Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
Joseph, head of the building project, thanks God for his salvation
Congo pygmies - unreached people group
Where will the children go to school?
What will 2015 bring for Christians?
Love is like that
Pray for our big projects - especially the Congo Container Project
Getting fit with friends
L-R: Beth, Sherry, Jodi & Charlotte
Judy, Larry and I, Nairobi, Kenya
Jack, back row, 3rd from left. Joan seated front row, far lf
Pastor John ministers in Leer, South Sudan
Pastor David & Mama Monicah
6 of the 12 orphans
The 'top class' with Head Teacher Sarah and staff
Peace Preschool at play
Peace Preschool - one class meets under the trees
Pastor John & one of the widow's houses
Pastor Henry, Theresa & baby Joshua
Mama Josephine & family
Mama Josephine's three new orphans, L-R: Sharon, Winifred & Andrew
Pray for Pastor Patrick's health
New bunk beds, mattresses & bedding for Pastor Bernard's orphans
Minnesota Bible College, Minneapolis, MN 1960
Testimony of Project Foreman Joseph, constructing 5 Widow’s houses for Pastor John.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Here is my Testimony. I was born in a pagan home. God lead me to go live at my uncle’s home who was a ‘born again’ Christian. He led me to salvation. He and his pastor helped see that I went to school. Later they took me to a technical school where I became qualified to do construction. I’ve done it for six years now.
“I thank God for my salvation. I have tried and proved to Pastor John and to God that since it was a ‘born again’ church and Pastor John who gave me this job, I shall ever be faithful in all work given to me by any church. So mama you can trust me. Wait and see the good work I will do … for the good of the widows in Tororo. I shall work under the supervision of Pastor John. He can see the materials I bring, are the ones on the quotation list he sent to you.
“Teacher Sarah and Pastor John gave me 1,300,000 ($453) Friday 2nd Jan…. I bought the first materials to begin with … the money I was given. I began the work now and the wall in now on the 5th brick up from the ground. I shall be sending you all the costs and receipts through Pastor John at the end of the second week of the month. That is what I do.
“My assistant and I are doing technical work. The church members are plastering and bringing in 10,000 liters of water daily. They are also feeding us breakfast and lunch. That’s what they agreed to do.
“I have attached the photos taken today at 2.00 pm…. I do not know how often you are going to send money because I want to do the work in … two months … as I have other orders…. By Monday I shall need more materials so I request if God provides let us go at the same speed so I will not lose other orders in March.”
Gratefully, Joseph Oloka, Project Foreman
[NOTE: Pray that we keep up the ‘speed’ financially to send Engineer Joseph $500/week until the project is completed. The original quote totaled just over $5,000.]
1. The ‘10/40 Window’. The countries between China and Jerusalem are known in the mission
world as the 10/40 Window.
2. Two-thirds of the world’s population live in this window and 9 out of 10 who never heard
the gospel, live in this area. *(1)
3. Who lives in the 10/40 Window? The majority of people in the world and all non-
evangelized people groups live there, but less than one penny out of every $100 dollars
given to missions is used in the 10/40 Window.
4. 91 cents of all Christian outreach/evangelism targets other Christians (not non-believers).
5. 87% of all mission giving goes for work among those already Christian; $12 for work
among already evangelized but non-Christian; and 1% for non-evangelized and the
*(1) Back to Jerusalem by Eugene Bach 2014, page 55.
*(2) 2007 study by Baxter.
The conflict in South Sudan is complicated. It is tribal, resource control, power grab and religious. Fighting has displaced over one million people.
Q. How does that limit the people’s opportunities for the future?
A. That’s the crisis now in South Sudan. Fighting and decades
of war have destroyed the protection of children,
increasing their vulnerability to exploitation.
Displacement has an emotional and physical effect on children. When the conflict turns into a year or decade, they lack education, jobs, stability and ‘normal life’. Children lose the opportunity for education during war; they are forced to live in refugee camps. They wait years for ‘normal life’ to resume – if it ever does. Now you have generations of children that are displaced, a few with families but most without their families, and struggling to get an education.
Without Education, displaced children are at great risk. They are exploited into things like slave trade, child trafficking, cheap labor, child soldiers, because the family has NO MONEY and therefore NO FOOD. Social issues are the result. That’s the future that children of war have to look forward to.
It’s Not Safe for school classes to meet under trees in rural South Sudan. The UN reported 88 schools were overrun by soldiers or were used to store IDPs (Internally Displaced Peoples). Others have been burned down or destroyed by the war.
Serving Christ, Mission Network News, Editor
Q. What impact did the worst year in persecution have on the World Watch List?
A. The 2015 World Watch List ranks the top 50 countries where
Christians face the worst persecution.
Here are the Top 10 countries where you will be persecuted to be a Christian –
it may cost your life:
1. North Korea
2. Somalia
3. Iraq
4. Syria
5. Afghanistan
6. North Sudan
7. Iran
8. Pakistan
9. Eritrea
10. Nigeria
To find out what life is like for Christians in these countries, visit Open Door’s World Watch List page at There you’ll find pictures, videos and info.
This year's World Watch List includes many countries where Christians have been displaced as a result of war. Christians in Iraq and Syria have become ‘forever refugees’ due to persecution against Christians.
We don't know what 2015 will hold or how things will change for Christians in those countries, but we do know your faithfulness continues to unite the body of Christ in powerful and amazing ways.
CONCLUSION. Thank you Minnesota Bible College mystery student. Thank you Mama Josephine. And thank YOU for teaching me, ‘Love Is Like That’. Now we’ve left out the most important one. I bet you know what it is. “For GOD SO LOVED the World that He gave His only begotten Son….” John 3:16. ‘Love Is Like That’.
Putting a little John 3:16 Love in African hearts,
Bits-N-Pieces of Love-in-Action
* Jack Turner, 82, beloved Prayer Partner, was called home Dec 16, 2014. Joan & Jack often helped with container projects; used their pickup to haul medical and other relief supplies. Please pray for Joan.
* Judy Niemeyer, Kenya missionary, longtime friend, was called home on January 30th. I was privileged to visit her one last time in Nairobi, Kenya, last year. Dr. Larry and Judy developed a one-on-one Discipleship Program that has grown to 27,000 in 27 years. Pray for Larry as he carries a heavy load.
* Special Event. ACB (Arizona College of the Bible) had a reunion at ‘Bubba’s’ home. Once upon a time I was a student there before it closed its doors. At first I thought, “I’m too old to go,” but I did anyway. As it turned out, the kids who attended were at my late son Richard’s funeral in ‘93. It was a joy to see Beth, Rick, Jodi, Andy, Sherri, Frank, Nancy and others – even Richard’s favorite professor Dave Sanford and wife Karine. “Lord … tell Richard that his friends and mom still miss him so!”
* Hip update. Last year my bone doc said that I would need a left-hip revision when I returned home from Africa. Well, long story short, he moved out of state. So I saw a new bone doc, who was much more conservative. He said that as long as I felt OK it wasn’t necessary to operate. PTL!
* Leg update. For some time I’ve been troubled with sore legs. The leg doc is trying to get to the bottom of it. Texts eliminated clots, poor circulation, hips, joints. In Africa I walk a lot so PRAY God fixes this.
* Lung update. I’m 2/3s of the way through treatment for a ‘lung bug’. My lung doc is happy, as I am, we’re nearly done. Thank you for encouraging, cards, emails and prayers. They’re working!
* Getting fit. I’m working on building stamina and walk several mornings a week with my friend Carol. Fun!
* Projects At-A-Glance: Is it confusing to remember all our BIG PROJECTS to pray for? In a nutshell:
1. Orphans & Pastors Kids. We help sponsor 150+
children’s school fees, food, clothes, etc.
2. Tororo, Uganda. Build 5 widows’ houses for Peace Church.
3. Busia, Uganda. Build school & church for Pastor Delphin.
4. Angaim Village, South Sudan. Build a school for Pastor Sunlight.
5. Congo Container Project. Target shipping date, June 2015.
Cost, $16,000. We will begin mid-Feb.
Pray that God sends volunteers to help process donations.
Our former volunteers were forced to withdraw due to
poor health. We believe that God will provide new
faces if we just ASK Him.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“Thanks for your … support for both the Church and construction of the school as well as my family…. I just arrived back in Kampala, Uganda, from South Sudan. The road was washed out but the Lord made it possible. We received the money you sent … for the school, teachers and my transport. The internet was difficult in Torit. I only had time to check emails but not to reply.
I used part of the money for transport to Kampala and left the rest with Pastors Peter and Victor to pay teachers and for school construction. Attached are photos of the building project and Churches I visited. At one meeting I encouraged the Church to give money for the school construction and the community. Glory to God! The Angaim Church and community contributed bricks …, sand and stones. Thanks for your prayers….”
Thanks, Pastor Sunlight
Letter from Pastor Sunlight who just returned from Angaim Village, Sudan.
Two letters from Pastor John of Congo. The 1st, written in Juba, South Sudan, where he traveled to conduct Trauma Healing Ministry; the 2nd written after he arrived in Leer.
[Letter #1] Hello Bush Mission and Mama,
“I arrived in Juba, South Sudan, an hour ago. I began my journey January 21st, from Goma, Congo, after I received my Passport. The bus traveled first to Rwanda then to Kampala, Uganda…. A second bus carried me overnight to Gulu, Uganda…. There … I caught a taxi van at the Border … and arrived in Juba, South Sudan, at 5: 00 PM…. The border officer said to come back the next morning as the border was closed.
“On the 23rd at 5:00 am I returned to the border; the office stamped my Passport. At 8:00 a.m. we left and arrived in Juba at 4:00 pm. I thank God for a safe trip. I checked in at Milano Hotel … and waited for Pastor Thomas…. My coworker, Pastor Viseke, left Congo after me and will arrive in Juba tonight….
“Pastor Stephen had emailed me an ‘official invitation’, required at the border…. Thanks for inviting me to do this work for God’s purpose…. Now I am very tired so I will rest and prepare my lessons. I will call Pastor Thomas and tell him that I am at Milano Hotel. I request prayer for South Sudan Trauma Healing Ministry….”
May God be with you all, Pastor John
[Letter #2] Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“I arrived safely in LEER at 11:00 AM…. I am happy to meet Pastor Stephen and every servant with him. I am blessed…. Pastor Stephen found a good home for me and my coworker, Pastor Viseke, to stay. May God give me grace for the time I am here…. Pray for me…. It will be my first time to preach in English. I want to have the same gift of grace [that] the Apostles had on the Day of Pentecost when the Spirit came down…. Pastor Stephen is one of the kindest men I have ever met…. This Sunday I will preach [to] 500 people….”
Pray for me, Pastor John
Letter from Mama Monicah. She and Pastor David care for 12 street kids.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“Thank you for the money received…. I am very sick with ‘high malaria’ and two children are sick with measles. Thank you Mama for your encouraging messages from the word of God. I'm getting well with the children through God’s help. We … are still under doctor’s care.
“These are the answers to your questions: 1) NETS. The kids sleep under mosquito nets but since they are not on beds they roll around the floor and wiggle outside of the nets…. 2) WATER. There are no pools of water on the property. We boil water and fill a ten liter container for drinking; 3) DECEMBER MONEY. We appreciated … the money you sent. We paid house rent, bought food and medicine, and with the extra money I bought gifts for the children. I bought clothes for some and nice food for Christmas. We also bought Christmas gifts for the Sunday School children…. 4) SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND LUNCHES. School lunches are 600,000 shillings per term total ($209). School supplies for 12 children cost 139,000 shillings ($48) …. New shoes and uniforms for 12 are 480,000 shillings ($167). We pray that God will provide.”
Thank you in advance, Monicah , Kampala
not have nice ones for Christmas. The other half he bought sodas, snacks and Christian movies to show the children. I took my children and they enjoyed them so much…. We all appreciate your support deep in our hearts.”
Sarah, Peace Preschool
Letter from Sarah, Head Teacher of Peace Preschool.
Dear Mama & Bush Prayer Partners,
“I delayed to reply as my son, Jonathan, was sick and often at the clinic so I could not pick up the money. Finally I did and distributed it to … Pastor John. He used half to buy clothes for those who did
Letter from Pastor John, Peace Church. The 5 widows’ homes are coming along.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“This is to report how the work has gone the first few weeks … with the money you sent: 5,000 Bricks to begin; 5 trips for bricks; 1 trip for river sand; 1 trip for misc. supplies; and 13 bags of cement…. Thank you for sending money to complete the foundation and wall on the main house…. The builder, a Christian, does not work on Sundays. The pit latrine is now 7 ft. deep. The engineer, Joseph Oloka, finishes his work by 4:00 pm every Saturday [see photo]. We will finish all the work in … six weeks if money is sent on time….”
Pastor John, Peace Church
Letter from Pastor Henry. He’s recovered and busy building a new church and preschool.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“ … Thank you for the support, encouraging emails and prayers…. I have been sick with my wife Teresa and son Joshua…. I was admitted to the hospital with malaria, typhoid and a back problem. Mama Josephine came to check on me … when I came back home I was still weak. We are all improving with the power of God's healing hand…. While I was down, it was hard to accomplish anything….
“For the money you sent, we have done the work. The … receipts are attached. We have put on the roof, doors and windows. The balance was used to pay for timber. We had a shortage of 643,700 shillings ($224) for labor and work. Photos … will be sent later…. The work looks so nice. We pray that God can open a way to add black boards for the preschool; and cement for the floor…. We are grateful…. May our Lord reward you….”
We are praying for you, Pastor Henry, Busia.
Letter from Mama Josephine who welcomed 3 new orphans!
We suggested she assign older children to tutor the younger ones
who struggle with studies; and to hire lady helper.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“Thank you for your prayers and support. Pastor Henry … comes to pray and encourage the children to study hard…. Sylvia is the name of our new helper at home. I will be paying her 150,000 shillings ($53) monthly.
“The names of my 3 new orphans are: Winifred, age 14; Sharon, age 15; and Andrew, age 5…. They are sisters and brother. Their sad story … and forced me to include them in our family. The girls are in Secondary
School (High School) and little Andrew will begin kindergarten. Their father died when they were young; the mother became mad and disappeared. They lived with their grandfather, a widower. He sold his land to pay their school fees. When he died last year … the children … were stranded…. Relatives abused the girls and tried to force them to marry for the dowry. Local authorities asked me to take them…. I pray that God opens a way to … find sponsors for their school fees….
“Thank you for giving another chance to the 3 children who did poorly in their studies. I will not continue to give Hillary and Bashire a lot of hard work at home as it affected their studies…. They failed their grade and will have to repeat. Attached are copies of my Medical Receipts from Kampala…. The doctors told me to go back there for a checkup … on February 24.
“…7th grade results are back. Barbra’s grades were very good and she will be in Senior 1 (9th grade)…. She was Head Girl at her school. Fatuma, Lazia and Wilkister’s results are not out yet…. The money you sent paid for 5 Kenyan and 6 Ugandan students…. The rest I still need to pay. All the Ugandan students will return to school on February 22…. That’s the 1st term of the new school year…. God bless you.”
Yours in Christ, Mama Josephine, Busia.
Letter from Pastor Patrick who keeps 6 orphans, has been very ill.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Greetings in the name of … Jesus…. I was sick all of December with typhoid…. I was treated and nearly over it but found myself down again. I … was referred to Scorpion Clinic where they … also found malaria…. It cost me … 11,849 shillings ($129) …. Pastor Henry paid for me. I will repay him later. Thank you … for your prayers. Since I was at Scorpion Clinic I’m feeling better. Only very weak. I cannot stand long and have no strength. The children send you greetings and … we pray for you as you pray for us. I have sent all receipts for treatment, house rent and school fees….”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick, Busia
Letter from Pastor Bernard who oversees an orphanage of 25 children with 37 day boarders. He had a financial emergency and needed help ASAP. Hay! We’ve all been there.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“… On Behalf of our family and ministry I say thank you for the quick decision to assist us to overcome the big financial challenge that was facing us…. This was not ordinary and we lack words to express our sincere gratitude to the entire Bush Mission…. We also appreciated the … new beds, mattresses, beddings, etc. that we received because it has changed our orphanage….”
Your son, Pastor Bernard
Your heart also holds special memories of folks who qualify for the “Love Is Like That” award. And we at Bush Telegraph Mission know that without your kind of LOVE, you wouldn’t be crazy enough to be doing what you’re doing – holding us up in prayer and deed.
All I know is that ever since we met Mama Jo has been 60 years old. I chuckle when I think of that. But I also cry. Imagine! An uneducated, ‘old woman’ from the slums of Busia, teaching me, an educated, cultured American, such a powerful lesson on the meaning of LOVE. I stand amazed.
Even today, when I think of people like Mama Josephine, I recall that message, ‘Love Is Like That’. Below you’ll read her latest letter saying how she’s taken in three more orphans – bringing the number to 35. Is this logical? Practical? Convenient? No. But with Mama Jo, ‘love is like that’. Can you put a price tag on that kind of love? No. It’s not for sale. You may think, “Oh! She must be a young woman full of energy!” Again, no.
LOVE IS LIKE THAT. I remember when, as a freshman at Minnesota Bible College, I was sitting in chapel one day when a senior gave what is called a ‘senior sermon’. His was entitled ‘Love Is Like That’. This young man was about to graduate and go out into the world to preach the Gospel. I’ve long forgotten his name but the message he gave that day still echoes in my heart. A seed was sown. With Valentine’s Day upon us, it seems only fitting to share this story with you.
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
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Prayer 'N' Praise
February 2015