Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
"Norbert, rt, has been called to pastor Rugamba Church."
USA. February was a wild month with over a dozen invites to share what God is doing in Africa. We praise God for His goodness. Please pray as I fly this week to Grand Junction, Colorado, for the World Mission Conference. May His message of LOVE continue to ring across the land and around the world.
Answering the "Call,"
Charlotte Sinclair Barkley
"Mike is selling us his Holland tractor and driving it from Uganda to South Sudan."
Baby Joan now in Kindergarten
SUDAN/UGANDA. Rev Stephen thanks BTM for our prayers for his son Matgoanar.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
“Thank you for [your] prayers for our needs. You always pray for my son Matgoanar who suffered for two years. He and his mother, Regina, (my wife) just returned from Khartoum, Sudan. They are now home in Kampala, Uganda. Let your prayers continue for us and for the peace of South Sudan. Some rebel soldiers don’t want peace as last week there was fighting between people in Mayendit and Panyijiar, Unity State.”
“There are people who come into your life and rip you apart. And there are the few who will come to mend your heart. Those few are you who made me stand on my feet knowing there is a chance to change the worst to the best. I appreciate your support and for not giving up on me through all conditions. What you did was more than a miracle. I say it one more time. Thanks.”
God bless you, Rev Stephen
"Himodonge Clinic."
"God is love...."
"350 students report for the new school term."
In Jonglei State, Wanglei Village, South Sudan, Commissioner Dau graciously invited Mator and I to stay in his humble compound. Two of his 5 bodyguard soldiers vacated their rooms for us. Commissioner Dau’s 15 retired soldiers who lost everything in the war, also lived there and ate one meal a day. Still they welcomed us with open arms. We also shared our food with them.
In Kenya at Mayfield Guest House, Harold, my ‘Big Brother’, oversaw details of trips to surrounding countries even though I left at 5 am by bus.
In the USA widows living on fixed incomes give sacrificially to sponsor Mama Josephine’s orphans for school fees. Imagine! LOVING children you don’t know and will never meet! These are examples of LOVE in action.
YOU SAY, “I could never do what you do.” But that’s MY ‘calling’. What’s YOUR ‘calling’?
You may be the one who sits on the front porch; smiling and waving to a school child passing by.
You may be the one who takes a meal to the new mother in the neighborhood.
You may be the teen who mows the lawn of an elderly neighbor recovering from surgery.
You may be the one who visits a patient in the hospital needing a comforting word.
You may be the one who takes an unbeliever to the doctor or shopping or walk his dog.
You may be the one who phones shut-ins to say, ‘You are not forgotten; you are LOVED.”
In February we celebrated our LOVE for one another and for God Who gave His Son because of His perfect LOVE for us. BTM has been called to bring that same LOVE to ‘The Least of These’. As I look back on my recent trips to Africa I recall many examples of sacrificial LOVE shown to this missionary. Here are but a few:
In Goma, Congo, Mamma Immaculate stayed up late at night chopping veggies to make soup for breakfast (yes, I said ‘soup’). Our day began at 6 am – depending on her roosters - but she knew how much I LOVED her soup and sacrificed her sleep to prepare it.
Dear Bush Team & Mama,
“I received the wire transfer to my bank for 21,353,000 shillings ($5,775 less bank fees). Hillary’s fees for Busia Vocational Training Center was 25,000 Kenya shillings ($251) for term one. I will keep you informed of his progress. Baby Joan, age 4, our youngest orphan, began ‘Baby Class’ (kindergarten) where Elvis, Danny and Kisakye go.
“Those who graduated from Secondary School are Little Jackson, Bulasio, Sharon and Zowena. They will begin college in August. The boys are doing construction work as porters and the girls are frying chips (French fries). I sell crafts and earn about 150,000 shillings ($41) a month. I use that to buy materials for stock, electric bill, water bill, food and supplies for the kids.
“About Richard. He has been working for a construction company. It was not permanent and now he wants to do a course called Welding and Fabrication. The school is Pioneer Technical Institute in Iganga.
“About Lazia. She finished Secondary School and wants to take a course in Record Keeping and Information Management in Tororo. The school is called Uganda College of Commerce. Lazia has been working part time as a money agent. Thank you for the wonderful support and prayers towards our family.”
Yours in love,
Bulasio for Mama Josephine
"Celestin and Evangelists visit the Adna family."
"On wash day it's 'Rub-a-dub-dub'."
OUR MISSION FIELD is all around us. God commands His children to live in LOVE; grow in LOVE; mature in LOVE; share in LOVE and show the world the difference LOVE makes in our lives. “And so we know and rely on the LOVE God has for us. God is LOVE. Whoever lives in LOVE lives in God and God in them.” [1 John 4:16] Thank you for helping us show African brothers the difference that LOVE makes in their lives through your LOVE and prayers.
[Letter #2] Dear Bush Family & Mama,
“The children are now back to school. About the money you sent for school fees. I paid for the majority of the children except three, Brian, Josephine Barbra and Bashir, who missed school fees. I couldn't pay because their test results were not released so I only paid for those who were to start back to school soon.
[Later] “After paying school fees I remained with a balance of 191,400 Ugandan shillings ($52) in my bank account. The three children just got their test results [who were missing fees]. They were promoted to Senior Five and reported back on February 18th. The Secondary School students (high school) have a number of requirements that must be paid which add up to 850,000 shillings ($230) per student. Thank you so very much for the support and we pray that God will bless you abundantly.”
Yours in Love,
Bulasio for Mama Josephine
"(lf-rt) Charlotte, Rev Stephen, Regina and Luz" (taken 2016)
"Rev Stephen's son, Matgoanar, is recovering from a serious illness."
“Called from worship to Your service,
Forth in Your dear name we go,
“To the child, the youth,
the aged, LOVE in living deeds to show;
“Hope and health, goodwill and comfort,
Counsel, aid, and peace we give,
“That Your servants, Lord, in freedom, May Your mercy know and live.”
"Sunlight's (seen in the middle) children are back in school at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, Uganda."
UGANDA. Letters from Mama Monicah.
Dear Bush Family & Mama,
“Our children started school on February 4th. We appreciate your support and prayers. We were blocked to sell our Salva Co. porridge and other food products (two weeks ago) but trust God. We received 150,000 Ugandan shillings ($40) support from Pastor David. This is how we spent the support from you and David: 1) House rent; 2) Electricity and water; 3) Supplies for primary children moving up to Secondary School; 4) Four new uniforms for Secondary School. I bought material to take to a tailor because at school the uniforms cost 180,000 shillings each ($49) - very expressive. 5) Also school supplies for Secondary School for six children plus their extra requirements. 6) Finally food; and 7) first aid.
We are praying for you all.”
Mama Monicah, Kampala, Uganda
[Note: we are looking into why her new company was shut down.]
RWANDA. Pastor Celestin and Team have been busy Evangelizing and share two stories below.
Dear Friends & Mama,
“Attached is a receipt on how money was spent. It was for food at Rwamagana School. The Widow Fatuma is doing well. She continues attending the Christian Church in Nyamata. I talked to her last week and prayed with her. Thank God you are praying for her too. I will give her the money gift you sent [from one of your Prayer Partners] and later send you her picture.
“Our Team has been paying their own transport. We have spent 175,500 francs ($200) and remain with 4,100 ($67) in the account. This month we will continue teaching the Word of God to people in rural areas. We plan to reach women in rural Muhanga. Your partnership has revived many. Thanks for all who pray for us.”
Pastor Celestin
"Pray we get the roof on by the end of March before the rains come."
"It's time for homework at home."
"Four Evangelists taught the student."
[Letter #2] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“The reason we bought a printer and solar panel for the school is to print and scan 350 exam papers, report cards and documents. It was very expensive to pay someone to do this in town. The printer will pay for itself in a few months. Only Pastor Peter and I will use it. We found a safe place in Torit to store them until we finish building the school. Our community is ready and willing to carry on with construction.
“The motor bike is somehow still working. Transporting school items like food for the students is difficult. We had to hire someone to carry it, which was expensive, but we had no option. The school has opened and students are reporting. We will send an update soon. Teachers are committed to their work.
“Concerning splitting of timbers [trees]: there is a need for a tractor or tipping lorry [truck]. The timber has to be transported to the construction site. We have no one in our community who knows how to split timbers. We must also provide food for volunteers in the community who assist in tree splitting.”
Pastor Sunlight
[Note: BTM has wired a total of $11,000 for equipment and building supplies.]
"Peter and Sunlight use the new printer with solar panel."
"Cake and milk for all."
"Visiting the sick in South Sudan."
"Pray for Safi, a student,
now HIV positive."
"Carrying hundreds of pounds of food to Angaim Village is a challenge."
"You are not forgotten. You are loved."
"We had success meeting in small groups for Evangelism."
"These widows, Marie, Rose Marie and Carol, sponsor four of Mama Josephine's orphans."
"Commissioner Dau's Armed Guards lived at his compound and ate with us."
CONGO. Pastor Delphin reports on his ministry journey to Congo.
Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“I am thankful to God for a safe journey to Congo. Your prayers were helpful. I reached Rugamba Village on Saturday. Then Monday I traveled to Goma where I met church leaders and later the CAAP Team. In the afternoon I met with the landlord of EDEN church. In Rugamba I met Mama Foibe (pron "Phoebe") and her family. The church is doing well. They need a permanent pastor. Rugamba’s church leader for 6 years was Timothy, along with his mother, Mama Foibe. I told them to pray that God would send a new servant. One member, Felician, 77, passed away when I was there. He was the one we assisted with eyes glasses.
“In Goma I met with EDEN church elders. We talked about issues concerning my departure from EDEN church and my move to Uganda. I cleared up false rumors. They understood. Then we planned the work of God. One elder, Robert, was sick. After the meeting we visited and prayed for him. I told about the need of Rugamba church for a pastor. Elder Norbert is ready to go this year. Praise God for answered prayer!
“About the landlord of EDEN church property. Everything was cleared in the elders’ meeting. He asked us to look for another church in two years as he needs his land for other things. EDEN church wishes to restart the Women At Risk program, however, I suggested to make two branches: one at EDEN and another at CAAP under Mama Immaculate and Mama Zawadi. I also met with them.
“I am now back at Rwamwanja Refugee Camp. Daily I share the gospel. My plan is to start a new church in the camp. I already have land and am praying for construction. Women At Risk will also start soon. I will send a Report about the situation of women and children is this camp. I came with my grandson Aquila and his mom (my daughter). My eldest daughter will join us here in Uganda in March. Thank you for praying.
In His love,
Pastor Delphin
(Letter #2) Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“During Evangelism at Rwamagana School we met a young girl, Sifa, who was raped by an old man - the boy friend of her mother. She is 17 and the old man is 60. He is HIV positive. Now both Sifa and her mother are HIV positive. Her life will be terrible and she doesn’t have a father. When we heard the news we decided to take the Word of God to her school to encourage and pray. At the end we prepared cakes and a cup of milk for everyone. We preached against the sin of sex in youth.
“We are meeting with small groups in Evangelism and allow everyone to share after the teaching. This is intensive Evangelism targeting groups in different places. One of the groups is taught by four Evangelists.
“Last month we achieved many things in schools and families going door-to-door. The first two pictures are Evangelists Musafiri, Obedi, Rwizigura and myself visiting the Adna family. Their two young girls attended our youth ministries but for the last 3 months they haven't come. We did not know the reason but when we visited the family we found out their mother goes to the Catholic Church and prevented her daughters from attending as we’re not Catholic. We told them that the Bible is the same for all and we pray to the same God and that we allow those who do not have any faith or a different religion to attend. At the end we shared God’s Word and prayed. They promised their girls would attend next time and asked us to visit other families.
“The third picture is our Youth Evangelist with boys and girls practicing songs before going to evangelize in school. The forth picture is our Team organizing materials to take to schools for evangelism.
Pastor Celestin,
Director, Guardian Angel Ministries
[Letter #2] Dear Friends & Mama,
“Praise the Lord! My son Matgoanar passed Senior 4 exams. I had no hope that he would pass because he was sick in 2018. Now he passed and will join Senior 5. Thank you. Here are the receipts for school fees for the following: 1) Nyatiek – Senior 3; 2) Tekuoth – Senior 2; 3) Nyakuoth – Senior 2; 4) Nyakim - Senior 2. The total amount = 2,062,652 Ugandan shillings ($558).
“As a pastor I am the responsible person, but everything of mine was destroyed in 2013 when war erupted in South Sudan. My house, cows and goats all disappeared. I became a beggar. But God is great. You took the responsibility of my children. I call all of them my children even though two are orphans, as they are under my care. I ask for mercy for 2019, otherwise I do not have enough money for school fees. Last year 2018, BTM also helped feed my Nuer people in Leer (where BTM ministered before war).
“Continue praying for peace and stability in South Sudan. Pray that political leaders will end this conflict. Over one million Sudanese have fled to refugee camps in Northern Uganda. Pray the Lord will provide resources for Mama Charlotte to continue ministry among the Leer people as BTM did in 2018. Continue praying for children of pastors who face difficulties with school fees. We pray the signing of the Peace Treaty may bring real peace, even though killing still happens in places. Thank you.”
In God’s Service,
Rev. Stephen
Little Jackson
"Mama Immaculate makes the best ever veggie soup for breakfast! She loves her new teaching aids for Sunday School."
"Over one million Sudanese men, women and children (including our pastors), have fled to Refugee Camps in Northern Uganda."
Josephine Barbra
IN CONCLUSION, my friend Bernadette sent me the words to the song, ‘Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service’ written by Albert Bayly. Verse 4 spoke to my heart on GOD’S LOVE & our respective ‘calls
"Harold, so wise with good advice and an excellent planner for my long trips."
SOUTH SUDAN.Pastor Sunlight reports that construction at Angaim Village School has begun!
Dear Bush Family & Mama,
“My children and my wife Susan at Kiryongongo Refugee Camp are okay. They began school last Monday. I arrived home in Angaim Village, South Sudan. Then I made a trip to Torit with Ohide from Angaim Village. We were hit by a motorbike. The person who hit us was James, a doctor at Himodonge Clinic. He was drunk and on my side of the road. I had no space to pass. I was using Gabriel's motorbike, the one we used when Mama Charlotte was here. The two bikes were wrecked. I was not injured but Ohide, my passenger, was. We were taken to the hospital but discharged. I am home recovering, only my feet were dislocated. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.”
His Servant,
Pastor Sunlight
[Letter #3] Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“We are pushing ahead to finish the school’s roof in March by the grace of God. We appreciate every prayer and sacrifice you have made for the Angaim community. We finally found a Ugandan man from Gulu, Uganda, who is selling his used Holland tractor at $15,000 [normal price $35,000+]. He is ready to drive it up to South Sudan. This is a full set and includes engine, body and the plough. His name is Mike of the Acholi tribe. He works with a company here in Torit splitting timbers and teak logs. We prepared the new power saw for use and will soon begin splitting. Everything is progressing.
“South Sudan is getting calm and things are moving slowly. I was at the funeral of Deyiya who was shot along the road to Juba. She left two daughters behind. The father of the children is from Angaim Village but the mother is from Torit. She was buried in Torit at her father's home. The condition of her two children is not good. The younger one fell sick the day of the funeral. She is getting medicine now.
“Thanks again for wiring money to the bank account in Kampala. I will travel tomorrow to pick it up. The tractor we are renting temporarily will go to the building site tomorrow to collect bricks. We also found an experienced splitter to split timbers. Thank you again for praying and loving us.”
Thank you and God bless you,
Pastor Sunlight
February 2019