Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
Abigail (orange top) with Mom Mary
and her sisters
(5) UGANDA. Teaching Sudanese Refugee Children at
Kiryandongo Refugee Camp, northern
FROM THE MAILBOX. Two beautiful letters that will surprise and encourage you.
(1) Dear Bush Mission & Charlotte,
“The Lord blessed me and my friends with money for God’s kingdom and for the kids at Mama Josephine’s orphanage. All together we collected $90 to use for the children or as the Lord leads. We are so blessed to be a part of the Lord’s work! Matthew 13:12 say’s, ‘For whoever has, to him more will be given and He will have abundance. But whoever does not have even what He has will be taken away from Him’ Thank you for all the work you do for the Lord.”
In Him, Abigail, age 14, Phoenix, AZ
[Note. Abigail, with your donation we took Mama Josephine’s high school girls, Barbra and Winifred, shopping. Each bought two pair of shoes, one for school and one for sports. Thank you.]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(2) Dear Friends & Charlotte,
“… Enjoy your letters and pass them on to my granddaughter who has started Jr. College. Even though she and her mom work to live, I want her to see how God is helping them. They both love and walk with God. I’m glad when I read about Josephine and how you care for them. Such love she has to care for so many…. May you continue to bless those you care for so much.”
Love in Christ, Marylin, TX
The orphans form their beautiful Praise & Worship Team
George needs trauma healing. He was crippled in the war but has a wheelchair that we provided to get around
(11) DELIVERING a dozen duffle bags/suitcases of Relief
Supplies in 5 countries.
We bowed our heads in prayer
Mama Josephine updates us on the construction of the two new rooms.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“We are grateful for the good work done on our house. The money you sent was divided and we did the work as seen in the attached receipts and photos…. Pastor Henry monitored the workers…. I … gave [money] to Roofer Wilson to continue the ceiling…. He bought timber; cement; wire mesh; nails; and we paid transport, his labor and helper. He … did ceilings … in the Church; the big boys’ room; and plastered the ceiling….
“I then gave [money] to the Painter who bought… cement for plastering; and paid his 4 helpers. Some plastering still needs to be finished. The wall outside is finished and painting can begin…. The work looks so nice. The Painter and Roofer will continue when we receive more money..... The bathroom door is now attached ….
“The children are in school and doing well…. The term is short and exams are nearing…. Nelson was at Scout Camp … when Mama Charlotte was here so she did not get to see him…. He performed very well and teachers insisted he remain at Scout Camp for more training…. God bless you….”
Yours in Christ, Mama Josephine
(1) LUZ. God blessed me with the most hard-working,
sweet intern the first month on the field.
Margrit Olson, missionary friend from Qua-Sizabantu Mission, got word of my dilemma. She drove a great distance to rescue me from the hospital to take me home to the mission. I settled into a room at the Olson’s. Heather, a teacher at the mission, knocked at the door. “Welcome Charlotte….” I told her I was feeling homesick as Thanksgiving was just around the corner. I began to cry uncontrollably. I couldn’t stop and felt
An hour later Heather bounded into my room again. “Come! I have another surprise – NOW!” It was after dark when we reached Joni’s home on the far side of the mission. We entered. Joni shouted, “Happy Thanksgiving!” In a tiny room were two tables joined together with lace clothes and candles. “It’s a Mongolian Barbeque,” she added. Betty, my new American friend, was there along with neighbors. We roasted meat and veggies in small burners. It was the most fun evening I’d had in ages.
The next day Margrit apologized, “I didn’t know it was Thanksgiving today – Heather told me. Is chicken OK instead of turkey…? It’s also Samuel’s 13th birthday so we’re combining them into one big celebration. This time, tears of thankfulness welled up in my eyes.
This woman named Abau accepted Christ
(9) CONGO. Taking relief supplies and food to thousands
at Buleusa's Refugee Camp, remote Kivu.
This mother just lost her baby; the Team comforted her
(4) UGANDA. The Lord provided funds to build two new
rooms onto Mama Josephine’s house to accommodate
44 orphans (including 7 new ones).
Nelson loved Scout Camp
(8) RWANDA. Delivering over 100 pairs of flip-flops to
Mahama Refugee Camp.
(10) AFRICA. Paying school fees for over 90 orphaned children and children of pastors.
ONCE UPON AN AFRICAN THANKSGIVING. It was November 2001. I’d just had hip replacement surgery on 9/11 – the day the World Trade Center was attacked - at Pietermaritzburg Hospital, South Africa. I was due to be discharged with no affordable place to go. “Lord … I feel alone and forgotten… where are You?”
Apostle Paul writes from prison
Kwa-Sizabantu Mission's church holds 10,000 people
The Apostle Paul wrote, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” Today we praise and thank God for our Prayer Partners. You bless Bush Telegraph Mission with your prayers, love and support so together we can continue to bless and serve our suffering brothers and sisters throughout Africa.
(12) TIME TRAVELING on buses/matatus between
countries – 8 days; total teaching opportunities – 42.
(6) KENYA. Sharing Jesus with 300 prison inmates –
100 accepted Christ.
For the first time in his life, 3-yr old Fidele enjoyed a nourishing meal. It was shipped in our containers, a gift from our partner, Heaven Sent Ministries
(2) SUDAN. God made a way to feed the starving
community of Torit and Angaim Village
during war.
I had just wrapped up a year of teaching precious Zulu preschoolers in Muden Valley. The kids’ parents were the poorest of the poor. It had been a stressful year; now this. Constant pain and emergency surgery. “Lord … I’m a spiritual and physical mess.”
Later Heather reappeared. “Come quick Charlotte! There’s someone I want you to meet.” At the front door stood an Afro-American woman. “This is Betty, an American!” I was speechless and began to cry – this time tears of joy. I’d not seen an American in a year.
Dear Lord,
“Thank YOU for the rich memories of Prayer Partners and Nationals, including my own personal ups and downs through the years – even on 9/11 in South Africa - that taught me so much. Bless us with a heritage of family and faith, past and present. May Your ultimate Gift of Love draw us all closer to You and challenge us to spread the Great Commission beginning first in ‘Jerusalem’ and then spreading to the uttermost parts of Africa – and the world beyond.” Amen
Thanking God for You,
One of Pastor White’s orphan was hit by a car!
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“Greetings in the name of Jesus. Macharia [boy] was hit by a car … when crossing the main road, coming home from school. His … leg was broken. He has been in the hospital for three weeks. I picked up the money you sent. We bought food for the kids … and I paid the hospital bill. I gave Joseck, a friend of American Missionary McDonald, 50 bracelets to take to you in the USA. Thank you for supporting us.”
Thank you, Pastor White
[Note. Let us know if you’re interested in White’s jewelry.]
Tom gave a portion of his plot to build a church
Betty and I sang patriotic songs; we told the Thanksgiving story; then we bowed our heads in prayer. “Lord … thank You for the most meaningful Thanksgiving ever … I have no words for so much love … my cup runneth over.”
Monicah & Pastor David care for 12 former street kids. Pray for Peterson.
Greetings to Bush Mission,
“Peterson needs your prayers as he has been having chest pain for a month. We tried a treatment but no improvement…. Peterson can't go to school or sleep because of pain but we believe God can do something. The x-ray was normal…. The doctor is treating him for an infection. He goes back to the clinic in a week…. Please pray.”
Monicah & Pastor David, Kawempe Church
[Note. The mission will cover medical expenses.]
Margrit, “Why don’t you make a few traditional dishes?” I asked if she had celery for stuffing. “No … let’s go raid the mission gardens!” Luckily we found it growing in one. Next came pumpkin pies which they’d never eaten before. I went on a search but alas! No pumpkins but I did find a kind of squash. “Lord … they’ll do just fine … help me remember the recipe.”
Pastor Patrick & orphans hold up their 'David's Pouches
Letter from Pastor Celestin.
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior!
“In November … we’re doing Evangelism and Children’s Ministry at Nyamasheke Church…. From Thursday to Saturday we fasted and prayed for three days…. Joyce, my wife, has recovered by the grace of God.
“In October our ministry was successful. We trained students to work at hospitals in Christian Trauma Counseling and also nursing students from Nyamishaba Nursing College…. With your help we fed them lunch…. They paid their own transport and our ministry offered training. Thank you for your donation….”
Blessings, Pastor Celestin, Guardian Angels
Mama Zawadi updates us on Buleusa’s Refugee Camp [see Sept Prayer-N-Praise Report].
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“Buleusa's Refugee Camp’s displaced people are back in their villages of origin. Remember those 9 villages I wrote to you last time? They are back in severe poverty, but they had no choice. The right thing to do for them is to pray…. We assisted them with the strife and distress they were in when they really needed our help. Together we responded to a greater need where … [we] felt a sense of satisfaction…. It’s now the Government’s duty to carry on looking after them, although that could be some time. Nevertheless God is always there.”
In his Mercy, Zawadi, CAAP Secretary, Goma
[Note. We are busy preparing a shipment of food to DRC.]
(13) BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS: spending hundreds of
hours with hundreds of nationals.
Sunlight's Team bought medicine for this sick child whose mother had no money
These orphans need clothes. We will bring them next time
That Thanksgiving 17 gathered around the table.
Betty introduced herself. “I’m a missionary from Pennsylvania; a mother of 3; grandmother of 9; and great-grandma of 4.” She was amazing. We chatted over tea. Heather admitted phoning all over the mission to find out if any Americans were there.
Sudanese Pastor Sunlight, a student in Uganda, visits two Refugee Camps.
Dear Mama & Bush Friends,
“I went to two refugee camps in northern Uganda to encourage them. We preached in open places; shared God's love; and gave them hope in Jesus…. At Kiryandongo Refugee Camp where Mama Charlotte visited, 21 people confessed Christ. In Yumbe Refugee Camp, 35 people confessed Christ. Thanks for praying and supporting us.
“We fed children … although it was not enough. We … met spiritual and physical needs. . We shared stories about Nehemiah….. We dealt with many issues. Prayer requests from children were for clothes, rubber shoes, blankets and soap. For example Ohisa and Jackson had nothing to wear so I gave them my own clothes….
“Thanks for the support for the 6 teachers at Angaim Village, South Sudan…. May God be glorified through this work … that change may come to South Sudan. Pastors Peter and Victor update me on news from Angaim Village. They have communication problems with emails due to poor internet connection in Sudan…. The Lord granted me knowledge to get good grades on my Report Card at ABU. Thanks for support for me and my family.
“We are starting two churches at the Refugee Camps we visited. A Christian donated a plot as a place to begin. We are planting two Calvary Churches so we need your prayers…. ‘My people perish for lacks of knowledge.’ To build Kiryandongo Refugee Camp Church we need 28 iron sheets; 38 poles; 40 timbers; 60 lb of nails for a total of 906,000 Ugandan shillings ($266). Yumbe Refugee Camp Church has poles but lack grass for the roof; timbers; nails and ropes. Total needed: 531,000 shillings ($156). Take our regards to our brothers in America.”
Thanks, Pastor Sunlight
[Note. We send extra funds to buy clothes for the refuge children.]
Letter from Pastor Patrick with an update on Emmanuel and Abigail.
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
“Thank you for prayers for Emmanuel and Abigail who were seriously sick with malaria and typhoid…. We didn’t know what to do. The same day Lucy, my wife, planned to go help her sick mother when the children became ill. Lucy stayed with them until yesterday when my mother, Elizabeth, came. She stayed with them at the hospital. They are now home but weak and scratching their bodies. Both were to get 3 injections for malaria and 10 injections each for typhoid…. Emmanuel will finish his on Sunday while Abigail on Tuesday next week.
“I spent the money on school fees; lunches; and house rent. I paid Emmanuel’s hospital bill but I did not have enough to pay for Abigail. Emmanuel was in Busia Hospital while Abigail was at Agua Pole Hospital. Thank you.”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick
[Note: we sent extra money to cover all medical expenses.]
Thanks Abigail and friends for
our new shoes!
(3) SUDAN. Delivering two dozen men’s suits for Sudanese
pastors who have nothing.
Letter from Rev Aziz, Sudanese pastor from Nuba Mountains, shares an answer to a prayer to God three months earlier.
Dear Praying Friends,
“While Mama Charlotte was here, we wrote a letter to Nairobi Baptist Church, Kenya, inviting them to participate in a project to collect used clothes for Kakuma Refugee Camp. I go there to preach and encourage the people. They told me of their great need for clothes. Three months passed. Then God opened the door at Nairobi Baptist Church and they collected a large amount of clothes which I saw today….
“We met to see how we can transport the clothes from Nairobi to Kakuma Refugee Camp where many thousands of Sudanese refugees fled…. May the Lord bless Bush Mission for what you have done…. Thank you.”
Your Servant, Rev. Aziz
[Note. It’s a miracle! I’d about given up hearing from them.]
Team preached in the center of the Refugee Camps and also open places as there was no church. People had not been to church for a long time
Rev. Aziz, Luz & Charlotte
School is held in the church
Prayer ~N~ Praise
(7) KENYA. Distributing dozens of little girl dresses and
baby blankets in Kakamega church.
Rev. Stephen, Sudanese pastor who fled to Uganda, updates us on Sudan.
Dear Friends in Jesus’ Name.
“I went to Nairobi, Kenya, … for a 3-day workshop at the Church of Scotland. We trained on Trauma Healing which most Sudanese pastors know nothing about.
“South Sudan is doing badly and killing people in Equatoria. President Kiir’s Dinka soldiers even killed pastors as they did the Nuer pastors in Leer. They killed Bishop Rev Lino of the Episcopal Church in Mundri. Violence is increasing. Yesterday war erupted in Leer again and they’re fighting today. President Kiir’s Dinka Deputy Governor was killed in Leer. Also today 3 passenger buses were captured and destroyed on Timuli Road.
“I was sick these days. That is why I did not answer sooner. Some of my family live in Refugee Camps. We don’t know how long they will be there…. I talk with Pastors who survive in the camps with the little given to them by the UN. Food comes every 3-4 months. Around Juba there is fighting and also in Bentiu and Unity State. On Saturday 60 soldiers were killed near Juba. But God knows everything; He can bring peace today or tomorrow….”
God bless you, Rev Stephen, Moderator SWUNP/Leer, South Sudan
Bush Telegraph Missions
© copyright 2016
Mama Josephine in her new party dress, thanks to Mrs. USA Angel
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