Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa


© 2014 All Rights Reserved

It’s time to sign off until next month, but in the meantime let us never forget that famous Indian, Squanto, who GAVE all he had to help that little band of Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock survive; it affects us today. If he were alive today, he’d remind us to “GIVE THANKS unto the LORD, CALL upon His name, MAKE KNOWN His deeds among people.” (I Chron. 16:8). Amen!

‘Giving Thanks’, ‘Calling’, & ‘Making Known’,


Thanksgiving with the Grooman family

 THANKSGIVING DAY. Praise God for a beautiful day with Natalie & Jim’s family & friends! Even Michelle had the day off. We ‘ate the whole thing’! The weather was perfect so we sat outdoors. I loved the sound of the babbling brook. They also do ‘foster doggy care’ so it was a happy-crazy-fun-thankful sort of day.

Thousands gathered from around the world for this year's Mission Conference

“This year ICOM (Int’l Conference on Missions) was held in Columbus, Ohio. The theme? GO VERTICAL! David Butts, a man of prayer, was President. Conference workshops and exhibits connect visitors to where God was leading them: encouraging and equipping God’s people to be His hands and feed. One group prayed all night. Pray for the 44 decisions for Christ and 7,300 who attended that ‘Great Commission’ seeds be planted.”

Blessings, ICOM Committee

REPORT ON ICOM (Int’l Conference on Missions)

Sadly I was unable to attend this year.

Dear Prayer Partners,

Laura (chairman of our Prayer Team); Arlene; and Charlotte

Young and old help prepare the food for the container

Pastor Lyle Mullins, President, and family

Heaven Sent Ministries office, West Virginia

CONGO CONTAINER PROJECT. PTL for some very exciting news! Do you remember Heaven Sent Ministries? They provided pallets of food for all containers we’ve sent thus far. Recently I wrote asking if they’d like to donate food for our upcoming Congo Container. I figured I’d waited too long and assumed they’d be booked up for 2015. Scott of HSM replied, setting up a ‘Conference Call’. Below is a summary of that call.

Hello Charlotte!

“Heaven Sent would like to hold a ‘Hunger Challenge’ in West Virginia next April, 2015, to pack a 40-ft container of food … can you fly out to be with us at that time…?”

Thank you and God Bless, Pastor Lyle & Scott Mullins, HSM, VA

[Note: I nearly fell off my chair! So we set up a 2nd Conference Call - this time with HSM staff & volunteers - wherein I presented Congo’s needs. When I finished they were sooooo quiet. I prayed, “Lord … I must have said something wrong!” Later I learned it was quite the opposite - they were overwhelmed – speechless. I also sent a Power Point program to show the need as they share with area churches. Pray as HSM raises thousands of dollars before April to buy ingredients for ‘Hunger Challenge’ – that’s when packing the food will begin.]

ONE BUG TO GO! Please pray for healing of one remaining tropical bug in my lungs. I’m on a 6-mo treatment with one down and 5 more months to go. Pray for strength and good health to return. PTL - it’s curable!

Praise for Lisa, my sweet daughter-in-law, ‘the official keeper’ of our website. This month she and John moved across Washington state. Actually, Lisa organized the move single-handedly since John was at sea on the USS Nimitz carrier.

FYI: she posts the monthly Prayer-N-Praise Reports on line with many more photos. Check it out at – your ideas and suggestions are most welcome!


Gatekeepers Women's Group completed 40 dresses

New triple bunk-beds for 25 orphans under construction

Pastor Bernard hands out gifts to church workers

Ps Patrick's orphans perform a song for Mama Charlotte

Teachers at Bridge Academy school where Ps Patrick's 6 orphans attend

Pastor Patrick

Baby Otwair, their son

Teacher Benson, his wife Paska who died of a scorpion bite

African Bible University, where Ps Sunlight attends

Pray for Mama Josephine (seen here with baby Daniel)

Monicah and Pastor David

Pray for Samuel

Peace Church Preschool

Ps. John baptizing street boy

Christians & church leaders pray for

massacre victims

Pastor Delphin ministers to Pygmy school children

Love, Karen, Gatekeepers Women’s Ministry, VA,

1. “Where in Congo is the container going and when should we

     mail this? What else do you need?

2.  Do dresses in the Congo need to be ankle length and what

     other items would be useful?

3. Draw string bags, yes or no? When finished they are 28".

    We’ll add soap and lotion in a Ziploc bag.”

     “… We had a ‘Sew Day’ on Saturday - wonderful time…! We finished and ‘T-shirted’ 40 dresses. Another ‘Sew Day’ is … in January. Our goal - 80 ‘T-shirted’ dresses and 40 tote bags…. It’s a pleasure to sew for Congo women and kids…. Here’s a photo of the dresses…. Pray for completion of this project…. I have a few questions:

Hello Charlotte & Bush Friends, USA

Praise letter from Karen of Gatekeepers Women’s Ministry, Virginia.


In Christ, Pastor Bernard

     “… The 7 welded triple-bunk beds are completed…. Tomorrow I’ll send receipts and photos; plus pictures of distributing the reading glasses and vitamins. Thanks to our Prayer Partners who donated … all items.”

Dear Bush Mission & Mama,

Letter from Pastor Bernard who keeps 25 orphans: 20 boys & 5 girls; plus 37 ‘day orphans’ who live in the community with caregivers.

KENYA, Kakamega

Blessings, Pastor Patrick

     “Today we received your monthly support with joy…. I paid school fees at the bank and went to school to show them your messages. They took many days to write a Receipt. The children will start Exams next week. Please cover them with prayer. They will finish the school term in two weeks. The church sends greetings. We are also praying … that God be with you always. Attached are the receipts.”

     “We had a problem at school. We parents pay the School Manager fees monthly but she was not sending it to Nairobi as required. We parents have been to and from the police station writing statements. The School Manager has now run away … after taking all the money from the parents. We thank God that He enabled the School Headquarters in Nairobi to … return the money. They told us to pay through the bank from now on.

Dear Bush Mission & Mama,

Letter from Pastor Patrick, who shares a new problem at his 6 orphan’s school.

KENYA, Busia

Yours faithfully, Pastor Sunlight

     “The church is building the new school with bricks. Pastors Felix and Victor keep the records; Victor pays the builders. Pray that … on Dec 20 I can go to South Sudan to supervise the school project in Angaim Village … to encourage them during the Christmas holidays…. Thanks … for helping the ministry at Angaim Village. It has impacted our neighboring villages and serves as a testimony. May the Lord be glorified.”

     The … teacher whose wife died is Benson; her name was Paska; and the baby boy is Otwair. He’s too young to be kept by the father as he was only two weeks old when his mother died of a scorpion sting. We are looking for a foster mother…. Benson also lost his brother two days ago of TB. He needs our prayers….

     “Receive our gratitude for … the teacher’s wages and building project at Angaim Village…in South Sudan. Teachers Victor and Felix said that the school project will begin again now that the rains have ended…. Our Kampala landlord asked us to move last month. We found a house to rent with electricity and water. Thanks for your prayers. I have done well at African Bible University. I failed math but … pray that I improve. My final grades were: English 72%; History 64%; Genesis 63%; and Math below average….”

Dear Mami & Bush Friends,

Letter from Pastor Sunlight of S. Sudan, studying in Kampala, Uganda.


Pray for Mama Josephine who just returned home after 3 weeks in a Kampala hospital. There she was treated for a spinal injury from being hit by a motorbike. We’ll send her Report next time.


[Note: We immediately advised them to take Samuel to a specialist to have his head X-rayed for brain trauma.]

Monicah & Pastor David

     “… Samuel, our orphan, has had a headache for a long time. They were washing their clothes on slippery cement the first week of October. He slid on soap and hit his head on the cement. It swelled. We rushed him to the hospital 1½ weeks later. He felt well but after 4 days began crying of headache again. We took him to the hospital 4 times. He’s OK for a few days; then complains. We were advised to take him to a specialist…. We need advice because Samuel has been crying from a headache for two months. Please pray for his healing.”

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

Urgent letter from Monica received today. She and Pastor David keep 11 street kids plus baby Grace. Samuel had an accident in October but we are just now hearing about it for the first time.

UGANDA, Kampala

God bless you, Head Teacher Sarah

     “Greetings from the teachers at Peace Church Preschool…. We … have done well in the third term … because of your prayers and support. We … began third term Exams on Monday Nov 24. I picked up the Exam requirements from the office supply shop which must be paid the first week of December…: 82 Folder files; 2 Reams of Paper; 82 Report Cards; and 4,820 Exam Papers. Total = 181,000 shillings ($65). Pray for our exams.”

Dear Bush Mission & Mama,

 Letter from Sarah, head teacher of Peace Church Preschool.

UGANDA, Tororo

Yours, Pastor John

     “Yesterday our Team had an outreach … to counsel and pray at Beni, Oicha and Mavivi. The needs are great due to war in Northern Kivu…. Three days before we arrived, ADF-NALU Rebels killed 140 people. From Oct- Nov over 240 persons were killed by ADF-NALU Rebels. Our team just began working there, counseling and organizing meetings…. Pray for all the … families who were killed…. Have a nice day in Jesus Christ.”

     “We just came from Rutshuru [where] we … gave garden hoes to Congolese refugees from Uganda. We are planning activities there with L2R caregivers on … trauma healing. We just finished a seminar with Street Kids and Youth and handed out Bibles at their meeting.

     “Thanks … for your prayers. God gave me a new vision as I prayed … to hopeless people and street children … called Lifewords for Africa…. My wife, Guilaine, was sick but is better now. AMESA clinic, our partner, provides medicine to people we care for. Once a month I pay a small fee for all the sick I bring….

Dear Team at Bush Mission,

Letter from Pastor John ministering and counseling to vulnerable people in North Kivu.


In Him, Pastor Delphin

     “On Tuesday I [was] called to assist at the funeral of Pastor Timothy’s 3-mo old baby. He was Mama Charlotte’s interpreter in 2009 at the Missionary Int’l Church in Goma. Please pray for his family....”

     “Attached are photos from the recent Pygmy Outreach to children in primary and high school. They have difficulty paying school fees. Pray … for these 98 children…. In November we had Pygmy Outreaches in Masisi, Kichanga, Mwesso and Burungu Villages.

     “Thank you for the … [money]. Attached are receipts on how it was used. Through your assistance our children, Azur and Jabez, began their first days at school. Teddy, Joanna, Joseph and Ines are struggling to finish primary and high school. We and Eden Church are doing well by the grace of God.

 Dear Bush Mission & Mama,

 Letter from Pastor Delphin of Eden Church. PTL for Pygmy evangelism!


Prayer  ~N~  Praise


     This season we thank God, in the same way, for miraculously weaving YOUR life and ours together. Because of YOU we minister to vulnerable people whom YOU do not know and who do not yet know Him. Through YOU God provides for us; we thank Him for YOU.

     In 1621 the Pilgrims set aside a time to thank God for His merciful blessings and invited Squanto and other Indians. They brought deer, wild turkeys and vegetables. Squanto saved the Pilgrims’ lives in so many ways. God miraculously wove the lives of Squanto and the Pilgrims together in a way that would bless America and the whole world for centuries to come.

     A year later a shipload of English families arrived and settled on that very land. Squanto went to meet them. Imagine their surprise when he greeted them in English! In fact, Governor Bradford wrote in his diary, “Squanto became a special instrument sent of God for our good … he showed us how to plant corn, where to take fish and … never left us….”

     … God had an amazing plan for ONE prisoner - 12-year old Squanto. He was ‘bought’ by a Spanish Monk who treated him well and taught him Christianity – PTL! Squanto eventually made his way to England and worked in the stables of John Slaney. John sympathized with Squanto’s dream to return home and eventually put him on a ship bound for America in 1619. After a decade of exile Squanto finally arrived home only to find that smallpox had wiped out his entire village. Heartbroken, he cried out to God the age-old question, “WHY did You allow this?”

     The Miracle of Thanksgiving. Did you know that God used Squanto, an Indian, to change American history? And there’s a good mission story here so be patient! In 1608, a decade BEFORE the Pilgrims landed, English traders sailed to Plymouth, Massachusetts. The Wampanoag Indians were captured; transported to Spain; and sold as slaves. As shocking as this sounds …

Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,

November  2014