Serving the Persecuted Church in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa
"Pastor Victor says, 'Thank's for my new back pack for school'."
"Laura's messages warm my heart."
“A DAY IN THE LIFE of a Missionary Lizard….” Traditionally, Mr. Frog sits on a lily pad waiting for flies to come to him. Whereas Mr. Lizard doesn’t sit around waiting – he’s out hunting for things to catch. Applied to the Christian life, Mr. Frog sits in church waiting for people to come, whereas Mr. Lizard is out ‘catching’ the lost and nurturing the saved. Well, we missionaries are a type of Lizard, you might say.
"A Tuk-kuk has only 3 wheels."
"Thank you Carol, rt, for your service. The late Jean Marie, lf."
"Angel helpers - Natalie & Charlie!"
Pastor White & Jane, 'Heart of Care Foundation'.
KENYA, BUSIA. Pastor Patrick to become a new daddy – and takes in a new orphan!
Dear Bush Team,
“Thank you for school fees. May God bless our sponsors…. Now the children are at school and send you greetings…. My wife Lucy is having a baby; her nine months are over….
“About my orphans. Nereah’s mother was our church’s ‘Women Leader’…. In October 2009 she died. After that Nereah stayed with relatives and later lived with us. Neville, John and Samuel I found in Webuye town living on the streets. Emmanuel, from Busia, was beaten by a man whom he borrowed 10 shillings to buy food. Abigail came from Kakamega and stayed with her grandmother after her parents died in a wreck…. Last term I received a boy named Daniel from Eldoret. His parents were killed by the Al Shabaab last year. His elder brother, Moses, brought Daniel to me…. I took him to Bulanda Primary School - he is in 3rd grade….
“Thank you for your prayers and support during the death of Pastor Tom’s wife. We … buried her in Kakamega with hundreds of witnesses…. I wanted to see the triplets but the nurses refused and said they will give them to their grandmother in three months. They remain at the hospital. To God be the glory…!”
Blessings, Pastor Patrick
KENYA, GITHURAI. We conclude our opening story:
Dear Friends & Prayer Partners,
“The $64,000 question is this: where will Pastor White and these precious orphans move to after September 30th? This calls for serious intercessory prayer and fasting. After a tour of the newly rented plot, we all walked back down the slum alley to board a ‘tuk-tuk’ to Githurai 45. There we transferred to a second ‘tuk-tuk’ to Githurai Kimbo, where Pastor White lives until September 30th.
“At his home inside the gate I met Nellie, a black-and-white cow. Jane smiled, “She’s a gift from my mother - too young to milk.” Next Peter and I were served fresh scrambled eggs (as chicks strolled through the house by our feet). Later: the ‘Grand Opening’: gifts for all! Vitamins by the hundreds; big n’ little girl dresses; match-box cars; baseball caps; mini cloth care-bears and much much more. Smiles and laughter all round.
“That night I got out my famous ‘Story Board’ - great fun with special stories and teachings. At bedtime Jane announced, ‘I’ve prepared a bed for you, Mama. The kids are so happy you’re sleeping here tonight!’ Humbling - only half the kids had mattresses. The rest slept on chairs; couches; even the garage floor. Besides 36 orphans (6 are away at boarding school), the Whites took in two homeless mommies. Baby Ezra is 6 weeks. That makes 43, give or take, not counting chicks and Nellie!”
A Lizard for Jesus, Mama Charlotte
"Wayne and Mom"
"Chantal loves her new business - selling dried fish."
"Big-girl dresses, too!"
BACKGROUND: Pastor White founded ‘Heart of Care Foundation’; rented the church; and built primitive classrooms for 70 students, grades 1–8. Teachers volunteer. Half the students came from the community; too poor to afford school fees. The rest - 36 orphans - lived in Pastor White’s home. We arrived as the service finished. There was no building – they met under the trees. Pastor White explained, “This plot is our new school and church…” I looked around: ancient wooden shacks joined together in need of renovation. But it was this or nothing.
DOUBLE WHAMMY. Pastor White continued, “Also the landlord of our rental house asked us to move by September 30th…. He is willing to sell us the property but we don’t have money… and we don’t have a place to move. It’s hard to find a landlord who allows 36 orphans, a cow and chickens on their property.” He looked my way expectantly. Already I’d explained to him that our little mission doesn’t buy property. Why, the cost of the house is more than we receive in a year. Where will they go now? That’s our urgent cry and prayer. (Continued below).
"The newly rented property."
"The new solar panel helps Angaim so much."
"Thank you for vitamins, and oh! So
many surprises!"
"Marcia keeps track of 'everything Africa'."
© Copyright 2018
SOUTH SUDAN. Pastor Sunlight is optimistic about Peace in South Sudan!
Dear Friends,
“I am in Torit, South Sudan, but soon will make my way back to Angaim Village (home) where I have no Internet. I am meeting AIM (Africa Inland Mission) today to discuss how to empower the church. They have gone down as many fled to refugees camps due to war. Our youth at Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya planted two churches and our youth at Kiryandongo Refugee Camp in Uganda planted three. I am greatly encouraged.
"Happy Birthday Michelle!"
USA. FROM THE MAIL BOX. Letters from Laura are ‘God’s Perfect Timing’ & always lift me up.
Hello My Dearest Charlotte!
“A quick hug and lots of prayers for all that God has placed in your hands to do for the glory of His name! Looking forward to your wonderful letters! You are in my constant prayers! I love you dearly!
In His Amazing Love and Grace, Laura
[Note: Laura is our Corresponding Secretary & Prayer Chairman.]
RWANDA, KIGALI. Pastor Celestin will be sharing four testimonies from his ministry; here’s the first.
Dear Bush Mission & Mama,
“I will share a story that happened during our recent Genocide Commemoration ministry. It’s about a 70-year old Muslim woman named Fatuma. She survived the 1994 Genocide and was only left with one child, a daughter named Hadith. She was hidden by a friend who worked in Kigali until the Genocide was over. She suffered from severe trauma after her husband, two sons (John and Stephen) and two brothers were killed. We counseled Fatuma at a town 30 km from Kigali called Nyamata.
Fatuma is old, her house falling apart. She is not educated so cannot earn money to repair it. She cried, ‘If my husband and sons had not died; and if my brothers and sisters had not died; I would not lack support to repair my house.’ We prayed with her and she agreed to join the Christian Church. We connected her to Evangelical Restoration Church, our partner with Guardian Angel Ministries. They are planning to baptize her in October. Praise God for this ‘big fish’ from our Counseling and Evangelism.”
Pastor Celestin, Kigali
SUNDAY. Pastor Peter, (‘Caring For Kenya’s Kids’) and I loaded up two ‘piki-pikis’ (motorbikes) and headed down the dirt trail to Mutalia Stage, loaded (like a ‘baked potato’): teaching board and supplies, suitcase, Army duffel bag and my bottomless ‘Mary Poppins’ purse. We then caught a mini-bus to Ruai 45, exiting the bus 30 minutes later. Upon arrival we were surrounded by sellers of everything under the sun plus traffic coming from all directions. Next we boarded a bus bound for Githurai town arriving an hour later. Peter and I then phoned Pastor White and Jane: “Welcome … take a ‘tuk-tuk’ to Ruai Primary School - someone will meet you….”
BACK TO FROGS & LIZARDS. So that’s just ½ of ONE DAY in the life of this ‘Missionary Lizard’. Thank you for allowing God to use Ms. Lizard in Africa. By the way, Ms. Lizard can go places Mr. Frog can't. As wise King Solomon once wrote (Proverbs 30:28), “… the Lizard may seem like an insignificant creature, yet he is found everywhere - even in the palaces of kings.”
"We love our little care-bears."
*Mac for ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ (that’s me) to the airport early one Saturday morning – and handling 9 bags.
*The Beilke’s for ‘Treasures for Africa’. Our little orphan boys are crazy about the match-box cars!
*Natalie, ‘Angel Helper’, who packed duffel bags for two days. Are we there yet?
*Ouida & Rose, more ‘Angel Helpers’ - we processed over 150 bottles of vitamins.
*CalvaryPHX for their month-long Vitamin Drive – we look forward to happy healthy souls for Jesus.
*‘Mom Wilson’, my ‘other mother’ 90+ years - I sneaked in a quick ‘good-by’ visit to Prescott.
*Michelle, my daughter, for handling mission mail in my absence. Good luck with your math students!
*Marcia, who keeps the mission books. Congratulations on your new job!
*Carol of Grand Junction, CO, for mailing out the monthly Prayer-N-Praise Report while I’m in Africa.
*Laura for sending out the monthly link for our prayer letter (
*Michelle & Mom for family time in Quantico, VA, w/son Col. Wayne who retired from the Marines.
*God for getting me safely to Africa – even providing Congo & Sudan Visas - and the ‘mountains’ ahead!
"Time with my 'other mother'."
"Daniel has a forever home."
UGANDA, BUSIA. Mama Christine faces challenges and Bulasio gets chicken pox.
Dear Friends & Mama,
“Mama Christine cares for 10 orphans that you sponsor. She is facing the challenge of food for the children; paying rent; and medicine. Also her landlord complained that the children might fill up his latrine pit. Sometimes Mama Josephine helps Christine with food but due to limited funds, she cannot provide enough.
“Brian did his ‘mock exams’ and will be getting his report card soon. The other candidates are Bulasio, Little Jackson, Little Josephine, Ogema, Sharon N. and Zowene. They get their report cards after … exams are marked. Richard and Lazia … completed senior six and look forward to taking courses next year. Big Jackson and Fatuma graduate from college November 10th. Thank you so much for the wonderful support….”
“I, Bulasio, am very sick with chicken pox all over my body…. I stayed home three days and went to the clinic for treatment.
Finally our latrine is full and needs to be emptied. It’s due to many children in the house. They asked for 300,000 Ugandan shillings ($80) to remove all waste. Thank you for your support and prayers.”
Yours in faith, Bulasio for Mama Josephine
CONGO, GOMA. Mama Zawadi, Secretary for CAAP, has good news about Chantal.
Dear Mama & Bush Team,
“CAAP and I thank BTM for your good deeds … to vulnerable people. May God remember you as He did Cornelius, by granting you the desires of your heart. We feel blessed to be a part of such a wonderful ministry.
“Chantal, whose testimony I shared last time, chose to do a dried fish business because there was a need. She was given $100 from BTM and straight away began selling dried fish. Before she didn’t have food or clothes, however, the first day she made $17 profit from the money given her and bought food and clothes for her family. See the photo of Chantal with her malnourished daughter ‘before’ and ‘after’. Thanks to support from God, BTM and CAAP, their lives are significantly improved today and they have hope for the future.”
God bless you all! Zawadi and CAAP
"Let's eat!"
UGANDA. BIDI-BIDI REFUGEE CAMP. Pastor Victor, from Angaim Village, Sudan, is grateful.
Thank you Mama & Bush Mission for your prayers.
“I am doing well in high school. We started third term…. I apologize for taking long to send a Report of the money you sent…. My phone … broke so I could not send it…. I sold part of my monthly food ration yesterday to repair my phone and now I am connected to the Internet. With the money I received from you … I bought a back pack for school and also paid for Gabriel and my transport to Kampala for Sunlight’s graduation last May…. Thank you … and may God bless you.”
Pastor Victor, adult student at Bidi-Bidi Refugee Camp, Uganda
"Chantal's daughter, before (severely malnourished) & after (good nutrition)."
"Angaim Village teachers welcome Pastor Sunlight (lf) home."
"A classroom on the newly rented property."
IN CONCLUSION, a friend sent me this beautiful quote. Here’s an excerpt:
“There is no need to worry. There is so much more ahead of you than you could possibly see or understand right now. There are many more rivers to cross and mountains to climb, and all of these things will happen in time.
“Even if mountains take a little while to get to; and even if you have to tread a little further to get to them; God is still faithful in leading you where you need to be and everything He does is with divine intentions…. You only need to keep trusting; keep going; knowing that He will never leave you; He will never forsake you; He will always give you what you need; and lead you right where you belong.”
[Morgan Harper Nichols]
"Pastor Peter, Caring For Kenya's
Kids, & family."
“Pastor Peter, the leaders and teachers at Angaim Village are well. The ‘Sudan Peace’ process is finally ready to be signed…. There remains disputes of governing and ministerial positions plus repatriation of refugees…. South Sudan is working to restore peace and eastern Torit is quiet from war. Praise God!
“My time in Angaim Village was so encouraging as the people desire to hear the Word. Parents cleaned the road to school so the children walk safely. The community lacks tools like shovels, hoes and slashers. They are doing well on their farms but lacked rain this season. Some people did not get food…. Teachers and students need uniforms. The ones I sent last time were worn at school and home so are worn out…. Building the teachers’ houses is a priority in Angaim Village…. We pray for Mama Charlotte coming to Angaim Village.”
Thanks, Pastor Sunlight
Climbing Mountains Still,
"Special thanks to Lino, Airport Porter, for handling this load!"
A ‘TUK-TUK’ has 3 wheels supporting a small metal frame. Peter and I squeezed along with 3 other passengers. At Ruai Primary we met Elder John and together walked the final ½ mile through a ‘slum alley’. Finally we reached a corrugated metal gate. We’d arrived. Unknown to us the mission church was in a crisis. They had moved in that very week to this new plot as Pastor White’s landlord asked him to leave the rented church property.
"Ministering to Widow Fatuma, victim of Genocide."
"Poor Bulasio is recovering from
chicken pox."