Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa


© 2014 All Rights Reserved

“We long for peace in this world, and for Your glory to be proclaimed. But for now You call us to remain in a world where Satan seeks to wreak havoc on Christ and His Church. We pray for Christians who daily face fear and opposition. We pray for their leaders as they seek to bring about stability. We ask You to grant Christians wisdom, discernment and courage as they strive to live godly lives, trusting in Your care. You have called Your Church to serve You in a dark world. May many turn to You in saving faith. As Your people lie down tonight in the midst of the unknown, grant them peaceful sleep in safety.”

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.                                     [Adapted from Open Doors] 

Sharing His Peace,


Dear Lord,

Lisa, Nathan, & Delena Blueberry picking in WA

Wayne and Katie on their epic motorcycle trip!

The Sinclair clan in downtown Seattle- Pike's Market

Nathan and John white water rafting in Canada

Sorting through Relief Supplies

Angaim Village school children (Hooray! We're building them a school!)

* My son Wayne and Granddaughter Katie had a fun father-daughter vacation via motorbike. They also visited son John and Lisa in Washington where they met the rest of their family: grandson Nate and mom Delena. Nate remained for a two-week camping trip with Uncle John and Aunt Lisa to Canada and Montana. Katie and Wayne continued on, covering six states and 4,000 miles, enjoying beautiful Pacific Northwest scenery. Glacier National Park and Yosemite were favorites. All are safely home. PTL for safe summer travels!


to Pray & Praise God about:

* Wayne Lofton.

Please keep praying for prayer partners and retired Pastor Wayne. He’s been on treatment for cancer. Suddenly he began to spiral downward - all lymph nodes enlarged. During a ‘Pet scan’, his body lit up like a Christmas tree! Dot, his sweet wife, said that they are proceeding as God directs. Keep praying!

     “Have my regards in Jesus Christ our Savior. About the Report I sent you today: it was a challenge to prepare due to my old laptop. I need to buy a new one if God opens the door. Here you see my report…. Pray for me that God gives me power and wisdom for his work…. I now have an office at Rutshuru … because of the needs of the people there. Thanks for your assistance. I hope to do better according your vision and the will of God.”

May God bless you, Pastor John

[NOTE: we financially supported this outreach. See att. Report; plus all photos at]


Letter from Pastor John who just returned from an Outreach at Rutshuru.

Dear Mama & Bush Telegraph,

[Note: we sent money for this outreach. See att. Report; plus all photos at].


Letter from Pastor Delphin, who returned from an outreach to remote Pygmy Villages.

Dear Mama & Bush Telegraph,

     “Greetings In Jesus' Precious Name. I am writing you from the pygmy area. It is the beginning of the rainy season. All the day it rained but pygmies still came out for Bible teachings. We leave tomorrow evening and will send photos and a Report. Thank you a lot for the assistance this month again.

     ”This Sunday we gathered clothes at church for Pygmies (babies, women, men). We will visit Civanga and Kamakombe, two pygmy villages near Kahuzi National Park. Our Goals are to evangelize and assist indigenous people; and in the future to plant a church at Kamakombe. Please inform our prayer partners to join us in prayer. I and my co-workers, Charles and Norbert, need transport, Salt Boxes and Soaps for vulnerable people.

In Him, Pastor Delphin, Goma

Letter from Sarah, head teacher at Peace Preschool.

Dear Bush Mission & Mama,

     “Greetings from Peace Preschool…. Thank you for the support…. Apophiah left our school to care for her elderly mother fulltime. I'm now the fulltime head teacher at Peace Preschool. Please send money through my name…. Pastor John advised us to find a single youth who can work all day to care for the 10 orphans… as Lillian, the former caregiver, has a large family and can only work half-day. Before, Apophiah worked in the evenings but now when Pastor is away, no one can help to care for the children in the evenings. I informed one youth in my community and she began working at Pastor John’s last month….”

Wish you well, Sarah, Peace Preschool



Letter from Mama Monica explaining why they moved to a new home with their 6 orphans.

Dear Bush Mission & Mama, 

     “Thank you for the money you sent and the message of encouragement…. Our landlord sent us out of his house; that we had too many children (6). Later we discovered that a neighbor did not like children and complained. But by God’s help we found another house for 200,000 ($75) per month. Finding a house in Kampala is a very difficult. Your money also covered electricity and water. The new landlord accepts us with children in love. I used the money to pay the dept; house rent; and food.”

Monica and David, Kampala Church

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

     “Thank you for the money … it helped to buy food for the [10] orphans. We are pushing on well by the help of God. Only Gloria is very sick and on treatment. I'll take her to the doctor on Friday for follow-up. In two days on treatment she is improving. There is a problem with the schools in Kenya and Uganda. Demonic people are burning schools and attacking children. Over the years it has happened in other schools but this year, during the second term, an attack occurred at Bubongi Secondary School [high school] where Bena, our orphan, attends. She was one of the students who were attacked. Therefore we plan to transfer her to another school after school holidays…. These attacks are done by ‘devil students’ who are sent to the school … and they communicate with demons to burn the school attack students. Pray that God’s righteousness will prevail over evil in our schools.”

Pastor John, Peace Church, Tororo

Letter from Partner, Missionary Tom Kilian. We sent money to feed the hungry through his ‘on the ground’ contacts in South Sudan, as most of ours were missing or exiled.

Dear Bush Mission & Charlotte,

     “Greetings from the USA. We are in prayer for you as you are traveling and appreciate your reports on Facebook that allow us to pray specifically. We are nearing the completion of the feeding program…. After I receive the indicators (pictures, reports, receipts) I will be able to close out the funding and send a detailed report. We have also expanded the project in Aweil (south of Darfur) to feed indigent patients at a hospital. We continue to pray for you, our partnership, and all of our native family together…!”

Blessings, Tom


Letter from Pastor John of Peace Church & Preschool who shares a serious problem.


      “Peter and Victor from South Sudan are splitting poles for building the Angaim Village School. Praise God for them. Also thank you for supporting the school and for your … prayers. This encourages me as I began classes at my university last Friday. Thank you so much for the support. My greetings to our brothers in USA….”

All my thanks to you, Pastor Sunlight

Dear Mama & Bush Friends,

     “We appreciate your … support for our family as I continue my studies at Africa Christian University in Uganda. We are fine. Only little Peace Charlotte is sick but under treatment. Hopefully she will be okay soon. 

     “All of our children have done well their first and second school terms. Dan got 87 in English 87; 89 in Math 89; 74 in Health habits; 59 in Social Dev; and 69 in Language Dev. Godfry’s mark are not indicated but there are checks on his papers and according to his grade he did well. John got Division 2 - very good work. Peace Charlotte understands English and is learning to speak. My wife Susan is doing her exams today and hopefully by tomorrow she will be done…. Her school report (she had no education before now) gave her courage to learn more. Before, she was thinking of going back home to South Sudan.


Letter from Pastor Sunlight, from Sudan, but pursuing studies in Uganda.


John Kong is alive! After 8 months of silence we received the following message. John, a group of pastors and people from Leer Village, hid in the bush near a river without food or shelter for 7 months.

.Dear Mama, 

     “Greeting in the Name of Almighty Father this evening in Leer County. It’s been 8 months without writing any email to Mama. Mum, I cannot say what is happening here in South Sudan but things are very bad. We believe in God’s plan and hope things will be fine soon. Now we have Internet but I know it will take long to have it. Say hi to your family and all the mission prayer partners".

Regards, John Kong, Logistics Manager

In His Service, Charlotte (for Mama Josephine)

     One more thing. Mama Jo has slept on a broken single bed that’s as old as the hills, with 2 children for years. She suffers from back trouble ever since she was hit by a motorbike. So we surprised her with a new double bed; mattress; sheets; and a beautiful floral bedspread. We can’t set it up until all renovations are complete. She can hardly wait! Keep on praying for Mama and her 33 children!

Last Sunday I was privileged to teach in 3 churches. One, Pastor Henry’s church, is far in the bush. We rode ONE ‘piki-piki’ (motorbike) over teeth-jarring roads. I hung on for dear life! This week I took 12 high school/college students shopping for school on local ‘boda-bodas’ (bicycles).

3) Moses, 16, came home with Bulasio early this year. His parents died 8 years ago and

    since then he was living on the streets. As a result he contacted asthma. Please pray for

    these 3 new special children!

2) Lynette, age 3, lost her parents to HIV/AIDS. There was no one to care for her so local

    authorities brought her to Mama Josephine. She is today a loving, energetic little girl

    who loves hugs!

Mama Jo took in 3 new children. She’s known in Busia as a ‘child advocate’ so two were given to her:

1) Baby Daniel came at 6 months. His mother, a ‘lady of

    the street’, would drug the infant, lock him in a room

    and leave him untended for days. He was so thin when

    Mama got him but today at 1 yr he’s healthy and


For a small mission like ours the renovations were a joyous sacrifice. However, we serve a GOD with a BIG HEART. Negotiating with 3rd world builders is challenging. When they see a WHITE AMERICAN, the prices double - if you’re not careful. Fortunately my friend, Mr. Wafula, builder/owner of Angel Hotel across the road, was present for all ‘bids’. He succeeded in knocking down prices considerably much to their disappointment and surprise.

1) New ceiling - there was none. It was as though all 34 people were sleeping in the same

    room. You hear every sneeze, cough, cry, noise, voice not to mention banging steel


2) New 12 ft. wall around the property to keep out thieves and keep the children safe. Last

    year little 6-yr old Brian was kidnapped in front of the house.

3) Electricity installed in the house – up until now they’ve used kerosene lanterns.

4) Two metal gates at the two entrances into the yard.

5) Painting the interior: ceiling, walls, doors, windows, etc.


Since I’m here in Busia, allow me to write a mini-Report on behalf of Mama Josephine.

Dear Prayer Partners,

We are pleased to announce the following renovations taking place this week at Mama Josephine’s home:

Prayer & Praise

~ Report ~

     The only reason Bulasio has the opportunity to attend high school is because of a special friend who sponsors him. In fact all Mama’s children would have NO hope or future without YOUR prayers and support. Thanks to all who makes it possible for Bush Telegraph to serve in Uganda and neighboring countries on behalf of thousands of vulnerable people.

     I’m here at Mama Josephine’s home tackling long overdue, BIG projects. Time does not allow me to tell you the stories of all 33 of these precious children but I CAN tell you about two: Bulasio and Serina. Their parents died of AIDS in 2000. After that they went to live with Mary, an old woman over 100 years – but no relation. Mary had lost all her children so she tool in Serina and Bulasio who were a great comfort.

     After Mama Josephine was saved she often visited Mary for prayer, where she met the children for the first time. Mary soon died and was buried at Mugungu Cemetery. The children had no known relatives so Josephine took them in, Bulasio, age 4, Serina, age 3. Later Mama learned that Bulasio’s parents had fled to Busia after running away from the ruthless Lakwena Rebels in Kamuli. A large number of their relatives were also killed.

     Thus Bulasio and Serina became Mama Josephine’s children. As their ‘mother’ she committed them to God. They were sickly at first but under her loving care their health improved. During that time Mama lived in a one-room mud house in the slum, no water or electricity. Life was harsh but Mama worked hard to provide for Bulasio, Serina and other orphans God sent her way. Today Bulasio, 16, is a sophomore in high school. The day I arrived all the kids were on school holidays but Bulasio was missing. I asked, “Where’s Bulasio?”

     Jackson, the eldest, replied: “Bulasio is at a week-long Patriotic Camp … one of two students selected from his school to attend … sponsored by the President of Uganda.” Impressive! Not surprising he’s 3rd in his class.

     Bulasio returned home last weekend bubbling with excitement as he shared new things he’d learned at the Patriotic Camp. “My favorite was morning jogs at 5 am!” No wonder! He loves to run too.

Dear Friends,

     CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN! When I was young, that was one of my favorite movies. Now I’ve met someone who also fits that bill. Greetings in Jesus’ Blessed Name from the Internet Café in Busia, Uganda (which, by the way, has nothing to do with ‘food’)! We are surrounded by music shops playing at top volume, so if this letter sounds confusing, you’ll know why. A cow just walked past. A lost baby goat followed. So the walls here are dusty; purple; with peeling paint; kids peer over my shoulder but it’s got COMPUTERS THAT WORK.

August 2014