Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
Most Americans today have not experienced severe want. Even if they aren’t making ends meet there are government-provided safety nets. Not many are darning socks; boiling a chicken carcass for soup; lining shoes with cardboard; or drying out a bar of soap to last longer. When I return home from Africa I am saddened by the waste I see – especially food. There, nothing is wasted. I mean nothing. I used to consider myself frugal with money and a good steward of resources until I met our brothers and sisters across Africa. They put me to shame.
"Repairing broken shoes."
"Preaching the Word one pair of shoes at a time."
KENYA, BUSIA. Pastor Patrick updates us on COVID-19.
Dear Bush Friends & Mama,
“Still no gathering for church is allowed. Even funerals only allow 15 people. I have 3-4 cells at a house every Sunday. We have 1,747 COVID-19 patients and 64 dead. One area in Nairobi and another in Mombasa are in total lock down. Heavy rains caused flooding and 185 people died while many are now homeless. Pastor Michael of Church of God lost his home in the flood. We sent prayers.
Schools may reopen in September. Ugandans can come to Kenya and nobody is killed. But if we Kenyans go to Uganda we are killed. Only truck drivers are allowed in Uganda. Likewise Tanzania doesn’t want Kenyans but they come to Kenya. But their police return Kenyans to Kenya and don't kill them. The children send greetings and prayers to stay safe.”
Pastor Patrick
© Copyright 2020
"Sunlight distributes seeds in Himodonge community."
"Seeking God's plan for America."
"Arial view."
Today can be ‘the best of times’ for reaching out to others; speaking truth; sharing our hope in Jesus Christ. Paul encourages us in 2 Timothy 1:7 - “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power, and love, and discipline.” What better time to show God’s love to the suffering, the unloved, the fearful, the angry? With great challenges come great opportunities!
USA. PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. This month I bid a final good-bye to my beloved Mom Harriet. She was closer to me than to my own biological mother, though I loved them both with all my heart. I’ll share details next time as the service is still pending. “Dear Lord … thank You for Mom’s positive influence on my life for so many years. She was always there for me. You prepared her so beautifully for that final journey to her heavenly home. Mom, I miss you so.” Amen.
[letter #4 – Sandie surprises us with gift cards!]
Dear Char & Team,
“Please enjoy these printed gift cards for Staples Office Supply. May they help with printing and other mission supplies such as blackboards for schools in South Sudan”
Taylor, Michigan
“IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness….” So begins “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens. Is he writing about the year 2020? We are surrounded now by not only a world-wide pandemic, but the twin epidemics of anger and fear. What can we do? Advice from so-called ‘experts’ varies. Financial security, personal security and health are all at risk.
CONCLUSION: God’s future plan for our lives, our country and our world begins with you and me.
Serving in the Best of Times,
"Zawadi and Team prepare bundles for about 1,000 Pygmy people. The Report coming next time."
"Food for 13 villages will be bought in Juba, South Sudan, and sent down river to Adok on barges."
"Magnificent Seven Team #2" moved the 'overflow' supplies from the Living Water store room into our new Container, Nellie."
UGANDA, BUSIA. Mama Josephine has been under the weather.
Dear Friends & Mama,
“Mama Josephine feels as if something is burning her heart. I’ll take her for a checkup this morning. All the children are at home so they eat a lot since they are not at school where meals are provided. Sylvia, our full-time helper, is asking for her salary. Also Christine's landlady wants her rent. We have 227 cases of COVID-19 and 63 have recovered. Most come from Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi. It’s in God's hands.”
Yours faithfully,
Bulasio for Mama Josephine
"Bulasio is a soccer star in Busia."
"Our Children's Home now has 70 orphans and 30 Widowed Mamas."
"Connie (lf) & Sweet Sewing Sisters."
"Pastor Benard visits a church member's home."
[letter #2] Dear Bush Team & Mama,
“Our president addressed the nation about the Pandemic. Now we have 646 cases. He prohibited public transport at the borders but allowed public vehicles not at the borders to carry 7 passengers. He will allow distribution of masks at the borders. We are running short of food due to all the kids being home. We have enough for four more days. Mama Josephine’s sister used to bring us veggies from the garden but due to her bad back she is not planting. Pastor Henry has been good to bring food after the harvest but now he is planting.
“Elsie our cow is about to give birth. After that we shall receive milk. Elsie is with other cows in a friend’s corral. The children have lessons in the morning from 8:00-11:30 am. After lunch they study from 2:00-4:30 pm. They go for evening lessons from 7:00-9:00 pm. I, Bulasio, mobilize them for lessons and the older girls and boys coach the young children. Mama Josephine is feeling back pain. She had a treatment yesterday but feeling weak. We need your prayers…. We love you all. Be blessed."
Yours in love,
Bulasio for Mama Josephine
[Note: we rushed funds to buy food for the family.]
"Mama Ngoy smiles for the first time. Pictured with her five beautiful children."
[Letter #2] Dear Brothers & Mama,
“Here is our banking information you requested. Brothers and sisters in Bweyale Refugee Camp, Uganda need help. As mentioned last time their ration was cut in half and they are starving.
There are 13 villages or 834 people who need food in South Sudan: 1) LEER = 312 people; 2) PANYIJIAR = 176 people; 3) MAYENDIIT = 177 people; and 4) KOCH = 169 people. We pray for you daily.”
God bless you,
Rev Stephen
[Note: Food is being distributed per lists at this time.]
SOUTH SUDAN, ANGAIM VILLAGE. Pastor Sunlight is working to finish the school construction.
Dear Bush Family,
“Teachers received their salaries and are thankful. During this lock down we are not allowed to cross states in South Sudan. I long to see my children at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, Uganda. I brought Susan, my wife, to South Sudan. So Rose is caregiver for the children living in Kiryandongo, plus her own two. She serves faithfully without complaint. The older children helped plant a garden as the monthly ration is not enough to feed them. There is a shortage of food.
“The bridge on the way to Angaim Village was rebuilt by Triple L Investment Co. The new clinic was constructed by Lyda Construction & Trading Co. The two companies signed an agreement to finish construction in exchange for local trees. We are only left with windows. They are in Torit but due to COVID-19 we are not allowed any movement except for food. We engaged another person to finish the school in exchange for mafula trees. We cannot do more construction until the government lifts the lockdown.”
Thank you,
Pastor Sunlight
God is sovereign and allowed this pandemic, political division and social unrest. We don’t know His plans but we trust His intentions. Is He preparing America for a spiritual revival? Don’t dwell on bad news or discouraging headlines of the day. We are part of a fallen world. There is a bigger picture; a longer view of time; and a brighter future. Pray and seek God’s plan for our country - starting with our own hearts.
Charlotte Sinclair Barkley
"Uganda's COVID-19 affects the poor most of all."
[letter #3] Dear Friends & Mama,
“We received the money and appreciate the financial help. Mama Josephine is improving. Her problem is an old back injury from a fall. The nurse is a good lady and has been treating Mama Josephine for free morning and evening. Due to Mama’s ulcer history we are following your diet advice. She is eating green veggies and milk. She was not following her diet due to lack of funds. We bought two 100 lb bags of posho and ugali; 60 lb beans; a box of milk, avocados, eggs, cabbage, watermelon, pineapple, green paper and garlic (for immunity). We spent 550,000 shillings ($147) on food and treatment. We paid the nurse 100,000 ($27) as she treated mama for free. Mama is feeling better. Honorable Macho Geoffrey, a local official, helps with food sometimes.
“Elsie gave birth to little Elsie, a crossbreed. He is beautiful and healthy (see photo). On Sundays we sing praises and then have a Bible story. We close with a prayer. The children send love and greetings.”
Yours in love,
Bulasio for Mama Josephine
"John Mark & Darlene."
"Pastor Bernard conducts a home group Bible study."
[letter #2 – John & Darlene, retired, make an unprecedented sacrifice]
Dear Charlotte,
“Yesterday Bush Telegraph Report arrived. I read it out loud to Darlene (who has a hard time reading small print). We rejoice with you in the work of Christ in Africa. Also yesterday we received the government stimulus checks … which we don’t need as bad as many, especially those working among the Persecuted Church in Africa (that’s you). Therefore we are posting two checks today. We know you will spend it well for our Lord.
“Here are words to encourage you from our church’s Daily Prayer Guide: Is it Worth it? ‘If I am offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I take delight and rejoice with you all.’ Philippians’ 2.17 [prayer] ‘Dear Lord, may my life prove to be meaningful to others. Help me to not only give myself to others, but also make sacrifices as necessary to connect others to You’.”
John & Darlene
Indianapolis, Indiana
"Buying food for the Pygmy distribution."
"Kathryn's (rt) group sewed 75 dresses!"
SUDAN/UGANDA. Rev Stephen needs help.
Dear Bush Family & Mama,
“Our brothers and sisters in Unity State, South Sudan, do not have COVID-19 but in Juba 45 people have it. Hospitals refuse to treat them and force the sick to stay at home which causes more sickness. In Unity State on May 24th a gang of youths and soldiers of President Kiir attacked Mayom County and stole cattle; displaced villages; and burned houses. Mayendit was attacked May 24-25. Children and women ran to Leer. On May 25 they attacked Panyijiar but they defended themselves. The attackers did not take anything.
What they need now is food because boats are now going to Panyijiar and Leer by the Nile River. In Uganda at Bweyale Refugee Camp where I minister, the monthly ration was reduced to half. People are starving. They are not safe because they fight between themselves due to influence from Juba. Five died in Juba today. The reason was a ‘land grudge’. A soldier took land by force and killed people.
I am happy for your encouragement and the verses you sent. As you said, ‘Nothing can separate us from the love of God’.”
God bless you,
Rev Stephen
CONGO. Mama Zawadi meets Widow Ngoy and feeds starving Pygmies.
Dearest Bush Partners & Mama,
“Thank you for this surprise…. You made me sing and cry…. I had prayed asking God for a printer and Internet connection payment. He answered my prayer through you. May … God bless you by opening closed doors.
I visited Widow Ngoy and her orphans to encourage her. I noticed that she needs two mattresses (they sleep on the ground). The shack was so cold I feared pneumonia for the kids. With two mattresses Mama Ngoy could sleep with the little girls on one; the boys on the other. She also needs two blankets; 14 iron sheets to fix the roof (half gone); and food. I suggest a bag of semolina flour; beans; salt; sugar; potatoes; used clothes; and shoes. We can find a school when COVID-19 is over. This family has nothing, not even a chair or table.”
Mama Zawadi
[Note: we sent funds to help Widow Ngoy’s family.]
"Little John carries water for the family on Dad's bike."
"Cell meeting at Pastor Patrick's home."
"Christine and family.
"Pastor Michael lost his home in the flood."
I love my ‘Prayer Closet’, as cluttered with donations as it is! “Thank you Lord … for Christian heroes of the past - William Carey, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, Billy Graham - who paid the price to build God’s Kingdom … and for great Americans who gave their lives. They’re the reasons we enjoy freedoms we have today.”
Thank YOU dear friend for being a part of the solution – towards making 2020 ‘the BEST OF TIMES’ concerning God’s Kingdom in Africa. Your prayers are making a difference as we reach out with the Love of Jesus to brothers and sisters.
"We miss you so Mom Harriet!"
RWANDA. Pastor Celestin & Guardian Angel Team are evangelizing during COVID-19.
Hello & Good Morning,
“Rwanda has 104 patients and two deaths from COVID-19. The Pandemic is in Kigali. Three relatives from Canada got it. Those most infected are from Dubai, Qatar, Europe and Asia. No flights are working. Now is the time to counsel, evangelize and feed children at ‘Child Transit Center’.
A woman named Rose had a baby in April. She has 5 children; her husband ran away leaving her with no food or money. She had no breast milk and was starving. Neighbors helped and Rose is okay now. This month we are teaching about Marriage. Due to the Pandemic there is hunger so parents run away; children are victims. Thank you for your prayers.”
Much love & Blessings,
Pastor Celestin
How comforting that we Believers have a choice: trust in God or live in Fear? As a student at Minnesota Bible College, the first chapter I memorized was John 1 with verse 5 being my favorite: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Fast forward to 2020. We are living in ‘dark’ times. Seldom have we needed the ‘light’ more than we do today. COVID-19. Americans out of work. Anger. Riots. Looting. Destruction. Hatred. Division. We’re hurting - for ourselves, our families, our friends and our country.
"It's time to study!" (Pictured is Miriam).
"Sylvia (lf) helps Mama Josephine's family full-time."
"Tawney took the photo - we can't leave her out."
[Letter #2]. Dear Friends & Mama,
“I helped to distribute seeds in the Himodonge community; shared Christ and taught awareness of COVID-19. For 5 days I was called to lead prayers and help form farming groups. I planted vegetable seeds and encouraged the community to do more farming. Vulnerable people are getting seeds to plant vegetables.
“Thank you for sending money for Angaim Village. I will buy the items and forward you the report soon. Now the market is closed but some are open for food. Things like chalk for school have to wait. The school is closed. We started splitting timbers to finish school construction. It's not easy but I made up my mind to face it. We need: 1) a truck to transport timber to Torit; 2) food for operators and their helpers; 3) pay for helpers and the operator; 4) motorbike to transport supplies; and 5) a nose bar for the machine and sharpener.”
Thank you,
Pastor Sunlight
USA. FROM THE MAILBOX. Note: more letters to come; these four are all we could fit in this time.
[letter #1 - Kathryn’s sewing group reports] Dear Charlotte,
“Thank you for the lunch you brought. We finished the soup today. Bob continues to improve from his serious bout of pneumonia…. We had a ‘virtual’ doctor’s appointment today over Skype. He was happy to see how Bob is doing and I was able to give him his vitals as I have all the equipment. The ladies who sewed 75 dresses are: Kaye (sews Tuesdays); Diane (sews at home); and Fran (made small ones). A few dresses came from a friend, whose friend made them and she passed them on. Some came from Jan, a quilter, who gave me fabric. I’m working on face masks for Susan. May God protect you!”
Hugs, Kathryn,
Surprise, AZ
"Epidemic of Anger and Fear."
[letter #2] Dear Bush Family & Mama,
“Thank you for May’s money. It was used for gas, rent, maize (corn), rice, beans, cooking oil, soap, electric bill, water and masks. Total = 35,500 shillings ($334). I have a balance of 4,300 ($40) to buy veggies and tea. I bought 10 masks for the family. We must wear them when leaving home. I asked Teacher David to teach my 7 orphans at home. Last April the Village Elder stopped me from bringing him home so I bought test papers and teach the children at home.
Yesterday COVID-19 patients were 1,996 and 67 had died. The government said they will give people who keep orphans, food until COVID-19 is over. But we have not seen any food. Only sanitizer and one bar of soap in May. The Landlord told us to move because he sold this plot. I am looking for a house and can get one for 9,000 shillings ($85) which is cheap. Most houses are 10,000-12,000. We will move near the church soon. We continue to cover BTM with prayer.”
Pastor Patrick
Dear Prayer Partners,
“For several years CalvaryPHX graciously allowed BTM to store donations on their property. Well, we thank God the property was finally sold as times are hard. We so appreciated their mission heart but prayed earnestly: ‘Dear Lord, show us the next step.’ He did when two days later Living Water of the Valley offered a store room. Pastor Frank welcomed us with open arms. I gathered a Magnificent Seven Team to move donations. It took a trip a day for three days but we did it. Alas! Donations overflowed into a second store room. Pastor Frank never complained. I prayed, ‘Dear Lord, what do we do now?’
“Angels Rich and Gail to the rescue! They gave a generous donation towards the purchase of a used 40-ft Container. Pastor Frank: ‘Yes, you may set it down in our church parking lot.’ The Angels and I drove together to make the final purchase - a beautiful used 40-ft Container for $3,200 including delivery – more answered prayer. Again I summoned our Magnificent Seven Team to clear the overflow room and move donations into ‘Nellie’ (our Container’s new name). All donations are now safely stored.”
Serving Our Living God,
"Mama Josephine is improving." (Taken during Charlotte's last visit)
"Mama Ngoy's new business: she sells palm oil; small dried fish; ground peanuts; and fried 'chapattis' (like tortillas)."
"Charlotte's 'Prayer Closet' BEFORE organizing."
"A new clinic was constructed in the community."
KENYA, KAKAMEGA. Pastor Benard & the vulnerable he serves are suffering.
Dear Friends & Mama,
“Churches have not opened yet but we meet in 10 home cells. We received your outline and it was excellent…. We use it weekly. The government’s protocols to reopen churches are harsh. We must comply. The Borehole [well] Project is almost done…. Our major challenge is food. Prices have gone up and so has the number of vulnerable women and children we feed weekly. Pastors are suffering; the flock is sick; the economy has gone south; as we struggle to survive.
We are grateful for your ministry as our normal sources of income are affected by the curfew. We now have 70 children and 30 Mamas at the Children’s Home. It is called ‘Muhavini’ meaning ‘Rescue Center’. Teens meet Thursdays. Right now Kenya has over 10,000 pregnant school girls! A school girl from Bungoma gave birth to triplets. No food, no school, hence the chaos.”
Yours in the Service of the King,
Pastor Benard
May-June 2020
"Pray for Pastor Patrick as he looks for a bigger house." (Photo taken during my visit. We struggled to fit my Relief Supplies in the tiny room!)"
"The teachers are very thankful to be paid. $1 = 130 pounds."
"The old bridge was blown up in the war 15 years ago."
[letter #3] Dear Friends & Mama,
“Thank you for the Wire Transfer. Thomas and I selected the most vulnerable Pygmies: elderly; widows; orphans; and disabled. Here are the lists of Pygmy Camps. They are all starving: 1) Mutaho Pygmy Camp = 101 families; 2) Mugunga's Pygmy Camp = 133 families; 3) Mukondo Pygmies = 67 vulnerable families. We can't go to Rusayo Pygmy Camp as it’s too dangerous. Enclosed are lists of their names. We will add extra food for unknown families. We are purchasing food and will send a Report later. Our churches are shut down; we pray in houses like the Disciples of the early church.”
God bless you indeed,
Mama Zawadi
[Note: The Team is busy distributing food to Pygmy families.]
"Meet 'Little Elsie', five days old."
[letter #2] Dear Partner & Mama,
“Thank you for the quick response. Mama Ngoy said, ‘Thank you for setting me up in a business to support my 5 children. I can sell farina, small dry fish, palm oil and charcoal in front of my house’. She could not believe her eyes. You made me understand the reason why … God brought me back to Congo.
You asked about the Pygmies we visited in 2018. The old man passed away due to bad living conditions. Last week I sent Thomas (part of our Team) to go visit them. They are starving. Last time we fed 102 families. If we had food we could go preach and distribute food again. Thomas and I are Evangelists. My organization, LSD, works in partnership with churches and pastors so we have no problem. May God bless you and my BTM brothers and sisters.”
Mama Zawadi
[Note: we sent an International Wire Transfer to feed Pygmy Refugee Camps.]
"Teaching Pastor Patrick's orphans at home."
As a WW II baby I don’t remember the financial stress, anguish, and privation that my parents went through during the Great Depression and the war itself. Breadlines. Rationing. Frugal meals. Uncertainty. Fear. Death. The Greatest Generation has ‘been there, done that’. If only we could discover today their sense of purpose, resiliency and unity for a common cause.
"Splitting timbers to finish the school."
[letter #3 – Connie reports on ‘Sweet Sewing Sisters.’]
Hi Partners,
“We're having fun making cloth diapers and just found an easy pattern on YouTube to make baby caps. Thanks to a donation of flannel we’re sewing up a storm. We are picking up new ‘Sweet Sewing Sisters’. One we nicknamed ‘The Detergent Queen’. She's putting laundry detergent in baggies for baby kits. We are praying against COVID-19 and all the negative things to go with.
“Here’s a photo of the beautiful maternity dresses that Diane sewed. We are also using a template from Days For Girls to start making sanitary kits for young women. Here’s a photo of a dozen men’s shoes for church leaders. We are ‘Preaching the Word One Pair of Shoes at a Time.’ Now we need socks. This is a praise! We just ordered 500 diaper pins for cloth diapers we are making. The women can't believe what a wonderful group of ladies have become friends through our group - a true treasure in sisterhood love.”
Grand Junction, Colorado
"11 billion pounds of food wasted each year in the USA."
"Pastor Celestin and Team counsels, feeds youth & children, evangelizes and teaches on marriage."
"Look what we bought for Mama Josephine!"