Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

“Summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime….” So goes the hit song from the 60’s by the Jamies. The lyrics continue, “Well shut them books and throw 'em away; And say goodbye to dull school days; Look alive and change your ways; It's summertime….” 
Here’s my rendition: “Well pack dem books and ship ‘em away; And say goodbye to crazy Container days; look alive – it’s 110; cause it’s summertime in Phoenix again….” 
OK, let’s face it. I’m not a song writer. So let me tell you about our faithful Wonder Women and Super Heroes who have sweated for months on this Sudan Container Project.  First the good news - we have our load! And now the bad news - we’re short of funding.  
Our relief supplies are stored on church property. We thank God for this facility but there’s no electricity. Summer temps last week were … well, you could almost boil water – at least fry an egg – indoors. Yet our brave team pressed on without complaint.  
Last Saturday our Super Heroes, Mac, Mike, Galen and Daryl, finished shrink-wrapping the last pallets. It’s like a giant jigsaw puzzle. In a perfect world all our boxes should be the same size. Alas! We take what we get - sometimes dumpster dive. Thus each ‘puzzle piece’ (all 350+ boxes) have to fit in its allotted space. These guys deserve the Nobel Pallet Prize! 

"The Conference reached out to youth formerly on drugs and alcohol."

In Blessings & Love,

"Evangelist Evarist introduces new Trainee Evangelists to the Church." 

"Let's start the show."

"Bulasio with Mama Josephine at the hospital."


[Later] Dear Mama & Prayer Partners,
         “Winter is here, our country is cold. Most of my children have flu.  Secondary School kids need to clear their fees by Monday. If not they will be sent home. My husband David sent 200,000 shillings ($53)….  He supports us a little but leaves the responsibility of being a father to me.  These children need a father’s voice to correct them. Promise and Grace are sick today so I stayed home from church. Tomorrow I will take them for treatment.  Linda has sores in her throat, a fever and headache.  I also have been sick….  I borrowed money to treat Linda and went to the Village Loans where I was given money with high interest. I went to church with Linda for healing.  A lady treated Linda for free. She is fine. I received your support and paid rent; the loan; and bought food. Thanks.”
Monicah Kampala.

UGANDA, BUSIA.  Mama Josephine, who cares for 56 orphans, is rushed to the hospital.
 Dear Mama & Praying Friends,
       “Mama Josephine was sick this morning and I’m with her at the hospital…. They sent me to buy medicine at the pharmacy…. We’ll come back tomorrow for treatment. The doctor said she has low blood pressure…. She needs prayer.

       We are fine except Bulasio had malaria. The clinic gave him medicine. Kenyan students are on holiday and begin term two on May 29. Their Report cards are attached. Ugandan kids finished their exams and are awaiting Report cards. Send our regards to everyone. We put them in our prayers daily….” 
Yours Dearly,

Bulasio for Mama Josephine

"During the break, pastors went outside to sing praises to God."

"Sharon's most challenging box."

"Hillary suffers permanent disabilities from living on the street. Pray he does well at Trade School."

"Iron sheets for the school roof."

"Big Jackson, who graduated last October, applied as Assistant Animal Husbandry Officer - outcome pending (taken at his graduation, in Bulasio's arms)."

"Super Heroes Mike, Galen & Mac."

"Praise God who healed Grace, Mama Monicah's own little girl, who was ill."

[later] Dear Friends,
        “The doctor said that Mama Josephine has typhoid…. They put her on an IV and she started recovering slowly but had a fever. She is vomiting since yesterday. Prayer for her. I will inform you of progress. Thank you.” 
Yours in love, Bulasio 

"Honored guest, Father (Dr) Andrea Arok, former Lost Boy of Sudan, who shared his testimony."

CONGO, NORTH KIVU, GOMA.  Mama Zawadi reports on Widow Chantel’s needs!

  Dear Mama & Bush Partners,

         “Chantel is in her new home which is secure and a better neighborhood.  You asked what her needs are.  She had no furniture. She needs a table, chairs and a blanket for the kids (I bought her one). The kids are sleeping on the floor so they need a mattress. Chantel started up her fish business again (last time her money was stolen). She is attending Adult School as she can't read and write.”

 May God bless you, 

Zawadi and CAAP

"Gail delivered gowns from Estelle for our 'Wedding Closet Project'."

"Special training for preachers."

© Copyright 2019

KENYA, KAKAMEGA. Pastor Bernard brings us up to date on the Well Project. 
Dear Mama & Bush Family,
      “We are grateful for your continued support of the Borehole (Well) Project in our village. Two Good Samaritans (besides you) have committed to help with the Well Project materially and technically on the ground. As we get a little money we supplement their efforts.  Water is the biggest challenge in the Children’s Home. The children and mammas are okay but rains failed in Kenya. The drought is so severe that unless God intervenes, the cost of food will be a problem. The Borehole Project was not done as it got destroyed midstream.  Then we lacked water completely. We began again. A 100 lb bag of maize (corn meal) increased from 1,500 Kenya shillings ($15) to 4,000 ($39).  We request emergency help…. 

Thanks for your support.”
Your Son in the Kingdom, Pastor Bernard 

[Note: we help monthly as we are able.]

USA, COLORADO. From the Mail Box. The story of ‘Sweet Sewing Sisters’.
Dear Bush Telegraph,
        “When Charlotte came to speak to Roger’s Bible Study last March, she mentioned Sewing Clubs for widows who make clothes to sell to support their families. Both Carol and I lost our husbands in 2018. This spoke to our hearts about helping widows in far worse circumstances than us. We asked Charlotte how to get started [with help from Kathryn of Calvary Surprise] ….
        “We met Brenda at Beaconfest… and the topic of sewing dresses for widows and children in Africa came up…. Brenda said, ‘I was associated with a Christian girl’s ministry who sewed dresses for Africa. Then I moved away and took the dresses with me; stored them not knowing what to do with them. Would you like them? The dresses are in different stages of completion - 101 in all.’ Carol and I … gathered together many hands to finish the dresses. Others donated material. Linda transported our finished dresses to Phoenix for the Sudan Container. We are now sewing boy’s shorts, maternity dresses – even cloth dolls…. You are welcome to join us.”
Love in Christ, Connie & Carol, ‘Sweet Sewing Sisters’, Grand Junction, CO

"Ps Roger's Bible Study does great things for missions."

[Later] Dear Mama & BTM Partners,
       “We believe God to restore Chantel and her family. Louis, CAAP Director, Zaire the driver, as well as the whole Team from CAAP send greetings. He has a 6-month doctor’s appointment, from the time he returned from his first treatment in Bukavu. Thank you for helping him financially. Attached are receipts for 5 Chairs, 1 wooden table and a bed for children. Also Chantel bought a blanket and sheets.  Chantel’s kids, Joshua, Jeanette and Baby Caleb (born out of rape) say thank you as well.  You asked about the kids’ education. None of them go to school. Thanks again for being kind to people in distress and need.”
God bless you all, Zawadi and CAAP Team

"A"nd He Saith to them, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

"Thank you for praying for my son Matgoanar, now healed."

[later] Dear Bush Partners,
        “Thank you for …  the children’s school fees you promised to send….  I am still ministering at the Refugee Camps so please send money to Mama Regina, my wife. It is for the second term. She will send the Receipt later.”
Thanks & God bless you,
​Rev Stephen

Here’s a few amazing stories. We were given a 5-gallon bucket of honey. We racked our brains: how do we pack it for distribution in Sudan? Clever Fred and Maureen to the rescue. They emptied super strong pint-sized water bottles and filled them with honey. Problem solved! 
Kim taped a giant 3’ X 4’ page to the wall and wrote numbers 1-100. As each gal prepared a box, they crossed off their number on Kim’s ‘master list’. Thus we knew where we were with boxes. Kim then taped up another 3’ X 4’ page to write our prayer requests.  

SUDAN/UGANDA. Rev. Stephen continues to pray for the Peace of South Sudan.
Dear Brothers, Sisters & Mama,
         “My family and son (the one who was sick) are OK, as you always pray for us; and for the people in Leer; and for Peace in Sudan…. I can never forget BTM for helping me, my family and community. Thank you for your encouraging words.  Three days ago four people were killed in the boat in Nasir including one government policeman….  The children are returning back to school on Monday: 1) Nyatiek – 783,000 Ugandan shillings; 2) Tekuoth – 783,000; 3) Nyakuoth – 783,000; 4) Nyakim – 783,000. The total = 3,132,000 Shillings ($866).
Thanks and God bless you,
​Rev Stephen 
 [Note: this time BTM paid only 50% of the school fees due to other sources of income.]

"Edith holds a sample of one of Brenda's dresses."

"The Angaim women carry water from the river for workers."

"Charlotte flies to Africa after the Container leaves."

UGANDA, KAMPALA.  Mama Monicah is now incorporated and open for business!
Dear Mama & Friends,
              “My grandmother was very sick. I took care of her at the hospital. I just came back and found my children well, thank God. Miracle, the deaf and dumb orphan, started his carpenter course and is doing well.  I started my Registration for the new business.  We are in the process of receiving the Incorporation Certificate. 
             “Here’s how we used the support:  1) Miracle’s course = 950,000 Ugandan shillings; 2) Registration = 700,000; and 3) 100,000 = materials for school. I bought him shoes and overalls to serve as a uniform at Katwe, a second-hand shop. The type of shoes they wanted sell for 150,000 new. I bought used for 60,000. The overalls were 30,000 while new is 80,000 and 10,000 for gloves. Total = 1,850,000 shillings ($494). Because of Miracle's handicap he was not asked to pay tuition…. A friend stays with him as he studies. Thank you for supporting us.”
Mama Monicah,


RWANDA, KIGALI. Catching up with Pastor Celestin.
Hello Dear Bush Friends,
       “We congratulate you for the financial funding.  The ministry was done on time but I delayed on reporting due to my mother’s hospitalization. For the last two months I cared for her in the hospital.  She is recovering….  
       “We were involved in Training Pastors and Evangelists from churches around Gitwe (Southern Province), Ruhango and Muhanga in rural areas. Faustin, our Evangelist, preached outside in a big garden. It was well received. The day was very hot. In the photo some used umbrellas due to the sun.  Our youth are working with zeal. We taught our youth to interpret God's Word by encouraging them.
        “Guardian Angels is resuming its role in the 25th Genocide Commemoration.  This year the theme is ‘The Counseling For Hope to the Traumatized across Rwanda.' During training for Preachers, during break time they sang glorifying God outside the training hall. Each Evangelist introduced themselves and shared what he learned from the training…. Evarist, our trainer, introduced all Trainee Evangelists.
       “The funding sent last month totaled $240 which included 32,320 Francs ($40) for Mama Fatuma. She smiled to get help from your Prayer Partner whom she doesn't know.  She struggles to buy medicine and food (see photo). She is … turning from Islam to Christianity. The $200 went towards transport of trainees in villages….
       “Pray for Widows Fatuma and Sifa and our counseling ministry to the traumatized as we pray for you.  Claris is a prayerful woman; Tereza an intercessor with the Evangelist Team in Ruhango District. Bosco is an excellent preacher. Leonard joined Guardian Angel Ministries. He used to work with New life Intercessors. Also we reached out to youth who were lost in drugs and alcoholism.”
In Christian Love, Pastor Celestin

"Angaim Village Community men meet to discuss progress."

KENYA, BUSIA. Pastor Patrick’s baby Rose’s deformed legs are receiving treatment. 
Dear Mama & Bush Friends,
       My mother Rebecca is sick …and been in Kakamega Hospital three weeks. Everyone loves the lessons. They are based on Biblical principles. My baby Rose goes to the hospital two days a week for deformed legs.  She is improving. We have a problem where I live. Owners of the land closed the old road so now there is no road to our home.  We are trespassing to walk home. The owner tells people to ask their landlord to build a new road.  I am looking for another house…. Thank you for great support and prayers….”
In Christ service,

Pastor Patrick

Sharon was faced with wrapping an odd-sized item - a bongo drum with stand. That’s right, a bongo drum! She created her own box - took over an hour to pack. What’s more she often took boxes of school papers home to sort (donated misc educational supplies). 
Charlene and Jannell packed clothes faster than a speeding mosquito. Ouida and Gail worked tirelessly. Then there’s the beautiful story of the “Wedding Closet” thanks to Gail who collected wedding dresses from Estella of Calvary Surprise. We’ll save that story for next time. 

"My favorite wall-hanging at home (which has nothing to do with Africa Night)."

"Nothing like curried chicken on rice with toppings - African style!"


"Project #2 - building Zion Christian School, Angaim Village, Sudan."

"Pray for Baby Rose's leg treatments. She is 8 months."

"Fred & Maureen, our favorite 'Honey Pots'."

"The Mamas and orphans

are thankful."

"Winifred finished Beauty School and works at a hair salon."

"Meantime 350 students study under the trees, in the rain."

"Jannell (camera shy) packed clothes faster than a speeding mosquito!"

"Pray for Pastor David, Monicah's husband, who abandoned the family (taken while he was pastoring the Church)."

"Thank you Kim for your terrific ideas."

Bush Telegraph Missions

[Letter #2] Dear Bush Praying Partners, 
         “We are busy with construction. In the village I had no access to Internet. It took time to bring all the stones, bricks and sand to the site since the community works some days but not others due to family needs. The Chief Engineer and three assistants are doing their work. He also uses four helpers from the community. 
         “The operator of the electric saw is splitting timber. Isaac and his team are finishing the school building.
It is not raining heavily. Next weekend they will roof the school. The construction still needs: 1) 150 Iron sheets = 5,500 South Sudanese Pounds; 2) 50 bags cement = 210,000; 3) Builder and Team = 1,660,000; and 4) water = 27,000 (70/per jerry can). 
            “This work is more challenging than I ever faced but all for the Lord. Before the war South Sudan was cheaper but today everything is high. We use Danis Hardware Shop in Torit.  Good prices. We rented a motor bike to transport material.  Joseph, a youth from Anagaim, volunteered to do construction free of charge….”
Thank you,
​Pastor Sunlight

[Later] Good News Bush Family!
       Thanks for praying as the rains have finally come.  We thank God for His Grace. We lost two church members.  The children are fine in the Lord and the mamas are happy with your support. Thanks for your help and we pray to get money to complete the Well Project.  It's raining here in Kenya and very cold.”

Pastor Bernard

"Super Hero Daryl."

"Pray for Promise, Miracle's little sister, to stay healthy."

[Letter #2] Dear Mama & Prayer Partners,
       “Today the doctor sent us to Kenya by ambulance for X-rays. The result is that Mama Josephine has wounds in her stomach (ulcers) and still on IV. Attached are photos and Reports. I used the balance in Mama's account (you sent for school fees) to buy medicine which was not at the hospital. I withdrew 230,000 ($61.50).  Also to pay the ambulance to Kenya and X-rays. I’m sorry to make a decision without first consulting you.” 
       “Kenyan students returned to school…. Mama Josephine is still in the hospital and we don't know when they will discharge her.  At least now she can sit, eat and drink. I will send you the Report Cards of Ugandan children….  Mama Josephine is feeling stomach pain, headache and vomiting due to the ulcers. 
Thank you very much for the prayers and love, Bulasio

“Lord, bless George of Manna Ministries who supplied us with cold water and nutrition bars – and the Calvary Maintenance Team who did everything from fixing locks to opening lids.” Yes, God sent just the right Team with just the right talents to get the job done. 

Dear Prayer Partners,
           “Since we last wrote, we changed shipping companies as the quote from Southern Cross too high. The new one, Global Samaritan, is $4,000 cheaper with a good reputation. We have three big projects simultaneously: 1) Angaim School, Sudan; 2) Used Tractor for Angaim; and 3) School Fees (2nd Term – all paid). All this in addition to normal monthly commitments. Thus we are struggling to reach our shipping goal. We're only ¾’s of the way. God has provided in the past. Why would He stop now? As soon as the Container leaves, I fly to Africa. Please pray as I enter data for the Inventory: weight plus all items packed in 350+ boxes. Also data for ‘loose pack’ – items like medical equipment with no number stacked on top of pallets after they are loaded. Thank you precious friends.”
You’re for the Salvation of Africa,


"Miracle is now learning Carpentry Trade!"

May/June 2019.

"Project #3 - buying a used tractor."

"Brenda donated 101 dresses!"

"Special guest, Claire Meckler, former missionary to Sudan with SIM."

"Connie & Carol head up 'Sweet Sewing Sisters'."

"Mama Regina (far rt) and children, ready for Term 2."

"Fatuma graduated last November and is selling animal feed while looking for a job."

"Linda & her son transported a van full of Sweet Sewing Sisters treasures."

"Praying you have a Jesus-filled Sum-Sum-Summertime!"

Matthew 4:19

"Project #4 - paying 2nd term school fees."

"Cutting trees with the electric saw."

He works through His servants. We rejoice knowing that our African brothers will soon receive life-saving supplies - with the Love of Jesus packed inside each box. Perhaps you didn’t pack or sort but you prayed – and some of you gave sacrificially towards the Container or other ministry projects. On behalf of BTM, thank you all for your love, prayers and encouraging messages. God bless you!

"Project #1 - funding the Sudan Container."

"Rev Stephen ministering at the camp."

"The new borehole, while under construction, was destroyed in a rain storm."

[later] Dear Praying Friends & Mama,
       “Good news! Mama Josephine is now home and on a special diet. Her medicines are expensive.  About college kids: Fatuma is selling animal feed…. Winifred is working at a beauty shop. Big Jackson is applying at The Municipal Council as an Assistant Animal Husbandry Officer. They only need 3 people for the job and 200+ applied. Many in Uganda are educated but you have to work very hard to get a job. I paid school fees for 7 Kenya children and only 3 remain. I exchanged the money into Kenyan shillings and got $527.  Those who remain are: Hillary - 22,000 ($217); and Little Joan - 7,400 ($73). We pray that God will bless you.” 
Yours sincerely,


[Note: all children are in school now except one who failed.]

"Charlene, No. 1 Clothes Packers."

"Mama Fatuma is changing from Muslim to Christian faith."

"Pray for Elizabeth, Pastor Patrick's mom."

"Charlotte, Danny (Web Master Guru) & George (who kept us in cold water)."

SOUTH SUDAN. Letters from Pastor Sunlight in Angaim Village, Eastern Equatoria.
 [Letter #1] Dear Bush Family,
         “Concerning School fees for the 30 orphans living in Kiryandongo Refugee Camp: please send the money to my wife Susan as I am Sudan. She will pay everything and send the Report.
         “For the Container we are going to use Arturo Multipurpose Cooperative Limited South Sudan. There are no charges to the cooperatives in South Sudan…. I will be the Consignee and will work on the Exemption Letter…. I finally got the money [BTM wired] but the exchange rate was bad. The bank advised me to open dollar account. Here are the details of the last money sent: 1) Iron sheets for the roof = $3,000; Visa = $50; Transport = $100.  $1,500 = Chief Engineer, Teachers and Food; $350 = misc.”

Pastor Sunlight

"Our orphans in Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, Northern Uganda."

 [Later] Dear Mama & Bush Friends,
       “Good news! Today we received the Incorporation Certificate…. It has the new name, Salvco Food Products, so now we can do business…. I am a mother to 19 children in all.  Even when things are hard I carry my cross. David, my husband, feared responsibility and left…. We pray as a family so that God can intervene in the situation….”
Monicah of Kampala

"Pray for healing for Evangelist Elijah who encourages Monicah's children so much."

"Praise God! Linda is now healed from a long sickness."

"The new school is at roof level all round."

USA. AFRICA NIGHT. From the Mail Box. Come one come all!
Dear Friends,
           On a ‘Africa Night’ Prayer Partners came over to our home. I served chicken curry on rice (African recipe) with toppings. Rev. Dr. Anderia, who pastors at St. Paul Mission Sudanese Church (where I have spoken), shared his inspirational testimony. I showed slides of what God is doing in Africa; we played fun game with prizes! Nothing like company to get the house in shape – including the patio so guests could sit outdoors. Even a new aqua umbrella! Friends brought drinks, toppings (for curry) and deserts. Oh, and we borrowed chairs and one table. The weather was picture perfect. Total count: 23. Everyone had a wonderful time.”
Yours for a Jesus-filled Summertime Summertime Sum-Sum-Summertime!

[Letter #2] Dear Mama & Bush Family,
         “This is how we used the support: 1) Rent = 500,000 shillings; 2) paid debt = 250,000 which helped before you sent support; 3) 270,000 = food (corn meal = 60 lb, beans = 50 lb; 1/2 bag charcoal, sugar = 10 lb, and soap). Total = 1,020,000 shillings ($272). We tried to contact Pastor David, my husband, but he is not found. Evangelist Elijah who pastors our church has been sick a long time. This young man has always been there for me and the children. They love him; he has been like a father to them and he loves them too. Please pray for him.”
Monicah, Kampala