Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
Homeless mother and 3 children starving on the street in Goma
The Case of Meriam Ibrahim
Fatuma was very ill and at
Lucky Clinic Hospital
"Pray for missionary colleague, Judy Niemeyer" [pictured L-R: Judy, Charlotte & Larry in Nairobi, Kenya]
Q. OFTEN WE ARE ASKED, “How many American missionaries does
Bush Telegraph have?”
A. NONE except me. Instead we have National Pastors and Church Leaders. These are Christians who live in that African country. They already speak the language and know the culture. They have no problem sharing the Gospel in a community. Thus there is no language or cultural barrier. With western or American missionaries it can take several years to learn the local language before being able to communicate the Gospel.
National Pastors and Church Leaders are less skeptical of their own people. Often nationals believe western missionaries are there for their own gain and shut themselves off or not allow a foreigner into their community. There are also great differences in financial expense of a National Pastor compared to a Western Missionary. For the amount of money needed to send one Western Missionary, you could send out about 20 National Pastors. Please don’t misunderstand what we are saying – we believe in Western Missionaries, but this is how the Lord has led our mission. We’ll share more at a later date.
You are loved!
© 2014 All Rights Reserved
as she looks for a summer job since school is out for the summer. Her ‘on line’ Master’s Program is coming along nicely – she’s made straight ‘A’s’! She studies best WITHOUT A DESK, while sitting in bed surrounded by laptop, earphones, music, cats and books piled up to the ceiling!
We praise God for a visit from my son Mike over Memorial Day weekend. Our fun schedule was chock-o-block. His friends Phil, Rebecca and family came over for a cook-out – Chef Mike was on ‘b-b-q rib’ detail – I heard no complaints. He rushed back to San Diego in time to prepare for the State Fair in San Diego. He’ll be working 16-hour shifts for a month as Security Officer. By the way, he and Charlie (our lovable little min-pin), got on famously!
Former coworker, Charl van Wyk, and I got together for the first time in 15 years! As we caught up, we talked about his book, ‘Shooting Back’. In it he recounts what happened some years ago while attending St. James Church in Cape Town, South Africa. Terrorists burst in during the service and began shooting. Charl was armed and shot back. The ‘St. James Church Massacre’ made world headlines and Charl’s actions that day saved many lives. PTL! He’s still serving the Lord today.
Kinship Group presentation - what wonderful prayer partners!
of our mobile home, for which I continue to pay rent for even though we’re not living there. There’s been promising nibbles, but when the Manager did a background check, it fell through due to prior felons, etc. They strive to keep the park safe.
Praise God for Relief Supplies that roll in almost daily for a NEW Container Project to the Congo! It takes 12-18 months to collect for a 40-ft container; plus hundreds of hours to process/pack. But we couldn’t do any of this without Calvary Church who graciously provides store rooms. Praise God for Calvary and our generous Prayer Partners!
Last time I asked you to pray for ‘helpers’. God sent Charlene and Marcia. Charlene forwards Reports from Mama Josephine’s 30 children to their respective Donors; and Marcia keeps the mission books straight on an Excel program. Their volunteer service frees me up to focus on other mission matters.
Lily heads the Bulletin Stuffers at Calvary. She encouraged her volunteers to make David’s Pouches. They completed 37! We jokingly call them the “BS’ers” for short.
Prayer Partners Pastor Dennis & Mary Whisler of Utah came through town. We found a Cracker Barrel to celebrate over breakfast! Another special visitor was my ‘God Mother Harriet’. She came on a Shuttle from Prescott. Not badfor 90 years! She saw our new cozy condo for the first time. I took her and her longtime friend Kathryn, age 95, to lunch.
What a pair!
PRAISE FOR WHEATIES, the ‘Breakfast of Champions’
Plus other super duper foods keeping me in great health! Dr. Oz would be proud of me! To be safe my doctor recommended a thorough check up, especially since I came home from Africa last time under the weather. I have 3 more appointments to go. For example, one test was a ‘Tread Mill’. The cardiologist said that it’s a 70% accurate indicator for clogged arteries, etc. Well, I passed with flying colors - PTL!
who invited me to give a mission presentation at their annual potluck at Northwest Community Church. When they get together, you’d think they hadn’t seen each other in 100 years, that’s how deep their bond of fellowship goes! The program was well received.
Plans are afoot to return to Africa in early July! Due to security I can’t announce my itinerary in advance but please pray that all the pieces of the puzzle will come together. Praise: My ticket was paid for by a Compassionate Angel!
Charlotte receives Steven's Bibles
in the mail
Steven's Bible Project for Mama Josephine's orphans - pictured here with homeschool class
“… Steven had it on his heart to get Bibles for Mama Josephine's [30] children. So far he has collected 13. The Art Class in our Home School Coop had a fund raiser and collected $108.04 for the orphans. It can be used to buy Bibles, help send Bibles or pay school fees…. I also took a photo of the Art Class …. They [used] a picture … of Mama Josephine’s orphans for their display. It was neat what those kiddos did…. In the photo the kids are wearing costumes for History presentations. The love is there!”
You all are constantly in our prayers, Heather
* Note: Stephen collected 6 more Bibles, totaling 19. Mom ordered 14 NEW Bibles so altogether there are 33! Mr. Postman safely delivered two big boxes this week – PTL!
Next stop, Mama Josephine’s!
Hello Charlotte & Bush Mission!
Letter from Heather, mom of 12-year old Steven of Colorado
Many have asked us about the case of 27-year old Meriam Ibrahim of NORTH SUDAN (not SOUTH SUDAN where we serve) imprisoned with her 20-mo old son for apostasy. The Arab Muslim North Sudan Government says that she was born into a Muslim family; raised in the Islamic faith; and that she turned to Christianity later. That’s why she was sentenced to death by hanging.
Meriam was raised by a Christian mother, but Sudanese law states a child must follow the father’s religion. Meriam’s father was a Muslim. What’s more, she was convicted of apostasy and adultery for marrying a non-Muslim. Khartoum’s court then annulled her 3-year-long marriage to an American Christian citizen and ordered that she be given 100 lashes and hanged. On May 31 a Sudanese Official stated that Meriam would be freed. However, later the Foreign Ministry said the report was false.
Her conviction was internationally condemned, when Meriam, then heavily-pregnant, was sentenced to death for refusing to renounce Christianity. Last week, while chained to her bed, she gave birth to a baby girl, while in shackles. Meriam is under pressure to convert from Christianity to Islam with the promise to reduce or eliminate the charges. Continue to pray for her release.
Insert Page – North Sudan & USA
“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” Psalm 42:11
Praising God as Together We Hope in Him,
Hello Mama & Bush Mission,
“I will send you the new program for our Ministry. I plan to train volunteers in Trauma Healing. The first training was held Sunday, May 25…. Do you have any manuals about Trauma Healing…? See if you can send [them]. I want to train myself and then my Team…. We need your help… for the progress of the ministry….”
Pastor John, Goma
* Note: We ordered Trauma Material which I will hand-deliver to Pastor John in July.
Letter from Pastor John, of Goma town and Northern Kivu Province.
Pastor Delphin's 8 children whom we helped with school fees
Letter from Pastor Delphin, of Goma town about school and the vulnerable children at church.
Dear Bush Telegraph,
“Thank you … for your help with school fees for my 8 children. This school year was a financial burden because fees in Form 6 (High School Senior) for my two daughters … increased. In one month the school year will end. I owe the high school $250 and Primary School, $40.
“With your donation in May I bought rice, beans, oil and wood for the fire…. I bought them from our vulnerable women who have a small business, to support them. They sell things at a good price and we wish to encourage them…. Besides, things at the market in town are expensive. For example, rice in town is from Pakistan and therefore costs more; but our vulnerable women sell locally grown rice.
“Another problem is the number of vulnerable children we are feeding on Sundays. We started with 50 but now they are about 80. We hope Jesus can do a miracle for these little children…. One of our children went into the street. We have been looking for him for two weeks…. Other children saw him pushing a local wooden bicycle (called a ‘Chukudu’) transporting luggage…. His name is Epoir, he’s 15. Please join us in prayer….”
In Him, Pastor Delphin
* Note: we sent extra money to cover his kid’s school fees and food for 80+ children.
Waiting for water in the
refugee camps
Innocent civilians, especially women and children, suffer from starvation
“Thank you … for your continued prayers for the people and nation of South Sudan. Our hope for peace is in Almighty God. He is our source…. We too are praying for the meeting taking place … between our two leaders, Dinka President Kiir and former Nuer Vice President Machar. As they talk and sign the 2nd Peace Agreement, may God give us a lasting solution to this [war]. We are tired. Children are in Refugee Camps. No schools are open. What will their future be? The health of 1.3 million displaced people is in question. ‘FORGIVE OUR SINS; OH GOD. HAVE MERCY ON THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH SUDAN; DELIVERS US’ is our prayer.”
Thank you … Saints in the USA, Elizabeth, UNIDO
(Bush Telegraph Partner)
Letter from Elizabeth, our UNIDO partner, thanking YOU for praying for South Sudan. The 2nd Peace Agreement, to which Elizabeth refers, sadly was broken within 48 hours.
Our Dear Mama & Mission,
350 new Mosquito Nets for Leer,
because of you!
Overcrowded refugee camps
during rainy season
Letter from Bro. James, Field Director, regarding the Leer Project.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“.... For the second time [since the war] I’m in Juba…. With your contribution we … purchased 350 … mosquito nets, based on the request from the Leer community. [See photo]…. Each mosquito net cost 20 South Sudanese Pounds ($3.50); altogether 7,000 Pounds ($1,230); 600 Pounds ($105) went towards transport of the nets from Konykonyi Market to our Office…. When we get more funds we will charter a MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) plane to transport the nets to Leer together with medical supplies…. We are so grateful for the heart you have for our community…. Please continue to pray for the Peace of South Sudan…."
Best Regards, Bro. James
Letter from Pastor Sunlight of Sudan, attending school in Uganda.
Hello Mami & Bush Mission,
“AIM (Africa Inland Mission) supports me by paying my school fees at Africa Bible University…. People from AIM office paid our April-June house rent; and a friend … gave us [money] for food. I left my Assistant Pastor Felix to take care of Angaim Village Church in South Sudan. He also oversees the Primary School. He received the money you sent … to pay our 4 teachers…. Thank you for your … support of Angaim Village School….”
“Greetings in Jesus’ Name…. My family and I finally arrived at Africa Bible University. It’s our first night…. Our journey was long from Torit, South Sudan, to Kampala, Uganda. You and I did this trip by bus last year…. It was challenging with the 3 children yet God made it wonderful. Susan and I thank Bush mission for paying school fees for our children…. The two boys are now at school as well as Susan….
Your faithful son, Pastor Sunlight
Pastor John, Peace Church Preschool, Tororo
Letter from Pastor John of Peace Church Preschool, Tororo, who cares for the 10 orphans.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“Thank you … for the support of Sharon, our 13-yr old orphan. She so much appreciated your support for her school needs. I attach her testimony and photo in her school uniform [see letter below & attached photo].”
Pastor John & 3 of his 10 orphans in their new triple-bunk beds
“Thank you … for the support of the teachers…. I visited [Pastor John’s 10] orphans yesterday and saw them on their 3 new triple-decker bunk beds. I took a photo as Pastor John was teaching them a song....”
Teacher Sarah, Peace Church Preschool, Tororo
Letter from Teacher Sarah of Peace Church Preschool, in Tororo town.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
* Note: We had sent Mama the proper amount of money for 30 school fees. But due to her paying Jackson’s school fees in advance, she fell short for her 21 other orphans. We’ve since sent additional money to cover these 21 so all the kids are now enrolled in school.
Letter from Mama Josephine, due to extenuating circum-stances, is still struggling to get all 30 kids back to school!
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“Greetings in the Name of … Jesus. … Thanks for the support and paying the children’s school fees…. It is wonderful news that Jackson’s donor is willing to pay the increased school fees. He was so excited when he heard their message. He left for college which is far - past Kampala and Masaka - and traveled for 9 hours before reaching Kyotera where the new college is.
“Jackson paid 1,500,000 shillings ($586) for the school for the first term. Fees for the second and third terms were reduced to 1,250,000 ($489) each. I paid it all as time was running out and I feared that his chance would be given away if he delayed. I did that to secure his place in school. Thus I used money meant for the other children’s school fees. I could buy only a few items on the list that Jackson needed…. He lacked some items like a farm tool that the school requires….
“Attached are copies of the Report Cards which remain…. Fatuma, one of the high school girls, was very sick during Exams which affected her studies. Lucky’s Clinic admitted her in their private hospital. She is better now so I took her back to school. She is catching up…. I still have 21 children at home due to the lack of fees as they can’t attend until these are paid…. All the orphans are grateful and are praying for you.”
Yours in His Abundant Love, Mama Josephine and family
Letter from Pastor Patrick of Busia, who cares for 6 orphans.
Dear Bush Mission,
“Greetings in the Name of … Jesus. Thank you for praying for our two children who have been sick with malaria and typhoid; and for sending money to cover their medical fees. They are now recovering. Today they went to school. Attached is the receipt for their treatment.”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick
Letter from mission partner Pastor Bernard of Kakamaga, founder of 25+ churches. We haven’t heard much from him for a while as he was pursuing studies out of the country.
* Note: Praise God for this opportunity to partner with Ps Bernard’s Child Rescue ministry!
Pastor Bernard
“It’s with great love that I [share] … a milestone in our ministry. We are doing evangelism and discipleship programs; and now rescue vulnerable children. We set up a Child Rescue Center in Kakamaga…. We stay with the children and have another Center in Bungoma. I am writing to ask your permission [to] send you our Project Proposal to pray with us. We trust God for the Project."
Hello Mama Charlotte & Bush Mission,
Pray for longtime missionary colleague, Judy Niemeyer, serving in Nairobi. She and hubby Larry founded Harvest Impact Ministries, a successful discipleship program. Last February Judy was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas. She had surgery in late April and is presently undergoing chemo. She is the ‘hub of the ministry wheel’. It doesn’t ‘turn’ very well without her, so pray that the Lord will help Larry find ways and means of meeting ministry needs. Their son Ronan and family flew to Kenya to cheer Mom Judy up on Mother’s Day.
Prayer-N-Praise Report
Now God has given me the opportunity to pass on that unconditional love to the ‘Least’, the ‘Last’, and the ‘Lost’. Thank you Myrtle and thank YOU Prayer Partners for being a part of it through your love and your prayers for Bush Telegraph Mission.
May also reminds me of another special friend from childhood – Grandma Myrtle. My REAL grandparents lived far away so I ‘adopted’ Myrtle at an early age. When school was out I’d peddle my bike to her humble clapboard wooden house; my dog Sophie trailing close behind. Myrtle and Hardy had no children so they poured out unconditional love on neighborhood kids.
Myrtle taught me things like crocheting; making cherry pie from ‘scratch’ (even climbing the cherry tree to pick them); made my Latin homework fun (is that possible?); and much more. If I gave her a small homemade gift, she displayed in a prominent place, no matter how shabby.
I pray that YOU had a ‘Grandma Myrtle’ in your life, too! Today the tables are turned. I am ‘Mama’ and ‘Grandma’ to many African children and adults. Grandma Myrtle never went to the mission field; never went to Bible College; but the lessons I learned at her feet helped prepare me for the mission field today.
The ‘Very Merry Month of May’ was all about spending ‘precious moments with Prayer Partners’. To clarify, a ‘Prayer Partner’ may - or may not be - a Donor. They simply PRAY for the Mission. There was Joyce, Carol, another Carol, Penny, Rose Marie, Marie, Rene, Virginia, Naomi, Sandy, Laura, Harriet, Terry, Darrell, Janet, her daughter Susan, Steven to name a few. All are precious ‘Prayer Partners’ – and friends - who inspire me!
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
May 2014