Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

Carol donated her grandchildren's

favorite toy piano

We can hardly wait to see the girls in them!

The students will love these

Imagine how many lives this will save

No more sore feet

My friend, Ouida, and I hosted the mission table

Time for one more cup of tea with friends

Who had a birthday?

Team members, Immaculate and Goreti, also lost family

Trauma treatment for Veronica

Touring the genocide sites helps the team to minister more effectively

Peter's wife, Beatrice, is very handy at embroidery

Pray for Pastor John's wife

The new church has over 150

Bush Telegraph Missions

© copyright 2015

The new school begins!

Presently the classes meet under trees

Thank you for these school supplies

Peace Church congregation

Pastor John and his wife Regina

Pastor Henry leads services at Mama Josephine's home

The new preschool/church. Pastor Henry, center back row, orange shirt

“The LORD has comforted his People and has had pity on His own in their distress” Isaiah 49:13

Watering Tomatoes & Fig Trees,


* Piecekeepers for a fun Sew Day of Little Girls’ Dresses & yummy baked potatoes w/all the trimmings.  

* Desert Christian Archers for 250+ blue tote bags (compliments of Sanderson Ford).

* Manna Ministries for $2,000 worth of newborn baby formula – and the lives it will save.

* 200 flip-flops from Litchfield Park 1st Baptist will save big & little feet from blisters and thorns.


* Calvary for their generous donation to ship the 2nd Congo Container. Folks had a great time chatting around the mission table. Oh! The kids loved the handmade knife, hippo tooth & ostrich egg!

* Doctors released me - I fly back to Africa mid-August. Pray as I wrap up

   several BIG mission projects.

* Successful outpatient surgery on my left leg, July 6th. “Lord … thanks for

   removing troublesome veins.”

* Michelle begins practice teaching towards her Master's

   (she ‘aced’ classes on US & AZ Constitution)!

* Katie sets off for Bible College in August. Mom, dad and Nate are settling

   into the new house on base.

* Container #2 Relief Supplies to be shipped in 7-10 days. The last 15% just came in so the 2nd container is now fully funded


* Congo Food Container left Calvary July 16, 5:30 pm. Thanks Mac, Galen, 

   David for loading 20 pallets. 


Letter from Pastor Celestin. He and his Team are bringing healing to thousands.

Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

       “…. We were at a refugee camp where thousands of Burundians live due to political violence in Burundi. We hope to encourage our brothers … through God's Word … as we reach out to refugee camps…. The place was far; we got one bus;… and took a Team of 20…. We wish to share 3 testimonies:

* Veronica is the only survivor in her family. During her graduation she didn't feel joy as she saw other students graduating with family members but she had no one and was depressed. College students helped her prepare for her wedding, but she was sad…. During counseling I told her that Jesus was her Friend and she was comforted.

* Frank. When the Genocide occurred he was 4 years old. His family was wiped out. As he grew up he tried to find … a photo of his father, mother or siblings but could not. He doesn't know what his family looked like.

* Keza. His family and parents died when he was 5 years. He grew up in the orphanage until he completed his studies. He married but has difficulty as a husband because he did not have the experience of living in a family.

       “These pictures were taken on our way to commemorate the genocide at Bisesero Memorial Site in Western Rwanda. The journey took 9 hours…. This site counted 70,000 bodies plus 1,010 bodies we buried on Commemoration Day as many were not discovered until now…. This was a small Tutsi clan where only 800 people escaped killing. Many were wounded. Bisesero Memorial is the largest … as the … clan was almost wiped out.

      “Immaculate and Goreti of our team lost their families there. Bisesero Memorial has many rooms and each one is full of bones. We wanted to see the inside before beginning Trauma Ministry to understand the … needs. Pray for the Refugee Event that God uses us mightily … with the Gospel message.”

Pastor Celestin, Director Guardian Angel Ministry         

                     [Note: he included a financial Report, too.]


Letter from Pastor Peter of South Sudan. He’s been studying in Tanzania.

Hello Bush Team & Mama,

       “… My studies in Tanzania are complete so my family and I will be returning home to South Sudan. Here are our travel expenses … from Tanzania to South Sudan:

1 room costs 40,000 per night X 4 days = 160, 000 Tanzanian shillings x 2 rooms = 320,000  ($145);
Food per person is 20,000 X 7 = 140,000 X 4 days = 560,000 ($254). Total amount needed: $399

Pastor Peter                                                        

        [Note: We sent money and received the following reply]

                                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hello again!

       “Thank you … [for] sharing our burden together. This $400 will help my family travel back to South Sudan…. My future plans are, if God wishes, to be teaching Family Life and Discipleship. I discovered that most ministry being done in churches today is only preaching. There is no teaching on marriage and the family. Thank you.”

God bless you, Pastor Peter


Letter from Pastor John. Pray for his wife who has been very ill.

Dear BTM & Mama,

       “Thanks for your … advice. May we work together … with the Container Project. The Governor … is now in Goma [town]. He will sign our Exemption Letter and then … send it to Kinshasa, the capital. There it will be signed by the Minister of Finance. Please pray for that. My wife … suffered a small stroke … and is in the hospital. We pray that God will heal her. Also I am studying for my Master’s Degree but still need $567…. Here in Goma we travel in bad conditions. It is the dry season, no rain, no water to drink, no good food from villages…. We … ask God to open doors…. We are applying for Government Registration for our new church, ‘Jesus Christ The Only Way’. It continues to grow…. Now we have more than 150 people. May God be glorified.”

Pastor John                                    

            [Note: we sent Pastor John money to help meet needs.]


Letter from Pastor Sunlight of South Sudan, who studies in Kampala, Uganda.

Dear Bush Mission & Mama,

       “… I am at Angaim Village School. I picked up the money for the teachers. We bought: 1) Three boxes of chalk; 2) 90 exercise books; and 3) Two teaching guides…. Thank you for developing this community of Angaim. We … see the fruits of your support … and the willingness of teachers to teach at the school. The community is so encouraged that they are ready to … build the school. 

       “I will return to Kampala, Uganda, on July 28… and … kindly request … help with transport. I have $50 left. The whole transport is $150. The Visa includes me and the Travel Permit….  Your prayers, with ours, are bringing change … to South Sudan. We believe that one day war shall … end, including tribal conflict.  When I arrive in Kampala this week we shall arrange for the school construction money….” 

With appreciation,

Pastor Sunlight & Principal Peter Felix        

                           [Note: we sent money for transport]


Letter from Pastor John of Peace Preschool & Widow’s Project. He writes about his church.

Dear Bush Mission & Mama,

*     “My church has 23 adults, youth and children. Only one member is working for someone selling newspapers. The rest are farmers. The youth are school goers or dropouts. The church is located in the rural area; most are poor and never went to school so they can’t get jobs.

*     “Tithing is only brought in the form of food twice a year. It’s little as most dig using their hands; they have no tractors. I have no regrets why I opened a church in the rural area…. God needed me there. The other problem with no educated people is that they do not do family planning. You find poor men with many children - 8 to 10 - and that contributes to poverty though they love God so much. They are free from demon … attacks….

*     “On Sundays we may receive 2,000 shillings (.61) for offering; yet I use over 10,000 ($3.03) for transport to and from church.  I'm obedient to God, in His service to the poor, but thank God that He has given my wife a small business [selling grains] and my laundry work which supports us year after year.”

In Christ, Pastor John


Letter from Pastor Henry, writing for the first time since his serious illness 5 months ago.

Praise the Lord Mama & Bush Mission!

      “ …I’m very sorry for the delay to write … as I have been so sick. I could not even travel to town to email you…. Mama Josephine has encouraged the family…. They were scared for my health but thank God I’m improving. Thank you for your prayers. I did not think I would live. The doctors worked hard…. 

        “My wife has been so helpful … and struggled with ministry work, school and caring for me. Thank you for money … to buy a motor bike…. I … will send you the receipt soon. They need money for a Log Book and Registration. I used it to come to town. I was with Mama Josephine … she is doing well…. We pray for you.”

Yours in Christ, Pastor Henry                  

                     [Note: thank you for praying for Pastor Henry]

Mama Josephine's eldest orphan, Jackson


Letter from Mama Josephine’s college boy, Jackson. He is asking for a laptop.

Dear Mama & Prayer Partners,

       “I am fine and working hard…. Our professors do their best to teach. Last week we had a football [soccer] match and won 3-2…. We shall be going for Industrial Training (IT) on 8/10/2015. My college is requesting students to pay … an early registration. The professors believe that if students can … buy a laptop … they help in: a) Good storage of notes; b) Easy access for notes from professors; and c) Portable … rather than carrying books or hand-outs…. So Prayer Partners I humbly request one…. I ask God to bless you.”

Yours faithfully, Jackson O.                       

           [Note: we wrote asking a few questions; he replied as follows]

                                        * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dear Mama & Prayer Partners,

       “ … I checked with my professor and we found a good laptop with modem and flash disc at a fair price - 1,300,000 shillings ($394). My vet college is in Kyotera town and called Mbuye Farm School…. Mama Josephine sent the money for Industrial Training and I paid them. Thank you for everything…. God bless you.”

Yours faithfully, Jackson O.                                                           

                               [Note: we sent money for the laptop.]

Bulasio helped build the 12 ft wall


Letter from Bulasio, one of Mama Josephine’s high school boys (orphan).

Dear Prayer Partners & Mama,

       “… Our school is having a field trip … Friday. We are 7 of Mama Josephine’s orphans: Barbara, Selina, Jackson W., Zowena, Winifred, Sharon and me. Each of us must pay 50,000 ($15) or 350,000 total ($136). The trip will be to Jinja town. The money is for transport … and food. My Art fees are 100,000 shillings ($30) for 4 colors: each color costs 25,000 shillings ($7.58). May God bless you.” 

Yours faithfully, Bulasio                               

                       [Note: we sent money and Bulasio replied as follows]

                                            * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dear Prayer Partners & Mama,

       “… We received the money and went on the field trip … on the 18th…. We really enjoyed it. We visited sugar plantation estates and Kibimba Rice Estates in Jinja town. When we reached Kakira Sugar Plantation we were allowed to eat sugar cane … and explored many things…. When [teachers] prepare our exams about this field trip to Jinja, we cannot fail. We appreciate it and pray that you continue having a supportive heart.”

Yours faithfully,

Bulasio on behalf of the others.

Parable of the Fig Tree" Luke 13

All you need is a straw hat, jeans, trowel & tomato plants

      ‘Parable of the Tomato Plant’. Surely it’s in the Bible - somewhere? Or do I have it confused with the ‘Parable of the Fig Tree’? Anyway, having come from a farming family on Mother’s side, you’d think I’d know how to grow veggies here in AZ. Then again, my ‘farm’ is a 2 ft. X 5 ft. plot. 

          It all started with an old straw hat, jeans, iced tea, trawl and three tomato plants. All went well until – you guessed it – summer arrived with Death Valley temps. I watered early each day. But as my beautiful plants grew, I had to build barricades of lawn furniture and umbrellas to protect from scorching hot sun. Oh, they’re still alive – but one stopped growing; the 2nd produced tomatoes with rotten brown ends; and the 3rd – well, it’s my pride and joy.  

       There’s nothing like summer in Phoenix. That’s when I wear oven mitts to hold the steering wheel. Even our nearby river bed has no water and the water coming out of the cold tap is hotter than the hot water! Outside, there’s no sign of human habitation. Where is everyone? One friend fights for a shady parking spot even if it means walking a block to the store. But if my neighbor says one more time, "But it's a DRY heat!" I’ll, I’ll … eat my straw hat. 

         “Dear Lord, thank you for my three tomato plants. Help them survive August. I love their rosy color, smell and taste. You’re the ‘giver of life’, You can do this! I promise to share.” Amen. 

         Back to ‘Parable of the Tomato – I mean ‘Fig Tree’. It was unproductive: “For 3 years I’ve been coming to look for fruit … and haven’t found any. Cut it down!” Jesus said (Luke 13:7). 

       Mr. Gardener argued, “Leave it alone one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.” (vs. 8).

       There will come a day when trees - and tomato plants - that are barren, despite the most loving and devoted care, will be cut down. Mr. Gardener pleaded for the Lord to wait because he clung to hope – like our patient, long-suffering, hope-filled God. Even in Africa we must trust in His vision, His leading, waiting and praying unceasingly until the seeds we have sown bear fruit.

          My tomato plants grew and eventually produced fruit because I watered and placed them in the sun. But God placed that potential in them. Zechariah 4:6 says: “ ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord.” We battle to win souls in Africa. Alone we are powerless. Without the ‘miracle of the seed’ - God’s Spirit - self-watering is useless. Your love and prayers helps us ‘water’ God’s Gospel seeds so they germinate, blossom and bear fruit.  

Prayer ~N~ Praise


August 2015