Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
© 2013 All Rights Reserved
(5) Michelle and I are still busy cleaning out cupboards, storage shed, etc. The manager of the mobile home park where we’ve lived for 9 years, will list it for sale. Our new condo has 2 br, 2 baths with a lovely ‘Arizona room’ that doubles as an office/sewing/guest room. Our neighbors are welcoming and kind – we’re excited but I’m still in shock over God’s goodness. So come on down! The door’s always open!
Prayer for the New Year with New Challenges
Franklin Graham, in a recent interview, said: “We (Americans) have turned backs on God. We see the mess in Washington and all the problems they’re having…. We haven’t heard one person in Washington say, ‘Time out guys. Let’s get down on our knees; call in the name of Almighty God; and ask Him for help’.”
Dear Lord,
“May we, God’s people, recover our joy in the Gospel and optimism about His future for the USA, Africa and the world; that we all start to SERVE. May our hearts change from the inside-out. Amen.”
Serving still,
(4) I lost it while Lisa recorded my tears and shock – on film. John explained: “In 25-30 years Lisa and I will retire … we wanted to invest in a home for the future … you and Michelle can live here now.” Lisa, I learned, had been secretly working on the house for weeks. When John came home he joined in the renovations. OK, so I needed a few lessons on how to work the shower, kitchen sink and stove. I’m good now. After Christmas all the kids helped move the furniture from the old place to the new one.
Moving Day!
(3) New Home for Christmas
A day or two before Christmas John said, “Mom … I want to take you to a yard sale to look at a bed for Michelle.” About 15 minutes later we arrived at a property in Sun City. I said, “I don’t see any furniture.” There was a big red bow on the first door. John advised, “Mom … ring the bell.” Lisa surprised me by opening the door. Through the screen I saw a bare floor. “But there’s nothing inside!” I exclaimed. That’s when John broke the news: “Mom … this is your new home.”
The gang in front of new house
John's Homecoming
Mom gives John some Welcome Home love!
Christmas 2013- The whole gang!
Proud owner of a new-used car!
(2) Welcome Home Kids
For the first time in years ‘all my children’ came home for Christmas from around the world! Nate, now 14, is towering above his mom and sis at 5’ 10”. On Christmas night my Katie, now 15, sang and played her guitar sounding like an angel! It was a crazy, wonderful time. Even John, who’d been at sea on the USS Nimitz, arrived home safely. Lisa, his sweet wife, organized a grand ‘Welcome Home’ at the airport complete with banners, balloons and family members followed by dinner.
USA. Christmas Praises:
(1) New-used car
In December I became the proud owner of a new-used silver ’06 Chevy Cobalt. I loved my ’94 Nissan Pathfinder, however, if it was a horse, it would be shot. I PRAYED every time I started it and feared that even God would lose His patience. My friend, Darrell, who knows more about these things than I, accompanied me to Sanderson Ford. I traded in the Nissan; they financed it. How wonderful to have a car that STARTS; gets GOOD MILEAGE; and leaves no OIL LEAKS in driveways!
KENYA, Busia
Letter from Pastor Patrick who cares for 6 orphans at home.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“… We are fine in the lord. Thank you for prayers. I and my fellow pastors had a visitation of those members who had stopped coming. Now they come every Sunday. We have 10 men, 8 women, 5 youth and 13 children. Our fundraising was on Sunday. We invited a few friends from other churches. We thank God for what He did. We received 16,010 Kenya shillings ($184). Tomorrow evening we [will meet] to plan what [to] do with this cash. With the extra Christmas money from Bush Mission I bought shoes and used clothes for my 6 orphans….”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick
Letter from Pastor Henry, spiritual advisor to Mama Josephine’s family. Background: recently Mama Jo began experiencing painful symptoms in her back similar to when I was there. When I was there I took her to a mission hospital in Tororo town where they diagnosed an inflamed muscle in her back. Now the local doctor referred Mama Jo to Mulago Hospital in Kampala, capital of Uganda. It’s a day’s trip by local transport. We made financial arrangements for her journey as well as provision for the children in her absence.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“... My family, orphans and church send warm greetings and pray for you. The schools have closed for the holidays and are home…. Mama Josephine went to Mulago Hospital on 6th December. I sent her to my sister’s home in Kampala … where she stayed for 10 days while under doctor’s examination. They advised her to take medicine then go back in a month for follow-up exam. Her back was X-rayed and they discovered a crack in the bone; and much swelling. Also a lot of fat covered [the bone] inside…. She traveled with Bulasio (older orphan) while Jackson took care of the children [at home]. I checked on them and they were doing well. We pray for her total healing…. “
About Mama Jo’s new store: some stock can be bought in Uganda while others in Kenya. Some stocks are cheaper in Uganda while others are cheaper in Kenya…. About the new kitchen. I asked the carpenter to finish construction but he … will do it after Christmas. I will send you a Report on how much it may cost to finish…. “
I take this opportunity to thank God for keeping you … till this time when we come to a close of the year. You have been helpful, understanding, loving and caring to us. We greatly thank … the mission. We received the money … and will use it for our orphan’s Christmas Party. May the Almighty bless….”
Yours in His Service, Pastor Henry
[Note: We sent money for stocking the new store and to meet Mama Jo’s medical expenses. Special thanks to you who sent School Fees for Mama Jo’s 20 orphans. The children begin their next school term in late January 2014.].
Uganda. Peace Church. Pastor John's 10 orphans
UGANDA, Tororo
Thank you letter from Teacher Apophiah of Peace Church Preschool. Background: Pastor John and his wife Regina keep 10 orphans in their tiny 2-bedroom home. When I visited recently and saw the kids had no beds, I knew YOU would want to do something about that. Their bedroom is very small so we ordered 3 triple-bunk beds to be welded. Everyone now has a place to rest their little heads.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“We teachers of Peace Church Preschool, Pr John and all the children … send this photo to you and all our Prayer Partners in America to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014. We received the 3 new triple bunk beds for Pastor John’s 10 orphans…. The photo is of those 10 children [who live] with us.”
Teacher Apophiah, Tororo Uganda
CONGO, Goma.
Letter from Pastor Delphin.
Dear Bush Telegraph,
“Thank you … for the [financial] assistance this month. The Sunday School program is going well. On this Sunday there were 76 children, most of them are vulnerable…. We have now another co-worker, Mrs. Izuba, also a deacon. She is helping Mama Elizabeth and I…. It is a great favor to know you are praying for us daily.”
In His Love, Pastor Delphin.
Congo. Ps. John's Christmas Conference for Street Kids
Letter from Pastor John on the Christmas Conference for Street Kids. He forgot to mention that he also fed all 109 kids – thanks to YOU!
Dear Mama & Bush Telegraph, Dear Mama & Bush Telegraph,
“Thanks … for your prayers for my travel … to Butembo for my brother’s funeral … and back home to Goma. On December 31st my Team and I organized a Children’s Conference for Street Kids. It was … wonderful. More than 109 vulnerable [street] children took part.
“I preached about “Jesus Blesses the Children” and “How a Little Boy Helped Jesus.” My wish was to show that children are all loved by God even if some are neglected by parents, guardians or … society: that God loves each one and they have a part in service to God. I used the Teaching Board [you gave me] to illustrate my lesson and it was very wonderful…. I hope that God will help me to do a good work in the future.
“After preaching my Team and I worked with the children…. Five groups were formed … with two counselors to help with … trauma. Those children … have many problems and questions about … life…. They wish to meet [us] again …. We plan another meeting on Friday…. At the end we watched the video of Jesus; His ministry in the world; His death and the beginning of the Church. I will send you … photos…. Regards and thanks so much for this ministry…. I will send you my 2014 [plan] for our [ministry] to traumatized, vulnerable children and adults; and activities we want to do this year…. May God bless you…. Pray … that God will open doors for our ministry.”
Yours, Pastor John, Goma, Congo
(1) … Peace and stability to return to South Sudan. The country’s citizens have already endured decades of violence during the conflict for independence from Northern Sudan.
(2) … MAF (Missionary Aviation) Pilots) and staff as they assist mission partners in unsecure areas.
(3) … Church leaders, especially in the most troubled 6-state areas, that they and their members would be ‘salt and light’; and able to calm their people. Many are out of control with bloodlust
and revenge for past wrongs. Although the main conflict is driven by tribal politics, others use
it as an excuse to loot or attack tribes they have been at enmity with.
(4) … Peace talks in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, for common sense to prevail and for both sides to work towards the good of the whole nation and with no further loss of life.
(5) … all tribes to become faithful followers of Jesus; and work together to bring hope to their country through biblical principles of Peace, Love and Reconciliation.
(6) … medical workers remaining in South Sudan to make wise decisions in meeting the needs of the displaced, wounded and those mourning the loss of loved ones.
Recent fighting in South Sudan has left over 1,000 people dead; 194,000 displaced people; mass graves; and thousands more injured. Below is a summary of recent events:
* LAST JULY 2013 PRESIDENT KIIR, of the Dinka tribe, fired Vice President Machar, of the Nuer
tribe; the entire cabinet; several governors and other government officials – a ‘purge’ of all non-Dinkas.
The violence began in Juba, capital of South Sudan and has now spread to 6 states (there are 10 states
in South Sudan).
* CONSTITUTION. You may ask, ‘How can a President have that much power?” The present
Constitution is temporary and has not been ratified. Thus citizens began a movement to change the
Constitution BEFORE it was ratified to prevent President Kiir from becoming a dictator. Kiir also had
plans to abolish elections and become a President for life.
* SAFETY of all nationals and mission workers is our top prayer concern. Violence is split between tribal
lines so no place is safe: even in the most remote village. The airport and most banks are closed; Internet
and phone communications are down in most areas. The only way to get between Juba and outlying
villages is by air. There are no functioning roads. Pray that our staff and workers will be able to reach
banks to draw funds for food and care for their families. This includes students, pastors, churches,
teachers and medical staff.
* OUR CONTAINER, at last word, was somewhere between Juba and Leer. It’s loaded with life-saving
food and other relief supplies. However, due to lack of communication we don’t know its exact location.
* PASTOR DANIEL. We’ve only heard from Pastor Daniel and that’s because he was evacuated from
Sudan to Kenya. He taught at Leer Bible School until 2012 before moving to Bentiu to begin a TEE
program for Bible students. His letter breaks our heart.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“ … I’m back in Nairobi, [Kenya] with my family after being evacuated from South Sudan because of conflict…. Continue praying for a quick solution to this problem. This year things have been very bad. We saw a lot of tribal conflict and … deaths…. Pray for children and women who are now suffering in UN camps across the country. “… I lost [all my] personal things when soldiers, police and civilians looted Bentiu left and right. I managed to run with a small bag which carried [a few] clothes. It was … a bad experience. We stayed at the [UN Refugee] Camp for 7 days but it [felt] like one year. Our God is faithful, we should not give up. All foreigners and Dinkas [tribe] are leaving Bentiu. Things are really … bad.”
Greet all and pray, Pastor Daniel
~~Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
Christmas Confession. I thank God for the wonderful friend who gave me their ‘extra’ keyboard. You see, I carelessly spilled coffee on mine and wasted hours trying to ‘fix’ it - even used a hair dryer (a ‘no-no’); took it apart; researched ‘Google’ for answers. Next I shopped at Good Will stores but their used keyboards were ‘old school’. It’s difficult for me to ask for ‘help’. After all, I’m supposed to ‘help’ others. It took some humbling to admit the keyboard dilemma to my friend. Yet, that confession led to the answer. I had forgotten a simple truth: my friend refused payment but received a blessing by helping me. Who am I to rob her of that?
Since we’re talking about ‘giving of ourselves’ by helping and serving others; isn’t that what Christmas and the New Year 2014 is all about? Isn’t that what really matters? Giving ourselves away by serving others? Isaiah called it a kind of ‘spiritual sacrifice’ because it pleases God.
Isaiah put it this way: “If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday.” [Isa. 58:10]
Thank you for ‘giving yourself away’ by extending your soul to satisfy the afflicted of Africa. Because of YOU, your love and prayers will shine brightly where we serve the Persecuted Church and His children.