Dear Bush Friends & Sister,

 “Sending you a photo of Edith’s dresses for 5-8 yr-olds for the Container. Oodles of people to share all this good news with. I am including a sketch of what Diana sent from Florida for Sanitary Pads for BTM. She is a ‘Sweet Sewing Sister’ who joined us. It’s full steam ahead!”

 Love in Christ,

Connie, Grand Junction, CO

"Pastor Jason, far rt (sunglasses), prayed the Container off to Congo."

"Thomas training pastors at Ajuma Refugee Camp."

[Letter #2] Dear Friends,  

 “Raymond and Joan have improved from malaria. We have 10 Kenyan orphans. Thank you for sending their fees: 116,500 ($1,071). They went back to school July 26 and were promoted except for Patrick who has to repeat 6th grade. Also thank you for the 1,758,894 shillings ($500) for food.  Mama Josephine went to school to talk to the teachers about Patrick. Now they say he will go to 7th this new term. We advised Patrick to study harder. The 19 new orphans don't have school fees. We pray that God opens a way for them. 

 “[Bulasio’s Story]. I was stranded in Kampala at my University. I tried to find a way home. My friend Javice (we study together) loaned me 100,000 shillings ($28) for transport home to Busia. It is risky to travel because rioters burn transport. I was lucky to find one man driving to Busia and made a plan for him to take me. He charged me 70,000 ($20) which is high.  I reached home safely at night.  We by-passed many road blocks but the driver bribed policemen on the road until we reached home.  Everyone was surprised to see me. God bless.” 

Yours in love, 

Bulasio for Mama Josephine


[Note: Please contact BTM to sponsor an orphan.] 

"The whole Team except Mac who went inside the church hall to cool off."

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Zach, Manager, was cooperative. “Not only will we loan you the fork lift but also our professional driver, Haman. He’ll arrive at 7 AM to begin loading.” Answered prayer.

Team Mike, Al, Daryl and Haman (borrowed from next door) arrived by 9 AM eager to get to work. But by mid-morning, tummies began growling. I called them inside for 'brunch' - including chocolate-covered strawberries. They had hearty appetites.

Mission’s Pastor, Jason, of CalvaryPHX, joined us to ‘pray the Container off’ to Congo. 

CONGO. Mama Zawadi tells the story of Sifa, from our Raped Women’s Group.

 Dear Friends & Mama,

 “We went to AFIA Health Center with Sifa and her son Jimmy. She had no vaccination since being raped and becoming pregnant. AFIA Center gave the family free treatment and medication. Testing for children is only done at Heal Africa. I added Sifa’s family to my Record for free treatment. AFIA Center counseled the family. The hospital gave Sifa a tablet without telling her that she tested positive for HIV.”

God bless you,

Mama Zawadi & Living Sustainable Development Team

"Monthly food rations and supplies that BTM provides for our 25 orphans."

[Letter #2] Dear Prayer Partners,

    “Thanks for the support to help our suffering. My wife bought the following food items. 1) maize (there is a shortage of maize this year due to too much sun that destroyed crops); 2) rice; 3) sugar; 4) soap and washing powder. Other money she kept to buy future needs. God bless.”

Serving Christ With Joy for 25 years, Pastor Thomas

"Due to COVID the high school students go to school in shifts."

"A beautiful quilt in shades of purple that Michelle received as a gift from the hospital."

"Please pray as she begins Radiation in late September. Meantime she's only missed a total of two days teaching high school math.

What courage!"

"The older boys do construction in the community."

[Letter #2]  Dear Prayer Partners All,

    “Thank you for praying for Michelle, my sweet daughter. In August she had three surgeries for breast cancer. All is well. She’s back in the classroom; tests are clear (caught early); and she begins Radiation in two weeks. This delayed my return to Africa since I am her caregiver. Stay tuned and keep praying!”

With a Thankful Heart,


"Construction for Safi's new home begins."

"Taban dislocated his hip. After months of pain in the camp is finally going for treatment at the Mulgo Hospital in Gulu, Uganda."

IN CONCLUSION. The “Note-Taker’s Notes” that you just read started out at 80 pages. I had to cut-cut-cut. Too many wonderful letters from the field and too many blessings. This delayed our Prayer-N-Praise Report. Forgive us but pray!  “Where there is no VISION the People Perish.” (Proverbs 29:18)

Serving Africa’s Perishing People,

​Charlotte Sinclair Barkley

"Christine (lf) does laundry for people and cleans store rooms."

[Later] Dear Bush Family & Mama, 

 “We just finished 12 days of prayer at my church as this was a week of fasting. Schools in Congo are still on lockdown. This morning I sent Zaire to Masisi to help raped women. I gave him $500 from BTM to cover kids' school fees and have food. 

Later Gideon and I took Sifa’s family to the hospital where she delivered the baby. I paid her maternity fees (thanks to BTM). We do not have the machine that tests babies for HIV - that is in Lubumbashi, where Heal Africa sends samples. In addition, I also paid the hospital for Bourgi's wife who gave birth. Sifa’s baby girl is named Charlotte Birakaza.  I paid $160 for the hospital and I gave the mother $20 for food.

 “About the house we built for Sifa. We bought cement from Sake + delivery; wood and rafters from Kimoka Village in Kamuronza, Masisi. Driving was complicated so we hired a truck. From there to Mubambiro (gas comes from Kenya). This truck could not reach the place as there was a small river. So we hired a floating bike-like boat. Moreover, we had no place to store supplies so we paid storage to keep cement, iron sheets, and wood secure. In Congo there is no industry; no manufacturers; everything comes from other countries.”

God bless you,

Mama Zawadi & LSD Team        

[Note: The family has since moved into their new home.]

"Safi hands her newborn baby, Charlotte, to Mama Zawadi. Pictured with Daddy Akhim. 

​• ​​​​Ahead of time: Daryl loaned us his pallet jack months ago; but for this special day we needed two. One inside each Container. Mac asked Rich, head of Maintenance at CalvaryPHX: “May we borrow a pallet jack?” He kindly said, “Yes ….” PTL!

Mac and Galen arrived at 6:30 AM, Wednesday, August 18, to ‘stage’ the 20 pallets. Imagine their surprise to find the Container truck already in the church parking lot! It arrived during the night; the driver asleep in the cab.  

MIRACLE #1. Collision Auto-Body Shop is next door to the church. Early on I made arrangements to borrow their fork lift. The problem was that the shop only opened at 9 AM but Mac and Galen were due at 7 AM to stage the pallets. What could we do?

MIRACLE #2. The first date to receive the new shipping container was Tuesday, Aug 17th. Monday evening the 16th I received an Email from Frank of IOS: “The semi-truck has a broken chassis. They can’t find another - no Container is coming on the 17th.”

My heart sank. I called everyone: "Don't come tomorrow, Tues. Come Wed instead." I prayed, “Lord … I’m sticking my neck out … Frank doubts they’ll find a chassis by tomorrow … the guys who volunteer lead busy lives. I can’t cancel again!”.

Independent Ocean Services moved heaven and hearth to find a chassis by Wed. Reports said none were available in CA. Truckers scoured the state. At the last minute IOS found the last one in CA. 

"Thomas' daughters, Theresa and Esther, are in high school."

"This is the way we wash our floor, wash our floor, wash our floor ... la la la tee da." 

"My Thought Box"

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"Zama Zawadi makes a list of all their names for the Mega Food Distribution."

"Sanitary pads for girls are a new project for BTM. Sweet Sewing Sisters and other Sewing Angels joined in on sewing hundreds of these for the Container Project."

"Sunlight and the community cleaned the grounds around the hospital and road to the village."

“THE NOTE-TAKER.” From the time I learned to write, I was a Note-Taker. I found an old tin box and labeled it, “Thought Box”. I would scribble down a ‘thought’ on a scrap of paper and tuck it inside. I have no idea where that habit came from. Perhaps passed down from a ‘thinking’ ancestor? But today often I’m in a rush. “I’ll fill in the blanks later,” I tell myself. But as the saying goes, “The best-laid plans of mice, missionaries and men go awry”. 
Example: “Pray for M.” Huh? Or “Check out J in CA.” Whaaaaat? How about, “The GF store will change lives.” Hummmm. Then there’s, “Mexico – 25 & 68”. Yep, it’s pretty bad. Most recently, “IOS – Aug 18”.  It just so happens I remember that one. On August 18, Independent Ocean Services, our shipping agent, sent a 40 ft Container from California to Arizona. Next stop - Goma, Congo. In fact I have a whole folder of ‘Notes’. May I share a few AMAZING MIRACLES made possible by YOUR prayers? Here's the container story...  

June | July | August 2021

"Michelle recovered well from three breast cancer surgeries recently."

MIRACLE #4. Sadly we were down 75% of our regular volunteers in the beginning, mostly due to COVID. Sometimes it was just me and one volunteer. Bingo! God sent volunteers ‘from the hedges and byways of life’. (Luke 14:23) I can’t take credit. It was a GOD THING. We got the job done.  

Heaven Sent Ministries, partner, donated 3 pallets of dry food for the malnourished; BTM bought ½ pallet. Total value = $14,000 – enough for 40,000 meals. I arranged transport; we picked them up in Texas and Kansas. BTM paid transport. Thank you David Griffis, Hunger Relief Director.

Meet BTM Partners: Universal Aide Society, Canada; who coordinated with Gebende Haende, Germany; to fund the Congo Container Project. We could not have succeeded without their help. 

We thank God for all our Volunteers - especially Living Water of the Valley Church and Pastor Frank, gracious hosts. This mission church welcomed us with open arms. Their refugees arrive with just the shirts on their backs. They ‘get it’. Not once did they make us feel ‘in the way’. We had access to electricity, water, AC, etc. – a first. Humane conditions. Pastor Frank even helped us move in. 

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’.”  (Matthew 25:40)

SOUTH SUDAN. Pastor Sunlight sends an update on Angaim School - construction stopped during COVID.

Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

  “The Angaim Village Community sold their timber (trees) from the forest to complete the school. Today we will take wood to the village to sell. However, we need the Engineer’s (builder) payment and small needs. We will complete the roof and school by late September. Yesterday we cleaned the hospital and school.  Angaim men came in large numbers and on Tuesday we will clean weeds from the road.”


Pastor Sunlight 

[Note: BTM sent money for the Engineer and construction.]

"God sent Volunteers 'from the hedges and highways'."

"Taban's friend, Paulino, is escorting him to Gulu."

[Letter #2] Dear Prayer Partners & Mama,

 “Construction is moving on well. I had an accident two days ago. The motorbike of my friend broke and we are to contribute for repairs. I had no injury. My friend is also fine. There is need for a motorbike during construction - things to carry daily. Thanks for your prayers and support.”


Pastor Sunlight

"Gideon's Mama Kavira's (in blue) home burned down in Goma, Congo. Seen here with his sister, Esther, and nephew Yves." 

"A hired truck carries wood and iron sheets to the building site: property bought by BTM for 
                 orphans without homes." 

Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

"Pastor Thomas' wife with food from BTM."

"Pray that Gideon successfully renews his Work Permit."

"Zawadi cooks lunch for the builders."

LETTERS FROM GIDEON, BTM’S new African Director.

Dear Mama,

 “Rachel and Esther’s Dependent Passes (to stay in Kenya) were approved. My Work Permit Renewal is still in process. The Goma governor officially allowed people who left due to the Volcano, to come back. People will be relocated. My sister resumed her business but few customers. I helped her and Rachel’s mom with food.”

 “The house where my mom, sister and nephew live in Goma, Congo, burned to the ground this morning. No one was injured. They are now staying at my sister’s house in Himbi. Friends donated a few clothes.  An elder from the church held a family meeting. The house was built with wood so they will rebuild with cement blocks. Someone contributed $1,000; another pledged $700 for 500 cement blocks.  I appreciate BTM’s donation. Attached is a photo of my mom, Kavira, in blue; my sister Esther, in red, whose house burned; Yves my nephew; and my sister will accommodate them in her house.”

Many Blessings,


​[Note: BTM supports Gideon and his family monthly.]

"Sunlight sold wood from the forest to help pay for Angaim School construction."

"Edith holds samples of two darling 'little girl dresses'."

"Those who did not make the official "Mega Food List" were provided food in green bags."

 "Haman, 'borrowed' from next door, on forklift, was an answer to prayer."

"Felix, the driver, is on his way."

"Mike is excited because he can squeeze in one more box!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"875 Pygmy refugees sheltered at SAKE school in 17 classrooms."

MIRACLE #3. Locating a used 40-ft. HC (High Cubic) container. There was no affordable ones anywhere – market price - $10,000. Cost quadrupled these past two years due to COVID. Shipper Thierry (French name) finally found a used one on the West Coast for $6,000. We booked it ASAP. Thank you Jesus!

Packing Day. Two of my favorite volunteers, Gail and Patti, appeared for moral support, helping with a host of duties. I could not have managed without them. They also brought three adult bikes, which we squeezed on top of the pallets in the end. 

• It took 5 hours to pack. We were given two FREE hours so the rest BTM paid for.  We filled every nook and cranny. Gail even packed a lunch for the Driver. The gals and I worked on 'clean up' – i.e., moving piles of unused boxes from the church hall to the storage container that BTM bought. It remains on church property. 

• The 2nd Container in the church parking lot was rented from 'Mobile-Mini'; they’ve since picked it up. It was used to store processed boxes; the other belongs to BTM to store donations that weren't sorted. Before leaving, Gail and Patti packed my car – hooray! Then we gals sat down to relax and eat.

[Letter #2] Dear Bush Family,

 “Today Sifa came to see me. She said, ‘I want my family to move away from that remote place where we live now. Yesterday when I went to the hospital to collect my HIV tablet, a man came to my house and found my young  daughter Solide with my son Jimmy,  8 years.  The man tried  to rape her.  They both  screamed and Jimmy threw stones. A passerby rescued Solide’.

 “After Sifa told me this story, I bought 100 pieces of used wood; 25 iron sheets; and 40 rafters. This is an emergency. We built Sifa’s house in a week. It does not matter the condition as most important is to have a safe place for her family to sleep. We will build two bedrooms on the new land BTM bought for widows and orphans (in LSD’s name). Neighbors let Sifa’s family use their latrine until they build their own.

 “We have house-to-house preaching in Mubambiro this weekend. Local authorities are so happy as the church has a purpose - to strengthen the Pygmy’s social integration by teaching them about God. Pygmies are nomads. The church will help them to stay as they take ownership. The Congo Government views our new Pygmy church as very important.”

God bless you,

Mama Zawadi & Living Sustainable Development Team        

[Letter #3] Dear Friends & Mama,

 “Only two Pygmy sites were touched by the Volcano: Mukondo and Mutaho.  Mutaho is at the foot of the volcano.  The greatest need is food. We are organizing to give them what God puts into our hand. Thank you for your support in prayer. I am writing you in the dark - I cannot see the keyboard - no electricity.”  

God bless,

Mama Zawadi for Living Sustainable Development Team

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Rachel and Baby Esther".

KIRYANDONGO REFUGEE CAMP, UGANDA. News from Sunlight & Toby, his brother. 

Dear Bush Team, 

 “Here is a breakdown of the orphan’s monthly needs: 1) vegetables; 2) sugar; 3) rice; 4) maize (corn meal); 5) charcoal; 6) soap; 7) sandals (7 pr); 8) toothpaste/brushes; 9) salt; and 10) transport. Total = 1,205,000 UGX ($341) for a month’s supplies. The camp hasn’t given us rations for two months. Refugees depend on relatives and friends. Rations are small; they only last two weeks.”

 “We fixed a budget. Charcoal went up. We didn't have any serious sickness. The kids are improving academically and able to speak English. Due to COVID, classes are organized in shifts. First shift (4th, 5th, 6th and Senior 1) started Promotional Exams. Second shift (Senior 2, 3, the rest) started classes last week.”


[Note: BTM sends money for food and supplies monthly.]

"Mac and Galen arrived extra early to stage the pallets."

"Miracle #2 - finding a chassis to repair the truck to transport the Container to Arizona." 

Prayer-N-Praise Report

June, July, August 2021

[Later] Dearest Bush Team, 

 “The volcano destroyed all the crops; animals died and; people were starving as there was no harvest. People needed food most of all. A second volcano erupted: Nyamulagira. It threw lava.

  I am in Sake Village. It is after Mubambiro Pygmy Village where we built the new church. Sake has one school with 875 refugees from the volcano who are being sheltered in 17 classrooms: 484 girls; 223 boys; 102 women; 66 men. They have no water, no food. We put money together with the Monusco Pastor to buy water and food. Pray for us.” 

 “Thanks to BTM we had a Mega Food Distribution. We had no riots (like last time you were here).  We thank BTM for what we achieved together as we could not do it on our own. Of the Mubambiro Pygmies, we fed 360 households; a total of 2,284 people. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”

God bless you,

Mama Zawadi for Living Sustainable Development

"Full to the brim - time to close the doors."

"Patrick is promoted to 7th grade but must study harder."

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"Pastor Victor loves his Children's Ministry!"

YOUR PRAYERS  gave us the courage to tackle this project during Covid when mission giving was tight. Thank you for your love, prayers, encouragement and gifts as together we spread ‘The Great Commission’ in Africa.

 [Letter #2] Dear Mama,

 “Mama Christine in Uganda borrowed a phone to call me and said her orphans are well. The Uganda students are not going to school due to the lockdown. Those going to Kenyan schools continue studies. Christine does laundry for people and cleans store rooms to help support her children. It’s not working well now due to lockdowns.

 “Rachel made friends with Somalia business ladies. May God open evangelistic opportunities. She is discipling a Congolese lady - they go together to Eastleigh Center for business.”

Many blessings,



[Note: BTM supports Christine monthly for rent and food.]

"Victor's wife and baby son."

[Letter #2] Dear Brothers, Sisters and Mama,

 “We have sick children at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp. Taban dislocated his hip. He has seen a doctor and was referred to Mulgo Hospital in Gulu but we don't have money. He is in pain and walks with crutches. Adefija is sick with asthma. She recovered but has bills. There is no medicine at the Refugee Hospital. I request your help to support Taban for 450,000 ($128) for food and a caregiver.”

Thanks, Pastor Sunlight           

[Note: BTM sent money for Taban’s hospital fees, food and a caregiver.]

SOUTH SUDAN. Rev Stephen writes about Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, Uganda: Mega Feeding Program in Leer; new Church roof in Uganda.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

 “Sorry for the long silence. It was difficult to find internet in Leer and also it’s raining too much. I was moving up and down to Adok Port and back to Leer town with supplies. The boat took so long coming down river from Juba (capitol). Also I was suffering from malaria and a bad knee. I saw a doctor in Juba and am feeling better after treatment, but still weak. We fed a total of 563 people (100 families).  In South Sudan we gave out food to 100 church families and pastors in Thornyor, Bentiu, Kuajok, Juba, Leer and Panyijiar. 

 “In Bweyale Refugee Camp, Northern Uganda, we built a new church roof for the Alere Church. 

Mama Charlotte was there last year and remembers the condition of the roof. We also fed the people.”


Rev Stephen


[Note: BTM sent $8,000 to cover the Feeding Program and new roof.]

"Mama Zawadi, Sifa and her son, one of three children who died of malnutrition before we came alongside to help."

"Bulasio, center, loves all Mama Josephine's kids and they love him."

"Sunlight hopes the roof will be on soon."

"Bulasio's adventure traveling home from University. Seen here (ctr) with Dennis (lf) and Jackson (rt)."

"The Mutaho and Mukondo Pygmy tribes lived either on or at the foot of the Volcano. It destroyed all their crops, animals and homes, leaving the people starving."

"Mama Zawadi and Safi stand in front of the new home."

UGANDA, BUSIA. Letters from Mama Josephine per Bulasio & Big Jackson.

Dear Friends & Mama, 

 “Our Ugandan President locked down all Ugandan schools for 42 days. Many lost jobs. Whoever is infected with COVID will pay for their treatment. 

All the children are now at home. Bulasio stays in his room at the University in Kampala all day as his school is in lockdown.

 “Last week the children cleaned the main hall; washed the latrines; swept the compound and backyard; cooked food; sorted beans; and read their books daily. Mama Josephine is making crafts and counseling the children. Older boys do construction to earn shillings. You are our Father, Mother and Guardian because without you, we don't know how life would be. We pray for your families.”

Yours faithfully,

Big Jackson for Mama Josephine

"Joan and Raymond are recovered from malaria."

"Brunch for the Guy Team."

"Mama Josephine is quite crafty. Seen here with Bulasio and Charlotte"

"Construction is moving right along."

Bush Telegraph Missions

UGANDA, BIDI-BIDI REFUGEE CAMP. Letters from Pastor Victor & Pastor Thomas.

Dear Friends & Mama,

    “Pray for the Children’s Ministry in the camp. I love this ministry. Camp rations were reduced to 12 lb per month. My sister went to the bush to collect coconut fruit to feed orphans. Now no food ration is given. My wife delivered a baby boy yesterday. Thank you for the money. I also support 11 orphans, widows and disabled from my church. This is how the money was spent: ten bags of maize flour unground; beans; silver fish; bars of soap; clothes for the baby and my wife plus personal supplies. Total = 695,000 ($197). Balance = 12,000 ($3.41). 

     Pastor Julius, a friend, helped transport food. Church members donated 10,000 to buy salt for vulnerable people you supported. I also gave a 100 lb bag of maize to orphans. The woman in the photo was operated on last year, when she delivered a baby. You supported her with food. She praises God for that.”

Serving Jesus,

Pastor Victor

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"Rose, Caregiver, is the 'Chief Cook & Bottle-Washer'."

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"Gideon calls Mama Christine in Busia, Uganda, often to see how the family is doing."

"Mama Zawadi meets with the Mutaho and Mukondo Pygmy families at the new Mubambiro Pygmy Church dedicated last Easter Sunday as they had enough space."

Copyright © 2021

"Gideon's mother's house burned down." 

"Praise the Lord Sunlight was not injured in the motorbike accident."

"The new house has 3 bedrooms, one living room: big enough for 9 people (2 adults and 7 children including baby Charlotte)."