Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa


© 2013 All Rights Reserved

Dear Lord,

         “How hard we work to accomplish Your plans on our own strength. Forgive us, for You have created us to find our strength and rest in You. May Your hand of protection be upon all those named herein, that You will break the power of the Devil. In North Sudan we pray for the church as the government moves closer to a Sharia state. Keep believers there safe and guide them as they seek how to be Your church in new ways. We pray for courage, faith and wisdom of Christians under threat of attack. We know You are always working on behalf of Your church in ways we never see, and we thank You for encouraging them. In the name of Jesus,”

                                                                                                          Amen [adapted Open Doors]

Serving because love is like that,


Terry, Apache Junction. Charlene & I pack

  blankets made by a blind woman

Prescott. ‘Winter wonderland’ at Mom & Pop’s home.


I loved sharing about our work at a women’s Bible Study in Apache Junction (thanks Terry). Also while visiting Mom and Pop Wilson in Prescott (a beautiful ‘winter wonderland’ of snow that day) I was given a few minutes to speak at their church. PTL - these brothers offered to help with Sudan Container Project! Love is like that.   

·         SUMMER TEAM 2013

In case we haven’t said, this year’s Outreach Team is headed to Lohutok, South Sudan, in July. We’ll be hosted by Matusiks. Several young people and a few adults are interested. We’ll be doing evangelism, medical, kids’ programs, teaching and fix-it-up projects. We are looking forward to blessing the Lopit Tribe. Interested? Contact us for further information and pray as the Team works out details and raises travel funds.

Congo. Our vulnerable women at work


Some time back our sweet gals volunteered to sew quilts to send to Hurricane Sandy victims. I joined in but missed the deadline due to pre-surgery tests. Finally, upon completion, I mailed it off to the east coast church whose address I’d been given. I never expected to hear back. I received the following note:

Dear Charlotte,

     “Thank you so much for the quilt. It was given to me by Jim of the Calvary who is putting my house back together after Sandy washed it away. It will be put to good use.”

Thanks so much, Eleanor, Union Beach, NJ

[NOTE: Continue to pray for these victims]


SUDAN. Letter from John Kong, Leer

Dear Mama,

Hope you are doing find…. Thanks for the money for Health Workers and Teachers. I am in Bentiu where I will withdraw the money…. We have started the new year with many activities.

Regards, John

CONGO. Disturbing news from Pastor Delphin, Goma and Northern Kivu areas

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

     “Thank you for the assistance. It helped for schooling and house rent. Please pass our gratitude to prayer partners as little Stella is now going to school too. The healing scriptures were … full of encouragement and hope. On Sunday we read them and prayed for mamas and youth who had sickness.  These times people need to be encouraged. There is much mental problems caused by trauma, stress, sickness and the situation families [face] because of poverty. Another problem is insecurity in Goma and Northern Kivu villages. My neighbor was killed last week coming back home at 7:30 PM.

     “At Sake, 25 km from Goma, a mother and father, members of our church, were visited by armed rebels. The Father was killed; the mother, Nabanyere, miraculously lived but her left arm and leg were cut badly. She is in Goma Hospital. Doctors say they will have to cut her arm off. Please pray for Nabanyere. She is now a widow with a physical handicap.

     “Bunagana Village [on the Congo boarder] has been made into Rebel Headquarters. Last Sunday the eldest daughter of Pastor Ebenezer was attacked by a rebel. He was arrested and the girl is in the hospital saved by His Amazing Grace. She was raped but no internal damage or bones broken. It was the same house where you stayed last time. Pastor Ebenezer is one of few pastors who is still in the village to encourage people. Most pastors have fled to refugee camps…. We need prayer from our USA brothers for God’s peace to the Great Lake Region, especially in our villages and Goma town.

In His love, Pastor Delphin, Goma

Sudan. Bible School staff.

Principal Rell, white shirt.


Dear Mama & Bush Mission!

     “Greetings in Christ's name. Regarding your question last time: we as Bible School staff, along with the Moderator [senior pastor] and Executive Secretary met today and concluded that the following names be put forward:

1. Rev. John Rell to supervise the renovation of Mission House administratively.

2. Engineer Gatluak to serve as Technical Supervisor for the renovation.”

Thanks, Rev. John Rell, Bible School Principal

Principal John Rell’s letter is an answer to prayer as we have worked hard for the Bible School leadership to ‘take ownership’ of the project (which we will finance).


     “Fighting in South Sudan has everyone on edge as tensions remain high. Tribal tensions bring violence close to our mission compound in Leer and Unity State. They can hear gunshots, but our staff has stayed safe. Also, North Sudan keeps stalling in resolution talks over the Abyei border. Pray for peace between different tribes in North and South Sudan; and for long-term solutions to be found to the underlying problems.”

[NOTE: We sent money for transport; the report will be posted next time.]

SOUTH SUDAN. Letter from Pastor Sunlight

Hi Mami & Bush Mission.

       “Greetings in Christ! … The Summit in Ethiopia that I was selected to attend, strengthened my mission, vision, purpose, aim and objectives for Discipleship Movement across Sudan. Your brothers here invite your prayers for the Discipleship Mobilization in South Sudan Program in late February, early March. We are mobilizing this Program to begin in Angaim Village and spread to the states of South Sudan and nationwide. We will mobilize true believers, their wives and those who are single.

      “We started our training in Kor Abit, 34 miles from Torit town…. The transport van we had planned to use … broke down yesterday. Now we have no transport. To hire a car is 500 pounds ($113) and it is an urgent need. I have used the only money I have to buy food for the Discipleship Program. Training begins on Monday. The need for the field is too large with few laborers. Keep praying for Christian Youth Mission in Angaim, South Sudan. It is now registered. We target unreached communities regardless of race, tribe or places….”

Regards, Pastor Sunlight, Director, Christian Youth Mission, Angaim

KENYA. News from Pastor Walter

Dear Mom & Bush Mission,

     “… We are well kept by our faithful and loving God…. Thank you for the scriptures you sent as we are still mourning the loss of Michael, my friend killed in Sudan….  Immediately when we returned from Sudan … the daughter of Michael fell inside an open [well] and died.  Michael had no parents and was raised by uncles. That is why they insisted we bury him in Sudan where he was killed because they had no land for him.

     “Michael’s widow, Agnus, was left with two children in a desperate situation and was told by his uncles that they cannot keep them. Since her husband had no land she was set free to do whatever she wanted. It was very disappointing but she decided to leave the remaining child with them and went away two weeks ago. I have not heard from her since. Please continue praying for them.

     “… I have opened two churches: one in Ndalu and the other in Nairobi at a place called Ruiru which is doing well … we … now have 50 members. We rented a place for worship…. The church in Kiminini is also continuing; they rent a classroom for Sunday fellowship. When you come you will visit them all…. May God bless you as you pray for us….”

Your son, Pastor Walter, Kiminini

UGANDA. News from Peace Church Preschool, Tororo.

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

      “Greetings of love from teachers and children in Tororo. Thank you for the money…. I gave to Agnes and the caretaker of the orphans. For the mattresses I found only 4” high in Tororo but I’m told the 2” high are in Mbale. I will go there next Saturday and report to you…. We are still registering new orphans and vulnerable children in baby and middle class to the end of February. I shall send you the number and a photo…. All last year’s ‘Top Class’ passed their end-year exams and Pastor has taken them to join a free government school…. Pray that they do well in the next level.”

In Christ, Teacher Apophiah, Peace Church Preschool

No school for Jackson & Zuwina, Mama Josephine’s orphans.

UGANDA. Letter from Mama Josephine in Busia.

Dear Mama & Mission,

     “ …. Thank you for your prayers and support…. The 14 original orphans are back in school. They send greetings to the mission…. Am sorry for having [taken in] 17 [new] children [orphans] before discussing with you…. These little Angels are miraculously sent my way…. We need your prayers.

     “You met them and can bear witness to their life and condition. I could not leave them to die on the streets. I know it is costly to pay their [school fees] for these [17] new orphans, but I pray that the Lord opens a way for them…. Now they cannot come in contact with bad children who deceive them to join a bad group. My prayer is that God saves their future lives….”

 “The Lord bless you abundantly,” Mama Josephine and family.

[NOTE. Mama Josephine now cares for 31 orphans; we support 14. Of the 17 news ones we have found sponsors for: Gertrude, Nafutali, Joseph and Mageni Brian. Please pray that the Lord would send sponsors for the remaining 13 – school fees begin at $10/mo; you may choose your child.]

Field Reports


We plan to ship in mid-June; however, we are talking BIG BUCKS – $15,000+. This money must be raised above and beyond normal monthly commitments. To date we have $20 in the Container Kitty. God has a sense of humor so pray that His cattle on 1,000 hills will somehow be recycled to aid our Sudanese brothers. Love is like that.



A 40 ft container holds 20 pallets. To date we have processed about 10 and will add 2 more containing medical equipment. The 8 remaining pallets will come from

Heaven Sent Ministries of West Virginia. They will contain special life-saving food for the malnourished. I’m negotiating with Kenny Rogers (I thought he was a singer?) of Globaltranz Transport.  Freight fees will be $4,000+. I helped pack supplies until my surgery in late February.  Praise God for faithful volunteers: Charlene, her sister Carol, Carol M., Ruth, Rose Marie and Terry who made the 100-mile round trip from Apache Junction daily. They work tirelessly in the church storeroom where it gets downright chilly in the mornings! Quick! Pass the coffee!



The last time I opened a ‘fortune cookie’, it said I’d slip on a banana peel and break my hip! Well, that didn’t happen. What did happen is that I had ‘Right Hip Revision’ surgery on Feb 26. That’s why this Report is late. About 17 years ago I contacted an infection in Africa that destroyed the bones in my hips, requiring two hip replacements 5 years apart. I was hoping they’d keep the hip and replace the rest of me – no such luck.

Dr. Manning of CORE Institute did a great job, however, he said that the old ‘post’ was so loose he could pull it out and didn’t know how I’d been walking around or why the leg hadn’t broken. After a few setbacks and four pints of blood, I’m on the road to recovery; busy with physical therapy. I was humbled by the outpouring of compassion from staff and friends; plus flowers;  cards; and meals sent home (thanks Calvary). Michelle’s especially happy about that!



JO, our faithful prayer partner. I never saw her ‘down’ even these past months as her health failed. She loved birds and sewing, and I’ll never forget how she made 36 quilts for Africa. On February 17, at age of 92, Jesus called her home. The service was at Fellowship Square where she was dearly loved. Even in her passing she requested that her clothes be donated to Bush Telegraph for the new Sudan Container Project. As we packed them we thanked God for her life. 



February 2013

Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,                                                                       

       LOVE IS LIKE THAT. When I was a little girl there were few things I loved more than watching my father work at his watchmaker’s table. Tweezers in one hand, wearing his special eye glass, he’d pick up a tiny spring and carefully place it inside the watch. Then ‘tick tick tick’ as the watch came to life. Watchmaker was his ‘avocation’ – his real job was Steam Turbine Engineer.

       Next to his table was a little white box, covered with dust.  One day, out of curiosity, I asked, “Father, what is so special about that little white box?”

       He smiled as ever so gently he opened the lid. Inside lay a heart-shaped cookie with faded pink icing and silver sprinkles. “Your sister baked this for me for Valentine’s Day some years ago – I saved it to remind me of my love for the family.” On Valentine’s Day I hope your loved ones remembered you with heart-shaped cookies, candy or cards. Love is like that.

     The four Greek words for LOVE in the Bible are: ‘Eros’, ‘Philia’, ‘Storge’, and ‘Agape’. The last one defines God’s love: He gave His only son that we might have eternal life. That’s why missionaries go ‘unto the uttermost’. In my case, to persecuted brothers in Sudan and beyond, thanks to your faithful prayers. Love is like that.


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