Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa


© 2014 All Rights Reserved

These words reflect the very heart of God – and what our mission is all about. Jesus put it this way in Mat. 12:7, “…I desire mercy, not sacrifice….”  It wasn’t the healthy but the sick that needed Jesus. The African countries He called us to are God’s Urgent Priority – ‘tired, poor, homeless’ people. That’s what we export – with your help

Exporting Jesus to Africa,




So who penned the famous quote: “Give me your tired, your poor; your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door”? What a great Jeopardy question! It was Emma Lazarus. 

* Pray for Michelle as she tackles a Master’s degree (‘on line’ studies) along with teaching duties;

* Praise for friends like Jill and Joe who sent me some special, inspiring books to read;

Mama J's kitchen is nearly completed!

* Praise for Arizona Christian University’s homecoming –

and winning a basket of useful ACU goodies;

*  Praise for lunch with Bernadette, Director of Journey of Hope, who takes supplies to Sudan;

*  Praise for lunch and fellowship with Calvary Widows at Irene’s lovely home;

Bernadette (& I at lunch) is also a missionary to S. Sudan

* Praise for inspiring worship at Living Water of the Valley;

and Pastor Bob’s full recovery from malaria;

* Praise for John and Lisa getting settled in Washington (state) and her new job as an ICU nurse;

* Praise for a new projector for showing Power Point mission presentations in homes;

John and Lisa in WA


* Praise for finally getting all the Congo ‘volcanic rocks’ mailed/delivered to special Prayer Partners;

* Pray for the sale of our mobile home as we continue to pay rent even though we’re not living there;

* Pray for the upcoming World Mission Conference in CO and much preparation – full report next time;

* Praise for finally getting all the Congo ‘volcanic rocks’ mailed/delivered

to special Prayer Partners;

* Pray for the sale of our mobile home as we continue to pay rent

even though we’re not living there;

* Pray for the upcoming World Mission Conference in CO and much preparation –

full report next time;

Our new home

Our new neighbors say, "Welcome"!

* Praise for Carol who helped me hang pictures & new neighbors who made us feel welcome;

* Praise for Tracy, Director of “All About Animals Rescue”, who took our 4 outdoor kitties. Our new home has a pet limit. Also the area abounds with coyotes who

have “house cats” on their menu;

* Praise for donations of relief supplies from Cheryl, Sandy, Marcia, Jennifer, Mary, Laura, Melody,  Piecekeeper Quilters, Rachel Circle and Audrey.

Please let us know if we left you out.

* Praise for finding a forever home for Cheryl’s mother’s organ at

South Sudan Community Church;

* Praise for Darrell, Rich and Nathan who provided transport to haul heavy donations;

Pastor Michelle, 2nd from left

Pastor Eric, keynote speaker



* Praise for being a part of Litchfield Park First Baptist’s “Valentines Renewal” week;

* Praise for a fruitful mission presentation for Rachel Circle at Desert Christian;

* Praise for a surprise visit and breakfast with son Wayne in town on Marine business;

New students at PE

Returning students (in uniform) w/Pastor John

New students under tree

This year 2014 we registered 78 new orphans and vulnerable children. The report from those in primary school [the past] two years is encouraging…. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Pastor John and Regina,

Peace Church, Tororo


Pray for Peace Church Preschool, Tororo: letter from Pastor John.

Dear Servants of God,

Best Regards, James Keah

Director UNIDO, Field Director, Bush Telegraph

May you be blessed, Pastor Peter

[Note: we will be assisting his education in Tanzania].

[Note: we will be assisting him]

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

“Thank you very much for all you do for us. We are grateful for your support, care and prayers to our fam-ily…. Thank you for the good work on our kitchen. Pastor Henry is doing a very wonderful job to see that it is fin-ished as soon as possible that we may use it…. May our Lord bless him … for his care and love to our family, … God.

“I still feel back pain [from my accident] … but greatly improved. However, my medicine is running out and it’s time to go back to the doctor in Kampala for a checkup. Our store [at home] is going well. As for the question on how much our stock in Uganda and Kenya cost: it was 1,296,100 Ugandan shillings ($515)….

“Serina has reported for Form 1 (9th grade high school)…. I received the money for completing the kitchen. I have called Pastor Henry. He in turn called the builder to continue with work. Soon he will furnish you with full re-port … of how money was spent. Thank you and God bless you abundantly. Hope to hear from you in the near future.

Yours in His Service, Mama Josephine

[Note: thank you for sending money for the store stock]



Pray for Mama Josephine’s health as she returns to

Kampala to follow up on her back injury.



Pray for Human Trafficking. 


Q. Prayer Partners asked, “Did you ever find 6-yr old Brian, Mama Josephine’s orphan who was stolen?” 


A. Sadly, no. Did you know that 27 million people around the world are victims of human trafficking? Remember, it's not the UN's or the government's problem; it's the Church’s duty because people are created in God’s image.


Thank you for praying for little Brian!

SOUTH SUDAN. Angaim Village. Pastor Sunlight's school has 4 teachers



Praise God for a good report from Pastor Sunlight, Angaim Church near Torit.


My Dear Mama & Bush Mission,


“Hope you are well…. Victor, head teacher, is with me in Torit. We are [traveling] to Nimule for a 3-day Teacher Refresher Course.  Peter, Felix and other teachers will carry on teaching the children those 3 days.


“We are … visiting all new church plants…. Recently we went to churches at Hiyala, Miji-lemi and Forohore. The latrine project is … almost finished. Western Union in Torit is now open and school began February 3, 2014. For a long time I had no access to Internet due to the lack of a [network]. Missionary Jordan and Dr Ray left Torit when violence broke out. Two days ago Jordan returned and gave me permission to use his Zain connection. That’s why you can read my e-mail today.       


“I … acknowledge your prayers for South Sudan. Torit town is fine but food is scarce due to [refugees] coming to [here] from conflict areas like Juba, Bor, Bentiu and Leer. I had an accident with my motor bike. It … needs to be repaired and will cost 500 pounds ($88). 

Thanks, your son

Pastor Sunlight

[Note: thank you for paying the four teachers’ salary]


Pray for Bro. James, our Field Director, who fled to Kenya during the violence.

Dear  Mama & Bush Mission,


“[Here is] an update on the ongoing conflicts in our country. Fighting continues in the oil field of Upper Nile. [Former Nuer Vice President] Machar forces have taken control of Malakal, capital of Upper Nile.  However, our UNIDO/Bush Telegraph team, including John Kong, are still hiding in the bush in Unity State with over 70,000 IDPS [Leer refugees], but safe. I have regular Satellite communication….


The  Commissioner  in Leer  is forcing  people  to report to Leer town.  If any person refused he [threatens to] shoot them dead. Many thanks for sharing this [UNMISS] report…. I further request [you]  ask our prayer partners to pray. There is assessment [team] going to Myendit today…. If they come [back] with a good report we may plan to flight to Myendit.” 



Pray for Pastor Peter, studying in Tanzania for the past 3 years.

We’ve kept in touch. 

Dear Mama, 


“Thank you … for [writing]…. The children and my wife are okay. They continue with their studies. Beatrice is [studying] Community Development and finishes in December…. I have continued my theology program for 3 years at Mount Meru University, Arusha, Tanzania. We thank you … for remembering us in prayer.  It is our strength as Christians…. We are nothing but He is the one to open the ways.  



Pray for Pastor Daniel, who fled South Sudan and awaits a safe return.

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,


“I’m now in Nairobi [Kenya] doing God’s work…. My leaders have not placed me in a church yet but I continue ministering to God’s people. The news from Bentiu and Leer is gloomy. People tell me [they] are no more … only [ashes]…. A lot of destruction took place…. We need to pray for South Sudan. Personally I have not given up on [it]. When peace returns I will go back to finish my ministry there. 


“God is not through with South Sudan. The Kenya Bank has not paid us our money. They keep telling us that the Central Bank of South Sudan has not released dollars. Things have been very hard on us but we keep on praying.  I’m going through pain [over] the destruction of the … schools I started in Bentiu and Leer … the loss of my books and teaching materials…. Please keep praying for me and [my] family…. Greet all brethren…. Be blessed….”

Pastor Daniel, former teacher Leer Bible School, South Sudan.

Aftermath of the hurried fleeing

Refugees fleeing

Young man w/cast is BEFORE the burning



[excerpt: Sarah’s report]. Pray for Leer’s 70,000 refugees; 6,000 deaths! 


“I’ve been able to speak by phone with a few of our 240 local staff who fled to the bush. 2/3’s of our staff can’t be reached. We’re worried about them and over 70,000 locals are living in horrible conditions in the bush, vulnerable to disease and attack.  Local staff say that people are becoming ill from drinking dirty river water and eating water lilies for lack of food. They hide during the day and come out at night when they feel safe. 


“The staff I’ve been able to speak to are trying to care for several dozen critically ill patients they brought with them. Also they’re caring for other displaced people who seek out the MSF team in the bush. They are struggling to treat them with dwindling supplies. They’ve run out of antibiotics and started reusing wound dressings and are afraid patients will need amputations because wounds are badly infected.


“We desperately want to reach them, but don’t know how. It’s still very insecure. They are afraid to come out. It’s not clear if or when ordinary people will return to Leer. Even if they do, we will have to start from scratch and it will take a long time to get back to where we were before.”

[for full Report with Photos see Facebook]

Burning of the Leer Hospital



Our last two letters told of civil war breaking out in Juba Dec. 15th, 2013. It soon spread to 7 of the 10 states. On February 2nd Leer was burned down by Dinka President Kiir’s soldiers and Ugandan troops. Leer was targeted because it’s the home town of former Nuer Vice President Machar. We have a mission com-pound, schools, churches and clinics in Leer County. Are they all gone? Where are our workers? Where’s Simon, the blind evangelist?


Following is an excerpt from Project Coordinator Sarah, the first eye-witness from ‘the outside world’ since Leer was burned on February 2nd.  She is with Medicins Sans Frontier’s [Doctors Without Borders] and describes the devastation of Leer hospital. Her visit occurred February 26th. This hospital treated all our people too.  

Prayer -N- Praise


Meet Charlie!

 Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,


The Story of Charlie. It all started late one Tuesday afternoon. I was at Food City supermarket trying to catch the 'specials' before they expired. After making a few purchases I went to the checkout line. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little black ball of fur racing down the far aisle. I turned to a customer, "Poor little fellow, must have lost his owner…." 


I paid, walked to the car, then remembered, "Forgot the chicken!" I rushed back but alas! They were sold out. I decided to get a 'rain check.  Well, the line didn’t move; it was getting dark; and I was out of time. I headed to my car when I met a store clerk carrying a little black dog. I wondered, “Is that the little fellow I saw earlier?” 


She stopped me and said, "Will you take this dog?" She was almost in tears. “He’s lost … been running around here all day, no collar ... followed a customer home ... she brought him back. Don't know where he lives … if I let him go he'll get run over … this is a busy intersection."


Do I look like the Statue of Liberty with a sign on my back? "Give me your tired dogs, your poor dogs, your huddled dogs yearning to be free, your wretched dogs … send homeless dogs, tempest-tossed dogs…!" I looked into Tired Poor Dog's eyes that seemed to beg, “Help me!”. My heart melted. I heard myself say, "Yes, I'll take him…." 


Back home I had him scanned for a micro chip; advertised in the newspaper. Nothing. Long story short, he adopted us! I named him Charlie after my grandpa Charles (sorry grandpa, nothing personal). He’s dark chocolate brown with tan legs, chest and snout – a pincher. He’s won the hearts of every resident in our courtyard. He’s crazy about French-fried onions, fish sticks, avocados and pizza (I can hear the lectures now). It was only a bite. He’s sold on dog food. We found Hardy's big blue cushion (our late German Shepherd) which Charlie adores.  He ‘smiles’ with his tail.  Perhaps God sent him as a 'earthly angel dog’ in disguise. 


So what does the story of Charlie have to do with missions? Missions are not just about going out into the world to let our light shine. It begins at home practicing “Give me your tired, poor, homeless…” as Americans and as Christians. If we can’t ‘import’ missions at home, we can’t ‘export’ it overseas – in this case – to Africa. We’re in the ‘import-export’ business! I’m not talking about dogs, cars, sugar or souvenirs made in China. Rather The Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Your love and prayers help us ‘export’ this Gospel to our ‘tired, poor, homeless’ African brothers! That’s what we do together.

February 2014