Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
Lighting up lives with HOPE,
© 2014 All Rights Reserved
Dear God,
“We bring before You the volatile world in which we live. We pray for Christians facing confusing elections, and an increase in pressure from officials … even from their own families. We pray for countries where rulers exert unjust authority. Humanly speaking we wonder WHO is in control, but we know that You have ultimate victory over all things. We pray for Christians caught in the crossfire between government and rebel forces. Father, keep their eyes on You when they feel powerless. Grant them peace and inner joy in the midst of fearful circumstances. Protect them physically; protect their hearts from despair. Replace bitterness with love and fear with HOPE. In the name of Jesus, Amen. [adapted Open Doors]
* PTL for a visit to San Diego to see family! John was in port on the USS Nimitz; Katie played an ‘ancestor’ in the play ‘The Addam’s Family’; Mike got a couple days off; Lisa flew in to oversee Katie’s schedule as mom Delena was out-of-town at a wedding; and Wayne was away hunting with grandson Nate. Great fun!
* PTL for opportunity to speak at Fellowship Square Sunday service! Good response.
Int’l Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church was November 2. That’s when churches, Bible studies and small groups gather to pray for Christians who suffer for their faith. What did your church do?
Pastor Peter's four little girls, promoted to the next grade
Pastor Peter & Beatrice, Seminary, Arusha
Letter from Pastor Peter, student at Arusha, Tanzania Seminary.
Dear Bush Mission,
“… Thank you … for … paying our [4] daughter’s school fees…. Next year we [will] return to[South Sudan] so … we remain with one school year left…. Their fees increased when they were promoted…. Mercy, now in 5th grade: her school fees went from 205,000 to 265,000 ($155) Tanzanian shillings. Peace, now in 3rd grade; Linda in 1st grade; and Mary began kindergarten. Fees totaled are 680,000 shillings ($398). I cut out breakfast to save money: they will bring it from home. Please … pray for funds to make the journey back home to South Sudan next year. We trust God … for everything. He will make a way where there is no way.”
Refugee Camp
Leer. Medisuns Sans Frontier Hospital burned to the ground by Dinka soldiers
* Chiefs were put before a firing squad; * Infants were
killed by striking them against trees;
* Women and young girls were gang-raped with broken
* Medisuns Sans Frontier Hospital was burned to the
* Water wells were destroyed; * Over 6,000 innocent
civilians … were tied up; dumped into wells alive; and
died of suffocation.
* Many missing people are not yet accounted for.
“Now people are okay in Leer as they are protected by Machar’s Nuer soldiers. We don't know what will happen in the future; we don’t trust the Agreement. Juba is safe by day but at night the killing continues….
“We have little news of your friends in Leer but those I know who are still alive are Pastor John Chap, Pastor John Rell Bath and Pastor James Kai. Others fled to refugee camps or neighboring countries. Please pray for my family: we have 5 children…. Only our elder daughter is in school; four children are at home for lack of school fees. Also I am sick; even my wife but we can’t afford treatment. Pray for my pastors, evangelists, elders, deacons, deaconess. They need food, cloths, fishing nets, mosquito nets and shoes.
Thank you and God bless,
Pastor Stephen,
Director of SW Upper Nile Churches, Leer County
“Greetings in Jesus’ Name…. I was in Leer … from January to April, 2014…. Towards the end of April I came to Kampala, Uganda, [as a refugee]…. I have contact with my people through telephone … and now … through email. During my 3½ months in Leer, many bad things happened caused by the army of Dinka President Kiir. It was confirmed by the UN in Juba that 21,000 Nuer civilians were massacred in Juba. Also 34 Nuer family members of former Vice President Machar [leader of the opposition] were … killed at his house in Juba. The number of casualties was far greater in the other 9 states and counties.
“This is what happened in Leer County, home of former Vice President Machar, February 2nd this year:
Letter from Pastor Stephen. He’s been missing for 10 months since war began in December 2013. He brings us up-to-date on what’s happened. He has many pastors and church leaders under him.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Ps Sunlight, Susan, their 4 children, from Angaim Village, South Sudan, are studying in Kampala, Uganda
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
Letter from Pastor Sunlight who studies in Uganda. His motorbike crashed when a friend borrowed it. PTL no one was hurt. We sent funds for repairs.
“Greetings from Susan and the children…. I am having midterm holidays. We finished our exams yesterday…. Pastor Peter, Head Teacher at Angaim Village primary school, said there is too much rain there. The new road that just opened is bad and needs time to dry. So construction on the school is postponed this month. Peter said … one teacher’s wife died … she was stung by a scorpion. Please pray for this family.
“Next week Dr. Byler is going to Torit, South Sudan. He will take the spare parts to repair the motorbike…. From there the bike will go to Angaim Village to be used for transport in case of an emergency.”
Pastor Sunlight, Africa Bible University, Kampala
Pastor Delphin and family (8 children) are feeling much better!
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“We are thankful for the support … and to our prayer partners for their prayers…. My family is feeling better now after struggling with malaria, typhoid and diarrhea…. I had the same sicknesses plus a stomach ache all week. Glory to Yehova Rapha, Lord the Healer….
“I work fulltime in the Lord's church … without a salary because I pastor poor members. Some of them may look rich but it’s not true. Elizabeth, my wife and children, sacrifice…. I stopped working at the airport as a bookkeeper…. Sometimes we do a small business … and also I’m a part-time night watchman…. The One who called us is faithful. We trust God to … open doors for a permanent source of daily bread.”
In Him, Pastor Delphin, Goma
Letter from Pastor Delphin, Eden Church, whose family (8 kids) was very ill but now better.
Letter from Monicah and Pastor David in Kampala who care for 11 street kids/orphans.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“… Thank you for the … spiritual support to our street kids. We love you so much and always pray for you. Continue praying for our church…. There are many needs - like musical instruments - for worship.
“Our landlord increased the church rent from 150,000 to 200,000 shillings ($74) per month. This is too much for us since the church is not stable financially. We asked him if he can sell us the land … because the Bible says, ‘Ask in faith.’ He told us … the land is within the city council and would cost 300,000,000 shillings ($111,526). We believe, ‘with God all things are possible…,’ though it may seem impossible.
“Attached is a pamphlet we designed on ‘Steps to Share Jesus’ that you sent. It is really helping us evangelize easily. Greet … everyone and remind them to always pray for us.”
Thank you, may God bless you all,
Pastor David & Monicah, Kampala
Dear Bush Mission,
“On behalf of the Church … thank you for … the financial assistance … towards our growing church. We are going to save the 13,470 shillings ($150) still needed … and work a little harder to top-up the remaining money for Church Registration. We'll keep you updated with the process and send copies of the Receipt for your records. Pastor Walter and the rest of the church thank you … for the book you left behind. It’s of great help for Sunday School. We are … on our knees, that almighty God will bless … your mission. Amen.”
God Bless,
Elvis, Church Treasurer, Ruiru
Pastor Walter & Charlotte
With 11 orphans' school uniforms; her husband Pastor Paul; and Baby Grace, Monicah has lots of ironing!
Letter #2 from Elvis, Church Treasurer in Pastor Walter’s Church, Ruiru.
Elvis, Church Treasurer, and wife Nancy at home
“… I received your email about the Bible Story book you forgot…. It has really been a great help. Since Maurine came back from … training college she has been using it teach Sunday School. We are on our knees that you please bless us with it for the church to use….
“... We wish to officially register our church with the government but we are unable to raise the amount…. We need a total of 45,000 Kenya shillings ($501) in fees. My wife and I plus a few friends raised 17,000 shillings ($189). We still need 28,000 more shillings ($312). Please, on behalf of the church … help us meet this Government requirement. We love you and believe that you will be a blessing to us….”
Thank you and regards,
Elvis, Church Treasurer of Pastor Walter’s church, Ruiru
[Note: We gave them the Bible Story book. As for the Registration, we sent half the money requested. We asked the church to raise the balance which is as it should be. Elvis’ replied as follows]
Getting 6 orphans' bedroom organized with new cupboards! Hooray!
Letter from Pastor Walter’s church treasurer, Elvis, of Ruiru, two miles from Nairobi’s boundary.
Dear Bush Mission,
Letter from Pastor Patrick who keeps 6 orphans. When I was there I saw that everything was in boxes or bags on the floor - no shelves or cupboards. That has changed! Also we’ve been encouraging him to ‘hug’ the kids.
Greetings in the Name of … Jesus,
“… Thank you for your prayers for Meshach, our orphan. He … is well and back in school…. I … borrowed 1,500 shillings ($17) … to pay the bill. The carpenter finished the cupboards you ordered…. Now we use them in the kitchen and children’s bedroom. I … bought 12 exercise books for each child and pens. Also the children were told to bring two rolls of toilet paper each to school, total cost was 2,800 shillings ($31). My mother … thanks you for the medicine. She is … walking well. I always hug the children before going to Bed.”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick, Busia
Pastor Bernard orders new beds built for 25 orphans. (Now they sleep on mats on the floor)
Letter from Pastor Bernard of Kakamega re: 9 new triple-bunk beds for orphans.
Dear Mama & Bush Mission,
“We are grateful for the money for beds…. The welder will begin … tomorrow. In two weeks they’ll be finished. I visited the workshop today; they have materials and are ready to begin…. You blessed us … with many things and as we give them out we think of your mission’s love for widows and orphans.
“Last Saturday we took some of your supplies … to Tanzania. We have 14 nationals there who came for a Graduation Ceremony. We also gave out reading glasses …, folic acid and vitamins for pregnant women.”
In Christ,
Pastor Bernard, Kakamega
Prayer -N- Praise
It was a sunny Monday in Phoenix, Arizona. 95-year old Virginia and I were sorting through a box of mementos from ‘the good ole days’. “That was my baby bonnet…,” she smiled, pointing. The recent move from her spacious 3-rm apartment at Fellowship Square to a one-room ‘Assisted Living’ place at Oasis had been stressful. What a challenge to ‘downsize’ all her earthly possessions into this small space.
She continued, “… this was my father’s hairbrush.” Every item held precious memories. “Charlotte, I want to give you these things for Africa … the next Container Project.”
After an hour or so, Virginia needed a rest. It had been a hard year – one too many falls – first a broken shoulder; then hip. “I’ll be back,” I promised as I picked up several bags of clothes and household effects and headed to the car.
A month earlier Virginia lamented, “When I move to ‘Assisted Living’ I won’t be able to support your mission any longer … rent is higher there … I feel so bad but I’ll still be your ‘Guardian Angel’ and pray for the mission.”
“Of course you’ll ALWAYS be my ‘Guardian Angel’, please don’t worry … we understand,” I assured her. With us it’s NOT about money - how much a donor gives - it’s about PRAYER SUPPORT. Virginia has been our faithful ‘Guardian Angel Prayer Partner’ through the years.
Remember that popular song by Debbie Boone, ‘You Light Up My Life … and give me HOPE to carry on?” That’s what sweet Virginia, my little ‘Guardian Angel’s’ prayers do for me. But she’s not the only one!
YOU, our Prayer Partner, give our ministry a reason to HOPE;
YOU also pray for pastors, church leaders and followers of
Christ on the field;
YOU help us call God’s nationals to action - like a
‘prophet in the wilderness’;
YOU help share the Good News to those in darkness – bringing HOPE for
the persecuted.
Dear Friends of the Persecuted Church,
October 2014