"Thanks Donna & Jack for the great assortment of men's clothes."

"Sunlight's [far rt] precious family. Back row, his brother, Charlotte & Missionary Luz."


Orchids to Carol who mailed May Prayer-N-Praise while Mator and I were in Sudan. What ‘peace of mind’!

"Victor carries 13 books in his new school bag."

"Children studying in the new study room."

"Hungry children wait patiently."

"The widows say, 'Were it not for God we would not survive'."


Pastor Celestine’s Team counseled survivors during the Genocide Commemoration.

“The pictures are of people led by Evangelist Misariro who was on the trip to Kinazi. He was going to visit three families who lost relatives and expressed an interest to give their hearts to Jesus. Misariro is our trainee last month in Bible study.  He represents a Cell Group. He preached and they gave their lives to Jesus.

“Kinazi Memorial has 80,000 bodies in the Ruhango District, Eastern Province. They also found bodies just discovered 24 years after the Genocide.  The killers told where they were buried. The commemoration goes on for 100 days. The pictures are where our team ministered to traumatized souls.

“In Kamonyi District the Genocide Memorial holds 45,000 bodies.  Our ministry encouraged and revived hope among survivors. Many survivors are getting old with no one left to take care of them.  Their hope is decreasing. We intervene. That’s why we started this ministry so even elderly can receive hope through Christ.”

Blessings, Pastor Celestin, Guardian Angels Director

Orchids to Susan & friends (teachers) for a truckload of educational supplies. African kids will be so smart!

Kathryn of Surprise Calvary for more adorable 'Paris Original' dresses for little girls for Africa

"Meet a few new orphans!"

“We looked for a free plot and found one person with a plot 150 ft X 300 ft for 800,000 shillings ($7,948).  We told him we don’t have cash. He will accept a down payment and said we could pay 100,000 shillings ($993) for 8 months. He is ready to make an agreement if we were able to buy this plot.  Once more thank you for sending prayers and love.”

Blessings, Pastor Patrick, Busia, Kenya
[Note: we sent extra money for children’s fees & rent. Church leadership must work out their own arrangements regarding property issues, per our mission policy.]

"Vicky, Ramsey and family."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[later] Greetings Bush Team & Mama,

“Currently I’m not in Goma but in Kasai Village where many people were just killed.  CAAP Team sent me for an emergency. I am in the bush with no Internet.  I will write more when I have the opportunity. 

Our prayers are with you, Zawadi & CAAP Team

“The orphanage is run by volunteers who pay rent of $50 per month to support the fatherless and widows.  I brought a word of encouragement to orphans and widows from Psalm 68:5: ‘God is the father of orphans and widow’s defender.’  Also I used Job 29:12, James 1: 27, Psalm 146: 9, and Exodus 22:22. I told them Jesus will always be there for them; that whatever situation they should be strong and fear the Lord.

“I sat with Widow Mary for some time.  She was traumatized and I documented her terrible abuses.  I will share it next time as today I am writing this short Report in Goma after returning home from our long journey. Thank you BTM for helping us take physical and spiritual relief to precious orphans and widows.”

Trusting The Lord, Zawadi and CAAP Team        

[Note: we donated the food for this outreach.]

Congratulations Nate Sinclair, my grandson, who graduated from Quantico High, VA! We’re so proud of you!

Grace Journey Church & Caprice hosted a fund-raiser to benefit BTM. The hotdogs were ‘scrumpdeleishcious’. I shared what God did in South Sudan last month via PowerPoint and was humbled by their warm welcome.

UGANDA, BUSIA. Josephine talks about a new evil in Uganda.

Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

“We need your prayers as a terrible evil is taking place in Uganda: the kidnapping and killing of children.  Police recently arrested a kidnapper. They found him at the Taxi Park carrying a child in a suitcase with his mouth taped shut. While at that same Taxi Park, someone saw a bag shaking. When people gathered around they caught the kidnapper and found a child inside the bag struggling to breath.

“They beat him until police arrived. They took the kidnapper to the police station. People are taking advantage and asking for money after kidnapping. When you don't comply they kill the child or adult.  They even shot an Honorable Member of Parliament to death last week.”

June 2018

“Some children and I have been very sick.  We were admitted to the hospital, including Bulasio. He types and sends my emails. We are now home, taking medicine and feeling better. Joseph is HIV positive and is repeating 3rd grade as he lacks concentration and energy. He eats a special diet. Winifred went back for her studies at the Salon Beauty School. Thank you for the prayers and support. Send our warm regards to the children's sponsors. May Almighty God bless you with a long life.”

Yours in Love, Mama Josephine & Family

“Our main concern: target Nyiragongo District, an insecure area.  Pictured are bags of soy, sorghum, maize (corn meal), ragi flour and milk powder for porridge to be given to orphans to help improve nutrition.    

“These widows make raffia baskets to support their children.  They said, ‘It is not easy to survive as we have to pay for medicine, school fees, food, clothes and shelter. If it was not for God we could not survive.’

“Immaculate, of our CAAP Team, distributed beans and rice to the widows and relief supplies to orphans. Below is the picture of a small orphan girl - fatherless. CAAP-Team built a make-shift kitchen as the widows did not have a place to cook food for the orphans. They were cooking in a traditional house made of mud, sticks and grass. This is very dangerous as it can easily catch fire, burn down and hurt the children.

KENYA, BUSIA. Pastor Patrick’s church is growing!

Dear Bush Team & Mama,

The Church, my orphans and my wife Lucy send you greetings.  The money you sent was not enough for this term.  If I pay half the fees for each child, teachers will not give them lunch. They demand full pay for 6 children which is 24,000 Kenya shillings. Activities at St. Joseph Busia For Girls are 500 shillings; while Likonyi Boys Primary are 600. Abigail and Nereah owe 200 shillings each; while the 4 boys owe 500 each. The total needed = 27,400 shillings ($272).

When I add house rent it is 4,538 ($45) for a total of 31,900 shillings ($317).  Last term I bought one school uniform for each child. They need another for changing in the middle of the week.

Our cell meetings are running well and now we see over 50 members. God has opened a way as He is sending different ministers every Sunday. Next Sunday we have Pastor Moses and his Team from Kakamega.”


Depending on His Word,

UGANDA, BIDI-BIDI REFUGEE CAMP.  Pastor Victor  works with Sunlight.

Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

    “Thank you for your prayers.  We began 2nd Term on May 22nd.  Last term was successful; I received my report card and am in Division II; position 3 which is very good.  My school bag is worn out. I bought it 3 years ago in South Sudan. I’m now carrying 13 books to school which is a challenge without a bag.  Please pray that God will help according to His will.”

Thanks, Pastor Victor 


[Note: God did help – through Bush Telegraph! Victor has his new bag.]

"A few of our 500 students (up from 430 in March)."

"Widow Jane now cares for the three new orphans."

"(Lf-Rt) Mama Monicah, Richard, Monicah & Mugisha."

"What beautiful 'Little Girl' dresses!"

Congratulations Pastor Bob & Living Water Church on a special Thanksgiving Service & move to a new location! Mator & I enjoyed bringing ‘greetings’ to the African congregation. Oh, and Pastor Bob hates ‘foo-foo’.​

"Thanks Carol [rt.] for sending out the newsletter!"

"Thanks Grace Journey for the fundraiser - and yummy hotdogs."

"Bags of soy, sorghum, maize (corn meal) and ragi flour are distributed."

“We lost our niece in June and last week I lost my sister, Violet, who suffered an  asthmatic attack….  Money from BTM was spent as follows: food; clothes; school fees; medical supplies; cow shed construction; sugar; cooking oil; rice; maize flour (corn meal); wheat flour; meat/fish; veggies; milk/tea.  May God bless BTM.”

Pastor Bernard, Kakamega, Kenya

 “CAAP thanks the BTM team for such wonderful love you show Congo’s vulnerable, especially widows and orphans. I have enclosed the report from Nyiragongo. I was with Immaculate, of our staff, who encouraged Christian widows to organize themselves in business.  Pastor Godfrid preached. I brought encouragement and we had testimonies from Christian Women Empowerment. 

“Last night, after coming back from this mission outreach, Immaculate's husband passed away.  We will take him to the mortuary and plan his funeral.  You know our system in Africa, you do everything yourself.”

God bless you all, Zawadi & CAAP Team      

[Note: read her Report on back of Special Insert Page.]

"Pray for the family of Eleen Neely. [Taken at their farewell party after packing the container.]"

"Thanks 'Don-the-Toy-Maker' and Eula for the beautiful assortment of wooden toys for Africa - even a whale on wheels."

* * *

“I’ve had many tears and sorrows,
I’ve had questions for tomorrow,
there’s been times I didn’t know right from wrong.
But in every situation,
God gave me blessed consolation,
that my trials come to only make me strong.

* * *

“I’ve been to lots of places,
I’ve seen a lot of faces,
there’s been times I felt so all alone.
But in my lonely hours,
yes, those precious lonely hours,
Jesus lets me know that I was His own.


“Through it all,
through it all,
I’ve learned to trust in Jesus,
I’ve learned to trust in God.

“Through it all,
through it all,
I’ve learned to depend upon His Word.”


"(Lf-Rt) Charlotte, Rev. Stephen, Mama Regina & Luz."

ONE MORE MIRACLE.  Did ya all read May’s prayer letter about our 8 South Sudan Miracles? Here’s one more. It happened our last Sunday in Kenya before flying home. Mator and I attended a Sudanese Church in Nairobi’s Kibera Slum district where we brought ‘greetings’. We were with Missionaries Vicky & Ramsey. That morning we were blessed with guest speakers: Archbishop Moses and Bishop John of South Sudan.  Here is the miracle: one was DINKA and the other NUER (the two largest tribes).

I thought to myself, “Don’t they know the Dinka and Nuer are enemies? They’re supposed to be killing each other! That’s what this war has been about for four years now.”  

These two pastors were different.  “We have joined our hands together, to carry a life-saving message of Peace throughout South Sudan to our people, through God’s word.” Their three main points:

Matthew 22:37-40,“Love your neighbor as yourself…;”

Matthew 7:12: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you…;”and

Matthew 6:9-13, the Lord’s Prayer: “… forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors….”  

Simple – yet profound – when delivered with power, conviction and a fearless courage none of us had ever witnessed before – and believe me, we’ve heard many speak on South Sudan.


Bush Telegraph Mission

© copyright 2018

​USA/AFRICA.  Headin’ Back To Africa in August. Please pray for: 1)  Visas; 2) coordinating schedules with leaders in 5 countries; 3) plans for a new Container Project; and 4) getting all my little ducks and elephants in a row. Thank you dear family, friends and prayer partners.

"Akobo Hospital, South Sudan."

"The older boys wash their own clothes: 'Rub-A-Dub-Dub'."


"9 of our 12 teachers. Our school is #1 in Torit County."

"Rafia baskets made by the widows to support themselves."

"Congratulations to Living Water of the Valley on their new 'forever home'."

[later] “Below are report cards for Ugandan and Kenyan students. The majority performed well.  Slow learners are tutored at home and use the new study room at night. I tell them to work hard and that if they perform poorly, they will not be sponsored anymore.  There are 9 Kenyan orphans. The other 47 are Ugandan and Mama Christine keeps 10 more at her home for a total of 66 orphans.  All school fees were paid. Kenyan school fees were 115,000 shillings ($1,142.58); and Ugandan fees were 20,535,000 shillings ($5,254).

"Panijiar refugees say, 'Thank you Bush Telegraph for the food'."

A longtime favorite song of mine by Andraé Crouch is ‘Through It All’. May it comfort you as it did me and all our persecuted brothers and sisters in war-torn Africa.

Archbishop Moses: “We brought this message to a Nuer Chief in Unity State who stated, ‘Now I understand love and forgiveness for the first time.’ In two years we predict war will stop – without politics, soldiers or revenge. Atrocities have been committed. No way can we bring back the dead, wounded and raped without forgiveness. The answer is in the Bible.”

Orchids to ‘Don-The-Toy-Maker’ of CO for boxes of wooden cars, trucks, airplanes – even animals! May favorite is the ‘whale on wheels’. Special thanks to the Helfer family who drove the toys to Phoenix – 12 hr trip.

Bishop John reminded us, “I visited the Bishop in Akobo and asked about my old friends. With each name the Bishop replied, ‘He died’ or ‘He went away.’  My tears flowed. The cost of war! Politics without principles; religion without sacrifice. Now is the time to pray for the Dinka and the Nuer and for the Peace of South Sudan.” Amen.

That is the message we carry throughout Africa – the answer is in the Bible. Thank you for helping us do just that through your love and prayers as we propagate the gospel in  Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya. God bless you!

"Vulnerable children are being kidnapped!"

SUDAN. Rev. Stephen is travelling to Panijiar, South Sudan, to feed and minister to refugees.

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus,

“I am requesting to go to Panijiar. Why? Because the fighting two months ago up to last week displaced many people from Leer (town) to Panijiar. The amount needed for transport is $1,000. I will go in late June if possible. Many people also fled to nearby Ganyliel and Nyal. I am in touch with pastors there.

“Here’s how the money will be spent: Kampala to Juba, Sudan, with Golden Air = $150; from Juba to Panijiar on a UN helicopter = $300. I will be in Panijiar for two weeks, fly back to Uganda.  The cost is the same. Then $50 = Visa fee to reenter Uganda. All together it equals $950. The other cost is $50 for my food.

“Attached are receipts for second term for my children: 1) Matgoanar; 2) Nyatiek; 3) Tekuoth; 4) Nyakuoth; and 5) Nyakim. Total = 2,614,000 shillings ($675). They are happy for your concern.  I was away in Bweyale Refugee Camp for prayer and comfort for relatives of people recently killed in Leer.

Thanks and God Bless you, Rev Stephen 

[Note: we added extra money to buy food for Panijiar refugees.]

Heartfelt sympathy to the family Jean Marie Oberly. She and Carol hosted many missionaries in their home over the years, including me.  We were roommates at ICOM. I’ll never forget my caring loving friend.

"Thanks Susan for enough educational supplies to fill a dozen schools."

[Lf-Rt] "Guest, Archbishop Moses, Bishop John, Mator (behind), guest & Charlotte."

Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

"Pastor Bernard's family. Nora, top rt."

"L-R: Assistant Pastor Tom and Pastor Patrick say, 'Thanks for our new shirts'!"

CONGO, GOMA. Zawadi, CAAP’s Secretary/Translator,

had a successful outreach to orphans & widows!.

Dear Bush Brothers, Sisters & Mama,  

UGANDA. Sunlight shares about his children & graduation!

Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

“My children’s new school fees are as follows: registration; school uniform; school requirements; report cards; exams fees. Total: 731,000 grand total ($189). The children did well last term. The reports for Peace (Kindergarten); Humo (2nd); Dan (4th); and John (adopted, Senior II) are attached.

“I was happy to receive the report from Pastor Peter on distribution and money sent to help vulnerable people in Angaim Village. I also talked with people myself on the phone when Peter and Victor Oboi (not Victor Oduho at Bidi-Bidi Camp in Uganda) were giving them money.

“Thank you for help with my graduation fees from African Bible University, Kampala. I paid for the gown, suit and Graduation Retreat May 16-18. I tried on the gown and suit - they fit fine. Thanks very much.”

Teaching His Word, Pastor Sunlight

CONGO, NYIRAGONGO. Zawadi & the CAAP Team report on the Outreach (see photos).   

Dear Bush Team & Mama,

“There was a crisis in Congo.  A large number of malnourished children have been noticed. BTM  partnered with CAAP to assist these children as well as vulnerable widows. Since January 2018, alarm and concern was raised by the Human Rights Watch Group in Goma. You responded immediately.

KENYA, KAKAMEGA. Pastor Bernard’s orphans now number 50!

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

“We thank God for using BTM to be a blessing to our village in Kenya by supporting orphans in our care. We now have 50! Norah and I decided to make our home in the village for orphans and we bought milk cows to support the project.  Soon we shall add pigs. We are working to … generate activities for support. We pray to have the projects up in two years. When you come we shall visit them. We are committed to helping orphans and want to make it a nice home and mission center, rural based.

"Thanks Harriet for your box of treasures."


SOUTH SUDAN, ANGAIM VILLAGE. Pastor Sunlight buys solar supplies for Angaim Village, Sudan.

Dear Bush Family & Mama, 6/13

“I finally bought the solar battery; panel; bulbs; and wire. Total = 555,000 Ugandan shillings ($143.) I bought the solar equipment here in Kiryandongo Camp but I will go to Kampala to buy soccer balls.

[later] “Pastor Peter is in Torit, South Sudan, today to receive teacher’s salaries through Akobo Mobile Money. I bought soccer balls, books and chalk for Angaim School. Here’s how we used the money: 12 teachers’ salaries; money transfer fee; soccer balls; chalk; exercise books; supplies; transport to Kampala; water & chapatti (food). Total = 2,021,000 ($522). Balance = 104,000 ($27).  

“Today I will attend a workshop in Kampala for Evangelism Explosion that I may become a ‘Youth Trainer’.  All churches around the camps go and train in South Sudan. I am thankful I can. I will buy the rest of the supplies Saturday. After this workshop I will have out-patient back surgery for a small injury - not serious.”

Thanks for praying and supporting us, Pastor Sunlight

UGANDA, KAMPALA. Three of Monicah’s orphans have made District Level in sports!

Dear Bush Family & Mama,

    “Three orphans, Monica, Mugisha and Richard, are doing sports. They participated in soccer and volleyball. Last time they won their division and were selected to move to District Level. They are good helpers at home and I am proud of them all. Our older girls and boys are growing fast and look healthy. They have come very far from their former life on the streets to where they are now. I give God all the glory.

    “Widow Victoria went back to her village and stopped caring for her 3 new orphans. I found Widow Jane to care for them. She has a house and collects banana peels to sell as animal feed. She … loves God.

    “My sister Sarah had a baby with complications which required surgery.  I went to help her in Tororo. By God's grace they are alive and well.  We thank God….

        “Here is how we spent the support from you and Pastor David: Rent for both families (including the new widow keeping 3 orphans); electricity for both families; water; medical; children’s needs; posha (corn meal); beans; charcoal; soap; sugar and veggies. The children have begun second term.  We appreciate your support.” 

God bless you, Monicah

Jack & Donna gave a truckload of men’s clothes. Poor Jack – I hear he’s wearing a barrel now!

"Over 50 attend our cell meetings."

"Congratulations grandson."

[later] “About the land.  We talked to the landlord but he said he wants everything to be sold together with the building for 2 million shillings cash ($19,870). He said we could build a temporary structure but will increase the rent from 2,000 ($19.87) to 5,000 monthly ($49.68). The present building only holds 15 so we may knock down the wall and build a temporary structure.

Heartfelt sympathy to the family of Eleen Neeley, who went home to be with Jesus. One summer Rob, Eleen, doggy Missy drove their trailer to Phoenix to help pack a Container at Calvary. We’ll miss ya so!

Harriet of UT for children’s clothes & supplies. Love the bundle of ‘all occasion cards’. I better get busy!​​

"Pastor Victor's home in the camp."

"L-R: Patrick's mom, Elizabeth; wife Lucy."

Pray for the family of Jean Marie Oberly [far rt]."