Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
Rev. Stephen built a makeshift shelter in Ganyliel
Having 'tea' with Mama Jo and the 'high school girls'
Women danced after house-to-house evangelism
Dear Prayer Partners
Happy New Year! A beautiful calendar, by artist Thomas Kinkade, hangs on my office wall. He says, “It is an honor … to light a fresh candle every day for the world….” His paintings are full of light shining forth from the windows of homes and churches. Didn’t Jesus say, “I am the light of the world…?” [John 8:12]
Near the calendar, lies a new Weekly 2016 Planner on my desk. New beginnings. New goals. New resolutions. So what are the top 5 New Year’s Resolutions? You ready? Lose Weight; Quit Smoking; Learn Something New; Eat Healthier; and Get Out of Debt. Promises, promises. Now these are fine resolutions, don’t get me wrong. But they’re pretty self-centered.
If you’re making a resolution for 2016, consider one that hardly makes anyone’s list. But it’s at the top of mine. Be more Mission-Minded or be “the light of the world” for Jesus. If we don’t do it in 2016, it may be too late for the Persecuted Church. Think of all that happened in 2015 to undermine religious freedom in the world - even in the USA - especially to Christians who died for their faith.
In the children’s classic Gulliver’s Travels, there’s a scene where he’s asleep and being tied down by the Lilliputians. Gulliver reminds me of Missions in many churches today - asleep. At any moment, if he wakes, he can crush the Lilliputians. But Gulliver sleeps on as they put one small rope after another across him. If he doesn’t wake soon, there’ll be too many ropes! He won’t be able to get up. That’s what’s happening to Religious Freedom in the world today.
The Church will face many challenges in 2016. Let’s make a New Year’s Resolution not to sleep like Gulliver. Wake up Church! It’s the most important resolution we can make.
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.”
[Isaiah 58:10]
Pastor White's Christian School
Building character, not earthly treasures
Rev. Stephen and Pastor John of Congo taken in 2015 when John taught the Leer community on Trauma Healing
Angaim Church service
Happy New Year!
Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya
The children receive their first ever hand-made cards from America!
The church keeps cows to generate an income
One of the two ladies who accepted Christ
Zion school is #1 out of 7 rural schools
Pastor Bernard holding a crusade in Tanzania
Bush Telegraph Missions
©copyright 2016
Letter from Pastor Celestin reporting on the Ruhengeri Slum Outreach.
Dear Bush Friends,
“At the end of services we did house-to-house Evangelism. Two ladies accepted Christ…. One thing is clear. We need to reach nations to prepare people for Christ’s return. Many children listened to the choir outside because the church had no benches for them to sit. Women danced after house-to-house evangelism…. We believe we have a task to make people know … the Gospel. Thanks to Guardian Angel Ministry and Bush Telegraph our unity makes us stronger and evangelism more successful.
“We look forward to going back to Burundi Refugee Camp in Eastern province near the Tanzanian boarder. We plan to evangelize and present the flip-flops after Christmas. We couldn’t do it before. Hundreds of refugee kids are without shoes…. Pray with us. Burundi continues to shed blood and refugees continue to come. We believe that with evangelism … and compassion … to people suffering … we will draw them to Christ.”
In Christ, Pastor Celestin, Director of Guardian Angel Ministries
American coffee comes to Angaim!
Monicah translates Charlotte's message
Letter from Monicah & Pastor David who keep 12 street kids plus their own 3.
Dear Bush Mission,
“Greetings to you all and Happy New Year. With the Christmas money we
bought clothes for all 12 children. The balance we used for food.”
Monicah, Kampala Church
[Note: today we received word that Monicah is sick with malaria. Please pray!]
Rev. John Rell & Charlotte in Leer before the war
Letter from Pastor Bernard. He and Nora care for 31 orphans; their own 5; plus 25 rural churches. He’s also Secretary of a local Pastor’s Association; just started a new Christian magazine in Kenya; and oversees a Bible School in Tanzania.
Dear Bush Telegraph & Friends,
“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We are very grateful for the … provision through you. Thank you for the support… towards the orphans and our ministry to the villages in Kenya. We thank your Team leader, Mama Charlotte, who has been so caring and loving since we met. She has become one of our family members in reality. The money sent was spent as follows: Rent; food; water; electricity; clothes; shoes; and cooking fuel. We have been on an 8-day Crusade in Bukhulunya Village where we concluded powerful revival meetings. Many souls were saved….”
In Christ, Pastor Bernard
The distribution in refugee camps in Masisi District. These places are far off the beaten track and extremely difficult to reach, especially in the rainy season when roads wash away, bridges collapse and mountain mud slides
Letter from Pastor White. He and his wife and staff care for and educate 25 orphans.
Dear Bush Mission,
“We received the money. We bought food for Christmas for the children and paid house rent. Thank you for selling the handmade jewelry you carried to the USA. Thanks for being a part of us and for your prayers. We wish you a Happy New Year 2016.”
Pastor White
Pastor Patrick and some of his church leaders
Letters from our long lost coworkers, Rev. Stephen and Rev. Rell.
1. Dear Fathers, Mothers, Sisters and Brothers,
“Merry Christmas and Happy Year Ahead. I am still in Ganyliel town. It is a miracle that I got internet to write you. The suffering of people of Leer is still going on. That is why many of them came to Nyal and Ganyliel towns, but we have no food. Let your prayers continue for South Sudan, because many people are traumatized. They need healing. Thank you.”
God bless you, Rev. Stephen, Moderator, Southwestern Upper Nile, Leer
[Note: Ganyliel town is in north South Sudan. Thousands fled here to escape war – they’re now eating grass and roots. Rev. Stephen built a makeshift shelter on the outskirts of town and often eats water lilies from a river. The UN seldom brings food due to a newly-established ‘No-fly Zone’ by the government. Diarrhea, dysentery and water-borne diseases are rampant. The people have no option but to drink contaminated river water. 40% of the children under 5 years are malnourished. There are no health services. Please pray!]
* * * * * * * * * * * *
2. Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“Thank you for your prayers. We are still alive after going through attacks and hardships. Me, my family and Christians from Leer Church managed to escape to Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, some months ago.”
Thanks, Rev. John Rell
[Note: Kakuma Camp is where thousands of Lost Boys of Sudan went.]
Children listen to the choir outside the church
Pastor Henry prays with the children
Prayer ~N~ Praise
Pray for Baby Joshua
Pastor Celestin, 2nd fm Rt, and Ruhengeri Slum Outreach Team
Letter from Mama Josephine. All 36 orphans were home for Christmas holidays. The 5 Kenyan orphans started back to school January 4th; Ugandan orphans return February 22nd.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016. The children are home on holiday; send you warm regards; and pray for you.
“Wilkister … received her admission letter to Kenya Medical Training College nursing program. She reported there on January 2nd to begin the first semester. School fees are 33,600 Kenya shillings ($330) per semester. Students must pay for board, uniforms, books and food which is separate from school fees…. All together fees are 70,000 shillings ($687). Thank you for your support. We pray that God of Israel who opened the Red Sea may open the door for all 35 children’s school fees.
“I traveled to Kampala for medical treatment and … saw the specialist…. My new doctor is white. She … gave me medicine for the swelling in my back. It’s better. The new doctor told me to come in March for a checkup. They may operate then. I’ve attached copies of receipts and medical reports…. Pastor Henry comes to encourage the children and pray…. Thank you for your support and prayers. We love you and pray for you.”
Yours in Christ, Mama Josephine
[Note: thanks to sponsors who sent their orphan school fees!]
Letter from Pastor Patrick. He and Lucy keep 5 orphans and he pastors a small church.
Dear Mama and Bush Mission,
“On behalf of the New Prayer Center Team, we wish you a joyful, bright, healthy, prosperous and happiest year 2016. Thank you for remembering us with a Christmas gift…. We bought clothes for the orphans and food. This was the first time the children ate chicken in my home…. The school reopens on Monday. For the first time the school gave the children the Kenya exam. They performed well.
“The church leaders and I traveled to Nairobi, a day’s journey. We successfully registered our ministry. We changed the name to New Prayer Center Ministries…. All this time we have been working under another church and paying a yearly tax of 3,000 shillings ($30). God commissioned us to … follow Jesus who said, ‘Go into the world and preach the Gospel….’ We know our church is too small but the people will look for a bigger place. We are trusting God. Have a wonderful New Year.”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick
We're ready for school!
January 2016
Letter from Pastor Delphin about the Container Distribution.
Dear Bush Mission,
“Both containers are now at the CAAP Compound. We finished making a distribution plan. We are still dealing with the remaining DGDA payment – they processed the two containers and added many extra fees. Congolese Control Office took a sample of food to test…. It was OK.
“We began distribution at the farthest refugee camps: Katoyi, Atoyi and Nyalipe. We began the journey December 12 but due to heavy rain the road washed away; the bridge was out; and a mud slide. Thursday, Dec. 24, we were successful. We distributed supplies and food at Mugunga Lac Vert Camp. Today we are going to Kibwet and Byahi Refugee Camps. The photos were taken at Kibabi Kishusha in Masisi District.
“Two ‘Women At Risk’ (from my church) are part of the Team to distribute baskets that our women made. We hope that the people who receive food will be blessed…. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016.”
In Him, Pastor Delphin
Letter from Pastor Sunlight [summary of several letters put together].
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Merry Christmas with greetings from the community and Headman David…. Marriage and Family are a priority for training in Angaim Village January 4-8 and 10-13. Jeffry will teach Discipleship and Missions; Pastor Sarafino will teach on Marriage; and I am teaching on The Great Commission. I am also training pastors in management and leadership in their churches as well as how to plant churches. Keep us in your prayers.
“My newborn son, Joshua, is very sick and at Torit Hospital. He almost died yesterday…. He is under oxygen. The doctor referred us to Saint Mary in Kampala, Uganda. We see a little improvement so we will wait. South Sudan has a new state called Imotong and a new governor. We hope for change though greedy leaders are still leading in juba. We celebrated New Year with great hope for … a change of heart.
“The community continues to collect building materials like river sand. We still have stones and water. The rain has slowed so we can continue construction. I found builders but the missionary who keeps money you left us, is away so it’s not possible to get it. We still have a little of the other money left … for construction.
“ Zion School is No. 1 … in Himodonge Payam among 7 rural schools. Glory be to God. When school closed December 19, we had a program for the community. Payam Education Officials came. I was the guest speaker.
“The issue of insecurity in South Sudan is exaggerated. The eastern part of Torit is cursed by youth from Hiyala, Tiragore and other villages who ambush people on the road to Kenya through Kapwato. Another problem … is that people are starving and … dying of hunger. Pray for Torit for there are people forming rebel groups.
“When I left Uganda during Christmas holidays, I left my children with Toby. I gave him my email to update us. They have money for food until I return. I phoned this morning; they’re fine. Thank you for prayers.”
Thanks, Pastor Sunlight
We wrote about our great Christmas in the December-January Bush Telegraph newsletter. If you’re not on that mailing list, we’ll happily add your name.
How was your year? If it was like ours, it included wonderful surprises along with a few struggles. As you read, our persecuted brothers and sisters had similar experiences. Souls came to Christ with a price; followers and believers sacrificed to honor His name. But suffering deepened their faith and drew them nearer to Him.
As you reflect on 2015 and look forward to the New Year, please pray for these pastors, church leaders and orphans in these stories. They are REAL people. In 2016 the persecuted church will need our support more than ever. Though the world is changed forever and there will be trouble, Paul reminds us:
“… We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurances produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us too shame, because God’s love has been poured
into our hearts…”
[Romans 5:4]
Be encouraged and strengthened whatever 2016 brings you. And thank you for faithfully praying for and supporting the ministry of Bush Telegraph Mission – Africa - throughout this past challenging year. But …watch out for the Lilliputians!
Typical refugee makeshift camp
Little 12-yr old Miriam prepares veggies for dinner
Hunger in Torit
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