Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
[Letter #2] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“I am back in Angaim Village, South Sudan, doing: 1) Missions through soccer; 2) Training and discipleship; 3) Digging a latrine for the school; and 4) buying food for our 15 Street Boys.
“There is heavy fighting between three villages including Oudo Village. It’s ‘revenge killing’; 207 houses were burned and families displaced. Women, the elderly and children suffered. They are sheltering near our Prayer Center in Torit. This Sunday we offered them prayer and encouragement. They're in need of food, clothes and medicine. All their homes were burned. They escaped and took refuge in Torit. Their enemies are advancing. The government is sending soldiers to rescue those cut off from their homes and hiding. I have been praying with them since Sunday; encouraging them with the Word.
“People are dying each day along roads and in villages due to tribal conflict and greed. Only God will bring a good leader and end this useless killing of our brothers and sisters.”
Pastor Sunlight
"40 a day die in the camps from starvation."
"Mamas use the colorful wraps to hold babies on their backs; and also for bed sheets."
"Digging a new pit latrine for the Angaim Village School."
We are proud of our Primary and High School students at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp."
UGANDA, BUSIA. Letter from Bulasio who writes for Mama Josephine.
Dear Sponsors & Mama,
“Mama Josephine was given an abandoned child who was burnt by her mother. She suddenly died yesterday. We will bury her today. The baby, one year, was Agnes. Thanks for paying school fees. The kids are grateful and happy that they are going back to school. Pastor Peter who paid our school fees, came to visit last week. He also visited children at their schools. He is like a father. We had a good time talking to him.
“Big Jackson is away from home working for farmers in Jinja. Names of those who finished high school and moved out: 1) Richard; 2) Lillian; 3) Little Jackson; 4) Sharon N; 5) Zowena; and 6) Bashire. Those who live at home and finished school: 1) Selina; 2) Dennis; and 3) Brian. Recently I helped Josephine Barbra apply at the university and got a government sponsorship but no food or hostel fee. I am currently studying but applied for a ‘dead year’ as I couldn't afford tuition. Selina’s friend taught her how to sew clothes. I talked to Mama Josephine about limiting TV. I advise and encourage the children to work hard. About the garden: the big kids planted cassava. We planted maize and beans last time and got a small harvest. The soil was too poor.”
Yours in love,
Bulasio for Mama Josephine
SUDAN/UGANDA. Letter from Rev Stephen, Regional Director of Unity State, South Sudan.
“First of all I am sorry for this long time without communication. I went to Khartoum, Sudan, for treatment since October. I just came back to Uganda. Those five months in Khartoum I had three operations on my leg and two on my eyes. That is why I didn't get your message as I never worked on a computer. This is my first day today. I lost my elder son on December 31, 2022, in Juba, South Sudan. He graduated from Khartoum University as an engineer 3 years ago. Please pray for my family. He died from malaria and ulcers and was only sick 1½ days. Pass my greetings to everyone in BTM. Thanks for your sympathy.”
God bless you,
Rev Stephen
TEE Coordinator/Pastor of Leer Parish
"Vets give thanks to God for the opportunity to be equipped with the Word of God."
"Mama Josephine's orphans need a few new mattresses."
[Letter #3] Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“About Kanyaruchinya Refugee Camp: The need to save lives was high. It is so painful to see a naked newborn baby sleeping without a tarp over the family’s head to keep them dry from rain. Just torn plastic bags.
Some Mamas with no clothes – only a dirty blanket. Security is a big issue.
[Later]. You cannot imagine how much BTM is helping. I pray for your Partners. Goma (our town) is surrounded by refugees from Rutshuru, Bunagana, Rumangabo and Rugari. In Kanyaruchinya Refugee Camp I gave away tarps to 100 families. We gave to mamas with newborns, elderly, widows, orphans, pastors. We gave 100 wraps and food to mamas. Wraps are used for clothing; to carry babies on their backs; and as bed sheets. War is going on around Goma. We managed to complete the wall under a bomb attack. God is protecting us.
“We now have 4 refugee camps near Goma. Our Mubambiro Pygmy Church members (built by BTM) are in Bulengo Refugee Camp without tarps as well. Please find enclosed that list of names. There are 119 people who need tarps there as well. They have nothing and are starving. There is another Refugee Camp in Rusayo and another in Lac Vert. The total number for all refugees has reached 500,000. We had 54 people at Kanyaruchinya Refugee Camp who did not receive tarps. Yesterday Evangelist Thomas and I planned to carry on having church in an open space. God bless you as you care for His people.”
Mama Zawadi
[Note: God opened the heart of a church to provide 54 tarps.]
"We thank God for Heaven Sent Ministries offer to provide food for the Container."
Charlotte Sinclair Barkley
"Pastor Peter visits Mama Josephine's home."
[Letter #4] Dear Friends of Bush & Mama,
“There were 19 Street Kids in the beginning of the program. Four left, one child was added bringing the total to 15: Nicolas, Lorate, William and Joseph left the Street Boy Program in Angaim Village. Attached are Kiryandongo Refugee Camp children's photos. Kikil is the senior girl. We are thankful for her example. I paid the complete fee for Kikil and those in 1st grade. By the end of the week I will journey back to South Sudan. We are going with Toby, my brother.
The Street Children's house was mudded. I bought maize; charcoal – 3 bags; veggies; water; sugar; and ‘boda-boda’. I bought this from Omolokony, a local dealer. They don't have receipts. Total = 1,621,000 shillings ($428). The remaining will be used for soap since they are at school. Some children board 7 days a week, no weekends. Pray for a successful year for all students. Thank you.”
Yours sincerely,
Pastor Sunlight
"207 homes burned; displaced people flee to Torit's Prayer Center."
"Christopher sent Mama Christine her monthly support. Seen here with her children."
"Congrats to Evaline for winning 2nd place in Senior I in Kiryandongo Refugee Camp! What an honor!"
"Our Mubambiro Pygmy Church members fled to Bulengo Refugee Camp - no tarps. Pictured: a primitive shelter 3 ft high, covered with grass and plastic bags. It sleeps 15 people."
"Teacher's meeting. We now have 12 dedicated teachers at the Angaim School."
KENYA. Letter from the Director.
Dear Prayer Partners,
“In late 2022, Gideon stepped down as BTM’s Africa Director. In January, which begins the new school year, we asked Peter, Director of Caring For Kenya’s Kids, to pay school fees for Mama Josephine and Mama Christine. Peter said ‘Yes’; hopped on a bus; and crossed the border into Busia, Uganda. There he oversaw paying fees for 60+ orphans - a daunting job. Peter, a Kenyan, took over the mission from Chuck McDonald, who stepped down due to medical issues. Peter has 15 high school students who board at school but live at the mission during holidays. Peter needed help to sponsor 10 poor students in the community (not living at the mission) but was unable to pay their school fees. BTM agreed to sponsor these ten students for the first term.
“Last November 2022 I attended the Int’l Conf On Missions and met Daniel Elisama, Sudanese CEO of ACROSS mission. Later I wrote him asking if he could help Peter. He replied, ‘Yes’ and sent Dan Janzen, Agriculture expert, to visit Peter at C4KK to help develop the mission property.”
In His Service,
"Jesus said to His disciples, 'The Harvest – and Children - are plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest’." Matthew 9:38.
"With nearly 300 students, Zion School, Angaim Village, is the pride and joy of 8 Districts (called 'Payams') in Torit County, South Sudan."
"This Mama has no clothes to wear - only a dirty blanket. Her baby, lower left, has no clothes. Mama Zawadi, lower rt, said, 'No babies had clothes'."
"Peter's 15 precious students at C4KK are always on the go."
"The Buleusa 'Women At Risk' sewing club. Now they can support their families."
"We love watching our 15 precious Street Boys growing in word and deed at Angaim Village, South Sudan!"
[Letter #4] Dear Bush Partners & Mama,
“WFP (world Food Program) brought a plane of tarps but it’s still not enough for ½ million refugees near Goma. They said they have never seen this kind of crisis before. Doctors Without Borders are also helping. They are building latrines in Kanyaruchinya Refugee Camp but cannot help with food. Refugees looted food in Goma shops. Food costs triple compared to before. Our government is fighting too, otherwise the whole region would be taken over by terrorists. Rwanda borders Goma, Congo, and wants to take Kivu State. They are after our minerals. People are dying here and the world is silent. We daily seek God’s help.”
[Later] “Thank you for your wonderful sacrifice. About 40 people die daily in camps due to starvation. God will make a way. Today I visited Goma-Lac Vert Refugee Camp. They need water, latrines, tarps, food and clothes. Today, I received the money from BTM. We will give tarps to Goma-Lac Vert Camp.”
God bless you,
Mama Zawadi
"Sunlight shops for food and charcoal for our Kiryandongo kids."
"Buying food for the Kiryandongo Refugee kids."
"Lf. Children from Ruyema Village eat nourishing food including boiled eggs. Rt. Teaching preschoolers basic hygiene in Muyange Village."
"The Mugunga wall is about finished. One day 100+ orphans will live on this property."
"John Mark and his beloved late wife of 50+ years, Darlene."
CONGO. Letters from Mama Zawadi. There’s a war going on!
[Letter #1] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“We continue to build the wall in Mugunga around the plot where orphans will live one day. The builders use 15-20 bags of cement per day. We only have 4 bags left and sand. Tomorrow I will be there to supervise.
Deo, my husband, and I take turns. God will make a way and He will do great things there. The ladies at church want me to carry on teaching this year. The Lord showed me in a vision that I was feeding the ladies with His Bread. I am teaching from Psalm 89:15. We must be holy as He is holy. In my Report about Buleusa Women At Risk, Mama Sifa and the 7 Bategeju orphans and my Team received Christmas Bonuses. Zaire and Guillome did not get one as I gave Thomas the $100 as BTM recommended towards church transport. Everyone was happy.”
God Bless,
Mama Zawadi
[Note: later we sent a Christmas bonus for Zaire & Guillome.]
"Pray as we negotiate with our shipper, Independent Ocean Services."
"This woman gave the baby away because her mother died."
[Letter #2] Dear Prayer Partners & Mama,
“Your donation will be used to complete the wall construction. We still need cement, sand, water and to pay builders. The $50 each was a bonus to Guillaume (will pay two month’s rent) and Zaire (will pay a hospital bill). They helped me a lot. Our women were happy to receive the homemade sanitary pads as they could not afford to buy them. Please thank Sweet Sewing Sisters. Tomorrow I will go to Kanyaruchinya Refugee Camp for distribution. It took time to prepare the Distribution Kits and work on a Security Plan. These people are starving. It gets out of control to distribute to them. I have a plan to do this peacefully and went to prepare. We will give tarps, clothes, pots and food in a new location, not at the camp. It involves 120 families.”
God bless you,
Mama Zawadi
"Thanks Aamolds from Colorado for your truck load of treasures."
CONCLUSION. Thank you for sharing God’s love with ‘Children of the World’ – plus many others who live far, far away in Africa. We couldn’t do this if it wasn’t for you. Your support allows us to minister to the Least, the Last and the Lost – especially vulnerable, helpless Children.
"Rev Stephen, Mama Elizabeth and I during a previous visit."
"Peter and Damaris, his sweet wife, CEO of C4KK ('Caring For Kenya's Kids'."
RWANDA. Surprise! Pastor Celestin partnered with PCCR (Parenting Child Care Rwanda) to feed children!
Dear Friends & Mama,
“We partnered with PCCR (Parenting Child Care Rwanda), a Christian ministry that helps children develop their full potential. They have programs in Gasabo and Ngoma Districts; fighting malnutrition among children; teaching better cooking methods; and the importance of a balanced diet. We targeted vulnerable children facing malnutrition and guardians who lack parenting skills. To summarize we reached, taught and fed 265 youth from 11 villages: Gako, Muyange, Nyamugari, Ruyema I, Ruyema II, Cyerwa, Mizibiri, Nyagasenga, Rugarama, Kanege, and Gakuto. Thank you for feeding children and reaching out with God’s love.”
In Christ,
Pastor Celestin & Caleb (National Coordinator PCCR), Rwanda
"Big Jackson (rt) now works for farmers in Jinja. Seen here with Bulasio."
"Nisha's fees are cleared. Praise the Lord!"
"ACROSS Team headed by Dan Janzen, Agricultural Expert, visited Caring For Kenya's Kids to advise them about planting crops."
"Peter (green shirt) with Josephine's high school students."
"Thank you Pastor Michelle for hosting the Container Project."
“Thank you Pastor Scott of Arizona for your ‘elephant-sized’ donation towards shipping the Container! Please no more donations at this time. It’s full. We’re negotiating with Independent Ocean Services, a shipping company; and Heaven Sent Ministries, who offered to donate pallets of food – so excited at God’s provision! We continue to praise God for the many hands and generous hearts involved in this mammoth project, including the Aamolds who drove a truck load from Colorado. Pastor Michelle of Litchfield Park Church where our storage container is located. Too many names to list but God knows – your names will be written in the Book of Life."
Counting my many blessings naming them 100 X 100, Charlotte
One of the most beautiful, hand-painted murals I’ve ever seen is at our bank. It’s called “Children of the World” by Jay Datus. It’s huge and near the ceiling; stretching wall-to-wall. Every time I walk in the front door, it serves as a reminder of what I do as a missionary.
In fact, I spend so much time at bank that I’m on a first-name basis. One day Angie (name changed) was processing Bush Telegraph Mission checks. I commented, “What beautiful blue nails - each has a different design with sparkles and jewels.” I gathered my courage. “So how much did it cost to have your nails done?” “$75,” she replied. I gasped. I wanted to say, “$75? That would pay school fees for one of Mama Josephine’s kindergarten orphans.”
Caption, "Mamas at Kanyaruchinya Refugee Camp were very happy to receive Sanitary Kits as they have none. According to tradition pads are not shown in public. Hence the kits."
That’s how important children are to Jesus. Our Lord has YOU and me here for a purpose - not just to paint nails and toes. So let’s roll up our spiritual sleeves and get to work. Join us in the Harvest Field – beginning with children in your own back yard. Thank you for your love, prayers and words of encouragement.
"Children of the World" mural at my bank.
[Letter #1] Hi Bush Family & Charlotte,
“Money, money, money. What to do with it? OK, give it away to those in need. I’m not on a fixed income as I am gainfully employed. I do the sales; office work; and run materials to my guys. Don’t worry about me. It’s your choice - use my donation wherever needed. Keep on plugging. Jesus said His followers would be in for much suffering as Satan is evil. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! Prayers!”
John Mark,
"Faith wants to become a doctor one day. Here she is practicing on a neighbor."
"Angaim School sport's team in their new smart uniforms."
"Sharon will be joining Siaya Tech in May."
"(L-R) Pastor Christopher, Faith (youngest), wife Jane, daughters Hephzibah and Hannah."
"Lf. "A parent learns how to prepare legumes and properly wash dishes. Rt. A parent from Nyagasenga Village learns how to prepare food, eggs and fruit for children."
"Zaire (rt), Mama Zawadi and I at the Mugunga property being developed for homes for orphans. The wall will keep them safe."
"Rwandan terrorists have invaded Kivu for the minerals."
[Letter #3] Dear Friends & Mama,
“Today we had a teachers' meeting and planning for the year. I have been in Angaim Village community since 2005 and only now seeing change. I am God's hand to keep leading and shining the light on them.
[Later] “I arrived in Kampala, Uganda for by brother Toby’s graduation from University. Then I will return to Sudan. Schools are open. Primary 7 reports on Monday to Secondary School (high school).
“Evaline has opened doors for other girls. She won second place for Senior One this year. Below is her result: ENG – 5; MTC – 6; SST – 5; SCI – 4. Agg = 20 DIV - 2. Thanks for standing with her. By the end of 2023 I plan to take her to Angaim Village. Her testimony will speak to the community to invoke change in many lives. Two girls are now in Primary 7 and next year will be in Secondary School. These are great things that the Lord has done through BTM in the lives of these vulnerable Sudanese girls. None of them would ever have seen the value of education if left in the bush. They have good character.”
In His service,
Pastor Sunlight
"Peter visits a classroom."
KENYA. Letter from Peter, Director of C4KK.
Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“When I went to pay Mama Josephine’s orphans’ school fees I visited schools in Kenya and Uganda. Teachers were cooperative and friendly. They verified the lists of students. The first batch of payments were successful with all the kids being paid for. There were requirements to be bought like school uniforms, stationary, lunch fees, teaching materials, among others.
“I cleared all payments except Sharon, who will join Siaya Technical Institute in May. Also Mirembe Nisha in Dabani Secondary School, had an outstanding fee balance of 1,801,700 Ugandan shillings ($480) that was not paid last year…. She is a bright girl. That's why the school allowed her to stay without paying. I also visited Mama Josephine's home. The situation there is demanding. Mattresses are worn out; some beds had no bedding. The latrine requires exhausting…. It was an honor to serve. I learned a lot about education systems.
“Dan Janzen, Agri Expert, visited C4KK for technical advice on how best we can turn mission land into an economic ground. We benefited from his knowledge on agriculture. Thanks to Daniel Elisama, ACROSS CEO, who linked us to Dan; and Mama Charlotte whose friendship with Daniel is bearing fruit. “
God’s blessings,
Peter, Director C4KK
[Note: BTM paid Mirembe’s fees, not known to us earlier.]
"Sunlight's family and the Kiryandongo Refugee Camp kids are happy to be reunited."
[Letter #2] Dear Friends & Mama,
“The bank sent me good news today. They said that my account was credited with money for mission projects. By God’s Grace I will be ‘faithful feet and legs’ for the great work BTM is doing! I will use the funds sent for study Bibles, travel, gas and accommodation to Mubende. Thanks for telling me about Mama Christine in Busia, Uganda, who cares for 8 orphans. Tell her that I will pay her. May the Lord nurture and disciple them.
[Next day] “Today I called Mama Christine to tell her I will send money for rent and food via M-Pesa. I called later to confirm that she received it. I shall send a family photo when I return from Visitation Day at my children’s school. We have one daughter at home in Primary 5 and two daughters who board. We look forward to a mini-reunion; Jane cooked special food to take. Thank you for making me feel part of the BTM.”
Yours in Him,
© Copyright 2022
Welcome to my world. Don’t misunderstand. Am I suggesting that you not get your nails polished? No. I’m saying that my perspective, as a missionary, is different. At my age I’ve had to make adjustments, like getting my toenails clipped and polished. Otherwise I fear I’d lose friends with my toes looking like witches nails.
In Africa we work with thousands of vulnerable, abused, starving and exploited ‘Children Of The World’. The Great Commission – winning the lost to Christ - includes children. Jesus said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones … to stumble, it would be better … if a large millstone hung around their neck and … thrown into the sea.” Mark 9:42
"Rev Stephen preaching at Nyal Church, Unity State, South Sudan."
"Miriam and Muhammed will graduate in December."
"Pastor Sunlight brings comfort to women, children and elderly sheltering in the Prayer Center."
"Seminar for Pastors and Veterans in Mubende. (Pastor Christopher, Row 1, Far Lf)."
"If anyone causes one of these little ones ... to stumble ..."
"Congrats to Toby upon his graduation from university. BTM is proud of you."
[Letter #2] Hello Bush Telegraph!
“Thank you for sending these updates/needs. Calvary would like to buy the remaining 54 tarps. According to my calculations that would be $XXXX? We can have a check made today. God bless!”
Pastor Jesse,
Preparing Children for the Kingdom of Heaven,
"Pastor Scott's crew arrive at the Container with a truck and van full of clothes."
"Weighing a giant bag of maize for the Street Boys."
"Peter visits Shine Outreach Daycare Nursery, one of the schools that our orphans attend."
UGANDA. Meet our new Africa International Coordinator, Pastor Christopher.
Dear Bush Telegraph Friends,
“Greetings and Praise the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My Name is Christopher Yikii and I was born June 15, 1972, during the time when Idi Amin was President in Uganda. That’s when the nation was going through tough economic times. My parents told me they used pawpaw leaves for washing clothes as the country had no factories. Idi Amin expelled all Asian, Western, Indian and business people from Uganda.
[Letter #1] Dear Brothers, Sisters & Mama,
“The Military Christian Fellowship Network invited me to reach out to 60 disabled military men and women in Mubende, Uganda. They needed 60 Living Translation study Bibles. I already had 60 workbooks. The cost was $10. I visited them in March. The Treasure Hunt Workbook shows how to use the Resource Study Bible. These were retired soldiers. Many find it hard to integrate back to civilian life. The majority want to die in service as soldiers – not retired. Those in Mubende are farmers. Many lost hope; are depressed; and drink. Others have received Jesus as Savior and are members of churches. Believers disciple soldiers; and pastors reach out to them.”
Kind regards,
Pastor Christopher
[Note: BTM sent funds to buy 60 study Bibles.]
"Tarps for 100 families at Kanaruchinya Refugee Camp. We were short 54 and bought them later."
UGANDA/SOUTH SUDAN. Letters from Pastor Sunlight.
[Letter #1] Dear Bush Family & Mama,
“There are 9 in my family counting myself: wife Jane, my children Dan, Godfree, Peace, Ale-Amonye, John, Bright and my brother Toby. Those in Kiryandongo Refugee Camp are 15: Rose, Sonia, Sarah, Evaline, Susan, Paulino, Taban, Mary, Stella, Ituro, Peter, Dominic, Vince, Vinent and Baby Madona.
“My family moved from Gulu, Northern Uganda, to Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, Uganda. We are happy to be with there. The Kiryandongo children need clothes and sandals. Also the Street Children in Angaim, South Sudan. Can we buy a second-hand bale of clothes that will serve both Kiryandongo and the Street Boys in Angaim Village for 1,200,000 shillings ($320)? It has 200 pcs of mixed clothes.
Thank you.”
Pastor Sunlight
Bush Telegraph Missions
"Extra supplies for the Kiryandongo kids to help them succeed in their studies."
[Letter #3] Annual Board Meeting
“Thank you Bob & Irene Smith for hosting the Annual BTM Board Meeting January 20, 2023, in your lovely home. It was a big help since my house is the size of a postage stamp. We had over 25 with special guests including attorney Steve Keist and sweet wife JoAnne; Frank Varela, visiting from Taiwan; Bill Tubbs of our Africa team last June and sweet wife Michele; Marcia Williams, our Forwarding Agent; Danny Fortes, alias Mr. Tech Guy; Laura Grgic, Prayer Chairman/Email Correspondent; plus many others. It was a fun, informative but productive evening.”
BTM Director
"Jesse, Mission's Pastor."
"BTM gave 40 copies of Life Application Study Bibles to disabled military."
[Letter #5] Dear Brothers, Sisters & Mama,
“Here is the list of the items we bought for the Street Boys: 3 bags flour; Beans; Oil; Salt; Fuel. Total = 212,000. Don’t forget the Teachers’ pay. There are 12 now. They are committed.
“The Street Kids are in their new home. They are going to school. Some are leading their classes in performance. Thanks for giving them hope and peace. Zion School in Angaim Village is the only school outside Torit town that is functioning. Zion is the pride of the 8 Payams (districts) of Torit. Zion is a light alone in the community. It is a pity that the nation is a mess and the government does nothing for us.”
Thank you,
Pastor Sunlight
"Selina learned to sew and makes clothes at home."