Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa

Row 1, lf, Mama Josephine, with the 'Stove Man'. Row 2, lf Jackson Jr. & Bulasio, whose soccer team won the championship!

Sharing what God is doing in Africa

Laura, far left


Short letter from Pastor David about the grandmother we prayed for last month.

Dear Bush Friends & Mama,

       “Just to inform you … that Peterson and Johnson [two of our orphans] lost their grandmother yesterday. The burial is on Friday this week. We need your prayers for them.”

God bless you,

Pastor David, Kawempe, Uganda


LOVE NOTE from Shirley of Canada, forwarded by Laura.

Oh Dear Laura,

       “How can one read that news and look at the photos and not be choked to tears…? I am so thankful for missionaries … that go to the front lines to bring hope and help….  Oh what joy that must be to take the little ones shopping for shoes. I remember when Yuri [my husband] and I were in Russia at an orphanage … and being asked for funds to buy the children boots for the winter. We were overjoyed to hand over the money and know the workers were going to take them to the market for new boots.  

       “I loved every photo and word of the Report - especially the beautiful prayer…. What a … Saint Mama Josephine is rescuing … vulnerable little ones.  Thank you dear Laura for being the ‘bridge’ to bring these newsletters to all of us on this side of the world.”

Love and blessings,

Shirley, UAS Director, Canada


Pastor Patrick asks us to pray for two sick children and the piano player at church.

Dear Mama & Bush Mission,

       “Pray for Abigail and Emanuel. They are very sick with malaria and typhoid.  They are also scratching their body. We have not slept well.  Our piano player is also sick. Pray for him. Our church sends greetings.”

Blessings, Pastor Patrick, Busia, Kenya


* John & Lisa are enjoying a much deserved vacation with my 3 grand pups. This week: Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts - camping all the way. Lisa captured gorgeous fall colors with her amazing camera.

"[God] comforts us in all our troubles,

So that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."

(2 Corinthians 1:4)

* Laura, BTM Prayer Warrior & tireless ‘encourager’ who forwards Bush Tel-E-Grams


Letter from Pastor Delphin.  Sorry friends we couldn’t squeeze this in sooner.

Dear Mama and Bush Friends,

       “My family and I are thankful for the school fees and daily prayer…. My 3 children came back from the National Exam. This was possible because of your kindness ….  We thank all our prayer partners … and hope after 3 weeks we will have successful results.

       “It is now the end of the university school year; and my children are ready for exams which began Monday….  We need fees to take these exams….  I am overwhelmed by fee payments at the university, high school and primary. All ... students must finish payment at the end of the year. I finished paying at the primary and secondary schools but I owe at the University $80+$35+$125 = $240 for three university students….

       “After exams we will begin a small business in a store where my family and I can earn income….  For this we need: $120 to rent a shop in town; $30 – Beans; $26 – Rice; $25 - Cooking Oil; $25 – wood; $25 - Potatoes; $25 - Corn Flour; $25 - Pan sauce; $20 - Plates, cups, spoons; and $125 - tables, chairs.  We will start … during school holidays….  After school my children will join us daily and return home in the evening. Please let our prayer partners join in prayer as this plan will … help us.”

In His Love, Pastor Delphin   

  [Note: we sent Pastor Delphin money to meet all

expenses listed above.]

Mike doing nightly rounds at the State Fair

* Marcia who kept the books

* Delena’s Bible study has started up again; and she

still volunteers at the Senior Center.
* Wayne’s students at School of Advanced Warfare completed a 3-wk planning exercise with three generals as role players. He’s

also an ‘on line’ p/t student at Dallas Theology Seminary.

Pray for Ps Bernard's 7 orphans

My hosts at Kericho Prision: Pastors Hudson, lf, and Ishmael.

Prayer ~N~ Praise


       PEEK-A-BOO I SEE YOU. That’s right, I'm ‘Out Of Africa’; it’s sure great to be back home in the good ole USA!  During my last few weeks on the field I was ‘burning the candle at both ends’ – and in the middle - to get everything done.  Right now I’m busy catching up on 3 months of mission business and, I confess, I’ve been snoozing a bit.

       My last week in Africa I was hosted by amazing missionaries Vicki & Ramsey Vule & family; and Chuck & Tammy McDonald.  I was spoiled with tasty treats like ‘taco night’ and pizza night’.  My tummy is still in shock. 



Pray for little Abby & Emmanuel, the newest orphan

       As we left the airport she asked, “Shall we go pick up your traditional burger fix….” Now I knew I was home.

        If you live in Phoenix or visit here, do drop in for a cup of 'bush tea' any time. Better yet,

Bush Telegraph Missions

© copyright 2016

Katie being Katie

* Charlene who forwards school Reports & Receipts to sponsors

Pastor Delphin with Mary, a 'Woman At Risk'


FROM THE MAILBOX.  Does God hear and answer prayer or what?  

Dear Charlotte & BTM,

       “We received your September newsletter and … shook our heads in amazement at the things you are doing in Africa….  We read with special interest about the construction of … rooms for Mama Josephine's house. You

mentioned that funds were running low for this project, and wondered … what amount is required to complete the construction? God placed it on our hearts to contribute to this project….  

       “We continue to lift you up in prayer … in Africa.  We pray for good health, strength, and for lives to be changed as people hear the word of God. Thank you for your tireless efforts [for] … the African people….  We also pray for other pastors and workers….  May God put a hedge of protection around them….  God's angels at work!”

God bless and keep you safe, Mr. & Mrs. Smith [names changed] 

[Note: Their special gift will complete construction: ceilings; paint; bunk beds; desks; etc.  PTL!]

The home of Pastor Ishmael's family

Shirley with school children in Liberia

Who wants to eat alone? Not me! Together we devoured a sandwich and a very large hot cup of tea. On the flight to LAX would you believe there was an empty seat on both sides of me? OK, I stretched out – with permission from my Indian seatmate, of course.


Michelle's an expert now on 'Finding Mom'

*  Carol & Jean Marie who mailed out Prayer-N-Praise Reports

while I was in Africa; 

* Michelle began her 2nd year at Boulder Creek High School with 5 classes of new math students. It’s a long drive; she’s out the door ‘before the cock crows’ (well, almost).  Her new passion is genealogy and working on the ‘Family Tree’.

   Minutes later she finally picked up my 1st message and raced to the big doors upstairs where passengers disembark. I'd already come and gone.


* Grandson Nate is enjoying football season. His team has 9 wins and 0 loses right now. 

Go get em Nate!


Letter from Pastor Bernard. [Note: last year he and Nora housed 30 orphans until powerful business men wanted the property as it’s considered ‘prime property’.  They ‘stole’ the deed and are demolishing the orphanage to build apartments.  Bernard had no choice but to relocate the orphans, 7 of whom were taken to Pastor Barnard's home village mentioned below. They’re cared for by relatives.]

Dear Bush Mission & Mama,

       “Thanks in advance for the concern and love to our family. The photos are of 7 of my orphans … sent to my home village.  L-R. Beverly 15 yrs, form three (high school junior); Emmanuel 14 yrs, class 7; Purity 12 yrs, class 4; Macknon 12 years, class3; Sheba 10 yrs, class 3; Alvin 9 yrs, class3; and Samuel, kindergarten. Pray for them.”

Pastor Bernard, Kakamega town, Kenya

God, our Great Comforter

 “If one member suffers, all suffer together; 
if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”
I Corinthians 12:26

God's guardian angel on duty

* Granddaughter Katie settled in at Christian Baptist University and we’re praying she gets a job in the journalism department. 


Open Doors remind us that IDOP is coming to a church near you in November!

Dear Bush Telegraph Mission,

        “The International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church (IDOP) is November 6th, 2016.  Please download the free resources; ask your pastor to set aside time that day.  Over 52 million Christians claim to attend church each Sunday in America.  What if all of us were praying for persecuted Christians on that day? Be a part of making this happen!  Thank you for standing with our brothers and sisters this day and throughout the year!”

Open Doors Staff

      The flight home stopped in Dubai for a longish layover but Emirates kindly provided ‘Meal Vouchers’.  While waiting I met a sweet senior from South Africa. “I didn’t receive a Meal Voucher,” she replied. 

Our parking place just isn't big enough!

Pray for the new business venture

Peterson, Johnson, and former street kids


Exciting letter from Pastor Celestin, Guardian Angel Ministries, about baptisms & flip flops.  

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

       “I Baptized 30 in the lake as the choir was singing and praying.  Jesus taught that we ‘Go ye and make Disciples of all Nations … baptizing them in the name of Father, san and Holy Spirit.’ Other pictures are of baptisms from Bymana where Mama Charlotte, Luz and I went one Sunday….  One young man … is 19 years….

       “We ministered at Mahama Refugee Camp’s new Church.  Local churches helped buy iron sheets. Refugees brought trees and made bricks to construct the church….  Some built with trees and made a tent roof so their house was cooler….  All roofing trees were brought by women in the church.  I presented 100 pairs of flip-flops and reading glasses to the Refugee Camp Director.  These gifts were shared with the Churches.

       “Many refugees … came from Bujumbura, the Capital of Burundi. On Sunday everyone looked smart in their church clothes but the condition inside their houses is terrible with limited food.  I preached in the new Church….”

Pastor Celestin, Kigali, Rwanda


Letter from Mama Josephine.

Dear Mama & Bush Partners,

        “Greetings in Jesus’ Name….  Below are the report cards and Receipts of the children…. The other 5 senior four students are going to get their report cards on the opening day of the third term. Thank you very much for the two new rooms. We appreciate the work you do and pray God’s eternal rewards….”

Yours in Love, Mama Josephine, Busia, Uganda 

The 'hamburger fix' means, 'Welcome to the USA'!"

Pray for Delphin's children to have good test results

* Mike, a security officer at the California State Fair, oversees 3 shows this weekend: horse competitions; arts & crafts; and super used car sales.  He – plus strong coffee - keeps things safe all night.

        I sent a 2nd message, “I’m at baggage claim…,” so she galloped there.  Again, Mom had come and gone.
        Finally, my 3rd message: “I’m at Door 5 - outside….” Bingo! That's where we met - at last.  
       After welcome home hugs she confessed, "Mom, my phone is due for an upgrade....” I can't wait! 

Pray for the Persecuted Church & IDOP

* Michelle who processed mail

& make deposits


Letter from Chaplain Hudson of Kericho Prison who invited me to teach at his prison.

Dear Mama & Friends,

       “ …. Receive greetings from prisoners at Kericho Prison and Pastor Ishmael and family.  Thanks for being a blessing to us on Sunday….  Attached are photos. Do not post on Face Book but you can print or email friends.

         “… Thank your mission for allowing you to come and minister to inmates….  They were very happy with your teaching.  Around 100 inmates out of 300 were saved that day.  When you were praying they raised their hands for salvation.  After you left they gave testimonies.  We will baptize those who were saved…. You impacted God’s Kingdom. When you go home remember Kericho Prison and pray for them and….  Greetings to your church….”

Shalom, Chaplain Hudson, Kericho Prison, Kenya

[Note.  To reach Kericho Prison I traveled from Uganda to Kenya.  Directions were confusing. I was told the prison was in Kakamega, which I assumed was the town. It was not but rather in Kakamega County – a good 4 hours away.   Kericho Prison was named after Kericho town. None of this was told me, so instead I arrived in Kakamega town by matatu late on Saturday night where Pastor Bernard met me. Early the next morning I learned there was no local transport to Kericho Prison that would arrive in time.  I nearly gave up until Pastor Bernard offered his personal driver, whom I hired to take me directly to Kericho Prison. Talk about deadlines! We reached the prison just in the nick of time for the service – Sunday 12 noon. It was a miracle!

       Michelle had written, “Mom, I’ll meet your plane in Phoenix….” Unknown to me, her 'ringer' wasn't working on her cell phone so when I called to say I’d landed, it went to voice mail.  

An apple for the teacher

* Lisa, who prepares monthly website posts in the most ‘reader friendly’ style ever

I’d love to come to your church or Bible study to share the exciting things God is doing in Africa – because of YOU!  

Comforting the troubled as He comforts us,
