Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
© 2014 All Rights Reserved
In 2013 you fed, sheltered and clothed pastors, leaders, orphans, street kids, widows, refugees and vulnerable people; paid school fees, provided medicine; met basic needs; and put roofs on churches and classrooms. You provided a 40 ft. Container of Relief Supplies to South Sudan; Bibles for students and pastors; meds/clinics for the sick; and wells for villages. You taught children that Jesus loves them.
On behalf of Bush Telegraph Mission staff, partners, national church leaders in 7 countries, we thank you for your loyal support in a year of continued economic hardship. Your faithful prayers made it possible to strengthen and bring HOPE to the Body of Christ in Africa. “… anyone who gives … a cup of water in My Name … will not lose his reward.” [Mark 9:41]
staff in Leer, S. Sudan
Letter from USA missionary co-worker, Tom Kilian, reports on situation. He just returned from a two-week assessment trip to South Sudan, journeying at great personal risk.
“By now you have heard the news of Leer. There is much to process over what has occurred in the past few weeks. The country is in a literal mess. Fear, skepticism and paranoia abound and the situation has made it difficult to move around. I took cover in Juba during an incident. God’s protection was evident…. I reached a village that is usually locked off by floods; crossed by foot; saw 65 baptisms over the month…. I ask the Lord, will reconciliation even be possible? Father, heal the land that you have called us to.”
Brother Tom
John Kong, center
(5) “… Western Union is not in service now … making it impossible for [Bush Telegraph] to send money to …
[missions] in South Sudan.
(6) “We … humbly request all our friends … to [pray for] UNIDO as they help the needy in Unity State. Our
thanks go to … your [Prayer Partners] who never stop praying for us. May the Lord God reward you for
sacrificing [sleepless nights and] your time for our sake.”
Thanks in Christ,
Pastor Eddy, UNIDO Staff
Loaded bus
(2) “Secondly, please pray for the Peace Talks amidst violations of the signed Ceasefire by both sides. Talks shall
resume 7th February, 2014. UNIDO (Bush Telegraph’s partner) … is trying … to reach needy people where
possible. Please pray for our activities for God's guidance and protection.
Littered streets
(3) “Concerning the food and everything in the Container: it reached UNIDO Juba office where it was emptied.
Everything was dispatched to Leer County and … Mayendit BEFORE the conflict. More help is needed as
people almost lost everything for their livelihood: they are starving, no shelter, etc.
Homeless women & children suffer most
(4) “We cannot reach John Kong now since he … and his family escaped …from Leer County, chased by President
Silva Kiier’s army. Kiir’s army captured Leer, looted and burned it down. Please pray for John Kong (Nuer tribe)
and his family; Angeleno and Mary the [mission] cooks; Peter and Gatjang the [mission] guards; who escaped
Leer to the bush and other areas…. Pray for their safety.
Letter from Pastor Eddy [his name has been changed for confidentiality] of Leer;
UNIDO staff and Bush Telegraph partner.
Hi Mama & Bush Mission!
“… We are glad … you are praying for us…. The entire UNIDO family is [safe] in God’s hands. He was with us (including myself) in Juba during the fighting from December 15–20 2013…. I’m thanking God for keeping me alive, as after I left Juba my house was broken into and looted by Dinka soldiers who were hunting for Nuer tribe house-to-house.
“The conflict … started within the SPLM [Sudan People’s Liberation Movement] Party as a power struggle. President Salva Kiir is Chairman of the SPLM party … and used his presidential powers to intimidate those opposed to his re-election … in 2015. The fighting has intensified to 7 states wit h heavy casualties on both sides. This is a senseless war, caused by lack of mature politics.
(1) “The situation … is still intense as fighting goes on…. This needs serious prayer from friends across the globe.
Skirmishes resulted in a massive loss of lives and property destruction. Unity State [where Bush Telegraph
serves] was affected most. The [local] Church lost two pastors and one evangelist:
* Pastor Simon Lam from Akobo, Jonglei State, killed in Juba;
* Evangelist Simon Moch from Nasir, Upper Nile State, killed in Juba; and
* Pastor Daniel Pal from Nasir, Upper Nile State, killed in Malakal. Please pray for their families. …
This is the work of the devil who is against … God's children.
Monica & David's orphans
Letter from Monica, Pastor John’s daughter (see letter above). She and her husband started a new church in Kampala over a year ago. I will be visiting them next summer.
Hello Mama & Bush Mission,
“Christian greetings from me, my husband, the orphans and the church in Kampala…. My father [Pastor John of Peace Church] sent us to Kampala by faith to lead the church he began and to care for orphans that another pastor neglected. Peace Church sent us food and some support. Little by little we are moving on in … God…. My mother is keeping and educating my two children in Busia. I’m with only our baby of two years…. We … agreed …to care for these orphans for all our lives.
1. [More] room for us and the orphans as we are in a small single
room. At night when we sleep there is no space to move.
2. The children to begin the school as … Pastor John [my father] got
them when they were not going to school but … some left school in
grades 3-5….
NAMES OF ORPHANS [ages are an estimate as we have no birth records]. 1) Eva, age 11, 5th grade; 2) Linda, age 5, no school; 3) Salima, age 10, 3rd grade; 4) Monica, age 11, 4th grade; 5) Job, age 10, 4th grade; 6) Richard, age 11, 5th grade.
God bless you, good-by Mama,
Monica and David, Kampala Church
Letter from Pastor John of Peace Church with a request from his daughter Monica.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission, “Thank you … for all you sent teachers and orphans … they are happy for what you have done for them. My wife is now well …, thank you for the support you sent her [when she could not work].
“Monica [my daughter] came [from Kampala] to get food from her husband’s village. We also gave her the little we had…. She and her husband care for 6 orphans…. I scanned the photo for you … as Monica does not know the computer so well. She dictated as I wrote…. Soon … she will be well versed in internet…. She visited us [and] is going home [to Kampala] tomorrow….
“On Sunday we celebrated Teddy’s [birthday], the oldest widow in our church and in the whole sub-county. She was 115 years old in January as per her Baptism [Certificate] kept by her son. She’s the one you gave calcium tablets for her bones; and a neck support. She remembered your … help…. We have 9 widows of 80-100 years….”
Pastor John and Regina,
Peace Church, Tororo, Uganda
Letter from Mama Josephine who cares for 30 orphans.
Dear Mama Charlotte & Bush Mission, “ … Thank you for sending money for school fees. The children are fine and the Kenya and Uganda children have reported for school and doing well…. Pastor Henry encourages the children to work harder…. Wilkister is in senior 4. Her fees were increased … they wanted her exam fees paid before student fees. So I paid them…. This left a deficit of 3,070 shillings [$35] for Kenya Students…. Exam results for … Serina, Fatuma, Lazia and Odongo are not yet out…. Bashiri is in Primary 7 and his fees increased; likewise for Barbra….
“[My health] is improving and … Pastor Henry has been a blessing. I stayed with his sister [in Kampala for two weeks when the hospital did tests]. She took care of me like a baby. Pastor Henry … connected us to a doctor who helped us. The charges would have been higher otherwise…. I’m supposed to go back in February for a follow-up medical visit….
“I started our new store [at home] … thank you for supporting [it]. Pastor Henry … helped us buy stock from both Uganda and Kenya side….”
In Christ,
Mama Josephine & family, Busia
[Note: Thanks to YOU prayer partners, we sent money for extra school fees.]
This is the way Mama Jo washes dishes
Mama Josephine's new kitchen is coming soon!
Letter from Pastor Henry, Mama Josephine’s spiritual advisor in Busia. He also keeps orphans at his hut in the bush, in addition to his own 5 children, church and preschool.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“ … Special thanks … for … support during Christmas for the orphans at my home and school … the children were so happy and thankful…. With that money … I bought 2 mattresses; 2 blankets; 1 roll of material for school uniforms for our children at Step of Hope; 10 lb Rice; 6 lb beef; 4 lb sugar; and 1 pkt. tea leaves…. I’m organizing to sew their uniforms … a tailor took measurements…. About [finishing construction] of the kitchen at Mama Josephine’s home. I talked to the carpenter…. Total cost to finish the Kitchen is 2,451,000 Ugandan shillings [$992.] God bless you….”
Yours in Christ, Pastor Henry
[NOTE: Mama lives in town; council rules & regs apply. We cannot build a traditional bush kitchen. Good news! We sent funds to finish the kitchen, thanks to you, our prayer partners.]
Letter from Peace Church Preschool, teacher Apophiah, Tororo.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission, “ … Sharon, one of [Pastor John’s] orphans, has been very sick. I used my money … for Lab tests and … for meds. For the mattresses [for 3 new steel triple bunk beds], if God provides, send money for Crestfoam or Eurofoam [brands] as Vitafoam is weak and … won’t last….”
Thank you, Apophiah, Peace Church Preschool, Tororo
[NOTE. We sent money for 10 quality mattresses, 10 blankets and 10 sheets for the orphans’ new bunk beds. We also paid medical expenses, lunch fees, food, and teachers/caregiver salaries.]
Pastor Delphin's Church
Nyirandiku's story
Did you know that only 50% of pastors in Uganda have basic education; 38% have no training; and 50% lack basic knowledge of the Bible? GOOD NEWS - people are OPEN to the Gospel; it’s SPREADING quickly. Some estimate 85% of churches are led by pastors with no formal training (David Livermore, Serving with Eyes Wide Open). To leave new believers without tools to study God’s Word and grow in maturity, is to leave the work of missions half-done. Most of our national pastors never saw a concordance. [Excerpt: Mission Network News]
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
“Slowly my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room at Gersom Clinic in Goma, Congo. The unmistakable smell of death was in the air. A young woman lay motionless; legs and arms bandaged; a yellow-orange stain seeped through. Even my host, Pastor Delphin, was taken back.”
“ ‘She’s our most critical case…,’ explained the doctor. Her name is Nyirandiku meaning ‘I am alive by the grace of God’. She’s been our patient for 3 years…. Rebels came to her village … raping her, her mother, sisters and all women…. They were forced back in their huts, then set on fire…. All Nyirandiku’s family died; she alone escaped … hid in the bush for days until a stranger found her … traumatized … near death…. Brought her to the clinic … it’s now her home.”
“During my visits I prayed with Nyirandiku but she didn’t respond. ‘Perhaps she’s unconscious,’ I thought. The last time I finished praying, in a barely audible voice I heard, ‘Amen’.”
“Three months later I was back in America. It was Christmas. Pastor Delphin wrote, ‘Nyirandiku continues to suffer with infections…. I prayed and encouraged her the last two days. She asked, ‘Will Mama Charlotte return again…?’ I said, ‘Yes, you will meet one day by the Grace of God’. On Sunday, about 8 pm, she went home to be with Jesus’.
"For days I cried though I found comfort knowing that Nyirandiku was with the Lord. On the other hand, I could have avoided this whole situation - ministering to a dying stranger. No one back home would ever know - except God. He put her in my path. Because of her life, I’m more determined than ever today to serve ‘the least, the last and the lost’.
The story of Nyirandiku, taken from our archives, is but one example of a courageous soul who endured suffering and persecution, but refused to give up.
Daily we meet ‘unknown’ souls whom God puts in our path - opportunities to put FAITH in action; to build relationships; to serve sick, poor, suffering humanity – instead of just TALKING or listening to MESSAGES about it. That’s our goal for Africa in 2014!
We’re waging a war for souls. YOU, the troops, are ready, stepping boldly into this New Year 2014, preparing to win people for Christ. With your love and prayers, we are reaching hundreds of Nyirandikus who remain with a deep thirst for the Gospel. Thank YOU for joining our army, bringing Good News to a spiritually dark continent.