Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
The people who live in caves are starving
Bahri Evangelical Church in Khartoum
The Arab Muslim government tore down one church wall
Fighting in the Nuba Mountains
NORTH SUDAN. Report from missionary Elizabeth Kendal (friend of a friend) with urgent prayer needs.
Dear Friends,
“And [Saul] said, ‘Who are you, Lord? And He said, I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting’.” (Acts 9:5)
“Leaked documents have exposed the Arab-Islamic regime's plans to 'end the rebellion' in Nuba Mountains (South Kordofan) this dry season which begins next month. They plan to destroy all crops and deny aid to create a deadly famine. This is the regime's 2nd attempted genocide of the predominantly Christian Nuba.
“Nuba Mountains. Fighting is raging in Dalami, northern Nuba Mountains, South Kordofan. Sources warn that a chemical weapons attack could happen. At great risk, researchers entered the Nuba Mountains in August to assess the situation. The report entitled 'Life Under Siege' was published on Nov. 20 by 'Enough Project'. It details high levels of displacement, insecurity and malnutrition, along with poor food security.
“An accompanying brief, entitled 'Extermination by Design ...', concludes: 'When considered together, Arab Muslim North Sudan government's targeted attacks on humanitarian installations; its refusal to allow aid workers into rebel-held areas; its bombing of civilian settlements; its efforts to prevent harvesting of crops; and some of its other war tactics in the region all add up to ‘extermination by design.' Enough Project maintains this is a 'crime against humanity'. Pray for the Church in South Kordofan.
“North Sudan, Khartoum: Church property was demolished on Nov. 17-18. Arab Muslim terrorists partially demolished the Bahri Evangelical Church in North Khartoum along with homes on the church compound, including the home of Pastor Fasaha. It also included property belonging to Nile Theological College, rented to a Christian doctor. He lost everything in the demolition. Leaders from Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church filed a complaint but were told to wait until Dec. 4 for it to be heard.
“Bulldozers returned on Nov. 19-20; they were met by hundreds of church members who formed a human barrier to prevent any further demolition. Five church leaders were arrested for refusing to surrender the property to the Arab Muslim government. Though the church has documents proving ownership, a Muslim businessman has a court order entitling him to develop the land. Pray for the Church in North Sudan."
In Christ, Elizabeth Kendal
Refugee child
Pray the Peace Treaty holds
Two million have fled their homes
SOUTH SUDAN. Update from Mission Network News on the Peace Treaty!
Dear Mission Network News Partners,
“South Sudan’s Dinka President Kiir and his former Nuer Vice President Machar have reached a deal in Tanzania. The agreement should end hostilities that left thousands dead…. The two sides accept responsibility for South Sudan’s civil war and stressed that the SPLM (Sudan People’s Liberation Movement) should be reunited. The 10-month war was mostly tribal between Dinka (President Kiir) vs. Nuer (former V.P. Machar).
“Sadly, since December 2013, nearly two million have fled their homes, including 1.4 million who remain displaced in South Sudan. The $64,000 question: will the Agreement hold? There’s been a lull in recent fighting, which may be due to heavy rains and conflict weariness. Pray that … violence does NOT flare up again.
“In the meantime, 30 refugee camps in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda lack basic needs to keep survivors alive. They responded to food, shelter and water needs when working with a trusted ministry. Pray that they also receive a message of HOPE for the future; HOPE in Jesus Christ.
Mission Network News, USA
Mr. Kuol, (Rt.), Director of Lost Boys Center, with staff
3 original 'Lost Boys' on the long journey
‘Lost Boys Center’, Phoenix, AZ, friend and partner.
Dear Bush Telegraph,
“Did you know that in South Sudan:
* 42.9% of school ages are currently in school?;
* 1.9% of the girls are enrolled in high school? and
* 84% of the population is illiterate?
“When I’m asked why we care about what happens in South Sudan, I think of myself and other Lost Boys and Girls who had gone through years of suffering and came to USA 2000-2001. American’s hearts were broken by our situations and they did much to assist us to adapt to life in Arizona and … the USA.
“Today many Lost Boys and Girls are happy with their lives in America and some already went back to South Sudan to help in the development of that country … as a way to pay gratitude…. We are paying it forward by giving back to those who do not have the opportunity to get the education we received in USA.
“This year we have the goal of opening a Center in Juba to assist young people wandering on the streets in Juba to learn vocational training skills and offer them [a way to] better their lives. ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’ [Nelson Mandela].”
Sincerely, Kuol, Director, Lost Boys Center
SUDAN. Report from Mr. Kuol, Executive Director,
Simon the Blind Evangelist survived the war!
We are sending a Trauma Team
to Leer
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[Note: We asked if they had a trained ‘Trauma Team’. They do not. We offered to send a Trauma Team from Congo or Rwanda. They agreed, so it’s ‘in the pipeline’. Please pray that this urgent need for Leer will be met.]
God bless you, Pastor Stephen, Moderator of Southwest Upper Nile Presbytery, S. Sudan
“… The top priority [town] in our Proposal is Leer. If any money is sent, it will be used for trauma healing workshops…. You asked about Simon, the blind Evangelist. He and his family are okay. God was with them. They have now returned to Leer since it is secure….”
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
SOUTH SUDAN, Leer. Letter from Pastor Stephan who oversees many pastors. He sent a Proposal requesting thousands of dollars to help towns affected by war. We can’t help them all so asked him to list ONE priority. Also we’ve been trying to find out if Simon, the blind Evangelist, of Leer [where 6,000 were killed], was alive.
In Christ, Teachers/Pastors Victor & Peter Felix
“Greetings from Angaim Village in Jesus’ name…. Thank you for your prayers and your visit to Angaim Village. The school is moving forward. We bought 1,500 bricks for 3,000 Pounds [$527] and 24 iron sheets for the roof for 1,392 Pounds [$245]. Pray that construction continues without more rain or problems. [see photo].
Dear Mama & Bush Telegraph,
SOUTH SUDAN, Angaim Village. Letter from teachers Victor and Felix of Zion Nursery & Primary where we are building a school.