guards. After we finish distribution, the container will be kept at Forever Homes plot to be used as storage. We have over 120 Mamas and orphans who will live there. We used the container sent in 2022 as our mission office. Our administration is slow due to lack of electricity so we must be patient.

“Displaced people are fleeing to Kirumba, Butembo and Lubero. Pregnant women, children and elderly flee from the war zone. They travelled over 25 miles by foot. Rwandan soldiers infiltrated the Congo army. New refugees increase daily; two million are in Bulengo, Kanyaruchinya, Rusayo, Lack vert, Lushagara and Mugunga Refugee Camps. There is fighting in Rutshuru, Masisi, Kanyabayonga and Sake adding to pain and starvation. 

 “We stopped construction of Forever Homes due to violence. I personally went twice to Mugunga Plot this week. There is violence. The Congo government has a program of sweeping them out to bring peace. Pray!”

God bless you,

Mama Zawadi

"Mama Odeta's family; baby Moses is in her lap."

 "Evangelist Thomas preaches in a 'Forever Home."

[Letter #3] Dear Sunlight & Mama,

 “Sunlight, please answer these questions: 1) What are the total boarding fees for the Kiryadongo children after the adjustment to your son Godfree’s fees? 2) What is the cost of materials for fencing the home due to witchcraft by your neighbor? 3) Can you prepare a list of costs as you did for the latrine? 4) Did you supervise this work? 4) How safe is the metal for poles as theft of metals is rampant? 

 “Mama Charlotte, attached are fees for Term 2 but I have not included Requirements except for our two special needs’ blind students, Mary and Morris. Here is the breakdown: Angaim teachers = $500; Street Kids = $400; and Kiryadongo Refugee Camp Kids = $400. Total = $1,300. The quote to build the fence around the Kiryandongo kids’ homes was 3,091,000 ($835). This was the lower of two quotes from Sunlight. We already sent him half. The balance is $420. I have paid for quarterly upkeep to Christine (July–Sept = $400). I haven't paid extra funds Sunlight requested for 7th graders’ field trips (about $51). I will pay next week.

 “Selina admitted that two of Mama Josephine’s older boys attend a mosque on Sundays after being confronted by BTM. They came from a Muslim background. May Selina learn to tell the truth. Thanks, BTM, for fees for Term 2. I will assess performances at the end of the school year to decide if students qualify for sponsors next year based on grades. I visited their home and school; talked to students in the presence of the Director of Studies and Head Teachers; and asked Josephine and Christine to speak to them.”

Kind Regards,
​Pastor Christopher

"In the last 30 years, 16 million have lost their lives due to war. Pray for peace in Eastern Congo."


"Construction on 'Forever Homes' has stopped temporarily due to violence; we must keep our workers safe."


[Letter #3] Dear Friends,

 “The children need a tutor. The woman we wanted to be caretaker for our Kiryandongo kids, is no longer welcomed by neighbors as she and her son, Rob, practice witchcraft. He killed his brother and now tried to kill a student. He gave his friend a belt to hold up his trousers. The belt was Rob’s and cast a spell. Now that friend can't walk or go to school. The police have taken Rob. His mother, Oliga, confessed this to me. 

 “We need a lady teacher. We share the same compound as Rob and his mother Oliga; it is hard to control the young children from going into their half; we must fence it.  Metal and bamboo is best. I will not leave Kiryandongo until the fence is done and students are safe. I need 67 holes for metal posts; 7 roles of chain-link; two bags of cement; one trip of sand; and labor fee. I will work with people as I did with the latrine project. The first quote totals $1,111; the second quote is $825.”  


Pastor Sunlight

"Kiryandongo primary kids who will be tutored."

"Displaced people are walking over 25 miles to escape war, searching for food, shelter and safety."

"The younger children need a tutor at Kiryandongo."

CONGO. Letters from Mama Zawadi.

[Letter #1] Dear Bush Family & Mama,

 “The border agent’s name is Tina Furaha. Thank you for news that the Container arrived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, April 22nd. We are sending The Bill of Lading; Invoice; the Inventory; and other documents. We also face unplanned crises such as Zaire, Odeta, Tunaishi and Paul who needed help. Mama Charlotte, thanks for allowing us to support these special cases. We gave Mama Odeta (born without legs with two children born of rape) and family food for a month; as well as the 7 Bategeju orphans; and Zaire has food too.

 “Evangelist Thomas is using a ‘Forever Home’ as a church at the moment. When we build it depends on security in Goma. A bomb was thrown in Lac Vert Refugee Camp and my neighbor was shot yesterday. There is violence, looting and killing. Today our construction team went to Forever Homes but could not build due to violence.  Rubaya, Ngungu in Masisi where you ministered, were taken over by Rwandan rebels; 11 were just killed and others injured. If we had peace, the two Forever Homes would have been finished long ago. 

 “Forever Homes is a gathering place for food and supplies to be distributed. Goma now has 6 million refugees; all starving. No organization can cope because when people distribute in a refugee camp, they die fighting for food. Thus we use Forever Homes to distribute as it is safer.”

Mama Zawadi

"Our first distribution is by canoe to Bweremana Refugee Camp where 580 women and children are starving."

"Sunlight paints a blackboard on the house wall for Mama Joel, the new tutor, who will teach extra lessons to the younger Kiryandongo kids."

"Jane, Sunlight's wife, shopped for monthly supplies. Those long green bars are soap."

"Deo, Mama Zawadi's husband (with little Rosie), volunteered to pay for the crane."

"Anna Grace wants to become a doctor (pictured with her 'requirements' for school)."

[Letter #2] Hi Bush Friends & Mama,

 “I saved $53 while sewing but used $13 for supplies while Mama Josephine was in the hospital. Daniel's eyes were swollen. At the Clinic in Busia the Dr told us to give him medicine.  We bought it and he is improving. Right now Uganda is in drought. I visited the children at their schools to encourage them to study hard. Mama Josephine collects Receipts; the schools also send them to Pastor Christopher. Nelson is living at home doing small jobs. We will encourage him to pick a trade.” 

Yours sincerely,


​​April May

"Okuku is very good in sports and loves volley ball."

"Thank you BTM for buying 250 Study Bibles and Workbooks for vulnerable church leaders at the Conference."

"Teacher Josika, at Good Shepherd Primary in Kiryandongo, will tutor the older children." 

"High school students just began Term 3. Pray that they 'study to show themselves approved unto God...' (2 Timothy 2:15)."

"Boxes of food are carried on foot to the camp."

© 2024 All Rights Reserved

Letter #4] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

 “Thank you for sending money to fence the compound. We dug holes for the poles. Here is the breakdown: metal poles; cement; welding cost; sand; transport: total = $313; Balance = $95.

  This will be used for water and to pay guys to help construct. Additional needs are wire rope = $122; 8 additional metal poles = $65. This Sunday I will preach at the church we constructed in 2017. We pray that God will help us find a teacher who will teach 4th grade at home on weekends; and 2nd grade at school during free time from noon-4 pm. The teacher will teach other grades at home Monday-Friday. On Monday I will return to South Sudan.  

 [Later] “The fence is complete. Now children are safe from those practicing witchcraft next door. The new tutor's name is Mama Joel, a teacher at Good Shepherd. She asked me to paint a blackboard at home on a wall outside where she will teach. Kiryandongo’s monthly Report totals = $435. ​Thanks for support and prayers.” 

 Pastor Sunlight

"The Team took food to the 7 Bategeju orphans (a child-led home)." 

"The maize (corn) yield in Angaim Village, South Sudan."

OH HAPPY DAY! Here we are again – at last! It’s been a while. Did you know about our wonderful BTM program in Rwanda: “Hens For Eggs”? Besides sharing the ‘love of Jesus’, we address malnutrition among children 6 and younger. Our partner, PCCR, supplies vulnerable families with ‘hens for eggs’. Last time Brother Caleb distributed grown chickens to 70 families from 9 villages. 

‘Mamas’ were taught how to feed their children a balanced diet and how to care for these special laying hens. Most parents are Christians and with your prayers the rest will soon follow. Enjoy one of many amazing testimonies with all glory to the Lord:

"The Angaim Village teachers teach God's truths to their students."

UGANDA. Letters from Pastor Christopher, BTM Africa Administrator.

[Letter #1] Dear Friends & Mama,

 “We are grateful to BTM for investing in Study Bibles and Workbooks for pastors who attended the Conference.  May the Lord give us wisdom to equip the 300 who didn’t receive materials so they are on the same page as the 250 who received.  Our theme was from Ezra 7:10 - ‘Equipping to study and obey the Lord’s law and to teach them … to God’s people.’  The Conference was to have happened in Western Uganda at Fort Portal in early 2024. But due to illness of the host pastor, it was postponed and changed to Kumi in Eastern Uganda. It turned out to be an answer to prayer to reach out to a divided church. 

 “The Conference was to equip, encourage and reconcile these church leaders and pastors affected by the church split. The Lord used our time together for 3 days to encourage a ‘discouraged army of pastors’.  It enabled 240 pastors and 10 staff in Kumi to own a Life Application Study Bible and Work Book.”

Kind Regards,
Pastor Christopher

UGANDA, BUSIA. Letters from Selina and Bulasio who write for Mama Josephine.

[Letter #1]  Dear Bush Prayer Partners & Mama, 

 “Hassan and Edgar are supposed to sit for their final exams this year. The first term their grades were very bad and I talked to them. This term they improved. I’m requesting that you find a way to help them. Brighton and other children love playing soccer and rugby. Linnet has cooking skills and does that at school. They ask their teachers for help. Anna Grace is taking science as she wants to become a doctor. Hillary is doing construction in the community. He goes to work most days and comes back home.

 “About tailoring. I am no longer doing it because the owner took the machine back. I wash clothes for people for money. Mama Josephine uses a cane. Sometimes we eat porridge.  People give Mama Josephine money. The floods did not come to Busia, Uganda, only Busia, Kenya. Those kids are now back in school.”  

Yours sincerely, 

Selina & Bulasio


Thank you for ’hanging in there’ with your love, patience and prayers as I ‘catch up’ with getting news out. Pray for Bush Telegraph Mission. We have a policy to not ask for money. We only tell stories of our dedicated church leaders. Due to USA’s poor economy, many missions are hurting. Still we trust the Lord who ‘owns the cattle on a thousand hills’ to provide for our needs. God bless each and every one of you.

In His Amazing Grace,

"Pastor Sunlight's family plus Kiryandongo kids. Pray for Godfree's health."

"We praise God who 'owns the cattle on a thousand hills'."

"Pray for Zaire (pictured with Mama Zawadi & Charlotte).

"Conflict minerals like cobalt are often mined illegally by children."

[Letter #2] Dear Bush Friends,

 “I arrived by car at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, Uganda, on Friday. It rained and our car got stuck. The children wrote a thank you letter for their support. Food: 600 lb maize; 3 bags charcoal; 100 lb beans; soap; greens; grinding maize; water and spices. The students unloaded the maize and charcoal.  The food seems like a lot but all kids were home for the holidays; none were boarding. They report back on Monday to their schools.  Kiryandongo children's meals are rationed, including porridge without sugar: two meals a day.

 “Kevin, a new child, asked my wife Jane if he could stay with our children during the holidays as his mother is in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya. He is schooling here. The children return for second term and must report with Requirements, especially 7th graders.” 

Yours faithfully,
Pastor Sunlight

"Daniel's eyes were swollen - but the Lord healed them."


"Rob, who lives next door, is into witchcraft; so Sunlight built a fence around our compound. Pray for the children's safety." 

"Selina now washes clothes"