"Our 55 orphans & 25 Mamas & Widows need safe water."
"The Zion Christian School teachers in their outdoor 'office'."
"Zion Christian School today."
Thank you for your prayerful intercession, love and grace towards Bush Telegraph. So come on in, MR. CHANGE, the water’s fine! You are welcome.
"Altogether Mama Monicah cares for 19 (15 orphans plus her own 4). Seen here holding up the first card they ever received in their lives!"
"Grandma & Grandpa Power (Aunt Muriel and Mother's parents)."
January 2019
[Letter #2] Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Thank you for sending prayers and support. On the issue of my Marriage Certificate, I was in Kakamega last week to apply. I am waiting for notification. Then I will forward to BTM. About the church, some people sit outside on Sunday so we just put up a tent. Next month we will open another church near town.
"Pastor Sunlight's five children stay at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, Uganda."
SOUTH SUDAN. ‘Heart-to-heart with Pastor Sunlight - an urgent plea to finish Angaim Village School.
Dear Friends of Bush Mission,
“We partner with BTM to plant churches; gospel outreaches; education; orphans and agriculture. Our goal is to restore hope to a community devastated by war. The top priority now is to complete the construction of Zion Christian School, which stopped when war broke out December 2014. The community of Angaim Village lacks equipment to do this so our goal is to at least get the roof on the school before rains come in March.
“A team of 4 are with me here in Kampala, Uganda. We are busy pricing equipment as listed below. We decided to buy a solar panel instead of a generator as generators have many hidden expenses and repairs. The solar lasts over 4 years. The batteries are changed after 5 years and the solar panels remain.
“The 5 classrooms connect each other and are at roof level at one end only. Education is the key to the future of our younth. It combats the high rate of illiteracy in Angaim Village and all of South Sudan. Today the children of Zion Christian School study under the trees, writing their lessons on homemade bamboo desks.
“The teachers, listed below, are committed to raise Christ-centered students and leaders: 1) Valentino - Head Teacher/Principal; 2) Victor - Head Teacher/Vice Principal; 3) Peter - Financial officer; 4) Danie – Teacher; 5) Daniel – Teacher; 6) Jean – (only lady) Teacher; 7) Oswaha – Teacher; 8) Ben – Teacher; 9) Emmanuel – Teacher; and 10) Sunlight – Teacher.
“We had 450 students. Then we lost over 100 when 7th and 8th grades moved to Torit during the war. Also 100 students fled to refugee camps for lack of food. Four students planted churches at refugee camps in Uganda and Kenya and lead those churches today. We are proud of these mature youth.
“To complete this project we need the following equipment:
Tractor - $24,000 (smallest size, used)
Option #1. The advantage of buying a used tractor is that it can also be used to cultivate the land to provide food for students and vulnerable people in the community. The tractor will be used to transport building materials, bricks, sand, timber, iron sheets, etc.
Tipping Truck - $14,500
Option #2. Instead of a tractor we could buy a ‘tipping truck’ for half the cost. It can transport building materials but hard to maintain due to a lack of a road to Angaim. But we can use it to transport materials to the construction site.
Power saw - $800.00
Used to cut down local trees for timber instead of buying ready-made boards in town which is expensive and far to travel. Thus it will take longer and cost more to transport. Angaim has many trees we can cut to use for construction which will save money and help finish construction on time.
Solar Panel (as opposed to a gas-powered Generator) - $900.00
Angaim Village Community will provide: 1) Sand (to mix with cement); 2) Bricks; 3) Stones; and 4) Free labor. All equipment will need to be transported to the construction side. This can only be done by a tractor. Angaim is in a remote area where there are no roads. We can use the river to transport supplies. Before the war we rented a tractor but it was very expensive and the owner is no longer in Sudan. God bless you all.”
Serving in Christ, Pastor Sunlight
[Note: we sent $5,000, all we can spare now, to begin purchases.]
"The Angaim Equipment Team."
UGANDA/SOUTH SUDAN. Rev. Stephen made it to Unity State, South Sudan!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
"God bless you. I always repeat Acts 20:35 as a blessing on you. Tomorrow I am going to a new camp in Northern Uganda called Aleere for baptisms. God willing I will be back Monday. Continue prayers for my son Matgoanar who is seriously ill again and needs stomach surgery. Mama Regina escorted him to Khartoum, North Sudan, but they lacked money for the surgery. I asked BTM and other pastors for help. The surgery is $10,000."
God bless you,
Rev. Stephen
[Note: BTM sent a donation towards medical expenses.]
"Pray for Rev. Stephen's son, Matgoanar, to be healed."
KENYA, BUSIA. Pastor Patrick led their 1st National Convention last December!
Dear Friends & Mama,
“Thank you for supporting us in praying for our ministry and orphans. We just arrived home in Busia at 9.00 pm tonight. We traveled from Kitale where we attended our National Convention in Lovington Estate. It was wonderful."
"Child Evangelism Conference."
"Purity, Evaline & Monica, three of Mama Monicah's high school girls."
"All maize (corn) crops failed this season due to drought."
"Ajumani, Aleere & Polinya Refugee Camps"
"Pastor Delphin prepares to travel to Congo."
"The CAAP Team meets with Pastor Delphin."
YOU, our faithful Prayer Partners, come along side at just the right time: a helping hand, a special prayer, an encouraging word, a visit, a hug, a card – even a favorite food or a smile. YOU, too, have been obedient to ‘that still small voice’. You’ve made the difference, and made CHANGE easier, enabling BTM to cheerfully face 2019. That’s why I love to sing: ‘Where He leads me I will follow … I’ll go with Him, with Him, all the way’.
"Angaim Village survives on wild green grasses."
"When you were here I told you that 17 churches had joined us. Now it is 18. We baptized 12 people and 250 attended. We formed a strong leadership. Among 18 churches, two are from Uganda while the rest are from Kenya. My 7 orphans wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”
Pastor Patrick
"A second-hand tractor is about $24,000."
"We wish you Happy New Year!"
Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
“Elder Henry, who has been sick a long time, went to be with the lord on Sunday. When you visited us in 2016, he translated from English to Kiswahili. Please cover his family with the blood of Jesus and prayers.”
Pastor Patrick
[Note: BTM requires our pastors to produce a valid Marriage License.]
IN CONCLUSION, I’m thankful God allowed me to be gently kicked out of my ‘comfort zone’ on Center Street all those many years ago... beyond Phoenix; beyond Arizona; beyond the USA; beyond …. Well, Act 1:8 says it best: “ … ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem … Judaea … Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Amen!
One of His Witnesses,
Charlotte Sinclair Barkley
" ... ye shall be witnesses..."
KENYA, KAKAMEGA. Pastor Bernard’s Children’s Home is getting a new well!
Dear Bush Family & Friends,
“We are grateful to BTM for your support towards the well project. That is the greatest need at the Children’s Home. We want to have clean drinking water for our 55 orphans and 20 Mamas. We had a wonderful Christmas program at the home for all. Happy New Year!”
Blessings to BTM!
Pastor Bernard
[Note: we sent a donation for the well.]
* * * * * * * * * * * *
[Letter #2] Dear Bush Family, Friends & Mama,
“I just learned that our local officials have restrictions we must follow if we put in a new well. Our investment in this well will be a blessing as two schools in the community will also use our water. The water fees we will receive from them will help support our Orphan Project. We found Christian well diggers, Physpi Water Services, to do the work. Below is their final quote after their geo-survey. We also got approval from the Water Regulatory Board.
“We are grateful for your donation for the well, but due to the unexpected high cost we are asking all our friends to help. It will be done by April. The present water is dirty causing typhoid in the home. The drilling quotation from Physpi Water Services is 250,000 shillings ($2,466). Digging a new well is the best solution.”
Yours faithfully,
Pastor Bernard
"Child Evangelism Conference."
"Ajumani, Aleere & Polinya Refugee Camps"
"Don & Eula's workshop."
[Letter #2] Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“This morning I arrived in Ajumani, Aleere, and Polinya Refugee Camps. The number of people baptized: Aleere - 32 believers; and Polinya - 53 believers. Below are Receipts and Expenses including money BTM gave to Ganyliel, Thornyor and Nyal. The total amount: 78,500 Sudanese pounds ($603).
"About my son. Your donation went towards Mama Regina and Matgoanar’s transport to Khartoum, X-rays and a checkup. Today the Dr. said he will take another X-ray and that he may not have to operate. I asked other friends to help; 4 answered my request, contributing $100 each. Counting your donation that’s $500. We personally raised $800 totaling $1,200. The pastors I oversaw before the war now live in refugee camps or in the bush. Your prayers plus ours will be positive, according to what God says: ‘Ask and it will be given to you.' "
God bless you,
Rev Stephen
[Note: Latest report, Matgoanar can be treated with meds; not an op.]
"Pastor Delphin's two youngest sons."
“Here’s how I spent Christmas money from BTM: for the younger kids I bought sweets, balloons and juice. For Christmas dinner: maize flour, rice, Irish potatoes, meat, wheat flour, sugar, onions and tomatoes.
“Hillary lived on the streets for years before coming to live with us. It left him with permanent brain damage. He is struggling at school. Mama Charlotte suggested we send him to a vocational school. We picked one near home: Busia Vocational Training Center. He will need tutoring and other help.
“Jackson, who graduated recently from college, is applying and searching for a job. The children who completed secondary school (high school) in December are looking for small jobs in the community until college begins. Richard was training at a Construction Company and managed to save money towards his college classes in January. Lazia is working part-time as a money-sending agent for M-Pesa. Her boss pays in cash. We pray that almighty God blesses you abundantly.”
Yours faithfully,
Bulasio for Mama Josephine
CONGO. Pastor Delphin reached Congo safely and met with CAAP and Mama Zawadi.
Dear Bush Team & Mama,
“We had a meeting with pastor Delphin this week on how to launch activities for ‘Women at Risk’. Right now we have serious security issues. When the situation improves we will have activities for these vulnerable women. Greetings to all our USA brothers and sisters who pray for Congo.”
God bless you, Mama Zawadi, CAAP Secretary
RWANDA. Pastor Celestin sent the following report too late to include last month.
Dear Bush Team & Mama,
“In November we had a lovely time with children and their teachers from different Sunday schools. This was our last meeting of the year with children. It was an Evangelism Conference for Sunday Schools, Teachers and church members. We called our outreach ‘Love Children Outreach Mission’. We held it at Glory Bible Ministries Church. We prayed and heard testimonies. Then we distributed cake and bread to the children.
“In November we had another Evangelistic Mission Outreach called ‘Questions and Answers’. It was held after teachers taught. Then we took time to hear questions from the children. We offered cake and tea the first day; and food and drinks the second day. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019. This 2019 our main target is Evangelism of Youth; strengthening the Sunday School; and Trauma Counseling. Our verse: Proverbs 22:6. Our motto in 2019, ‘The Year Of The Lord’.”
Pastor Celestin,
Director Guardian Angel Ministries
"The community volunteers to do the labor and make the bricks."
"Happy New Year from Mama Josephine & family."
"Change means moving around the world. Hang on!"
"Charlotte teaching the Women At Risk."
Come to think of it, Aunt Muriel (Mother’s eldest sis on the Power side) once said, “I’ve moved only once in my life – when I got married - two blocks up the street from where I was born. I will move one more time and that’s right next door – to the Cemetery.” That’s exactly what happened. She lived and died on Center Street, USA. That could easily have been me.
"The old well carries diseases and is unsafe."
January 2019
"We worry about the elderly, disabled and orphans starving."
UGANDA/CONGO. Pastor Delphin returns to Congo for a Ministry Outreach.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Let me update you on my journey to Congo. Offices were closed December 24 but are open next week. I have to finish all procedures for my family at Rwamwanja Refugee Camp. Then I will travel to Kampala for travel documents to Congo. Thank you for being concerned and paying for my paperwork and transport.”
In His Love, Pastor Delphin
"National Convention in Kitale - 18 churches gathered together."
"Ajumani, Aleere & Polinya Refugee Camps"
[Letter #2] Dear Mama & Bush Mission Friends,
Dear Bush Mission Family,
“We received BTM’s Christmas message. The big boys read it to the younger children. This was a good message brought by Angel Gabriel to Mother Mary – a new King was to be born, the Lord our Savior. Thank you for your support and prayers. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2019.
“ I sold my handicraft work and earned a little money to buy a used TV for the children. They were running around town so I wanted to keep them safe as children are stolen in Uganda daily – especially orphans are targeted. The children send warm greetings and prayers. They miss Mama Charlotte.
“Fatuma’s graduation was massive. Bulasio and Zowena escorted Mama Josephine to Kampala. It was so motivational to the other children. Fatuma is grateful for BTM’s support that you have shown.”
“The high school graduates in December 2018 completed their exams which promotes them to college in 2020. They have vacation for a year. While they wait they’ll find small jobs to save money for college.”
In Jesus,
Bulasio for Mama Jo
[Note: We sent Mama Josephine $6,000 from sponsors for school fees.]
"It's time for a hug!"
But God had other plans for UNCHANGABLE me. I’ve tried my level best to be obedient to them through the years even though they involved many CHANGES. I listened to ‘that still small voice’ as I moved about the world. The ups. The downs. I won’t lie. Physical CHANGE – or moving - has been a struggle. But that’s where YOU come in.
[later] Dear Bush Friends,
“Just to keep you informed I got my travel documents in Kampala on Friday evening. Tonight I left Rwamwanja Refugee Camp where my family stays. I need your prayers as I travel to Congo for a visit.
“Thank you for the Christmas poem. My family and I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019. Over the holiday we hosted Bizimana and Malaya Mungu, two orphan boys from Glorious Castle Kids. All children were sent to guardians over the holiday, but these two boys didn't have any. We enjoyed having them.”
Pastor Delphin
"We hosted two orphans, Bizimana and Malaya Mungu, over the holidays."
"Child Evangelism Conference."
USA - FROM THE MAILBOX. Letter from Shirley
Dear Charlotte,
“This morning, while sitting quietly, I read every word and viewed every photo of your newsletter [on line website]. I feel many emotions when I go through it. What a canvass of faces fill my mind as I look at each one and think of the broken hearts and then the giving hearts that helps healing to begin. I truly pray that 2019 will be your best year ever. I want to say a million words and knowing what a talker I am I know that is impossible. For now I will say, I send my love and biggest hugs to you all for making this world a kinder place.”
Shirley, Director Universal Aide Society, Canada
"Shirley & hubby Yuri visit Santa."
"Today we have 350 students with more returning every week."
"Students use homemade bamboo desks."
"Our Little Prayer Partners bless me so much."
USA ORCHIDS to Carol of Grand Junction, CO, who mailed out Prayer-N-Praise letters in September, October and November-December while I was in Africa. What a trooper and multi-tasker! Thank you 70 X 7.
"Child Evangelism Conference."
CENTER STREET, USA. Did you ever think you’d live this long? I sure didn’t. 2019 sounded so ‘futuristic’ – like something out of Star Wars. A new year means new ‘resolutions’ – in fact, new everything. Which boils down to CHANGE, right? It may surprise you to know that CHANGES (like moving) have always been hard for me. I would have been happy to live in the same house, on the same street, in the same town my whole life, as do most of my relatives.
SUDAN, ANGAIM VILLAGE. Sunlight shares about a crisis - drought and starvation.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“We are having a food crisis as we have no maize (corn), our staple diet. This is due to drought – no rain during the growing season. There is nothing to harvest. The Angaim Village community is facing starvation. We are worried and have no assistance from any NGO. We survive on yams (sweet potatoes) and wild green weeds. The assistance BTM gave this community during the war saved thousands of lives from starvation.
“Please keep the Angaim community in prayer. The UN does not help our area. Mama Charlotte witnessed this drought. We have not had a visit from any government official as our location is remote. Our worries are for the most vulnerable: the elderly, sick, lame, orphans, widows and people with many children.”
Angalafa Sunlight
[Note: we are helping with this crisis as funds permit.]
"The Cemetery on Center Street."
[Letter #2] Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“God has added a sealer to our porridge business to make work easier. We thank God for protecting us every time we go out in the community to sell the porridge. Nothing bad has happened to us. We move two together so one can help the other if there is a problem, but God always protects us.
“A school next to us had a sale so I bought four beds and mattresses to help the older children. They have been sleeping on the floor. We thank God that now 8 older children are on beds - 2 to each bed. Each bed was 60,000 and each mattress was 50,000. The total cost was 440,000 shillings ($119).
“My children’s lives are changed: from rejected to accepted; from street children to home children; from thieves to good children. I think about God’s unconditional love; His grace endures forever. He has given us a Christian family in the USA. People who care about and support us. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your beloved children. Miracle always talks about you. Last time he kept a gift for you but felt bad when I told him you weren’t coming. May God bless you for the work you do in their lives.”
Mama Monicah, Kampala [Note: I didn’t see Monicah this last trip – ran out of time; had a plane to catch!]
UGANDA, KAMPALA. Monicah now has six in high school; and 19 children in all.
Dear Friends & Mama,
“It's a long time since Mama Charlotte saw the children. When we heard that you had come to Uganda I was very happy because I knew you would see how much they had grown. We thank God for BTM’s support but struggle to provide the remaining needs. This year 4 children joined Secondary School (high school) and 2 last year making a total of 6. Each one needs 300,000 shillings ($80) per term. We trust God to provide.
“My family is large: 12 orphans + three new orphans: Miracle, Promise and Elisha. Then my own 4 children - 19 in all. Early each morning we go to work and come back tired but still have homework. I help with that. They are not used to hard work, but God has given me strength. We need your prayers and encouragement. Thanks for supporting us and loving us. May the Lord bless you.”
Mama Monicah, Kampala
"Child Evangelism Conference."
UGANDA, BUSIA. Mama Josephine’s lower water tank split open!
Dear Bush Family & Mama,
“The lower black water tank is torn from top to bottom and no longer holds water. It was only a year old when it happened. We pray that God opens a way of getting a replacement. The large water tank on top is still OK. Also someone recently stole our tap water meter outside the front door. Thieves are going to homes at night to steal them. Water tap meters are expensive so we cannot buy a new one. We reported it to officials.”
USA, ICOM. Highlights from the 2018 Int’l Conference On Missions, November 2018.
7,000+ total attendance: 600+ college age; 650 Middle/High School age; 370 kids.
170+ workshops & 40 decisions for Christian service.
Student Interviews conducted at ICOM:
Student #1: “I want to pursue missions as I can’t see a future without it. I don’t know where I want to serve … other than share the Word of Christ…. I want to do it for the rest of my life or as long as I am able.”
Student #2: “This is my first ICOM. I recently scrapped my life plan and was looking for something. While here I found a mission in Ukraine which hosts students…. This fit was exactly what I was searching for.”
"Orphans Miracle (deaf, far rt), Promise (2nd rt) and Elisia (2nd lf) & Widow Victoria who cares for them."
USA - SAD FAREWELL. We just learned that our beloved ‘Toy Maker’, Don Espeland, of Grand Junction, CO, was called home to be with Jesus. Please pray for his sweet wife, Eula. We’ll share more next time.
"Carol, our No. 1 multi-tasker (far rt)."