Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
The property for the street kids' project
This verse – John 12:24 - keeps me grounded spiritually. When someone dies, I pray, “Lord … another corn of wheat just fell into the ground … what fruit will he/she bring forth for You?” Which reminds me, the celebration of His Resurrection is upon us. I’m filled with wonder, especially after seeing the movie Risen. It was the real deal.
Nuer tribal marks on the face identify them to the enemy
Pastor Delphin is still busy distributing food and supplies and leading the Women At Risk.
Dear Bush Telegraph Brothers and Sisters,
“We are going to Katoyi-Nyalipe for distribution. I am writing from CAAP compound in the bush of Masisi where Mama Charlotte slept … when she visited refugee camps. Tomorrow morning we go to Katoyi-Nyalipe. Please pray for the thousands of vulnerable people in Masisi we will be ministering to.”
In Christ, Pastor Delphin
[Note: a detailed Report will follow next month.]
Thank you Lord for the new
Betty Luken's set
Dinka refugees crossing river
Pastor Walter and family continue to heal in body, soul and spirit.
Dear Mom and the entire BTM,
“Here I am not ok but thanks to God I am able to send this email…. I received the money you sent … and paid …Cindy's school fees while the remaining amount I used for my [TB] treatment…. I am today praying and fasting…. I also thank God that Angel is in nursery school after a friend in Kitale paid her first term school fees. Please find attached receipt for Cindy's fees. Please keep praying for me for the healing power of God upon my life.”
Pastor Walter
My old Bible college professor, Gerald Gibson, used to say, “All founders of great religions – Mohamed, Buddha, Confucius, etc., – are still in the grave. Only JESUS rose from the dead.” The firmly established Truth is this: “The Lord is risen, indeed.” (Charles Spurgeon)
“Lord … may Your Son keep bringing forth much fruit in Africa.” Thank you for your part in making this ‘fruit’ become a reality through your love, faithful prayers and generous support.
Pastor John & his wife
Pastor Patrick with Lucy, his wife and Elizabeth, his mother
Pastor Patrick updates us on Emmanuel, his newest orphan and the problem with ‘boy orphans’.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Thank you, I received the money. May God bless the family who sponsored Emmanuel…. People had started to discourage me by saying that the law says that every boy child shall have land from his parent. If you take a boy orphan, you have to give them land in future. They were telling me to only take girl orphans for when they marry you receive a dowry. Emmanuel … was taken back to 1st grade…. Pray for my wife Lucy, our 6 orphans and church.”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick
Zawadi and Charlotte
Orvel and Kandi
It's wonderful to see old friends!
Distributing food and relief supplies
* Amazing time with 4th & 5th graders! We enjoyed teaching the 4th and 5th graders one Sunday at Calvary. They combined two classes for the PowerPoint presentation on Children in Africa (they’re part of Bush Telegraph). Plus a fun ‘show-n-tell’ using genuine African items sparked great excitement and discussion. I hear they are sending us encouraging notes, which we always enjoy reading!
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Emmanuel in his new school uniform
Disabled man uses rubber shoes to walk on his hands
Mr. Dick, Miss Robbin, and their precious lambs
Street children in Masisi need hope
Container being loaded
* Please no more donations at this time until further notice. We dearly appreciate your generous spirit over the years. We’ll continue to hand-deliver YOUR relief supplies as I travel country to country. Details to be announced.
* It’s A Miracle! Our ‘Mom-N-Pop’ mission has shipped a total of 9 Containers to Africa - successfully. I challenge you to find another mission our size who has done that. Now it’s time to ‘hang up our hat’ and say good-bye to 40 ft. Container Projects. The Lord has opened many new doors that will take more time to fulfill.
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FRUIT. “Verily I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit.” [John 12:24].
CAAP, our new partner, invites us to begin a new project! Zawadi (my lady interpreter) explains.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“We thank BTM for your kindness, love and support offered to our Congo brothers and sisters. Thank you for the fuel (gas) contribution and for paying the Bendera Warehouse debt for extra Container expenses.
“We put the surplus money you gave towards a new project: building a school for vulnerable children in Mugunga…. CAAP also bought fuel and paid transport for our Team in two cars….
“We are grateful to partner with … BTM….Thank you … for showing a desire to partake in our program. We … do not take it for granted. Prayer is needed to help Street Children…. (see below):
1) Finish construction;
2) Provide scholarships for Street Kids;
3) Provide shelter to homeless youth;
4) Motivate local facilitators; and
5) Provide daily allowance to youth and integrate orphans into Christian families.
“At our staff meeting it was suggested that BTM send a note to show us your Vision for this program and how you can assist Street Kids. As the Bible says: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” [Ecclesiastic 4:10, 12]
Kind regards, Zawadi, CAAP Secretary
[Note: pray for BTM’s wisdom as we consider this project]
Nyakuoth, orphan, now in 5th grade
Monicah with 2 yr. old Grace, no longer the baby in the family
Packing No. 9 container for Congo
Monicah & Ps David had a baby boy, their 4th! Their family now totals 19 in a 2 br home.
“Greetings to you all. This is to let you know that I delivered a baby boy, Joseph, on February 14. I have been weak at home and that is why I could not visit the Internet or reply to your messages. My apology. I have also sent four children’s testimonies. The extra money you sent I used for food as during school holidays the eating goes higher. I also bought medicine to have on hand when children fall sick. Please pray for our family.”
Monicah, Kampala Church
Pastor John & L2R Team brings smiles to the children
Planting seeds as the Lord Bursts Through,
Dear Friends,
“Did you know that flannel graph is making a comeback? The younger generation asks, “What’s that?”
Let me tell you. When was I was young, my friend’s mom invited the neighborhood kids to their home. She told us the Bible story of Noah’s Ark using flannel graph. I was hooked from that moment on and still recall the story.
“It’s a powerful teaching tool. When I visit a church, village or school 5 years later, they still remember the Gospel story I taught - because of flannel graph. Adults especially love it. Most are illiterate or uneducated.
“In Africa, the biggest demand by pastors is for Sunday School material. ‘We have none!’ they cry.
“My last trip I gave away everything I had. I prayed, ‘Lord … what will I do now? It’s so expensive to buy.’
“He spoke to my heart, ‘Watch … and pray.’ I told no one. I simply laid it before the Lord.
“Lo and behold, my friend Karen phoned out of the blue. I had not told her of this need. ‘Charlotte, a man contacted me - gave me boxes of flannel graph – not the cheap stuff either - but the Cadillac of flannel graph. Are you interested?’
“There’s only one company that makes bright, colorful figures on strong material - Betty Lukens. Sure enough – it was. Not only that, but this set was 100% complete plus extra boards and backgrounds. Brand new it would cost a small fortune. God REALLY answered my prayer in a way I never imagined possible!”
Praising God for answers to one more prayer! Charlotte
Evaline's testimony
Pastor Sunlight updates us in his 5 letters below. There’s a lot going on you need to know about.
Letter #1. Dear Bush Mission,
“Glory be to God…. We received our final grades for last year…. By the mercy of God … I got 3.7 this semester which is a 3.5 GAP…. Thanks for all your prayers and support. The journey continues and Christ shall bring it to accomplishment. We are all fine and doing well.”
Thanks, Pastor Sunlight
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Letter #2. Dear Bush Team & Mama,
“Greetings from Peter and Victor, they have informed me of school construction project…. The foundation is finished and they will start building the wall. They bought 50 bags of cement and transported 10 bags using a motorcycle. The motorbike broke down now due to the heavy load. The receipt will be sent today. They are arranging to transport 40 bags of cement to the location today. We are praying that it may work. Although it is not easy due to high cost of transport….”
Thanks, Pastor Sunlight
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Letter #3. Dear Mama and Bush Team,
“Here is information for school fees:
1) Dan, 2nd grade, New Day Scholar Primary - 650,000 shillings;
2) Godfrey, age 5, Remu Nursery Two - 667,000;
3) Peace, age 3, Remu Nursery One - 622,800;
4) John, 7th grade, finishing primary and a beginning high school with many
requirements fees plus extra fees - Total 555,000;
5) Susan, my wife, Skyline Adult Centre, 280,000.
Next term shall be lower fees because there will be no admission fee and uniform fee…. Total fees are 2,777,000 ugx ($831). We are grateful for all the Lord has done through you in our lives. Your letters are encouraging.”
Yours faithfully, Pastor Sunlight
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Letter #4. Dear Bush Team & Mama,
“Thank you for sending money to Pastor Peter in South Sudan to continue construction. He finally received it after 7 days. MoneyGram fears corruption in Sudan. We are sorry you had to resend four times. Thanks for your efforts and prayers…. The work will continue; they shall finish in May. The only challenge is water and transport but we believe with God that all things are possible. We hope to finish on time. The photos I sent are church members breaking large stones; the community collecting stones and sand; and the constructors doing their job.
Thanks, Pastor Sunlight
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Dear Bush Team & Mama,
“Attached is our school Project Proposal for this year. Our community and the country suffers from a lack of education for orphans. We, as a school, are determined to raise children with integrity and love for serving others.
“Our first concern is a tractor that will serve multi-purposes:
1. Transportation of items from Torit to Angaim;
2. Transport sand, stones, water and many others; and
3. Used for agricultural to produce food for school orphans and staff.
“We are facing a lot of challenges during this period of school construction. Renting a tractor is expensive. It is better to have our own so we can use it any time. The owner of the tractor we rent gives a limited time period. Now we need to use it more than ever before but he sets his limit and we have paid him all the money. The tractor costs $7,500 which includes import to South Sudan. It will be a great blessing to buy our own tractor to help the school construction succeed. Thank you for praying and supporting the program to raise students to honor Christ.”
“Last week the owner took the tractor. He said he was going to replace a tire but he never came back. The church members are going for Plan B: they are mobilizing themselves to carry water a great distance (1 mile) from the river to the school. Keep praying for them. They are dividing into groups: some carry crushed stones; others fetch water. May God be glorified in all that we are doing for Him.”
Yours faithfully, Pastor Sunlight
Often I’m asked, “What do you eat in rural Africa (or, as we
say, “in the bush”)?”
I reply, “Maize (corn meal) – it’s their staple diet. Meat is a luxury for special occasions; veggies when in season. Too much rain? The maize rots. Too little? It withers. Hunger sets in.”
Thus our African brothers understand John 12:24 perhaps better than most Americans. They live it. They breathe it. And along with that, they understand ‘death’, symbolized by a ‘corn of wheat’ put into the ground. After all, death is a part of the average African’s daily life.
In the USA, we usually face death at the mortuary or hospital bedside, surrounded by loved ones, caregivers and medical staff. In rural (the “bush”) Africa, I’m confronted with death daily. It’s not a pretty sight - no mortuary, no nice clean hospital. In Sudan and Congo especially, I deal with death several times a day.
Pray for the Peace of South Sudan
Angaim Village community volunteers to help
* From the Mailbox. “This gift comes from my son, Marcus. We praise the Lord because he has found a full-time job. It looks like his life is turning around now. The Lord has answered many prayers.” God Bless, Mary
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Pastor Delphin ministering to a widow
Sunlight preaching at Angaim Church
Charlotte and Zawadi, her interpreter, use flannel graph to teach in the Congo
Rev. Stephen’s children have been sitting at home for lack of school fees – until now!
Dear fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers.
“My children thank you … for school fees. They returned to school February 25…. God solved these problems through your help. I am not able to mention my happiness. God is one who will do so. I received school fees of $500 (1,681,983 Ugandan shillings)…. We thank all members of BTM. The children’s names and schools … are as follows:
1) Nyatiek, 7th grade;
2). Tekuoth, 6th grade;
3) Nyakuoth, orphan, 5th grade;
4) Matgoanar - two amounts at Secondary (High) School; and
5) Martha, the orphan, I tell you about below.
“Martha, our orphan, is from an Arabic background. She came to Uganda with my wife and children two years ago when war broke out in Sudan. She has sat at home without studying because she only knows Arabic. She attended courses in English, but not enough. She was supposed to sit for exams in 2014 but war broke out in Juba…. Today I found a school in Arabic and English called Sadaka Sudanese School in Kampala. It has only two Semesters according to the Sudanese school system; one semester is $600 USD…. They follow the Sudan system. If Martha can take an English course for six months at Makerere College, after that she can study in English. Six months cost 3,600,000 shillings ($1,078) including books. Pray God makes a way to complete her education.”
God bless you, Rev Stephen, Moderator, WUNBS, Leer
[Note: Martha’s education is ‘in the pipeline’]
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Letter #2. Rev. Stephen writes about what’s happening in South Sudan.
Dear Bush Mission Friends,
“Here’s the news about South Sudan. Last week President Kiir appointed former VP Machar as the new first VP of South Sudan. Kiir said he would abide by the IGAD Peace Agreement in Ethiopian. But Kiir broke it by creating 28 States. We are only supposed to have 10 States. Please pray for the peace of SouthSudan. Also government troops are still attacking civilians. When Machar heard about his appointment as VP he accepted. But he will not go to Juba without his security forces first because Juba is not safe.
“Thank you for the $300 for food during this difficult time of Uganda’s elections as it’s dangerous for us to be outside in the street…. I bought a month’s supply of food for the family: flour, sugar, rice, oil, lentils, azame, onions, charcoal and transport. We had a balance of 290,000 Ugandan shillings ($87) to buy stewing meat.”
God bless you, Rev. Stephen, Moderator of SWUNP, Leer
WMC 2015
Bush Telegraph Missions
©copyright 2016
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* World Mission Conference in Grand Junction, CO, March 11-13. It includes Christian Churches in Western Colorado. I’ll stay longer due to extra invites. Pray for all presenters and hardworking volunteers - especially young people that their hearts will be open. Pray for me as I am behind on a dozen projects due by Conference time. Pray this ole brain will work ‘quadruple time’; and that ‘inspiration’ will come quickly. Oh me achin’ head!
The Lord did it!
Matgoanar is now in high school
Prayer ~N~ Praise
* Surgery. We finally got my right knee ‘on the calendar’ – well, actually ALL of me! On March 28th I’m scheduled for long overdue knee replacement surgery. My Dr. said it’s a ‘piece of cake’! Please pray for a speedy recovery – and a piece of chocolate cake afterwards!
* Our deepest sympathy to Orvel Griffith at the homegoing of his beloved wife Kandi. They are with Southeast Caribbean Mission and in Guyana at the time. Please hold Orvel and family up in prayer during this time of grief.
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As we Believers confront all the pain, suffering and death in Africa today, remember the ‘Corn of Wheat’ in John 12:24 and King David’s encouraging words in II Samuel 5:20:
A new-used tractor would help us so much
Pastor Walter & Charlotte in Ruiru
[Note: Ps David & Monicah care for 12 former street kids & pastor a church.]
Pastor David & Charlotte on their way to church
King David defeats the Philistines
Rev. Stephen, lf
* Smile. On a menu in Kitale, Kenya, last summer where I stopped to eat: “All Sand Witches 100 Shillings (.98)”
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Dear Prayer & Praise Partners,
Peace, age 3. Receipt for school fees
“So David went to Baal-perazim and defeated the Philistines there. ‘The LORD did it!’ David exclaimed.
‘He burst through my enemies like a raging flood!’
So he named that place Baal-perazim (which means ‘the Lord who bursts through’).”
The children hold their first card ever made by USA Christian moms
WHO can choose his own birthplace? WHO can cause a foreign government to order his death by an execution on a cross? WHO can manipulate enemies to pay a price for their betrayal; mock and revile them as they die; while soldiers gamble for their clothes and pierce their side after they’ve died? WHO can cause a rich man to bury their body in his own tomb? JESUS, that’s WHO. He fulfilled these - plus over 300 more predictions - on His birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection.
March 2016
Pastor John’s wife is expecting! The L2R Team has begun distribution of supplies.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“My wife is pregnant. She will give birth in 4 weeks maybe. Pray for my wife…. I will go with Pastor Olivier for one week and return immediately. He will continue with the work…. I will be present in all areas with Olivier for distribution of container supplies. We just finished Rutshuru and Oicha sites. Now I am in Beni. First we will contact the local officials and begin distribution of food and supplies tomorrow…. Pray for this work.
“At Oicha, Rebels are still killing people…. People are traumatized. We decided to help people in this area. We will begin a program for counseling and work … in small groups …in all quarters… with a 3 month program….
“I will begin at Goma to assist my wife. After the baby is born (#6) I will go to Oicha for training and for this program. We need help for this program for three months. I will send you the Report and Receipts. We will have a good time…. I am sending you pictures with the Report. Please pray for us.”
Have a nice day in Jesus Name, Pastor John
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* Visitors! Welcome Pat and Paul Williams of Indiana. We attended Minnesota Bible College way back when. What fun to sit in our newly decorated patio on a beautiful Arizona day; the scent of orange blossoms nearby.
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Refugee children in the Masisi area
The foundation for Zion Primary School is finished