Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
Family and Friends
© 2014 All Rights Reserved
Sudanese women and children take shelter at a refuge camp. There are not enough latrines or food.
from Pastor Walker, representative of Christian Mission Society. He is a ‘friend of a friend’ and speaks for us all:
Dear Friends,
“[If] you can … pray with us TODAY … it would be wonderful! And if your Churches could pray it will add to the impact…. The main points are:
* “For an effective ceasefire and political solution to this crisis; a strong foundation for a stable
* “For the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians affected: towns and homes burned, families
decimated, children orphaned, villages emptied, hospitals and clinics burned, refugee camps
overcrowded, no food, water, fuel, shelter, medicine and basic necessities.
* “For a healing of Lost Hope throughout the nation.
* “For leaders who work hard to keep people calm. What a good example to others!
* “For a break in the cycle of violence and revenge attacks: Dinka against Nuer.
Your continued prayers appreciated.”
Pastor Walker, Christian Mission Society, Representative, South Sudan
"I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end, He will stand upon the earth." Job 19:25
3. Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Leer is … now under Dinka rule. They are involved in killing their own people. The JEM [‘Justice & Equality Movement’] group, Darfur rebels, are now in Leer with many soldiers. Only a few Nuer civilians have returned to Leer [since it was burned down Feb 2nd] because of the fear of the Nuer Commissioner. He has sold out his own people and is a big killer of us [Nuer tribe].
“Peace has not been reached. President Kiir promised oil money to all [who join him]. That is a big problem for former Nuer Vice President Machar. Fighting continues in Upper Nile and Jonglei. The Leer [community are hiding] in Mayendit. UNIDO and Bush is doing its best to provide non-food items like medicines.
“Recently we sent one chartered plane with medical supplies. Now the big challenge is food for displaced people. Can our prayer partners pray for peace to prevail in South Sudan? And also for humanitarian access to the most affected community?”
Best Regards, James Keah, Field Director
* In July 2013, Dinka President Kiir fired his Nuer Vice President Machar; his Nuer Cabinet; his Nuer governors and all Nuer officials. He could do this because the New Constitution had not yet been ratified. People feared that President Kiir was setting himself up to become a dictator. They began studying the Constitution to prevent this from happening; to see what needed to be changed BEFORE it was ratified.
* On December 15, Dinka President Kiir’s soldiers began firing upon innocent Nuer citizens in Juba, the capital. They went door-to-door randomly killing all Nuer. We thank God that our own Pastor Thomas had left the area the day before, fleeing to Kenya, or he would have been among the fatalities.
* Dinka President Kiir accused former Nuer Vice-President Machar of planning a coup. This was just an excuse to begin the violence: there was no ‘coup’. Dinkas are the largest tribe; Nuer, the second largest. Today the fighting has spread to 8 out of 10 states.
* Nearly 2/3’s of the population – up to 7 million – are at risk of starvation. They can’t plant gardens as they were forced to flee for their lives. About 1/2 the population face emergency levels. One million refugees fled to Refugee camps either in Sudan or surrounding countries.
* Since the conflict erupted, churches, hospitals and clinics have been attacked and looted; some patients shot in their beds. Most affected are oil-producing, north-eastern states:
1) Bor, capital of Jonglei State;
2) Malakal, capital of Upper Nile;
3) Bentiu, capital of Unity state; and
4) Leer (in Unity State), was burnt down and looted by President Kiir’s Dinka
soldiers out of revenge as it is the home of former Nuer Vice President Machar; and
5) Leer is where Bush Telegraph has schools, churches and clinics.
South Sudanese Dinka Soldier in front of vehicle in Unity State, where we work
Three letters from Bro. James Keah, Field Director, written from Nairobi, Kenya,
where he was forced to flee at the onset of violence.
1. Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“… Extend our … thanks to our prayer partners … [for] … the … Emergency Funds…. God’s blessing will be with you as you are our ‘gate’. Where there is no gatekeeper, there is no way through….
“… The UN World Food Program will drop food in Mayendit today or tomorrow. Therefore one of the major needs is fishing equipment because our displaced refugees are on the river with fish and no equipment. Do you recommend we buy fishing equipment here in Nairobi and transport it to Mayendit? … We can charter a Mission Aviation Fellowship plane…. I can send money to Juba to our UNIDO team and they will do it….”
Best Regards, James Keah, Field Director
2. Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“The conflicts in South Sudan shifted … to tribal. I was targeted in Juba. Even my house was destroyed. Therefore for my own safety I … came to Nairobi [where my family live] and work from here. In Juba we have Kennedy and our staff. Also we still have 6 members of our Team in Mayendit [at the clinic]. In all we have 11 Team members left; so I … coordinate activities [from Nairobi, Kenya]….
“Next week we will charter a plane to Mayendit to take medical supplies…. Therefore food and sleeping materials is the only need. John Kong, who has been hiding in the bush with his family for over a month, asked the UN World Food Program to drop food where he is….”
“After the Bush Telegraph Container was emptied in Juba, we sent food down river by [barge]. However, our store room in Leer was looted by JEM [Justice & Equality Movement] rebels … the food not yet distributed was stolen. Sadly, looting has taken place all over the country. We are so sorry.”
Regards, James Keah, Field Director
* Pray for Laura Grgic whose beloved mother, Jeanette, age 94, went home to be with Jesus.
* Praise for son Wayne’s good medical report from his near-fatal training accident 18
months ago;
* Praise for granddaughter Katie who turned ‘Sweet 16’ & got her Learner’s Permit – watch
out Mom & Dad!
“Solid lasting missionary work is done on our knees.”
[James Fraser, missionary to Lisu, China.]
Sowing Gospel Seeds, Charlotte
* Praise for a safe trip
The aspen and willow trees were blooming when Terry and I arrived in Grand Junction, CO, following a 12-hour road trip from Phoenix – ‘my CUP … ahhhh, errr … I mean ‘our VAN overfloweth’ (with luggage)
* Praise for the successful
World Mission Conference hosted by Clifton Christian Church;
* Praise for host families:
Richard & Heather (little Jake & Steven); and Pastor Don & Linda;
* Praise for the clever mission theme:
‘pretend’ Passports/Visas; ‘pretend’ Airplane flights & pilot; ‘pretend’ Customs/Immigration; ‘pretend’ Global Market complete with clothes lines across the gym, beggars & policemen;
* Praise for keynote speaker
Safi Bagherpour, X-Muslim-turned-missionary to the Middle East;
* Praise for opportunities
to present our mission work 6 times;
* Pray for fruitful
‘Great Commission’ seeds to grow, especially in the young people;
* Praise for Joy
whose volunteers packed 100 ‘David’s Pouches’ for our next Container Project;
* Praise for precious times of fellowship with Missionaries,
friends, Prayer Partners and viewing inspiring films.
Street kids eating b'fast at his Sunday School
Ps Delphin baptizing in the river
Letter from Pastor Delphin, Field Director.
Dear Bush Telegraph,
“Greetings in the precious Name of Jesus. I sent you … Sunday School photos … of baptism and … the vulnerable children. Brother Ndebo gave me money from Bush Mission for the soldier who trains boys to sew shoes. He is looking for a used machine…. One of our Sunday School children is very sick. I contacted Brother Ndebo of AMESA clinic … as the child, Iraqi, needs surgery. Ndebo is in Kinshasa. We await his [return]. At this moment the child is taking traditional medicine. This morning I visited him … he was still alive. Pray for Iragi.
In Him, Pastor Delphin, Goma, Congo
Letter from Pastor John.
Dear Mama Charlotte,
“I hereby send you pictures of our activities with women and children in the Refugee Camp…. God gave us the opportunity to preach the Word of God and more than 35 people took [a promise] to follow Jesus as their Lord…. Please continue to pray for the ministry.”
Pastor John, Goma, Congo
Vulnerable Street Children that
Pastor John taught
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Greetings … in the Name of … Jesus. I don’t know what to say, but give thanks to God…. I had decided the children would stay home from school because there was no way … to get so much money for fees but God heard my cry…. Sorry for the delay to reply … I was in the field for Pastoral Practical Ministry. I am ministering to the Maasai tribe and will be with them for 3 months. We thank God the girls have finished their exams and … having a month’s holiday. Then back to school…. With the balance we bought school uniforms…. God bless….”
Thank you,
Pastor Peter and Beatrice, Arusia, Tanzania
Letter from Mama Josephine.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“… Thank you for … the … support for our kitchen…. Pastor Henry closely supervised the work and it is now finished…. The builder gave a discount but it was not enough for transport to Kampala for my medical checkup…. The floor is still drying and next week we shall be cooking in our new kitchen. Pastor Henry encourages the children in their school work. All the children are grateful for school fees and prayers….
“Senior four results are out, however, due to corruption the results for our orphan, Lazia, were cancelled. Parents have gone there to see how our children can be helped but … the only way … was for them to repeat the class…. The children have to go for another expensive test for Senior Four this year. We parents are frustrated. I have now changed Lazia to … a different school where Bulasio is.”
Yours in Christ,
Mama Josephine, Busia, Uganda
Letter from Mama Josephine.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“… Thank you for … the … support for our kitchen…. Pastor Henry closely supervised the work and it is now finished…. The builder gave a discount but it was not enough for transport to Kampala for my medical checkup…. The floor is still drying and next week we shall be cooking in our new kitchen. Pastor Henry encourages the children in their school work. All the children are grateful for school fees and prayers….
“Senior four results are out, however, due to corruption the results for our orphan, Lazia, were cancelled. Parents have gone there to see how our children can be helped but … the only way … was for them to repeat the class…. The children have to go for another expensive test for Senior Four this year. We parents are frustrated. I have now changed Lazia to … a different school where Bulasio is.”
Yours in Christ,
Mama Josephine, Busia, Uganda
Pastor Peter of South Sudan, has been studying in Tanzania for three years:
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
"… God has a plan for each one of us…. Last year two of our girls [were] in position No. 2; and our third was in position No. 1. We thank God. This year they started well but last week were chased home because of no school fees. Now they are at home. AIM [mission] only pays my school fees and [also] Beatrice. Please continue to pray for our family. I believe God will provide….”
Thanks, Pastor Peter, Arusia, Tanzania
[Note: Thanks to YOU we sent money for the 3 girls’ school fees. Peter responded as follows.]
Pastor Peter's 3 school girls in uniform
(in Tanzania)
Mama Josephine in her new store
Mama Jo in front of her new kitchen now finished
Letter from Mama Josephine.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“… Thank you for … the … support for our kitchen…. Pastor Henry closely supervised the work and it is now finished…. The builder gave a discount but it was not enough for transport to Kampala for my medical checkup…. The floor is still drying and next week we shall be cooking in our new kitchen. Pastor Henry encourages the children in their school work. All the children are grateful for school fees and prayers….
“Senior four results are out, however, due to corruption the results for our orphan, Lazia, were cancelled. Parents have gone there to see how our children can be helped but … the only way … was for them to repeat the class…. The children have to go for another expensive test for Senior Four this year. We parents are frustrated. I have now changed Lazia to … a different school where Bulasio is.”
Yours in Christ,
Mama Josephine, Busia, Uganda
Letter from Head Teacher, Apophiah, of Peace Church.
Dear Bush & Mama,
“Thank you … for the money for 78 uniforms. I … went to Mbale to order them…. Our new teacher, Sarah, also wishes to … thank you. She is a good volunteer teacher and … did the video with her digital camera…. She is thankful to you and the school because 4 of her relatives’ children who were widows, are at school. That is why Sarah is giving thanks to the school by volunteering for this first term and also gaining experience.”
Peace Church Preschool, Tororo, Uganda
Monicah & Pastor David,
Kampala Church
Letter from Monicah, married daughter of Pastor John, residing in Kampala.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Thank you … for your prayers for our 6 orphans … in Kampala. It was hard [for] … the children [to remain] at home … without going to school [for lack of fees]. I [asked] our local leader to take me to the school. We talked with the Head Teacher [who] allowed the 6 children to begin learning. He agreed to admit them without uniforms and lunch money till April. We hope a miracle shall be done by April for … these orphans.”
Monicah, Kampala, Uganda
[Note: Because of YOU we will begin paying school fees for these orphans in April!]
Letter from Regina, Pastor John’s wife of Peace Church.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“… Thank you … for the money…. I are now in a joint business with my coworker…. We share the profits as follows: she takes 2/3 of her one million [shillings]; and I take 1/3 of my 500,000 [shillings] out of the total profit. The part of my profit will … feed the 10 children [we keep], and [buy] their clothes and shoes. Pastor John will get them … [school supplies]… and … uniforms…. We used the extra money from the mission to pay house rent….”
Tororo, Uganda
Reply to “Concerned Granny” comes from Missionary Jack of Chile. We asked for his help as he has a way with words that speaks to hurting hearts.
Dear Concerned Granny,
“Thank you … for being one who would identify with those Christians you speak of and pray for. Thank you for being one who would lift up to God the innocent and defenseless. Please, with those you pray alongside of, never cease "identifying with" and praying! To be honest, it's a reality that overwhelms me … as well.
“The Apostle Paul knew very well the power wielded through the prayers of the saints. In 2 Cor. 1:10-11, he recognizes that power and gives thanks for those prayers.
“The words of your E-mail reflect almost verbatim the pleas of King David in his time found in Ps. 10-11. In … Rev. 6: 9-10, souls of saints who had been slain because of God's Word and their testimony cry out, "How long Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"
“We are the Noahs of our time, and through us God's good plan and purposes go forward. We not only have Jesus, the Light, with us, but Matt. 5:14 says that we are the light. He, through us, shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot put the light out. We are children of the light--sometimes reaching one person at a time. Who can measure the value of such a life and such a call?
“Let it be you and your children that teach and raise your grandchildren to love and serve Jesus that way, as we pray together full of faith and confidence in the victory of Jesus Christ. The darkness around us will remain … innocent will continue to die, saints continue to be persecuted, but great is the satisfaction of being filled and sent by God to make a difference and bring hope.
“I love how Jesus identifies with his mission in Luke 4:17-21. It's not a mission for the faint of heart. On the other hand, it is God's mission given to us and we must take it on. We are called to be faithful. How does God answer the souls of those saints crying out to him?
“… With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” [2 Peter 3:8-9]
“Thank you again for your [letter] and for your and the others' prayers…. We so appreciate and love you…!”
Missionary Jack Swanson, Chile
USA. From the mailbox
Pray for believers who search for answers to the questions below:
Dear Charlotte,
“This is from the heart of a woman who wonders where is God in all that is happening to His people? I saw vivid pictures of the devastation occurring in Sudan ... they made my heart sick with grief for innocent children caught in the crossfire of hate and war. How do you cope with all that … is happening in North Korea, Syria, all over Africa, and not be weighed down with grief? I admit I am full of fear for my grandchildren…. How do you pray for believers everywhere who are suffering such horrible atrocities and not be so affected that you sometimes doubt that God is caring for His people…? I need a little push in the right direction to know that God is in control … of events … in our world.”
Concerned Granny
Prayer ~N~ Praise Report
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
The Easter I’ll Never Forget happened some years ago when my husband, 5 children and I lived in Zambia. One Saturday morning we packed the pickup and headed to the bush. Two hours, 7 forded rivers and 10,000 pot holes later, we arrived at Libonda’s Village. Headman Libonda, who lost 6 of his 9 children in one day from eating poisonous berries. Yet he loved and served the Lord.
Then Easter Eve it began - drums and chanting – as a local witchdoctor attended to a sick woman near our camp. Their melodious serenade rang loudly in our ears all night long. On Sunday morning, following a sunrise service at a nearby school, we began worship at Libonda’s Village. 58 villagers sat on logs beneath Mopani trees. Following singing and exhortations in Ella Tonga, I gave a presentation using my ‘story board’ (flannel-graph). My husband translated as I told the story of the First Resurrection Sunday from the Bible.
A small problem arose when the wind began blowing, removing the figures from the board as fast as I put them down. You could say, that not only was the STONE ROLLED AWAY from Christ’s tomb, but it also BLEW AWAY - over a dozen times! Throughout the service, two of our puppies, a present from us to Headman Libonda, snoozed beneath the communion table. A piece of corn cob was used as the stopper in the Coca-Cola bottle that held the communion juice.
Just as we were witnesses of God’s Love that Easter Sunday long ago, so we are today as we retell that old, old story. Perhaps there are no witchdoctors or drums; no wind blowing through the church; or pups beneath the communion table. Just as our worship then was valid and meaningful to God, so it is today, wherever His children gather around the world.
Your loving prayers continue to enable us to tell the Resurrection Story. Whether the stone was rolled or blown away, the point is this:
March 2014