Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

Prayer ~N~ Praise


Others got sick or died of hunger

       Luz is now back home in the USA where hubby, Kurtis, and her preschool kiddies await. For me it’s TIME for the next chapter of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ – or rather, ‘Bush Telegraph in Africaland’? Seriously, Luz was a tremendous blessing to all – especially children.

All we had to feed them was cassava

Bush Telegraph Mission

© copyright 2016

Many children got lost

People fled due to fighting in Torit town

Pray for good roads

Typical refugee bed

Charlotte, Luz & Walter demonstrate the 'proper'  way to eat ugali

       Pastor Sunlight’s story below of war in South Sudan brings that point home. Sadly the spread of Good News is ‘on hold’ NOW in certain areas. Foreign workers were evacuated. We must ‘work while it is day’ - BEFORE bad things happen. Thank you for doing that through your prayers.

Government soldiers attack Leer - again!



       “Hello Mr. Rabbit! Did you hop by to say our TIME is up? Sorry folks, more stories next time. Don’t forget our ‘Persecuted Brothers’. God knows the dangers & suffering they face daily. Only HE can offer them HIS promises of Hope, Courage, Healing and Salvation through the greatest gift of all – His Son, Jesus Christ.

Sharing the Promises of God,



We’ve purposely changed the NAME of this pastor for security reasons. 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus,

       “There is a crisis in South Sudan. War has broken out and … foreign missionaries were evacuated.  It began in Juba when Dinka President Kiir’s soldiers bombed the home of Nuer V. President Machar. Six of his top military (SPLA) leaders were killed but he escaped. President Kiir’s media said that only 270 were killed in Juba. However, it was over 12,000 civilians. They are still picking up bodies so the count will go higher.  

      “Torit was also attacked by President Kiir’s soldiers at Loudo and Hiyala Payam from three directions: Torit East (the road to Kenya); Torit West (from Ifwotu Road); and from Torit North (Bur Payam Loudo). Many children drowned in the Kinate and Iyodo Rivers trying to escape … on Monday, July 11th.

         “Fighting began in Torit between President Kiir’s soldiers and soldiers in Imatong State. Children are traumatized. Many scattered … and cannot be found. Others ran away with strangers they did not know. Due to lack of food the children were not given any food and died of hunger. Some children fled to … our village, a safe area. We gave them … cassava (potato family) so they didn’t starve. We … had little food to help so many. 

        “There was great hunger in the community even before the war due to drought early this year….  We have one child whose situation is critical while other children died of sickness, malaria and hunger. We helped many with what we had and are left without. Urgent needs are food and medicine. Many fled to Imilia in Ketire; others to Himodonge (our area); and some returned to Torit where there’s nothing to eat.

       “Houses … were looted by President Kiir’s soldiers and criminals…. Corrupt people with money are exploiting the starving; buying all sorghum and maize (corn meal) in quantity. Soon there will be no food in the market and locals will die of hunger. Inflation is high: a bowl of porridge costs 250 Sudanese Pounds ($6). Locals do not have money to buy food. Our leaders have not … brought peace … to my country. May God have mercy on us all.”

In Christ, Pastor Smith, South Sudan

       [Note: Luz & I arrived in Africa July 10th. Due to crisis in Sudan, we changed plans & rushed north by bus to Kampala, Uganda. After much anguish and prayer God showed us a way to transport money to Pastor Smith. As I write he is distributing supplies to the very people he writes about above. Today we await word from him as all communication has been cut off. The situation changes daily. Luz & I spent time with Pastor Smith, his family and another A.I.M. missionary in Kampala. Pray for the PEACE OF S. SUDAN.

Luz eats her first ever 'mendazi'. Ummm ummm good!

We proudly sponsor Rev. Stephen's children


Luz and I were with Pastor Walter; hosted by Elvis, Nancy & family - 9 in a one br home! Walter went through ‘the dark night of the soul’ but we only just learned about it. Here is his testimony:

Dear Beloved Bush Friends & Mama,

       “I was happy to hear … you [and Luz] are coming to my church in Ruiru…. The powerful email you sent encouraged me and the Church….  Things were tough when I was locked out of my house; I couldn’t pay rent. Church rent is also a problem but I trust God. At that time I had no home and came under attack by the enemy. 

       “Many feared I might take my life because of many challenges I had encountered with my family and calling. I was afraid I would … end up in a mental institution. The more I stressed the stronger the attacks became…. I would cry out to the Lord, ‘Please help me, I am desperate!’…. ‘But wait God, I trust You to take care of me. Why do I have to go through this pain when You are … Lord of Lords? The Great Physician?’’

       “Satan would tell me, ‘God will heal others but not you. You are not worthy of His healing….’ Everything Satan could throw at me, he did. I became so tormented I could not sleep. I would ask, ‘God where are you?’

       “Pastor Nicholas, my parents, church members, two pastors, friend Nancy … prayed daily. God sent an anointed woman of God, Sister Winnygister… who took me under her wing, taught and encouraged me. She said, ‘You are sowing … bad seeds … with the words you speak.’ She told me where the precious promises were in God’s Word…. She said, “I walked through the same attacks in life. Listen to me, not the devil.’ 

       “I began to quote God’s Word … daily. ‘God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and a sound mind.’ [2 Timothy 1:7] I stood on this scripture…. I … wrote down God’s promises and quoted them … asking God for strength…. I used the ‘sword of the spirit’ … to defeat the devil…. Baby step by baby step I walked out of the attacks. Every day I became stronger and finally … I was free. I ‘renewed my mind’ with God’s Word…. ‘So then, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God’. [Romans 10:17]. The Lord restored me…. We had a thanksgiving service in my home…. God bless you for your care and support….”  

Your son, Pastor Walter, Ruiru   

Even children carry heavy loads

Zawadi & Char tiptoe through the volcanic rocks

At Bewyale Camp hundreds of refugees arrive daily

We had little food to help so  many

Charlotte with our hosts' children (the little girl is Walter's daughter).


Pastor White gave us a scare when he didn’t pick up his money for two months. It comes from the sale of homemade jewelry by Mama Jane, Pastor White & their 31 orphans.

Praise God!

       “I know you have been wondering about my silence but I was happy to hear … you are soon coming…. You will see how we have struggled with the [31] orphans the past 5 weeks. I finally picked up your donations but that same day … my two [orphan] boys were admitted to the hospital. I had to take care of them. 

       “Before that my landlord locked us out of the house due to two months arrears. I took my family [35 total] to live in our church where we were until now. You can imagine - it was church, house and school for the kids. I was confused but thank God as now we are going back to our house after the landlord called me last Sunday.  He said he saw our struggles so reduced two months’ rent … to 17,000 shillings [$170].

       “I was able to partition the class rooms with part of your money; pay the rent; and buy food for the children. Since you are coming we will be happy for any good advice to avoid this happening in the future…. Thank you for your prayers and support…. Welcome…. All the children are happy you are coming…. Be blessed.”

Pastor White, Heart of Care School/Church      

 [Note: Luz & I spent a great day with Heart of Care.] 

Buleusa Refugee Camp needs food, shelter (tarps) & clothes

Pastor Walter's church, 'Wings Of Faith'


Letter from Pastor Celestin (he and sweet wife Joyce hosted

Luz and I).

Dear Bush Friends,

       “The pictures at Bisesero were taken during the Genocide Commemoration. People are around the graves to pay their last tribute. There we did Christian counseling … twice a day. Our ‘Counseling Marathon’ started mid-April and ended July 31st. During that time we helped hundreds of traumatized. Thank you for your support.

        “The other photos are from the District of Ruhango, a new Genocide Memorial site where officials discovered bodies buried in a mass grave. The house where Chantal is standing was used as an orphanage in 1994. She was in this orphanage. Every night people came to take kids out of the building to kill them outside. There was a deep pit where bodies of children were thrown. Pray for us and may God bless you.”

Pastor Celestin, Guardian Angels, Kigali


4 Letters from Rev. Stephen who was in Juba, South Sudan, when war broke out. He was detained and later fled to Uganda.  Luz and I spent a day with him and his family in Kampala, Uganda.

 [Letter #1] Dear Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, and Sisters,

       “I am here informing all of you, that God did His work through your prayers. I came out from evil [Juba]. God prepared a way for me on Wednesday. I arrived in Kampala yesterday late. I am okay, but pray for the rest of my Nuer brothers who are still trapped inside Juba. May God make them a way to come out also.”

                                 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Letter #2] Dear Brothers and Sisters,

       “President Kiir’s Dinka Government soldiers destroyed the place in Leer, Unity State, yesterday…. People are suffering now more than ever. War is still in Juba. Government soldiers are everywhere … looking for Nuer V.P. Machar, as Leer was his home…. I will let you know about the situation … in the Northern Uganda Camp.”

                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Letter #3] Dear Brothers and Sisters,

       “I just came back from Bewyale Refugee Camp in Northern Uganda. I had Sunday prayers with them; and 2,913 attended. People are really suffering there because more are coming from South Sudan every day.”

                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 [Letter #4] Dear Brothers & Sisters,

       “Thank you for the pastors’ suits you brought. Some Leer pastors are in Bentiu Refugee Camp. I sent their suits with my friend Mr. Kunit who works with UN in Bentiu. His family is also refugees in Kampala. The suits reached the pastors and they say thank you: 1) Rev James T. [former Treas of SWUNP, Leer]; 2) Rev Gabriel;  3) Rev George; 4) Rev John K.; and 5) Rev Michael.

      “The money you wired to buy food is in AMA’s bank account [in my name]. Last month war prevented me from buying food and taking it to Leer. That is why I suggested giving money to pastors in refugee camps in Uganda, Sudan and Kenya as well as the 5 pastors who escaped to Bentiu Refugee Camp.

       “The Sudanese refugees in Bentiu Refugee Camp are: 1) family of the late Rev Peter; 2) family of the late Rev William; 3) family of the late Rev John C.; 4) Rev John B.; 5) Rev John C.; 6) Rev Solomon; and 7) including me and Regina, my wife. As suggested I will give them your dollars to buy food…. I thank you for sympathy as partners, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.”

God bless you, Rev Stephen   

Moderator SWUNP/Leer

[Note: Luz & I hand-delivered 30 pastors’ suits. All S. Sudan pastors named above are part of our mission.]

Children fled to Angaim Village for safety

Rev Stephen, Mama Regina, Luz & Char in Kampala

Walter holding a bag of 'Gospel Bracelets' - we left 100 with him!

Children from a refugee camp

       The Good News is that we’re closer than ever for every people group to hear the Gospel and plant a church. ‘It takes a VILLAGE’ – and TIME – to get that Good News out. NOW. 

Dear Prayer & Praise Partners,            

       To quote Mr. Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, “I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!” But this month’s Prayer-N-Praise Report is late for good reason. We’ve had a whirlwind of activities as Luz and I ministered as much as TIME allowed in one month - in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda – she’s gone back home. How I miss her! But more on that later.  

       Was Mr. Rabbit on TIME when he met Alice, the Queen of Hearts or the Mad Hatter? That’s a very good question. Apostle Paul sums it up best: “Pay careful attention … how you walk – not as unwise people but as wise – making the most of TIME, because the days are evil.” [Ephesians 5:15-16] In our case, making the most of TIME in ‘the days of evil’ in Africa. Right now. Not next week. Not next month. Not next year. But NOW. Before more doors close.

Disabled refugee tells of camp needs to Mama Charlotte

Rev. Stephen brings Sunday prayers at Bewyale Refugee Camp


3 exciting letters from Mama Zawadi, CAAP partner! We’ve waited months for our Team to reach Buleusa Refugee Camp. Due to logistics, only now can they deliver long awaited supplies and food from our Container. 

 [Letter #1] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

      “The number of Refugees in Buleusa Camp is up to 3,000 as they run from rebels. Families are deeply affected by the killings and 19 pregnant women gave birth in this terrible place. No other organization is helping them. They have no food, shelter or clothes. They have nothing.

       “You asked about the price of a shelter [tarp]…. The strongest is $20/ea; lasts a year; and covers a family of 6…. Another need is fuel. Any donation together with our little contribution will help. This area of Congo is going through a crisis due to rebels and the USA embargo. 

        “We wish Mama and Luz a safe journey and warm welcome to Africa. We thank God for the tasks you do … helping loved ones. May God bless and grant the desires of your heart….”

                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Letter #2] Dear Mama & Bush Mission, 

        “I collected [the money] Bush Telegraph sent … put it into CAAP's safe. We are so grateful…. We were fainthearted to hear of the disaster [at Buleusa Camp] and could not do anything about it at the time for lack of more financial support. I met with OCHA (Organization for Coordination of Humanitarian Agency)…. We will travel in ‘convoy’ [several vehicles] for security reasons.

       “… the needs [in Buleusa Refugee Camp] are higher than what we have … so we raised more money from the Kivu community. People gave clothes, pots, and $700 to Buleusa Refugee Camp. OCHA suggested we wait a bit, put everything together for the refugees. We cannot just give to a few and leave others with nothing.”

                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Letter #3] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

        “We are on our way to Buleusa Refugee Camp – an answer to our prayers.”

God bless, Zawadi for CAAP    

[Note: full Report next time with photos] 

She often taught wearing her Clown, Queen Esther or Simon the Leper costumes. Vulnerable kids who rarely smiled had loads of laughter and fun.  Most important, because YOU helped send us to minister in amazing African countries, these kids will discover how much Jesus loves them.


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