"Pastor Christopher and his sweet wife, Jane began the new year with prayer and fasting."

[Letter #2] Dear Team & Mama,

 “We sent funds to Sunlight for  construction of the new latrine  in Kiryandongo Camp which collapsed. We pray for workers and for the wind not to be too much on the day they burn bricks. 

One of Josephine’s  orphans broke the  bathroom sink and  finally we know who it is. To teach responsibility we are having them pay for a new (used) sink and the plumber to put it in. 

 “Josephine’s children receive lunches at school as part of their fees. All fees are paid. Also I sent Christine her fees for 3 months. School fees and requirements for Sunlight’s kids at Kiryandongo Camp total $1,286. This excludes two students who will join Senior 1 on February 19. Their fees and requirements aren’t known. The amount is for 19 Kids including one beginning Baby Class.”


Pastor Christopher


Dear Prayer Partners,

  “The annual BTM  meeting for  Board  and Prayer  Partners was  January 20th.  Special thanks  to our gracious hosts, Bob & Irene Smith, who opened their home. Also a shout out to all who brought extra chairs and fabulous cooks who brought 5-star soups and other goodies fit for a king! Here are the highlights:

 “Ps Jesse Denny, CalvaryPHX,  blessed our meal;  Ps Scott Thurber, N. Valley Assembly of God, led devotions; Rev Lino Muonykuer, special guest, brought the South Sudan Report; Carol & Carol Jean Aamold, Clifton Christian, Grand Junction, CO, brought an amazing Mission Report; Ilene Sears, Educational Secretary, sends out report cards to Sponsors; Laura, BTM Secretary; Marcia, Forwarding Agent; Bill & Michele, Team Africa; Marilyn, Team Africa; Ps Michelle, Litchfield Pk 1st Baptist, who hosted the Container Project; Gary & Daryl – The Guy Team; Kathryn & Gail - ‘Little Girls Dresses’ & ‘Little Boy Shorts’; Irene, whose home was headquarters for sending and receiving projects; and Carol – misc. sewing projects.

 “Apologies: Ps Christopher, BTM Int’l Administrator; Steve Keist, BTM Attorney. His lovely wife, Joann, critically ill, has since gone home. Please hold the Keist family up in prayer. Danny, BTM Website.  A Power Point presentation showed the latest projects on the field; plus a Q & A. Hope YOU can make it next year.”

In Christ,

Laura, Corresponding Secretary

"Deo, Mama Zawadi's husband, with little Rosie who lives with them."

[Letter #6] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

 “We have finally bought maize, beans, salt and supplies for the Kiryandongo kids. I have begun preparing the field in Angaim Village, Sudan, to grow food for the Street Boys and other vulnerables. We plowed part of the field. I am working with young men who will impact the community. We pray for the change of minds and hearts that the community will follow.

 “The students and Street Boys will weed as part of their Agricultural studies. This encourages them to be the ‘food basket’ in the community. The school is the only one operating the Payam County. Prices of food have doubled. I buy maize from the village people rather than buying flour from town. The price is 50,000 SSP per 100 lb bag and beans have increased to 3,000 SSP/kg (2 lb). We bought one bag maize flour and 3 bags maize corn to feed the children.  We prepared a big garden which will be planted when rain comes. We shall have food this year. Keep us in prayer for the great harvest.” 


Pastor Sunlight

"Thieves were stealing maize (corn) from the garden."

"Our 40 ft Container to Africa was rerouted due to rebel activity in the Red Sea. It should arrive at the Goma, Congo, border on or about May 15-16."

[Letter #2] Dear Friends & Mama,

 “We had baptisms recently: one on Pentecost Sunday when 15 Pygmies were baptized. The other was at Christmas when 11 were baptized. 26 total. In Congo security is a big issue.

 About the money needed to complete the 2nd ‘Forever Home’ and food for new refugees. We need money for windows and doors; for labor to fix the masonry on one side; to secure the roof so that no one can climb in from the top; and to move Odeta (born without legs) and her family to the Mugunga Plot. She now has two children born out of rape. David is now 7 and we put him in school – first time! We bought her a cooking pot, cooker and supplies. Also we need funds for starving refugees in Bulengo Refugee Camp. Total amount could reach $3,900 altogether.”

God bless,
​Mama Zawadi         

[Note: BTM sent $7,000 to cover construction & food for refugees.]

 "It was in the Lohutok Mountains in 2007 that Sunlight and Mama Charlotte met."

[Letter #3] [February] Dear Bush Family & Mama,

 “I am sharing needs of the Kiryandongo Kids. This year we have four Primary 7 and four Senior-aged students. About the two students (ladies) who sat for exams last year - we expect their results this weekend. Below are their school requirements. The Angaim community is laying bricks for 3 new school rooms: library, office and store rooms. They are almost done. Next week they will burn bricks.

“I was invited to speak to a group of pastors and leaders in West Nile. It was a great experience.  22 people gave their lives to Christ. Glory be to God.

 “Here is how money was used: School fees =  3,641,000 UGX; Scholastic materials = 584,000; beans = 240,000; posho = 95,000; sugar = 33,000; two mattresses = 100,000; TP = 10,000; soap = 60,000; toothpaste and toothbrushes =  24,000.  Total including misc fees:  4,833,000 UGX ($1,282).

 “All children are in school including Josephine, the slow learner. She was admitted to boarding school and did well at her interview. She was accepted in 7th grade.  She was depressed and will receive counseling. The two mattresses are for 7th grade students who are boarding. In 2023 we had 27 baptisms. This year 43 members wait to be baptized. We must prepare them through discipleship.”


Pastor Sunlight

"Food and supplies for the Kiryandongo Refugee Camp kids."

"Mama Christine has 9 children in Busia, Uganda."

Charlotte Sinclair Barkley

"We prayed for Joann Keist, Steve's wife, who was not present. Sadly she has since passed away."

"This pic of Mama Zawadi and I was taken on my last Congo trip."

"Meet Superman's Friends who pack the Container."

"Hillary finished Technical School and is working construction jobs from home."


"John received the highest grades of all the kids in Kiryandongo."


Dear Prayer Partners,

“You ask, ‘When will Team Africa take off?’ 

"After limping around for some months I went to see my Dr. who ordered tests. The MRI showed that I have a severe stenosis of the spinal cord. In late April I received a cortisone injection, however, it made little difference. Next week I will see a surgeon and we'll go from there. Our Team Africa is chomping at the bit to go. Your prayers are appreciated."

In His Love,

"The children harvested the maize and stored it in a safe place."

Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

"The 7 Bategeju orphans live on the Mugunga Plot in a home built by BTM."


 [Letter #1] [January] Dear Bush Family & Mama,

    “Safi’s family were living on the Mugunga Plot but were displaced due to war. She is the Mama of 9 who was raped and had an HIV baby. Earlier 3 children died of starvation. They moved to Ijwi Village 3 months ago. We tried to get in touch but her phone did not go through. Zaïre, Team driver, still lives in Masisi. There is no road there as rebels took it over.  Zaire was injured by thieves and didn't have good treatment. His wife has a small potato business but now there is no access to the garden due to war. Deo, my husband, gave Zaire $60.

 “We are involved in constructing ‘Forever Homes’ and preaching. You cannot believe the sacrifice we made for Mubambiro and Bulengo Pygmy churches. Two on our team are: Thomas N., Evangelist; and Thomas B. whose kids suffer from malnutrition. Also Jonathan and Guillaume. The rest are volunteers. The 7 Bategeju orphans (child-led family) live on the Mugunga Plot where ‘Forever Homes’ are being built.”

God bless,

Mama Zawadi   

 [Note: BTM sent an extra donation for the two Thomas’s.]

​​Bush Telegraph Missions

[Letter #5] Hello Bush Family & Mama,

 “Four students who were at Kiryandongo: Gabriel, David, Taban and John, are back in Angaim Village, South Sudan. They are giving back to the community to return help that BTM has given them all these years. Due to their presence, Zion Primary School now has 8th grade.  We placed the Nursery children and 1-3 grades under trees. The older primary classes are in rooms under construction.

 “John Sunlight received the best result in ‘A' level. He got 18 out of 20 points and just missed 2 points to score 100%. He uses my name out of respect as I took care of him from childhood.  Taban and David completed Senior 4 and Gabriel completed nursing studies. He will serve as a teacher and nurse.  Pastor Christopher, thanks for the encouragement. We pray that the children we are raising will become agents of change in all communities with God’s help.”

Pastor Sunlight


"22  people gave their lives to Christ and were baptized in West Nile."

"Angaim School now has 16 teachers and goes through 8th grade (Sunlight ft row, far lf)."

[Letter #4] [March] Dear Friends & Mama,

 “Here is an update on the refugees in Kiryandongo Camp. Due to the new arrival of refugees from (North) Sudan, the government of Uganda and the UN agreed not to allow any ‘old’ refugees to use the land for gardens. All the old refugees’ gardens (including ours) are being taken over and given to newly-arrived refugees.

 “Soldiers say they are tired of war. This is the only hope for South Sudan. If soldiers continue to resist the conflict, the country shall be at peace. The economy of the country is bad. Prices are high. Uganda tried its best to save refugees due to war in neighboring countries. Sudanese people have faced too much and have run away to Uganda. They are in Kiryandongo. Especially Nubians. We pray they encounter Christ in Uganda.  The majority are Muslims and some Christians. Thanks for the prayers.  I am in Torit, South Sudan.”


Pastor Sunlight

"Meet Mama Zawadi's Team. Zaire, kneeling, far lf. Mama Zawadi, kneeling, center. Standing to my rt, Evangelist Thomas (Mama's right arm)."


"Treasure Yard Sale hosted by Carol T. and many helping hands."

"A great turnout with many reports and a mini-Power Point presentation. Pastor Jesse opened in prayer."

"Meet Oporong and Ocula, two former Street Boys, now living in Angaim Village."


Dear Friends,

 “We hosted a fun Treasure Yard Sale on March 8-9 to benefit BTM at my home. Sweet volunteers worked behind the scenes at ‘grunt jobs’ like bringing/setting up tables; donating pizza, coffee and cookies. The neighbors were wonderful! Pastor Michelle, Estelle & Bill hauled away ‘leftovers’ for future ministry projects. My neighbor had a yard sale the same day and donated 10% of her proceeds to BTM. We totaled $700! Praise God!”


Carol Tramontana

"We are encouraging Dennis, who finished high school, to attend Technical School."


"The kids are happy to receive extra food from BTM while Mama Josephine is sick."

SOUTH SUDAN. Oporong and Ocula are twins and two of our Street Boys. Their father, James, was born in 1981 and killed in 2006 in Reng while fighting for South Sudan’s freedom. No help was given to his children. After his death, their mother stayed with a man on the frontlines. They both contacted AIDS and died in Torit’s Teaching Hospital in 2020. 

"15 Baptisms."

"Angaim Village Teachers, South Sudan, are most dedicated."

"They now attend Angaim Village school, excelling in their studies."

"Angaim School. Children line up as the day begins."

"Pastor Christopher visits Mary and Morris, our blind students."

"At Kiryandongo Refugee Camp. Stella, Jane, (Sunlight's wife), and Adina oversee the care of the children."

"We built a new latrine plus new shower stalls in Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, Uganda."

"Safi and family have moved away but please pray that she stays safe. Seen here with Mama Zawadi and one of her children."

[Letter #2] Dear Bush Family & Mama,

 “Thanks for the donation. The balance is $1,671. We bought 10 bags of cement and made molds for the bricks.  We still have 100,000 South Sudanese pounds to pay the engineer.  He came off a holiday without painting the blackboards in two classrooms. He returns this week and will finish the job. Peter is our treasurer.

 “Stella is the new caretaker for Kiryandongo children. She cooks and makes sure that lunch comes on time. Adina helps with homework and teaches at Good Shepherd Primary. Jane, my wife, will update me on needs of the children. She will also cook.

“In Angaim Village, to have the land plowed, harrowed and cleared will cost $200. The children and I will plant and weed. My battery is failing. 

 “Mama Charlotte, your meeting me at Lohutok Bible School, South Sudan, in 2007 has shown a light on the community of Angaim. Today I speak of the humble beginning of Zion Nursery and Primary School in 2005 with $7 for teachers' pay; when students learned under trees on bamboo desks.  Angaim grew through BTM’s generosity and love.  Today we have buildings and manpower for the first time in history. I was the only man battling for education in the community. Today we are celebrating what Zion has produced from 2005-2024.

 “We have four students who went through Zion School and became teachers here: Okiyok, Taban, James and Mary. Preachers from Zion School: Roman and Martin. The Nurse from Zion School:  Gabriel. He was an orphan under our care in Kiryandongo Camp. He will serve Angaim Village community. Mama Charlotte, thank you.  Completing seniors: Solomon and Maguerite. Many others are coming up. We have seen the light that shines bright. Thank you every single prayer partner of Angaim. May God bless you.”

Thank you,

Pastor Sunlight

"Pray for Mama Josephine who is in the hospital. Pictured here with Bulasio and Charlotte."

"Our garden in Kiryandongo was given to new refugees."

"Making molds and burning bricks, Angaim Village." 

The boys, 11 and 9, lived on the streets and sold bread - even in cold rainy weather. They ate garbage to survive. No clothes, no food, no schooling. Pastor Sunlight took them to Angaim Village where they now live with 13 other Street Boys. Today they are in school and thriving – thanks to YOU, YOU and YOU who invested hard-earned money ‘in times like these’ to help Oporong and Ocula and other precious souls in Africa. 

"Pray as we strive to minister to the Lazarus's of Africa." 

"One of 67 stories: Claire and her little girl Queen, are visited by the Project Officer who presents two hens."

The Son of God came from a poor family. The Lord not only loves the poor, but connects with those who struggle to put bread on the table. Our African brothers find this connection a comfort and it brings hope. [Luke 2:7 | Matthew 13:55 | Luke 2:24 | Leviticus 12:8].

Thank you for your love, prayers, words of encouragement and faithful support.

"The chickens distributed were healthy. Each family received two."


“Remember Lazarus? It’s easy to forget our African brother’s suffering when they are 10,000 miles away and we’re surrounded by comfort. The rich man lived in luxury but outside his gate was a man who needed help. Rather than using his wealth to help Lazarus, the rich man embraced earthly comforts and lost spending eternity with Christ. BTM is committed to evangelize; plant churches; and open doors as we seek to reach the Lazarus’s of Africa.” [Luke 16:19-25]

Seeking to Serve,

"Soldiers are tired of war."

"Mark is now a pastor in Busia, Uganda."

UGANDA. A letter from Mama Josephine by Selina.

Hi Bush Family & Mama,

 “Hillary is trying his best to look for a job as he finished trade school. Juma had an accident on his way to a job. Mama Josephine’s leg is paining her - she doesn't sleep. She is in the Kenya hospital and we kids take turns caring for her. Please pray for her. Thank you for the money for food. See photos.”

Selina for Mama Josephine           

[Note: BTM sent money for food for the children.]

"Angaim school is the only one operating in the Payam County."

2024 © All Rights Reserved

[Letter #4] [March] Hello Bush Team & Mama, 

 “I took the 5 hour ride to visit our blind students, Mary and Morris. Hearing them first hand is refreshing and I wouldn't trade those moments for anything. Morris planted veggies and hopes to sell them to buy sugar, soap and personal needs. During my last visit I left $26 with the office for emergencies.

 “Tomorrow I leave for eastern Uganda to train lay leaders and pastors. We expect 250-300 and each will receive a Study Bible after the seminar. The training is March 26-30th. 

 “Mama Josephine’s kids are taking turns at the hospital caring for her, as is the custom. I asked Victor if he knew why he was still at home and why his friends in Senior 6 (Edgar and Alvin) were out of fees this term? He said because of poor grades. I told him what is expected from every student. Victor went to school and borrowed notes and started copying them from students instead of just waiting at home.  

 “About Dennis. Selina said he stays at home and that he completed Senior 6 in 2022. He obtained 9 points but didn’t pursue any course. He does odd jobs at a construction site. We will encourage him.

 “I am establishing the price of maize flour and beans in Busia to determine how much money to send Josephine’s children for food. The 10 students studying in Kenya are home for holidays. They returned 3 days ago except for Sharon K. who returns next week.

Kind regards,
Ps Christopher

[Note: BTM bought the Conference Study Bibles.]

"Mama Josephine and Mama Christine together have over 60 orphans. All but 10 attend schools in Uganda."

"Meet the 4 new teachers in Angaim Village school: Okiyok, Taban, James and Mary (not pictured)."

"Nisha and Fizu (also spelled Phizu), girls, are both promising students."

"Mama Josephine's new bathroom sink."

"Odeta and her two children are now safe on the Mugunga Plot. Pictured: center, her parents standing behind."


Good Morning,

 “The 40-ft container set sail in mid-Dec ’23 and was rerouted via Singapore to avoid war-affected sea routes. Hence the delays.

It arrived in Dar es Salaam in late April and 
just arrived in Goma, Congo, on May 16. Praise The Lord!

Thanks & Stay Safe, Frank Joseph, Independent Ocean Services

"Angaim students line up; ready for class."

RWANDA. Letters from Caleb, partnering with PCCR (Parenting Child Care Rwanda) & Ps Celestin.

Dear Friends & Mama,

 “We thank you for your support as you have impacted the lives of vulnerable children in 67 homes in 7 villages this month. Kindly find reports and stories attached for distribution of chickens to vulnerable families.  Mamas appreciated it and are committed to stay well with the chickens. May God bless you all.”

“Here is one story. Fanny and  her husband,  Venuste, live in Cyerwa Village. They have 6 children and work on a farm. The other children  attend school. The youngest, Gilbert, 3, was very malnourished. Mama Fanny didn’t know how to prepare a balanced meal. Every day she had to go to the farm with Gilbert. Fanny and  her husband attended a Parent Workshop where they learned how to feed their children from local foods.  After the training, they sent little Gilbert to Home Based ECD. Thanks to cooking classes Gilbert was saved from malnutrition. The family still needs support to improve diet for all their kids. Mama and Papa now plan everything together to bring change in their family. With support from laying hens, Fanny wants to raise them so that she can add eggs to meals for Gilbert and prevent malnutrition. They are believers.”

Bro Caleb

"The Kiryandongo Refugee Camp children were happy to see Sunlight again."

UGANDA. Stories by Pastor Christopher, BTM’s Int’l Africa Administrator.

[Letter #1]. [January] Dear Friends & Mama,

 “My wife and I took January to fast and commit the year to family, friends and ministry to God in prayer. Mama Josephine’s kids seem to be having difficulties. I have met kids who study by street lights for lack of electricity who do better. I visited the kids in Busia, Uganda, before schools opened to talk to them. It’s a 5-hr journey one way.

 “I disbursed monthly funds to Sunlight: for Kiryadongo Refugee Camp; Street Boys in Angaim Village, Sudan; and Teachers (including their annual bonus). Total = $1,800.

 “For Josephine’s orphans attending both Kenyan and Ugandan schools, we paid both school fees and requirements which vary school-to-school and age. Three students in Busia and two in Kiryadongo will be joining Secondary School (High School). Senior 4 results are out; those who excel will go to Senior 5 and those who do not will join Technical Schools.”


Pastor Christopher

SOUTH SUDAN & UGANDA. Letters from Pastor Sunlight, 

[Letter #1][January] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

 “I am in Kiryandongo Camp, Uganda, to check on our refugee children and make plans for 2024.  I came with Jane, my wife, after our wedding ceremony. This morning I sent Mary and Sarah to the camp hospital with an elder. [later] They tested positive for malaria and Typhoid. They have medicine and are improving. 

 “I just came from the refugee camp garden we rent. Thieves are stealing maize (corn). Thank God we harvested and transported the maize to a safe place. This supplements the children’s food. The garden is not ours, we only rent. Others also have maize being stolen. 

 “The Kiryandongo latrine is caving in and dangerous as someone can fall in. It may take five days to dig 10 meters (30 ft) deep. We need to cement the floor. It must be completed before the rains come. [later] We are 3 meters (9 ft) down. I will complete this in 4 days. Pray the materials are available.

We want to make a garden for the Street Kids in Angaim Village.  Also the community will lay bricks for a new office, library and store room before the rains come.  The children need a place to store books and study.” 

Thank you,

Pastor Sunlight 


"Supplies and food for the Kiryandongo kids."


​​[Letter #3] [February] Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

 “God is raising serious students – Mama Josephine’s orphan Nisha is promising at Dabani Girls High. She is going into Senior 3. Also Fizu is promising. I will profile the kids as to abilities so that we can build leadership. Zainabu finished her course and is working at a hair salon in Busia. Hillary completed his vocational course and goes out to work but lives at home. Mama Josephine has a problem with her back. They took her to the Kenya hospital where the doctor advised a belt to align her hips.

“I settled fees for the remaining 4 students: Banton, Muhammad, Shanita and Sandra N.  They total 1,220,000 UGX = $314. Alvin, Kujaju and Patience didn’t qualify for Senior 5 and will do Technical School. 

 “This morning I sent Sunlight via Mobile money $1,326. Three students moved from Kiryadongo Camp, Uganda, to Torit, South Sudan, due to new government rules. In Kiryadongo Camp there are now only 23 kids (including Sunlight’s children) and 3 adults (Sunlight’s wife, the cook and the teacher). In Torit there are 15 Street Kids and 1 adult who cares for them. Plus Teachers = 12 old and 3 new.

 “Okuku will be attending Buhobe Secondary School. School Fees = 552,000 UGX; 15 books; stationery; and transport. Total 722,000 UGX . Victor’s school Fees = 807,000. Course related: biology Kits; math set; calculator; fees; registration. Total = 298,000. Boarding = 428,000. Okuku’s boarding requirements 428,000 UGX . Total Okuku and Victor = $1,260. Mark, who sat for Senior 6 last year, has become a Pastor and planted a new church along Dabani Road. The rest of them meet at home with Pastor Henry on Sunday.”

Kind Regards,

Pastor Christopher

"Hubby Sam served as 'the Banker'."