Pastor Celestin teaching Sunday School teachers

Angaim Village school's closing program staff and Education Supervisor


FAREWELL to Richard Rudin, faithful Prayer Partner.

Dear Friends,       

      “Richard Rudin, 75, of Palatine, Illinois, entered the presence of his Savior in December. He leaves behind Marcia, beloved wife; 6 children; 14 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren.  He loved the Lord and lived a life of faithful service….  He died of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma…. We celebrate his homecoming.”

Thank you for praying,  The Family of Richard Rudin                                

[Note. Please keep the Rudin family in prayer.]


Letter from Pastor David & Monicah. Young Salima is very sick.

Letter #1. Dear Mama and Bush Friends,

       “... Pastor David is away and the children are on school holidays.  Job and Julius are poor students so I got a tutor for extra lessons....  The children come back home late from school....  Salima is very sick with malaria....  She is getting medicine....  Her friends are praying and fasting for her....  She ... is very weak.....

       “My own children are Purity, Isaac, Grace and Joseph....  I need advice on how to keep the children busy during holidays as I don't want them to join bad friends like Mogadishu.  Mogadishu ... doesn’t like school.  He is older than kids in his class. He wants to become a mechanic and can be trained in 1½ years for 800,000 shillings [$224]....  Thank you for your love and prayers....”

Mama Monicah     

[Note. We’ll be sending extra to train Mogadishu.]


Letter #2. Dear Prayer Partners, 

       “Thank you for your prayers and support .... We spent the money on: 1) rent; 2) house helper; 3) medical; 4) electricity; 5) water; 6) charcoal; 7) beans; 8) needs for girls; 9) Samuel and Richard’s school fees.  With the Christmas money I bought used clothes for our 12 orphans; and two chickens. The children are happy for the new clothes and enjoyed Christmas.  They are growing and harder to handle when Pastor David is away....  We wish you a merry Christmas and Happy New year 2017.” 

Mama Monicah, Kampala Church.


Thank you letter from Pastor White who educates and keeps 30 orphans at home.

Dear Friends,

       “Thanks for making African orphans smile this Christmas season.  We bought rice, maize (corn flour), flour (wheat), cooking oil and … soap.  We also paid rent and had a picnic for the kids….” 

Be blessed, Pastor White 

Our 6 dedicated teachers, Zion School, Angaim Village

     He spoke to my heart, “My child, you have a lot to learn," So that’s my story of ‘In The Beginning’ - our first time on the mission field. 

Prayer Partners, Phoenix, Arizona

A new school for Pastor Patrick's children

New bunk beds


Letter from Pastor Celestin, Guardian Angels Ministry.

Dear Bush Mission & Friends,

       “We wish you … a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017.  We brought together children from 15 local churches who were attending Vacation Bible School.  We [also] trained Sunday school teachers in counseling….  We practiced counseling two-by-two.  At the end of our meetings we shared lunch with [them]….  We also encouraged children who don't attend Church or have parents at church. We shared ‘mandazi’ (fried bread) at lunch time with Sunday school teachers and handed over Certificates to trainees. 

       “As you see in the Receipts, we used money for … ‘mandazi’, bread and tea.  One loaf of bread was shared by 10 people. Also we bought sugar for tea….  We could not afford to drink tea at a restaurant with so many people at meetings.  Pastor Joseph [you and Luz ministered at his church] was present.” 

Pastor Celestin, Kigali

in-law’s home at 18 New Way.  A healthy ‘fresh baby’ arrived January 3rd, 9 lb. 13 oz.  After baby Wayne was added to Mommy’s Passport we set out.  

     While awaiting repairs we stayed at a British hotel.  Tables were set with a dozen pieces of silverware per setting.  One embarrassing memory was when Mike and Rich joined four dozen knives, forks and spoons in a long line: “See the train, Mommy?”

Chicago, Illinois.  Mike and I arrived to witness a picture-postcard white Christmas at John and Lisa’s home. There was 8 inches of snow on the ground.  George, their Siberian husky, was in doggy heaven.  The kids had been ‘camping’ in their house without furniture for a year – poor things.  The furniture arrived the day after we did.  In spite of the chaos, a beautiful ‘real’ Christmas tree miraculously appeared; beds were fitted with sheets and blankets; and dishes unpacked for Christmas dinner.  Even ‘stockings were hung by the chimney with care’.  I don’t know how Lisa did it. She’s amazing. 

On Christmas morning Mike played ‘Santa’ (a tradition) and handed out gifts. John, alias Master Chef, grilled.  He must secretly watch those cooking shows.  Highlights: a beautiful Christmas Eve Service; the Brookfield Zoo lights; indoor Sky Diving (a ‘first’); a day at  Field Museum; famous landmarks; yummy meals to die for – even a Chicago hotdog. You haven’t lived until you eat one. Finally my first ever ride in an Uber car!

Meanwhile Michelle remained at home in Phoenix due to a demanding teaching schedule and long ‘to do’ list.  One special gift was a real Christmas tree which she had fun decorating.  We all missed her terribly but truly this was the best Christmas ever for this granny.  “Lord ... thank you for my family.  Besides You, they are the best gift of all.”

Thank you for our picnic at Christmas

"Thank you for our new clothes."

(Ps Bernard, far rt.)

Samuel on his way to school

     We finally arrived at our destination, 70 miles west of Lusaka, Mumbwa Christian Mission deep in the bush.  We were exhausted.  Later we learned that a road trip from Mumbwa Mission to Lusaka could take 7 hours to 7 days – depending on weather

Bush Telegraph Missions

© copyright 2017


Letter from Mama Josephine sharing lots of family news.

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

       “Thank you for your support, messages and money….  It was spent as … follows:  1) School fees for five Ugandan children; 2) ten new plastic chairs for Sunday services; 3) new triple bunk beds - the welder is now making them…; 4) paid the welder for repairs of broken beds … and children are using them; 5) paid the balance for finishing the desks…; 6) gifts for each child…; and 7) food for children: rice, meat, porsha, sugar, flour, cooking oil, cabbage, beans and fish….  

       “We had a nice Christmas Sunday service in the new ‘church’ room with Pastor Henry who showed a film about the Birth of Jesus.  It was wonderful.  He prayed for each child….  Some neighbors joined us for the service.  All 44 children were home for the holidays.  Kenya students start back to school January 3rd.  Uganda students in 6th and 7th grades start January 9th - 10th; others begin January 30th. Pastor Henry encouraged the children….  Four children will begin Senior One (high school)…. 

       “Mama Josephine, Dan and Barbra have tooth problems. We had malaria and got treatment from the Red Cross….  Mama Josephine’s back problem has returned from moving up and down during Christmas. We pray that the Lord will heal her….  Thank you for your love, support and care. God bless you….”

Yours in Christ, Mama Josephine and family 

[Note. Special thanks to sponsors for school fees.]

We'll miss you Richard

Pastor Peter, rt, was arrested

Richard with baby Joseph

belongings.  On a remote bush road in Southern Rhodesia (nka Zimbabwe), the axel broke on the trailer.  We were stranded for days until a portable welding machine was located to come to our aid. 

Vulnerable women, Goma, Congo

Pray for Selima

     I was horrified. “Lord ... what have You gotten us into?”  There was no turning back.


Quantico, Virginia, with Wayne, Delena, Katie and Nate.  Mike from California, joined us.  Highlights were a beautiful church service with the whole family; Katie arriving home from college; visiting the Marine Museum; Chancellorsville Battlefield; special dinners; and new Star Wars movie “Rough One”; tour of Dad’s new office; midnight ride to the vet – PTL Jack is OK. Plus watching Nate’s team Green Bay Packers while munching on Mom’s yummy snacks! Go! Go! Go!

Confession.  The kids warned me ahead of time: “Bring a warm coat, Mom.”  My jacket at home was perhaps fit for a summer breeze – not sub-O weather.  The eve of my departure I headed to the Good Will Store and bought their warmest coat for $12.  Well, the kids took one look at it and laughed. Out came Wayne's military-issue army-green parka, fit for the North Pole.  I was ‘snug as a bug in a rug’.

More Confessions.  Flying from Virginia to Illinois, I went through security at Dulles Airport in Washington DC.  In my carryon suitcase, I had wrapped a glass jar of hot pepper jelly in a pair of PJ’s (both Christmas gifts).  ‘Mr. Security Scrooge’ spotted it with wicked glee and removed it.  

We served students and teachers lunch

The soldiers were hungry

No safe roads from the border to Torit

and Juba


Pastor Patrick’s orphans have changed schools.

Letter #1. Happy New Year Bush Mission!

       “Greetings in Jesus’ Name. We … finished the holidays well. Thank you for supporting us….  We were told by the County Director of Education that we must remove our six orphans from Bridge School….  I found two schools for girls and boys. They want money….  Each child is to pay 1,000 shillings Admission and 500 shillings for Interview. Then 2,000 shillings for the school fee.  This totals 3,500 shillings per child X 6 = 21,000 Kenyan shillings (total $206).  Thank you in advance.”

Blessings, Pastor Patrick  

[Note. We sent extra for school fees and new uniforms.]

THE OUTPOURING of support throughout 2016 was truly miraculous. We met goals for dozens of projects bringing salvation, food and practical help to thousands of vulnerable souls in 6 countries.  When persecuted Christians needs were greatest, YOU were there for us with love and compassion. 

Prayer ~N~ Praise



Letter from Pastor Bernard, Director of a Community College.

Hi Mama & Bush Friends,

       “With humility I … thank you for the monthly support for 7 orphans I care for in my village. We purchased food and paid for services….  We just moved because local business men who own the deed to the property wanted us out. Please pray as Nora and my 5 children struggle to settle into a new area.”

Pastor Bernard, Kakamega    

[Note: we sent extra to help at Christmas]

A Christmas party in the new church

Sorting beans from the garden


Letters from Pastor Sunlight with news from Sudan and Refugee Camps.

Letter #1. Greetings in Jesus Name and Happy Christmas.         

     “Angaim Village.  Pastors Victor and Peter held the closing program yesterday for Zion Primary School.  It was beautiful and attended by the Education Supervisor.  All head teachers from Himodonge Payam were there plus other communities.  They gave out awards….  The teachers … serve God through teaching.  Keep praying for them….  It is rare to find this kind of teacher in government schools in Sudan.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Letter #2.  Dear Bush Prayer Partners,       

     “We received money for 8 Teachers.....  Taban, whose family is at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, gave his money to Victor.....  I will be in Yumbe Refugee Camp for Christmas. There is no safe road ... to Torit, South Sudan, so I can’t return there now....  Zion Primary School gave testimony of God’s work in the Angaim community....  In 2017 we are going to have children from other villages coming to Zion School....  Thank you brothers and sisters....  May God bless you as we reach thousands of souls for Christ.” 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Letter #3. Dear Bush Friends & Mama,       

     “I am so glad at the Report which Pastor Victor sent through Missionary Ray (of A.I.M.).  It contains news about school choirs and teachers who received their salaries in December. They each got 450 Sudanese Pounds ($68) … through your hands.  The teachers who received 350 Pounds ($53) also receive support from another NGO….  The photos were taken at the School Closing Program. It’s a testimony to see what God is doing even in this war-torn country - South Sudan.  Thank you for your prayers….”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Letter #4. Dear Bush Mission & Mama,        

      “I am at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp to start building the church.  Our Sudanese refugee children were staying with people who abused them badly….  Some went 6 days without food until neighbors fed them….  There will be a small increase in building materials due to price increase since I sent the estimate….”

[Note. We advised Sunlight to remove our Refugee Children

from the foster homes.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Letter #5.  Dear Friends & Mama,       

     “I am ready to remove the refugee children … but I have to build them a shelter for sleeping.  Indeed conditions were so bad that some thought to return to Sudan.  To build them a hut will cost 765,000 Ugandan shillings ($210).  Keep praying for them.  Thank you for sending money to build a Church.”

[Note.  We sent money to build a traditional house for the children.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Letter #6.  Dear Bush Praying Friends,        

      “I have bad news from South Sudan.  Pastor Peter, Principal of Zion School in Angaim Village..., was arrested this evening by rebels while working in his garden.  I do not know what will happen but he was taken.  Let's pray for him." 

[Note. We spent sleepless nights praying for Peter’s safety.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Letter #7.  Dear Praying Friends,       

     “Your prayers worked. Pastor Peter is back.  He was arrested by former VP Machar soldiers ... in Torit. They’re Nuer tribe mixed with area soldiers.  He was investigated and then freed....  When he came home his family was gone.... They ran away in fear of attack.  The rebels said they will not kill anyone; they were looking for food.  Peter said he was not beaten....  God protected him....  I ... asked him to come to Uganda.  Peter said he will not leave Sudan but is ready to serve his community. Thanks and God bless you.”

Yours faithfully, Pastor Sunlight

Some of the abused children

(rain, river crossings, etc). We joined our co-workers and settled down to mission life. We had access to a room off the airplane hangar.  All the family clothes hung in the camper closet, less than 3 ft wide.

 I was more alarmed than ever!  We arrived in Cape Town where we awaited Wayne's birth at my

Counseling was practiced two-by-two

Thank you for our school fees

      It all began in 1965 when I, my husband and family set sail on the Queen Elizabeth.  I was 8½ months pregnant. The ship’s doctor reassured me, “Don’t worry... I delivered a baby the last voyage- everything went just fine." 

     Finally we reached the Zambian border; bullet-ridden cars strewn about.  Officials warned: “There’s a low-scale civil war going on....” 

The closing program was well attended

      The first Sunday I met the same man 6 times and didn’t know it.  I prayed, “Lord ... they all looked alike – brown skin, brown eyes, black hair.”  

Traditional hut for the refugee children

     Since then, God has given us many new “Beginnings”, until this very day.  We pray that YOUR ‘In The Beginning’ journey will bring YOU His Joy, Peace and Love in 2017.

Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

Zion Primary School students excel in the district

Dear Lord,       

      “Speak peace to our hearts as we look to 2017 – a Fresh New Year and Beginning.  A year in which many voices claim our attention.  We want to tune our ears to Your Voice.  May we be guiding lights to those whose lives are filled with pain and suffering.  May our pain and suffering be healed and given Fresh New meaning so we will be Ambassadors of love and grace.  We give this Fresh New Year to You.  Bless everyone who reads Your Word.  May we be transformed by Your Great Commission and Your work for our lives.”

In Jesus Name, Amen                                      [adapted Open Doors]

Yours for ‘Fresh In-The-Beginnings’ for 2017,


15 local churches came together

January 2017

      ‘IN THE BEGINNING....’  Did you know that Zambians call a newborn baby a “fresh baby”?  January is a good time for ‘fresh new’ beginnings, sort of like a newborn. It causes me to look back. Back to ‘In The Beginning’ - when I first arrived in Africa.  Oh, I had all the practical, logical mission theories in the world down pat. But to EXPERIENCE in person sights, sounds and smells of Africa – well, that’s a different story.

Mogadishu wants to become a mechanic

      We headed north towards Zambia in a Chevy truck with camper on the back – our ‘home in the bush’ - towing a trailer containing steel drums of  

Church Choir, Leer, South Sudan